Rosemary bath: with rock salt, with cinnamon, with rue, with honey and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Benefits of rosemary bath

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that has been known to mankind for hundreds of years. Its properties are so powerful that it is beneficial in fighting pain and helps in spiritual cleansing. The rosemary bath brings several benefits to the person who is about to practice this ritual.

It is an excellent ally against the evil eye, helps to build the protective field and can attract several positive things depending on its combination. To obtain a satisfactory result, it is important that this ritual is performed in the correct way.

See how to prepare the rosemary bath, what combinations exist and what benefits this herb can bring to your life.

Rosemary bath ritual

Used in spiritual cleansing and protection rituals, rosemary is an herb that is able to promote balance, leave the person with a clear mind and body charged with positive energies. This magical and energetic moment should be built on the basis of positive thoughts.

It is important to remember that the ritual begins during the preparation of the bath, that is, while you are making the tea for the bath it is important that you emanate positivity so that the bath result is beneficial. Learn a little more about this powerful herb and its benefits.

Origin of rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an aromatic herb originally found on the Mediterranean coast. Known and used since approximately 116 B.C. it is an herb with properties that are effective against pain. This herb received its name from the Romans, who named it that way because its smell resembled the smell of the sea. Rosmarinus comes from Latin and means dew of the sea.

Different indications

Being an herb with beneficial and powerful properties, rosemary has its use well diversified, being effective against pain. The use of rosemary tea can help against joint pain, muscular and even rheumatic pains. It is a great ally for the strengthening and growth of hair strands and, for the skin, it is a great ally in stimulating peripheral circulation.

For spirituality, rosemary brings its properties to assist in cleansing and protection. The baths of this aromatic herb are sought after by people who are feeling shrouded in heavy energy, who seek balance, protection and the attraction of good vibrations.

Pregnant and lactating women should not perform this bath, because rosemary is an herb contraindicated for these groups.

Union with different ingredients

Rosemary is already a powerful herb, and when combined with other ingredients ends up potentiating this ritual wrapped in good vibes. Each combination will have its purpose and its preparation will be almost similar to each other.

Each bath that has this herb as its main ingredient, either pure or accompanied by other components according to its purpose. Rosemary alone protects against the evil eye. Combined with cinnamon, it promotes prosperity in the life of the person who performs the bath. There are several combinations and benefits that can be achieved.

Rosemary bath as the only ingredient

Rosemary is an aromatic and special herb. Widely used in mystical and spiritual rituals, this herb helps the person who does this bath to eliminate all impurities and, consequently, their spiritual balance. Learn how to perform this bath and how to act during this ritual.


This bath is suitable for people who want to keep the evil eye and bad vibes away from their lives. Performing this ritual will strengthen your spiritual energy and protect you from possible bad situations.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- Its preparation is very simple, put on fire the water and the amount of rosemary indicated;

- Let the mixture boil for about 5 minutes, until it turns into tea. While waiting for the ritual to be ready, mentalize only positive things, attract everything good for this moment;

- After the tea is ready, take your hygienic bath as normal;

- When finished, pour the tea over yourself, taking care with the temperature of this mixture. It is important to emphasize that the tea should be poured from the neck down. Keep positive thoughts and say some prayer if you wish;

- After finishing the ritual, stay in a quiet environment. Avoid the use of electronic devices for a while, enjoy this moment of calm and relax.

Rosemary bath with cinnamon

The union of these two elements will bring luck to those who perform this ritual. This aromatic bath will involve the person in an energy of luck, prosperity and abundance. It is important to emphasize that during the performance of this ritual it is important to keep positive thinking and ask for the luck you crave. See how to perform this ritual and bring luck into your life.


The rosemary and cinnamon bath is indicated for people who need a little help from luck. Its effect will help the person who performs this ritual to achieve something he or she longs for. Besides working as a good luck charm, it will bring prosperity and a period of great abundance.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 1 cinnamon stick

- 2 liters of filtered water.


-Place the cinnamon and rosemary in water, bring to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes, until it turns into a tea;

- Take your bath as normal, and when you are done pour this mixture over your body. Remember to pour this tea from the neck down. As it runs down your body, think about positive things and say a prayer that you believe in;

- At the end of this ritual, dry off and go to your room or some quiet environment. Avoid consuming aggressive content at this time. Meditation is encouraged here.

Rosemary bath with rue

The rosemary bath with rue brings several benefits. It is beneficial against the evil eye, envy, among other problems. It is worth mentioning that this bath is a great ally for people who are going through a period of bad luck, in which everything is going wrong and problems are accumulating. See how to get out of this period of misfortune by performing this ritual.


The rosemary bath with rue is indicated for those who are going through a period in which everything is going wrong. The combination of these herbs will open the paths of this person so that he can reunite with luck and harmony, and thus solve all your problems.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 1 handful of fresh rue;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- Separate a container and place the fresh rue in it. Macerate this herb until its juice is apparent. While performing this action, mentalize that everything from now on will be solved;

- Add the water and rosemary, and bring to a boil;

- Turn off the heat and let this mixture rest for a few hours;

- Take your hygienic bath and after you are done, pour this mixture from your neck down;

- Mentalize that all the bad luck and all the problems are going away down the drain along with this water. If you feel like it, say a prayer of your choice and ask for a more harmonious life;

- If there is a little left over in this mixture, dispose of it in running water or throw it into nature.

Rosemary bath with basil

The union of these two herbs has the power to bring back the mood. This combination cleanses everything that is preventing the person from performing their activities, protecting them from bad and stressful situations. Learn how to perform this bath and regain your mood!


This bath is indicated for people who need to improve their mood to perform their activities. Usually, this feeling is common in people who feel very overwhelmed and feel the need to get rid of this weight, perform a cleaning.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 1 tablespoon dehydrated basil;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- Pour the water into a container and bring to a boil together with the herbs;

- Let it boil until it turns into a tea;

- Strain this mixture and head for your bath;

- After you finish your hygienic bath, pour this ritual from your neck down. Enjoy this moment of relaxation and ask for everything that is hindering your will to do any activity to go away with this water;

- It is common to feel sleepy after this bath, so go to a quiet place and try not to come into contact with other people. Enjoy this time alone and mentalize positive things;

- Do not rinse off after finishing your rosemary basil bath.

Rosemary bath with honey

This bath is for those in love. The union of these elements envelops the person doing this ritual in an aura of love. This whole vibration will open the paths to love, causing the person to find their ideal partner. Learn how to perform this bath and which ingredients to use.


This bath is indicated for those who desire a love that will take your breath away and last a lifetime. If your purpose is to find the love of your life, this ritual is for you.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 1 tablespoon of honey;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- In a container, place the 2 liters of filtered water, honey and rosemary. Bring to a boil until the mixture boils;

- While you're waiting for this process, mentalize how amazing it will be to meet your soulmate, what personality traits you crave in your future match. Imagine the two of you together and happy;

- Take your bath as normal. When you're done, pour this ritual from the neck down. Don't forget to mentalize about this love and how you imagine your partner. Don't rinse off after the process.

Rosemary bath in Umbanda

In Umbanda, rosemary is an herb that brings balance and belongs to Oxalá. Whoever seeks this ritual wants to get rid of all the negative energies that are hindering their balance. This bath is used for unloading and, besides removing all the bad things from within that person, it serves as protection for their physical and spiritual body.

Follow the indication for this bath and how to perform this powerful ritual to combat negative energies.


This bath is indicated for people who are feeling sucked out of their energy, that feeling of constant tiredness, as if they had an elephant on their back. This sensation is caused by the negative energies that are surrounding you. After performing this ritual you will feel lighter.

Ingredients and preparation method


- 2 tablespoons dehydrated rosemary;

- 1 tablespoon of coarse salt;

- 2 liters of filtered water.


- In a container of your choice, pour the water and add the rock salt;

- Bring to a boil and boil until all the grains of coarse salt are dissolved. When dissolved, add the rosemary and boil for about 15 minutes;

- Take your hygienic bath as usual;

- At the end of your bath, pour the mixture over your body, from your neck down. As the water runs down, mentalize that all the negative energy that surrounded you is going away along with the water;

- This is the moment for you to make your prayer. Ask for protection and spiritual balance. Ask the guides, entities and Orixás that your path is led by love and purity, and that these feelings are part of your daily life;

- It is recommended that you dry yourself naturally after this ritual and if possible wear some white clothing;

- In case you over mix, pour it into nature.

Can rosemary bath open paths and ward off negative energy?

With its power of cleaning and balance, rosemary is a great ally for those seeking to ward off negative energies. Regardless of the bath you take, this herb will be exercising its role of protection and cleansing, involving you in a field of tranquility and protecting you from evil.

For the ritual to work, it is necessary that you perform it in the correct way. Mentalize positive things from the beginning of the preparation of the tea until the end of the process. After the bath, get dressed with clean and perfumed clothes and enjoy this moment of relaxation. Rosemary is a powerful herb and your bath will bring many benefits to your life!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.