Saturn in Capricorn in your horoscope: retrograde, retrograde, retrograde domicile and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The meaning of Saturn in Capricorn

In general, having Saturn in Capricorn indicates that you are in your domicile, bringing tailor-made ambition and good goal management. It is extremely common to find yourself focusing your energies on work and your recognition. You are very organised, fulfil your responsibilities, and are the best when it comes to business, as you look after your own very well.

But this position is not all. If you have the planet Saturn in the sign of Capricorn, there are many characteristics that you still don't know and need to know. To find out, read on!

Meaning of Saturn

You don't need to be a history buff to know, or at least have heard about Saturn. Everyone knows that Saturn, in relation to the sun and in ascending order, is the second largest planet in the solar system. Now, what many don't know is that it also has classifications and importance in other aspects, such as in mythology and astrology.

Did you know that this planet can influence your personality? To learn more, keep reading to see how this planet can influence your fundamentals!

Saturn in mythology

Saturn is a deity of very ancient Italic origin, known as a Roman god who was always identified with the Greek god, Cronos. It was commonly said that Cronos (now, Saturn) had come from Greece to the Italian peninsula after he was driven from Olympus by Zeus (Jupiter), his son, who humiliated him and threw him down the mountain.

Jupiter (or Zeus, as you prefer), was the only son of Saturn who had been saved by his mother from being devoured by his father, who feared that some of his descendants would steal his throne. Expelled from the sacred mountain, Saturn had no other option but to settle in Rome, on the Capitoline hill, where he founded a fortified village, called Saturnia.

Thus, Saturday was the day in which Saturn reigned above all the gods, but his cult did not occur equally in all the Roman Empire, being decisively concentrated among the African peoples. In Africa, his cult was linked to the land fertilization issues.

Saturn in astrology

In Astrology, Saturn is considered a symbol of extreme complexity, near which the other stars show their dark and disturbing face. Like a magnet, the planet is capable of attracting shadows, ruins, violence, sickness and other problems associated to the other planets.

Feared by all, Saturn represents the organizing sense of life. It is responsible for giving form and materializing, making possible the manifestation of plans. In general, the position of Saturn in the Star Chart indicates a sphere of life in which the individual feels imprisoned and unacceptable, with no way and means to fabricate what he dreams and desires.

However, only maturation is capable of slowly making each individual realize that he himself is responsible for conquering his own space.

Foundations of Saturn in Capricorn

There are some fundamentals that should be taken into consideration, when you have Saturn in your birth chart along with the sign of Capricorn. Moreover, if you are in the mood to find out your Saturn, you will also enjoy reading the following section.

So, read on to learn more about the natal chart, the solar revolution and what Saturn and Capricorn mean in history!

How to discover my Saturn

All of us have Saturn in some area of our chart. It is in this area that we find a kind of "Achilles' Heel", the weak point, since all human species go through some difficult point and only they themselves know where the wound hurts.

So, to discover your Saturn, it is necessary to calculate your birth chart and discover the house in which it is related. By discovering this, you will be able to improve the necessary points and develop yourself internally.

Saturn in Capricorn in history

In 1988, Saturn entered the sign of Capricorn. The planet is reported to have entered that sign twice that year - first on February 13, 1988, and then on November 12, 1988. The next projected date for Saturn in Capricorn after that was only in 2020, when the planet was retrograde.

What Saturn reveals in the birth chart

In general, the planet Saturn in the birth chart reveals what you fear. On the other hand, the house in which it is in also shows your difficulties and lessons, besides indicating an area that counts with rejection, i.e. the reason for your fear of being rejected, for example. For the rest, it presents the feelings in specific areas of each individual's life.

Saturn and Capricorn in the Natal Chart

Birth Chart is like the image of the sky at the moment of birth. This image represents an astrological mandala, with symbols which constitute signs, planets and astrological aspects, capable of revealing the powers and challenges of a person's journey.

In this way, it is portrayed as a compass that points and helps each individual to explore talents and develop influential or not so influential aspects of their personality. To calculate the Natal Astrological Chart, you need to know the date of your birth, the exact time and place where you were born, and you can perform this calculation in some free website or in some professional in the area.

Saturn's solar revolution in Capricorn

Regarding the solar revolution of Saturn in Capricorn, the call is not very different from the general meaning of this position. For those who do not know, in the solar revolution, Saturn is portrayed as the force that makes one reflect on what needs to be done on the path of development.

Therefore, it deals with discipline and responsibilities, calling attention not only to commitments, but also for individuals to act towards their own paths. In addition to fears, the planet also talks about the situations that do not make them comfortable or satisfied.

Personality traits of those with Saturn in Capricorn

Most people don't know, but not only the sign and ascendants are responsible for the behavior, personality and way of seeing things of each one. There is much more behind that and, even, having Saturn in Capricorn influences a lot the construction of the personality of each individual.

So if you're keen to find out what the personality of people who have this astrological position is, you're in the right place. Find out more below!

Positive features

People under the influence of Saturn in Capricorn are not usually impulsive because they think a lot when they act and are extremely cautious. This is because they are beings who think about the consequences of each of their actions.

In addition, other positive characteristics of these people indicate that they are very organized and planned and that they think a lot about their work. Moreover, they try to be correct and fair in all their decisions.

So if you need to make an important decision and have doubts about it, consult a Capricornian. These natives are extremely self-assured, especially when it comes to taking responsibility.

Negative characteristics

Individuals who have Saturn in Capricorn have faults that are very difficult to deal with, so they need to know themselves so that they do not harm their relationships and themselves.

They tend to be extremely controlling, are very closed and find it difficult to make new friendships. This is because they prefer to stay close to old friends and cultivate them. Therefore, most of the time, they suffer a lot from the loss of loved ones and do not know how to deal with the feeling of mourning.

The influence of Saturn in Capricorn

Other influences can and should be observed, when you have Saturn in Capricorn. You must be curious to know how these people are in love, for example. Therefore, these and other questions will be discussed below.

Read on and find out how people with Saturn in Capricorn in their birth chart behave when it comes to love or professional career!

In love

As far as love is concerned, people under the influence of Saturn in Capricorn tend to be responsible and solid. Their relationships are usually long-lasting, and because of this there is a good chance that they will be able to build a strong and stable family.

However, it will all depend on the effort they carry while showing their feelings, as they can often appear to be cold and disinterested individuals.

In the career

As for career, individuals with Saturn and Capricorn influence love recognition and strive to let everyone know about and admire their work. This is why they usually stand out the most within companies and the corporate world they are in.

Therefore, this will to seek recognition makes them create a line of inspiration in people who present the same astral configurations. This makes them reliable, since their sense of responsibility is one of the strongest of the zodiac.

Karma and fears

Saturn is known as the Lord of Karma or the Great Maleficent, so wherever your Saturn is in your birth chart, the requirement is that you know yourself deeply and do everything with excellence.

It is common for this planet to take on different meanings, such as the planet of patience, experience and that which upholds tradition. Therefore, although it is known as the Lord of Karma, there is nothing to worry about as it is not related to debt payments only. In fact, its main purpose is to lead you to a very important inner development.

Other interpretations of Saturn in Capricorn

Usually, men with Saturn in Capricorn in their birth chart are very similar to their father, not only in physical characteristics, but also in personality and in the way of seeing and dealing with things. So, to know more about the possible interpretations of Saturn in Capricorn, keep reading this article!

Saturn in Capricorn retrograde

If you are a person with Ascendant in Capricorn, it is possible that your Saturn is transiting the 1st house, which is associated with the interior, the personality and the image that you pass on to the world. Therefore, it is a period in which you feel more demanding with yourself and that you often find yourself tired, unwell and pessimistic.

Therefore, Saturn retrograde indicates difficulty to relax and low energies. Therefore, when you have this astrological configuration, it is essential that you pay attention to your health, avoid stress and rest as much as you can, even if some obligations demand a lot from you. Don't try to carry the world on your back.

Saturn in Capricorn

When Saturn is in Capricorn, this symbolizes that the end of sacrifices has come. If you have worked hard in order to get a job or carry out a project, you can celebrate because this will end and, consequently, your goals will be achieved. It is the end of fear and suffering.

Perhaps, you have to learn to differentiate and choose what is more valuable: the transitory success, fruit of circumstances, or the deserved recognition, fruit of work and dedication.

Man with Saturn in Capricorn

In general, men with Saturn in Capricorn can bring characteristics of their own fathers - in good and awkward ways. Therefore, ruled by Saturn, he has the combination that serves him well. The man of this position will be in a good mood, financially stable and emotionally available.

So, if you meet a man with Saturn in Capricorn, try to help him: make it easy for him to maintain his established healthy habits. He'll appreciate your offer to make healthy meals, work out together or even try to stop drinking or smoking.

Woman with Saturn in Capricorn

Women with Saturn in Capricorn tend to shine due to the fact that Saturn is the Ruling Planet of Capricorn. So, they will feel even more at home during this period. If you have this astral configuration, you will be in a safe place, emotionally speaking.

So this is the time to make big life changes: leave old habits behind and take the new ones for a happier and healthier future. Show gratitude to all those who are willing to support you in this growth.

Challenges of Saturn in Capricorn

The main challenges for Saturn in Capricorn are how to use success and ambition in a positive way, how to choose a respectable profession, how to free yourself from any hesitation or fear in order to make life simpler, and how to keep up with your obligations.

That way, by following these tips, you can become a better resolved Saturn in Capricorn native.

What does Fall of Saturn in Capricorn mean?

Fall, in astrology, is the term that indicates the opposite of exaltation. Therefore, when the planet is still close to your house, it can continue amplifying virtues, but as it moves further away, it propitiates the fall of the virtues of each sign.

Likewise is the case of Saturn in Capricorn, because the more distant a planet is from its domicile, the more the effect of its sign is different.

Tips for those who have Saturn in Capricorn

If you have the position of Saturn in Capricorn in your birth chart, follow the tips given below:

1) Be organized;

2) Avoid financial dependencies and think about your future;

3) Don't be naïve;

4) Organize your time;

5) Work, but not too hard;

6) Demand respect from others;

7) Show yourself to the world;

8) Do your best, but don't let perfectionism block you in life.

What does the discipline of Saturn in Capricorn look like?

The planet Saturn is positioned in the sign of discipline, Capricorn. That said, it is easy to associate the fine line that exists between the planet's influence and the people who are under it. These people, in turn, are responsible and are apt to be organized and zealous with their obligations, fulfilling their responsibilities, even if they are sometimes difficult to deal with.

Still, it is necessary and fair to point out that the individual with Saturn in Capricorn has to learn to let go of his structure once in a while and simply live in the moment, rather than overwork and damage his own health.

However, when all the hard work is complete, he should sit back and enjoy his own achievements, because that is important too.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.