Saint Anthony Matchmaker: miracles, prayer, sympathy and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Who is Saint Anthony, the "matchmaker"?

Saint Anthony is a saint who loves men and God above all else. It is this love that made him an itinerant herald of the Gospel and protector of the most humble. With this gift, the saint receives a special charism that seems to meet the needs of his devotees.

Devotion to this Saint surpasses rational understanding, this is because he nurtures a cohesive speech that reveals the purest and simplest love. It is very likely that you know someone who searches with dedication for this spiritual guide. The Saint noble and rich by birth, who chose poverty and charity for his life.

With the fame of matchmaker, for joining couples in love, Saint Anthony has conquered the hearts of many faithful around the world. But the Saint's story goes far beyond the fame of "matchmaker". Read this article to know more interesting details of the life of the admired Saint.

History of Santo Antonio

From Portugal to the world, Saint Anthony has become extremely popular in various cultures. His closeness to the poor and his fame as a matchmaker has made him a well-known example and imitated by many faithful. See below the most intriguing details of the life of the Saint.

Fernando Antônio de Bulhões

Saint Anthony, or Saint Anthony of Padua, was born in Portugal and was baptized in the city of Lisbon under the name of Fernando Antônio de Bulhões. It is believed that his birth was on August 15 between 1.191 and 1.195. There is no consensus about the exact date of birth of Saint Anthony.

His family was noble and rich, besides, Antônio was the only son of Matinho de Bulhões, a respected officer of Dom Afonso's army, and of Tereza Taveira. First, his formation was done by the canons of Lisbon's Cathedral. It is known that he was a reserved student and that he liked to study a lot.

The beginning of ministry

When he turned 19, contrary to his father's wishes, Antonio decided to enter religious life. He entered the Monastery of St. Vincent de Fora, maintained by the canons of St. Augustine, and lived there for two years. During this period he had access to books, teaching theology, Catholic doctrine, as well as history, mathematics, rhetoric and astronomy.

Later, Fernando requested a transfer to the Monastery of Santa Cruz, in Coimbra. At the time, it was an important center of studies in Portugal. There, he stayed for ten years and was ordained a priest. He was intellectually well prepared and soon one saw the gift of the word overflowing in the young priest. To this day he is remembered for his great preaching power.

From Augustinian to Franciscan

While still in Coimbra, Father Antonio met the Franciscan friars and became enthusiastic about the way in which they lived the Gospel. Their fervor and radicalism impressed him. A move to the Order of Friars Minor was inevitable and soon the transformation from Augustinian to Franciscan took place. At that time he became a Friar Antonio and moved to the Monastery of St. Francis of Assisi.

The encounter with St. Francis of Assisi

After entering the Franciscan Order, Brother Anthony had the desire to go and proclaim the Gospel in Morocco. He soon obtained the necessary permission and embarked on the crossing to Africa, but on arriving on African soil, he suffered the impact of the climate and a high fever attacked him for weeks. Weakened, he was unable to evangelize and had to return to Portugal.

On the return trip, the ship was surprised by a violent storm that diverted it from its course. It was dragged by the current and finally thrown onto the coasts of Sicily, Italy. It was there, at a meeting of friars at the Chapter of Mats, that Anthony met St. Francis of Assisi in person.

Life after meeting San Francisco

The encounter with St. Francis of Assisi brought a new chapter in the history of St. Anthony. For 15 months he lived as a hermit, isolated on Mount Paolo. After this time of penance, St. Francis identified in Anthony the gifts that God had given him and entrusted him with the theological formation of the brothers of the Monastery.

Friar Anthony was once sent to Rome to present matters of interest to the Franciscan Order and his intelligence and eloquence impressed Pope Gregory IX. He had an engaging oratory and knowledge that enabled him to make good use of words. For this reason, Saint Francis appointed him Reader in the Theology of the Order.

With much study, he began to preach better and better and speak to crowds. People loved to watch his preaching and many miracles happened. When St. Francis died, Friar Anthony was summoned to Rome to present the rule of the Order of St. Francis to the Pope.

Miracles of Saint Anthony

Antonio was called Saint while he was still alive. Soon after his burial, it was not long before reports of miracles attributed to him began to appear. Less than a month after his death, Pope Gregory IX opened the process to canonize the friar. Friar Antonio attracted people from all social classes and fed the flame of popular devotion.

At the time, 53 miracles were attributed to his intercession. The reports brought health problems, paralysis, deafness and the story of a girl who drowned and came back to life. There is also the account of the crew of a boat adrift in a storm who prayed to the saint and found their way back. For this life of donation, prayer and evangelization, today he is the saint ofmiracles, protector of marriages, of lost things and of the poor.


In the last years of his life, St. Anthony was attacked by dropsy, a severe form of the disease, which often prevented him from walking and made his priestly ministry even more difficult. Debilitated, he died in Padua, Italy, on June 13, 1,231, at the age of 40. He is also known as St. Anthony of Padua and St. Anthony of Lisbon, because it was his hometown.

It is said that shortly before he died at the gates of Padua, he uttered the following words: "O glorious Virgin who art above the stars", and added: "I see my Lord". Then he died.

Devotion to Saint Anthony

The devotion to this saint is inexplicable. The phenomenon surpasses rational understanding and throughout the centuries, Saint Anthony has always exerted a special and mysterious attraction that continues to this day. The saint of lost things is a teacher and model for many priests, religious and lay people. This is because his preaching reaches all hearts.

His writings reflect profound teachings that fascinate multitudes. He was not only a soul conqueror. In a special way, he pulled people out of corruption and sin and encouraged a courageous and intense Christian life. Both in life and in the present day, St. Anthony gathers fervent devotion and remains one of the most effective spiritual guides.

The origin of the "matchmaker

There is no one who does not know the fame of "matchmaker" of the Saint. Around the world he is patron saint of many professions and things, but in Brazil his image is related to marriage. Learn why the fame of St. Anthony and understand how all this superstition arose.

Sensitive to the sadness of the girls

Saint Anthony is an important figure when the subject is love. It is said that while he was still alive, he was a fierce protester of families who promoted arranged marriages with only their interests in mind. He believed that couples should be formed by love and not by what he called the mercantilization of the sacrament.

There are reports, in the form of legend, that he would have helped a girl to get money for the dowry of marriage by embezzling donations received by the church. There are other versions of these stories, but it is not known which one of them led him to the fame of "matchmaker".

The legend of the picture in the window

Another intriguing account related to the saint is the story of a woman, very devout, who was disgusted with the fact that she had remained single for so long and in a fit of rage, she picked up the saint and threw him out of the window.

At that moment, a man was passing on the street and was struck by the image. Embarrassed, the girl offered help and apologized. The two began to talk, got to know each other and ended up falling in love. The encounter became the marriage she had asked for so much.

Donation collector for poor brides

At the time of dowry, the bride's family had to offer goods to the groom's family. The poor girls had nothing to offer and they were desperate because it was inappropriate for a woman not to marry. Legend has it that one of them knelt at the feet of an image of Saint Anthony and asked in faith. Some time later, the gold coins appeared and she was able to marry.

The legend of paper that weighs more than coins

Another story reveals the drama of a girl whose family could not pay the dowry for her marriage. She asked the friar for help and he gave her a note which told her to look for a certain merchant, who, when found, would give her silver coins in the same weight as the paper.

The merchant agreed, because he was sure that the paper would not weigh much. When he put it on the scale, the paper weighed 400 grams! Surprised, the businessman was forced to fulfill the agreement and gave her 400 silver coins. Despite this, he was relieved, because he had also made a promise to the saint of 400 coins that had not been donated. Finally, the young woman got the marriage and the donation to theSaint has fulfilled his mission.

The patron saint of Padua and Lisbon has a legion of devotees around the world. The power of Saint Anthony is told and retold through generations. On the date when his day is celebrated, the faithful usually make sympathies and leave him grounded to get his attention. The miraculous Saint is the help that many seek in uncertain moments.

It is common, on the day of the saint, the distribution of buns so that the families keep them at home and always have abundance of food. Young girls looking for a boyfriend, or wishing to marry, leave him grounded until they get what they want.

Others take the child Jesus that the image carries and only give it back when they have achieved the cause. Trezenas are also made in his name, with prayers and a blue ribbon, which receives a knot every week. At the end of thirteen weeks it is believed that the grace will be achieved.

Saint Anthony Syncretism

Syncretism is the fusion of different cults or religious doctrines. This synthesis is made through the reinterpretation of some elements. This is why Umbanda and Catholicism are often related.

In this case, the association of Exu and Saint Anthony refers to several similarities between both entities. In Bahia he is syncretized with Ogum and in Recife with Xangô. Read below about these relationships.

Ogum in Bahia

In Bahia, Ogum represents Santo Antônio, the orixá of hunting, of war, a victorious strategist and defender of the oppressed. It was the saint's warrior aspect that eventually linked him to Ogum. It is believed that during the period when Salvador was the capital of Brazil, this saint defended the city victoriously.

According to legend, he walked the world embracing the cause of the defenseless. A brave orixá, who carries in his sword his justice and benevolence. He is considered the protector of blacksmiths, sculptors, policemen and all warriors. Therefore, he symbolizes the spirit of war.

Xangô in Recife

In the cultural exchange, Santo Antonio was also incorporated in the repertory of divinities of Recife. In the game of tying, to indicate some love magic, the appeal is straight to Xangô syncretized with Santo Antonio. But, not only that! In the region, the orixá also acquired a party and playful character.

Exu in the rest of Brazil

From the similarities between the two entities, in the rest of Brazil, Santo Antonio is associated with Exu. The most human of the orixás, Exu is the guardian of the humble, joyful, inspiring and a true messenger through the gift of oratory. The two archetypes are linked by unconditional love and the gift of communication, both being good counselors who disseminate words of faith.

To connect with Saint Anthony

Proclaimed Saint only eleven months after his death, Saint Anthony is known and loved as the "Saint of miracles" because of the countless graces obtained through his intercession. People often turn to him to ask for material favors that interest them, as well as assistance in spiritual needs.

In the simplicity with which the devotee approaches the Saint, it will be possible to find a great example of openness to supernatural realities, perceived by the purity of the afflicted heart. See below, some more curiosities, prayers and sympathies dedicated to the matchmaker saint.

Saint Anthony's Day

On June 13 is celebrated the Day of St. Anthony, one of the most popular of the Catholic Church and patron saint of the poor. Some traditions are followed on this day as, for example, the "Saint Anthony's buns". The bread is delivered at mass and the faithful put in cans of flour and other foods.

It is believed that whoever takes home the bread distributed on that day will always have something to eat. Another tradition is the cake with rings, gold medallions and images. The pieces are distributed to the faithful and those who find them can make a request for the great love that the saint will answer.

Prayer to Saint Anthony

The devotees of Saint Anthony say the following prayer:

"O Saint Anthony, the most gentle of saints, your love of God and your charity towards His creatures have made you worthy of possessing miraculous powers. Motivated by this thought, I ask you to... (formulate the request).

O gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was always full of human sympathy, whisper my supplication into the ears of the sweet Child Jesus, who loved to be in your arms. The gratitude of my heart will always be yours. Amen."

Prayer for Saint Anthony get a husband

If you wish to marry make the sign of the cross and pronounce the following prayer:

"Saint Anthony, who is invoked as the protector of lovers, watch over me in this important phase of my life, so that I do not disturb this beautiful time with futility, but take advantage of it for a better knowledge of that being whom God has placed at my side and for him to know me better.

Thus, together, let us prepare our future, where awaits us a family which, with your protection, we want to be full of love, of happiness, but above all, full of the presence of God. Saint Anthony, patron saint of lovers, bless our courtship, so that it may take place in love, in purity, in understanding and in sincerity. Amen!"

Prayer for Saint Anthony get a boyfriend

If you want to win a good boyfriend make the sign of the cross and pronounce the following prayer:

"My great friend Saint Anthony, you who are the protector of lovers, look at me, at my life, at my desires. Defend me from the dangers, keep away from me the failures, the disappointments, the disenchantments. Make me realistic, confident, worthy and joyful.

May I find a boyfriend/girlfriend who pleases me, who is hardworking, virtuous and responsible. May I know how to walk towards the future and towards life as a couple with the dispositions of one who has received from God a sacred vocation and a social duty. May my courtship be happy and my love without measure. May all boyfriends seek mutual understanding, communion of life and growth in faith. May it be so."

Prayer for St. Anthony to give grace

The request for intercession to Saint Anthony can be made with the following prayer:

"I greet you, father and protector Saint Anthony! Intercede for me with Our Lord Jesus Christ so that he may grant me the grace I desire (mention the grace). I ask you, beloved Saint Anthony, by the firm confidence I have in God whom you have served faithfully.

I ask you for the love of the child Jesus whom you have carried on your arm. I ask you for all the favors that God has granted you in this world, for the innumerable prodigies that He has worked and continues to work daily through your intercession. Amen. Saint Anthony pray for us."

Simpatia to get a boyfriend

The most famous saint for protecting marriages and helping in love unions is undoubtedly Saint Anthony. That is why in his name it is possible to find several sympathies for single people. The rituals seek to find help to open the ways of the heart. If you are interested do the following ritual:

On any Friday, buy a glass and fill it with water, put three pinches of salt and a red rose. Leave the flower in the glass for two days. After this period, take your bath normally and pour the water in the glass on your body, from the neck down.

While doing this repeat the phrase three times: "Saint Anthony, send an Anthony to me". The rose should be thrown in the trash and the glass can be used normally after being washed.

Is Saint Anthony only a matchmaker or does he help in other causes?

Devotion to St. Anthony has always been enthusiastic, human and full of confidence. He is incredible and through the centuries has always exerted a special, mysterious attraction that continues with the same force today. This great and complex character has always practiced everything he taught.

His story shows the generosity with which he gave himself to God and the strength of his love for his neighbor. Saint Anthony goes far beyond the title of "matchmaker saint", he has become the patron saint of the poor, of lost causes and has also become known as the saint of miracles. Therefore, Anthony is one of the most effective saints and indicated as a spiritual guide for hundreds of faithful.

St. Anthony was a conqueror of souls and for this reason it can be affirmed that this saint is, without doubt, a messenger of God, who comes to meet the demands and needs of our lives, from the most important to the simplest. Here is the most significant facet of devotion to this saint.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.