Rosemary benefits: physical, spiritual, tea, incense and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the benefits of rosemary?

"Rosemary, golden rosemary, which was born in the bush without being sown". Who doesn't remember this nursery rhyme?! Considered one of the most versatile and powerful herbs, rosemary, like the song, comes from the Mediterranean region. Used as a spice, tea, bath and smoking, it has phytotherapeutic properties that act to combat the flu, high blood pressure and other physical symptoms.

Also called the herb of joy, the rosemary, when used in aromatherapy, is able to reduce stress and anxiety. Many studies, inclusive, already point the efficacy of the herb in the prevention of serious diseases such as cancer. The rosemary also serves to revitalize the hair and skin.

So, in this article you will know everything about the use of rosemary and how to prepare this herb to improve your physical, mental and spiritual health. See also recipes for tea and bath with rosemary for protection. Good reading!

The physical benefits of rosemary

Rosemary is one of the most complete herbs when it comes to its use for health. Its phytotherapeutic properties can help fight even depression. Manipulated as tea, essential oil, soap or other product, rosemary brings together bioactive substances that allow its application in the prevention of diseases. Keep reading to learn more.

Combats mental fatigue

Besides being antioxidant, rosemary is also antispasmodic, antiseptic, diuretic, depurative and antibiotic. For mental health, rosemary can be used in several ways, such as in teas, essential oils, incense, aromatic candles and infusion, among others.

Scientifically recommended, rosemary can help combat mental fatigue, especially in times of deep stress. Therefore, it is always good to include the plant in your daily routine. Rosemary can also be used to combat Alzheimer's. However, the effective application of the herb for the treatment of this disease still needs further studies.

Excellent diuretic

For being rich in minerals like potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorus, rosemary is an excellent option for those who have problems with fluid retention, which can cause swelling, especially in the feet and legs. In this case, you can drink rosemary tea daily and even include a footbath to relieve discomfort.

Rosemary can also be used as a poultice to help reduce swelling and eliminate fluids, as the herb has antibiotic and antioxidant properties. If used frequently, it can prevent against urinary tract infection.

It is a great natural antibiotic

Considered one of the best natural antibiotics in the world, rosemary is among the seven most used. For having anti-inflammatory and healing properties, the herb can be used as tea, to fight infections or can be applied directly on the wound, if used in oil form.

Rosemary is also recognized for being an excellent bactericide and antiviral, so daily intake of rosemary tea can prevent infections as well as colds and flu. This tea is also recommended for treating pain and inflammation such as tendonitis and arthritis.

Good for digestion

There's nothing tastier than drinking rosemary tea after that family Sunday lunch. Rosemary tea has digestive, antispasmodic and anti-flatulence properties, besides acting directly on the digestive tract.

Rosemary tea also acts directly on the intestine, providing the growth of healthy intestinal flora. The result is a balanced metabolism, able to have a good digestion, which facilitates the breakdown of fats and weight loss. Rosemary tea also prevents flatulence and phase formation in the body.

Protects liver health

Know that rosemary can improve liver function and relieve headaches that always appear after drinking alcohol or eating fatty food. Rosemary has a bioactive compound called carnosol, which helps prevent liver damage and also promotes detoxification.

However, caution is needed. The exaggerated ingestion of rosemary tea can cause an imbalance in metabolism and accelerate or slow down the pace of some cells. Although natural, the plant acts as medicine. If you have or had some disease such as hepatitis, it is good to consult a doctor before using the herb.

Helps in the control of diabetes

Everyone knows that diabetes is caused by the accumulation of sugar in the blood and that, depending on the degree, needs to be treated with daily application of insulin. But what you probably don't know is that rosemary can be beneficial in preventing this disease.

Of course, the herb does not replace medical treatment, but it helps a lot because it has properties that reduce blood sugar and increase the natural production of insulin in the body. However, the control of glucose levels should always be done according to medical recommendation.

Fights inflammation

As an anti-inflammatory, rosemary is great in preventing and healing pains of inflammatory origin, such as tendinitis, for example. Rosemary is also indicated to combat internal inflammation such as gastroenteritis, which is an inflammation in the stomach.

The herb, in addition to tea, can be manipulated into ointments and oil, which can be applied directly to the site of pain. Rosemary poultice can also be made, which helps in reducing the pain of diseases such as arthritis. More than this, in aromatherapy, incense and rosemary oil are used to ease inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, such as bronchitis.

Improves circulation

There are several remedies that can be made with rosemary to improve circulation. This is because the herb has antiplatelet properties, which improve blood circulation. The most common is the tea, which should even be taken after meals.

But another ancient remedy is also considered effective for improving circulation. It is rosemary alcohol which, in addition to refreshing the skin, serves in combating pain caused by inflammation that causes cramps and contractures. It can also be used in the prevention and treatment of varicose veins. However, the use of rosemary is not recommended for people taking anticoagulants.

Helps fight cancer

Recognized as a respectable adjuvant by the Open Chest Institute/PR, which represents the fight against breast cancer, rosemary is being increasingly used both in prevention and in alleviating the side effects of cancer treatments.

The use of rosemary is also indicated for people who have central nervous lymphoma or other types of cancer that are being treated with allopathies compatible with the herb's herbal properties.

May assist in hair growth

Rosemary is a powerful ally to accelerate hair growth and strengthen the strands, reducing hair loss. This is because, in addition to providing a great cleansing of the scalp, it also helps in vascularization, favoring hair growth.

One of the ways to use rosemary to help hair growth is to add to the shampoo or conditioner, rosemary oil. Its astringent action is great to prevent dandruff and still provides the clearance of hair follicles.

Spiritual benefits of rosemary

Whether in Phytoenergetics, or aromatherapy, or even osmology, rosemary, considered the gold among herbs with magical properties, has the power to heal the diseases of the soul. The spiritual benefits of rosemary are so powerful that they can change your quality of life for good. Learn more below.

To ward off negative energies

To ward off negative energies, rosemary can be manipulated in a variety of ways. Here are three easy tips to boost the effects of rosemary in your home, at work, or for you.

The first tip is to ward off negative energies from your home. In this case, you can plant rosemary or burn the dried leaves in the place where the energy is heaviest. Also worth the use of candles and rosemary incense sticks that can be placed anywhere. To raise your vibration and ward off bad thoughts, you can use rosemary in an herbal bath.

Attracting happiness and harmony

If the mood has been heavy, nothing better than a powerful rosemary smoking to restore happiness and harmony. This smoking can be done with dried rosemary leaves or, if you want to be more discreet, with a rosemary incense.

Also known as the herb of happiness, rosemary contains elements capable of vibrating in the direction of pleasure and peace. This is because rosemary is a great spiritual protector that against envy and the evil eye.

Relieve stress

For containing antidepressant, relaxing properties and for helping in the treatment of anxiety and depression, rosemary ended up becoming the darling among the herbs used to relieve stress.

As it also possesses cleansing and protective powers, the use of rosemary, whether in tea, incense or smoking, or in its herbal bath, has already become popular in combating physical, mental and spiritual fatigue.

Helping with reasoning

Did you know that sniffing rosemary daily can increase your memory capacity and improve your reasoning? According to studies done on the herb, rosemary is a strong mental booster, especially when consumed as an oil.

In addition, researches conducted by the North American university Saint Louis proved that the use of rosemary helps, including, in reducing mental deficits caused by cognitive disorder. Studies are now being done to enable the use of the herb in the treatment of Alzheimer's.

Improve self-esteem

To improve self-esteem, rosemary can be employed in its various forms, as we have said above. Whether it is the tea, oil or soap, incense or candle, the powers of this plant go beyond.

Rosemary allows the awakening of our inner child, causing a sense of lightness and well-being. Rosemary also brings clarity, strength and focus, allowing a deeper perception of your inner self and body, in balance with nature and the astral.

Rosemary tea

Used to prevent and treat various symptoms of physical ailments, such as diabetes, rosemary tea also has antidepressant effects, improves thinking and can boost self-esteem. In the sequel, all about this powerful tea.

Recipe for rosemary tea

Hot or cold, rosemary tea can be included in your daily diet without fear. Especially if you want to feel good, relaxed and also lose a few pounds.

Rosemary tea can be made with fresh or dried leaves. Just put the water to boil, add the rosemary, cover the pot and wait about 5 minutes to cool the boil. There you have your rosemary tea.

Period to take the rosemary tea

There is no set period on how long you can drink rosemary tea without it becoming harmful to your health. However, phytotherapists advise a 30-day break every quarter. The daily amount should not exceed two cups.

It is worth remembering that rosemary is a diuretic and also aids in the circulation. If ingested in excess it can cause, for example, hypovolemia, which is the lack of fluid and blood in the body.

Dried or fresh leaves?

Whenever possible use fresh rosemary branches to make your bath, tea, or any other use. Fresh herbs have a higher concentration of the plant's properties and therefore the effect can be enhanced.

There are situations, such as smoking, where dried herbs are more efficient because the embers do not burn out easily, which allows a longer duration of the preparation.

With cinnamon

Rosemary and cinnamon tea is great for preventing cancer and also helps with weight loss. As we have seen, rosemary is diuretic and cinnamon enhances this property of the herb. As a bath, rosemary and cinnamon are synonymous with prosperity. This bath is special to purify the energy field, attract good luck and achieve protection.

If used in aromatherapy, rosemary along with cinnamon has cleansing and flushing powers. Cinnamon attracts abundance and prosperity. Rosemary alcohol with cinnamon can be used to combat pain and muscle inflammation. It is indicated in the treatment of varicose veins and helps minimize the effects of bruises and cramps.

Other effects

If you think that the effects of rosemary properties are only those seen so far, you were wrong. The herb, considered one of the most complete in terms of health benefits, is also great in treating hemorrhoids and aids in menstruation, reducing cramps.

Rosemary tea can also be used to treat thrush, gingivitis, and stomatitis. Rosemary tea reduces bad breath when swished in the mouth regularly.


Although rosemary is natural and its phytotherapeutic and spiritual effects are already well proven, it cannot be ingested by everyone. The consumption of rosemary should be avoided by pregnant and lactating women, for example.

The use of the herb should also be avoided by people with diarrhea, prostatic and under 12 years old. The exaggerated intake of rosemary can cause nephritis and gastritis. Those who make use of anticoagulants should also avoid ingesting the herb. The use of rosemary essence or oil constantly on the skin can cause irritation.

Other uses of rosemary

If you've read this far, you've already realized that rosemary is an herb with many possible uses, right? Above we talked a little about the incense and rosemary baths. But next, we'll give you all the details about it. Check it out!

Rosemary bath

Energize, bringing the body into balance, open paths, ward off negative energies and generate spiritual protection. These are just some of the properties of rosemary bath. In fact, this powerful bath can and should be included in your routine, as it also has relaxing effects.

The rosemary bath can be taken after the hygiene bath. It's very easy to do. Separate two liters of mineral or solarized water, put rosemary (preferably fresh), boil and turn off. If you want to take advantage, put a pinch of coarse salt. Thus, in addition to cleaning and protection, you also amplify the vibration in the opening of paths.

Rosemary incense

If your intention is to make a deep spiritual cleansing in your home or workplace, the presence of rosemary is indispensable. Its properties allow away the negative energies, and put the mind in balance.

The rosemary incense is also indicated as a natural relaxant and calming. No matter if handmade or industrialized, the rosemary incense is widely used to balance the energies of the body, mind and spirit, besides, of course, the energies of the environments.

What is the great virtue of rosemary benefits?

The essential oils, as well as soaps, candles, incense, baths and teas made with rosemary bring, as a great virtue of this herb, the production of neurotransmitters responsible for well-being. Among all the benefits of rosemary, those that serve to cleanse the aura, the house or the body, since this plant is astringent, stand out.

More than this, studies have shown the effectiveness of rosemary in the prevention and treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. Besides the prevention and treatment of various diseases, the frequent use of rosemary is still responsible for improving brain activity and, therefore, also memory.

In addition, rosemary has also been widespread for treating depression and anxiety, much for being a natural relaxant. When it comes to spirituality, the great virtue of rosemary's benefits lies in its versatility, as the herb has been used since ancient times by various religions. Want some advice? Use rosemary!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.