Signs of love from past lives: attunement, longing, dream and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the signs of love from past lives?

Some signs may indicate that we may have met some people before, outside of this life. However, no proof of this fact is possible, but we can analyze the signs and find out if we have witnessed any of these indicators.

If you've ever felt like you knew someone on a first date or even on the street, this could be a sign of a love from past lives. It is very common that nervousness or insecurity speak louder on a first date, which is super normal, but how to explain when it happens that immediate connection, that well-being and feeling of trust from the first time?

When this happens, we are curious to know how we can identify so well with someone we have never had contact with. These and other signs can mean a past life love. Stay tuned and find out what these past life love signs are and find out if yours could be one.

How to recognize the love from past lives

First of all, it is not easy to recognize a love from past lives, also due to the fact that we have no memories of lives that came before, in the current one. Our physical body has nothing to facilitate this recognition, only spirituality can help us recognize it. Learn more about how to realize it, below.

Connecting with You

As hard as it may be to recognize on our physical plane, our spiritual connection goes beyond the material and it is through feelings, emotions, experiences and others that we can perceive this reunion.

Self-knowledge is important as it facilitates perception of life. Exercises like meditation, for example, heighten the senses, making you differentiate passion from spiritual connection. But, you need to keep in mind that just because you have found your love in this life, you will not stay together. Acceptance and knowledge is the key to everything.

Beyond the romantic bow

Besides the romantic bond, until we get to know each other closely, synchronicities happen during our lives. Maybe trips to the same place, being at certain events together are some of the coincidences that can happen. Souls that are willing to stay together, will hardly grow together.

It is necessary that both have knowledge to add to the current life of the other. The learning of both is important for the evolution and development of this relationship.

Attention to the signs

The importance of always having self-knowledge in mind, along with attention to the signs, is of great value. The signs can easily be confused with the beginning of a passion, however when we find such a love, it is different.

Subtlety and lightness are some of the characteristics of this relationship. It is possible to feel a different energy in these cases, like something that has never happened. Something that not even those who live it are able to explain.

Signs of love from past lives

Some signs can indicate loves with whom we have had some connection in our past lives. Below are some clear signs that you have probably felt with someone throughout existence.

Feeling of already knowing the person

Some sensations, such as the feeling of already knowing the person, are very common. The feeling of being near the person reminds us of some enthusiasm as if we had already met that person in past lives. Important moments make us feel some emotions and the naturalness in understanding what the person thinks or wants.

It is easily possible to know what a person likes due to the experience of past lives, but that in this life some powerful stimuli still remain.

Immediate tuning

It's even a little curious when we first tune in with someone we don't know. Whether it's on a first date, in a job interview, on the street, or anywhere. When we create this attunement all at once, it feels like we've already had something that still needs to be finished or has already been finished. Immediate attunement is one of the main factors of past-life loves.

Strange encounters

Anyone in life can have a bad encounter, but here we talk about events and reactions that don't normally happen in our everyday lives.

We can use as examples the natural phenomena, when you are with the person, suddenly it starts to rain without forecast, butterflies appear and surround us or other animals like birds, certain insects like ladybugs among other things.

These signs, announce a message from the universe to you. Some synchronicities may also appear, such as matching times, matching thoughts, matching speech, even matching movements. These are some signs that your spirits somehow have a purpose together.

Emotions you can't control

When you are with a certain person and there is the desire to be close at all times, always having a subject to talk about and the desire to share knowledge and moments with him/her are also indicative. We should not confuse it with the passion at the beginning of any relationship. We feel a different energy when it comes to the joining of souls.


We have some feelings that are difficult to explain. Longing, for example, doesn't have a translation, much less a way to explain it, but what about when we miss and long for something we don't have? Some spiritualist reports tell that feeling nostalgia for certain moments, people or even situations that you never experienced can be an indication of missing someone from the past.

Some interviews detail each manifestation of longing in situations that the interviewees have never experienced, for example, longing for a baby on their lap, being that the person is not a mother. This is one of the reports from several interviews about longing for people from the past.

All the time is still too little

When we are in the infatuation phase where we have just met someone, all the time next to that person is little. Now imagine if we had already had connections in the past with certain people. The experiences we have had, even if they have been good ones, only increase the desire to stay by the side of the loved one.

The conversations and harmony are so connected that generate a strong connection and the feeling of time passing faster near the person, gains power in each encounter, thus generating the feeling that time flies.

Sense of responsibility

Certain people make us feel a responsibility towards them. This feeling that we need to help in some way, but we don't know how or where to start. This helping intuition is different from doing charity or helping someone who is in need.

Dreams that look like

Some dreams may give the feeling that we have already lived with a certain person at other times in past lives. These dreams may be memories of past lives and with the meeting of your soul with the soul of previous existences, the connection through dreams and the feeling of having already dreamed and known this person increases.

This meeting of past souls in different bodies, but the spirit being the same, happens through various manifestations and dreams are one of them. Thus, it is possible to feel that something missing is about to be filled and developed.

It's like telepathy.

Some coincidences are part of the signs that you have found your love from past lives. Some may even think it looks like telepathy, unusual situations and events. For example, thinking of the person and he/she gives a sign of life or talking, thinking, feeling the same thing. But these are signs that there is a connection that can not always be explained.

The meeting with love from past lives

Meeting with the love from past lives can mean several things, so we need to stop and reflect on this opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and development that we are given. Learn more about this encounter, below.

It doesn't mean you'll stay together

You may even find the love of your past life, but nothing will give you the certainty that you will be together. Some reunions happen, but the soul of the person may be searching for a new meaning or may even be already living his life with another person, in another family.

The passing through new experiences is also something that can happen. Soul development and the search for evolution can happen, although even though souls are not together on this plane, they can find ways to connect even if they are far apart as in the case of dreams.

Remember that there will be other lives and that if not in this one, you will find your soul mate in others. Follow your path and seek your evolution. And even if there is this meeting and then some separation, keep in mind that everything has a purpose and that above all the development is what we most seek.

High power of resignation

Giving up a love is not an easy thing to do, but we must have a high power of resignation in order to overcome this challenge. Courage is necessary to face and understand that everything that happens has its reasons and that there is no reason to despair, since this is only one of the many lives we have had.

As our life on Earth is based on evolving as human beings, always preaching kindness and the growth of our spirit, giving up something that we consider ours by merit. Having empathy for the other and for ourselves, knowing how far to go and learning from what is presented to us in this life is a great universal mission.

Kill longing in spirit

Allan Kardec in his books reveals that a spirit only appears when there is a need for such an apparition. In cases of past loves, we can witness these feelings in forms of dreams. The apparitions of people we do not know, but who bring us enormous comfort, may be one of the ways the spirit has found to kill the longing.

Since we can't always kill the longing of someone we want to be close to, spirits find ways to introduce themselves.

Trusting in the eternity of love

Understanding love in past lives can be difficult, the expansion that we have on this subject can be questioned and discussed for a greater understanding, but there is a term that we should know that can clarify our ideas.

In Ancient Greece, before the ideology of spiritism appeared, palingenesia was considered the return, rebirth and that which has no end. It is based on the fact that love is not established only because people have things in common. The process is deeper, slow and happens according to the reincarnations that have been experienced, which improve.

This union must go through various obstacles and challenges, which makes each junction of these souls, more united they become. Strong bonds of true feeling that can not be explained on the current plane.

Can love from past lives be love from this life too?

Yes, but it is important that we keep in mind that a love from a past life can be from this life, but it will not always be the same person. This love can come as reincarnation in children, parents, uncles, nephews. Not necessarily, they will come exactly as in the past life.

And since we cannot say if a certain person was our love in past lives, we must pay attention to the signs. In spiritism, these parent-child connections are explained as spirits who had some connection in previous lives, but who now are not as a couple but in some other form.

This is why we see some cases of a sexual connection, between relatives that has no explanation. According to spiritism, they may have had connections between spirits in past lives and have not been able to extricate themselves from that bond.

Therefore, as we have seen, some signs may indicate that we know in this life loves from past lives and may exist. This connection may be represented by various manifestations, but it also does not mean that it will be our love in the present life.

It is important that our mind is wide open to what we have no control over, having access to memories and people from past lives does not mean we will have the same life and with that we should not base our life on the search for a soul mate or someone who has already had some bond in other lives.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.