Signs that go with Aquarius: in sex, love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

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What are the signs that go with Aquarius?

Aquarius natives have a reputation for being enigmatic and scattered, but they are altruistic, original and very sincere people. They value independence and therefore may have some difficulties in relationships because they do not deal well with feelings of possession.

Thus, a partner for the Aquarian needs to understand the importance of having autonomy. With a personality that values individuality and social life, Aquarius tends to get along well with other signs of the same element, air, and can find good pairs in fire signs, especially Sagittarius.

Below, more aspects about Aquarius love combinations will be commented on. Read on to find out more.

Do Aries and Aquarius go together?

The combination of Aries and Aquarius can be interesting due to the dynamism of both signs. Besides, they are action oriented and like adventures, which makes them value freedom.

Their elements, air and fire, tend to produce positive combinations in various areas of life. However, it is possible to say that Aries and Aquarians get along better in the affective field and also as friends. In other spheres some friction may arise.

The next section of the article will cover the combination of Aries and Aquarius in more detail. Read on to learn more about it.

Combination of Aquarius and Aries in social life

The social life of Aries and Aquarius will be great, especially if the two signs are just friends. Both are adventurous, know how to respect each other's space and like to find causes to fight for.

Moreover, while the Aryan likes to put his hand to the wheel, the Aquarian likes to work in the field of ideas and communication. Therefore, they are the perfect pair to build a lasting friendship due to both similarities and differences.

Combination of Aquarius and Aries in sex

Sex is another area where Aquarius and Aries can get along perfectly. The Aries will take the lead in the conquest and will make the Aquarius, who values a good conversation more than the action itself, end up completely involved in the atmosphere created by him.

The relationship tends to be quite balanced in this sense. Although Aquarius is more concerned with post-relationship talks, this sign likes innovation and can propose some different things that will move the couple's life.

Love Aquarius/Aries Combination

Adventurous, restless and very dynamic, Aquarius and Aries are excellent partners for love. Both know how to respect each other's space, enjoy breaks in routine and love to feel challenged - which is never lacking with two signs with such a striking personality.

While the Aryan is visceral and passionate, the Aquarian manages to be more in control of his feelings and appeals to rationality. Therefore, the two are an interesting complement to each other and tend to be quickly charmed.

Combination of Aquarius and Aries at work

Aries and Aquarius can work well together at work due to their differences. While the Aquarian is excellent with teams and knows how to dialogue with people, the Aries puts his hand to the wheel to get projects done, but tends to see things from an individualized perspective.

Aries' ability to lead will be important in getting things moving and getting Aquarius out of the realm of ideas.

Taurus and Aquarius go together?

The coexistence between Taurus and Aries will be marked by major differences in worldview, so it can be quite challenging. But, the two share some similar points that can make them inclined to reconcile problems.

Thus, the competitiveness of the Aries has everything to charm the Taurus, who is persistent and believes in work as a way to achieve their goals. In some areas of life, both can work as an interesting complement to the characteristics of the other. But there are scenarios that would be better to keep apart. Check out more about the combination between Aquarius and Taurus below.

Combination of Aquarius and Taurus in social life

Social life is something complex for Aquarius and Taurus. Air is an element which excels in sociability and human contacts, revealing natives with excellent communication skills. Taurus, on the other hand, is a more closed and mental sign, which prefers to be quiet and stay at home.

Therefore, the agitated Aries can tire the Taurus quickly and the quiet Taurus can irritate the Aries. This will be an aspect that both will need to work on.

Combination of Aquarius and Taurus in sex

If there is something that will not be missing in the life of a couple made up of Aquarius and Taurus, it's chemistry. This happens because of the sum of the ruling planets of both, Mars and Venus, which ensure that everything goes together between the two of them from the moment they kiss.

Although Taurus is a more traditional sign, it is very sensual because of its ruler. Aquarius' innovation and drive can add interesting elements to the couple's sex life and make it more lively.

Love Aquarius Taurus Combination

Getting into a relationship can be a problem for Aquarius and Taurus. This happens because Taureans don't respond well to very direct advances and Aquarians don't know any other way to show that they are interested. Therefore, they go with everything.

But things can work out if the Taurus is not intimidated by this attitude and gives up before they even start. For the romance to work out, both parties will need a lot of patience and conciliation.

Combination of Aquarius and Taurus at work

At work, Aquarius and Taurus are excellent partners. The Aquarian has innovative ideas which take the Taurus out of his comfort zone, preventing him from doing everything the same way every time. He, in turn, can offer the Taurus his willingness to carry his projects through to completion whatever the cost.

Both are career-enhancing signs who like to do their job well. Although their views of "well done" are not the same, they can respect each other in this area.

Do Gemini and Aquarius go together?

Because Gemini and Aquarius belong to the same element, the combination is positive. The two have characteristics in common which can contribute to a better understanding of each other's worldviews and goals. But these characteristics can also drive them apart.

So, even though Aquarius and Gemini is an easy combination, it may not be so simple to manage. It's a fact that both of you will be immediately attracted, but the difficulties in talking about your feelings may pose a challenge.

Below, more details regarding the combination of Aquarius and Gemini will be explored. Read on to find out more.

Aquarius and Gemini Combination in Social Life

The social life of Aquarius and Gemini will be wonderful. This is a point where the two signs do not have any kind of divergence. They value friends, freedom and like to be always surrounded by people because they need to communicate.

Then, their affinities will immediately pop out and they will be sure that they are invincible when they are together. As friends, the signs can build incredible memories and a very lasting bond because they know how to respect each other's freedom.

Combination of Aquarius and Gemini in sex

The attraction between Aquarius and Gemini is strong because it happens thanks to speech, which is something very important for both of them. First of all, both signs connect in the discursive field and then they end up being sexually interested in each other.

Both are signs that do not like sameness and tend to have a sex life full of invention and experimentation. Moreover, the same excitement they show in their social life will be seen in their sex life.

Aquarius and Gemini Love Combination

One point that will certainly contribute to strengthen the love between Gemini and Aquarius is the absence of jealousy crisis. Both signs understand the importance of freedom and would never treat their partners as possessions. Therefore, this contributes myth to the building of the relationship.

But they may have trouble exposing their feelings to their partner, making the dialogue about it much less than Aquarius and Gemini usually have. These signs are not comfortable with deep emotions.

Aquarius and Gemini Combination at work

Perhaps Aquarius and Gemini are not such an interesting pair at work. This is an area where the attitudes of the two are quite different. Although they are both good with teams and have an easy time with projects that depend on their communication skills, Gemini tends not to take their career so seriously.

Aquarians, on the other hand, are quite focused on their work goals, especially if some kind of social change is involved in what they do.

Cancer and Aquarius go together?

Cancer is a water sign, which doesn't go very well with the Aquarian element, so the combination can be challenging. Also, while Cancerians are nostalgic and are always reminiscing about the past, Aquarians like to look to the future.

Another divergence between the two signs is the way they see their relationships. While Aquarius likes to keep his freedom, Cancer lives in function of his partner and focuses too much on life as a couple, having some difficulty maintaining individuality.

Over the next section of the article, more details regarding the Aquarius and Cancer combination will be explored. Read on to learn more.

Aquarius and Cancer Combination in Social Life

In social life, Aquarius and Cancer have absolutely nothing to do. While the Cancerian is home-oriented and someone who doesn't like much excitement, the Aquarian feels the need to surround himself with people and to live new adventures.

So this can be a problem for both of you, and it is certainly an aspect in which you will need to make many concessions in order to stay together. The tendency is that the clash will end up wearing down the relationship.

Aquarius and Cancer Combination in sex

The opposition between Aquarius and Cancer has everything to cause a strong attraction between the two signs. However, they are also opposites in their way of facing sex. But as Cancerians tend to be malleable due to the desire to please their partners, they can give in to Aquarius' inventions.

Therefore the couple's sex life will not be as problematic as other spheres. They will be able to get on well enough and will have no problem giving in on occasions to meet the needs of the other.

Aquarius and Cancer Combination in Love

Making a relationship between Aquarius and Cancer work is a real challenge. The coldness and impersonality of Aquarians has everything to hurt Cancerians, bringing out the worst in their personality.

The Cancerian will become jealous and possessive and will demand more and more from the Aquarius, making him feel that his freedom is being disrespected. So, a relationship like this will depend on a lot of good will and dedication to make it work.

Aquarius and Cancer Combination at Work

The work between Aquarius and Cancer can be quite interesting. The Cancerian has the disposition to carry out his duties and likes to do everything he proposes well done. Moreover, due to his maternal characteristics, he becomes a sweetheart in this environment.

Aquarius can make things more creative for the pair, as well as helping with the contacts he can make thanks to his very acute social skills. So in this sector the two of you make a good pair.

Leo and Aquarius go together?

Leo and Aquarius can work out because of their elements, which naturally provide a positive combination. But that doesn't mean they won't have to face some challenges. In fact, the two should be perceived as complementary opposites.

Thus, Leo is an individualistic sign that wants to be noticed for its qualities. Aquarius, on the other hand, always thinks about the collective welfare and what it can do to contribute to society. The two can meet only in the fact that they do not care about the opinion of others.

More details about the combination of Leo and Aquarius will be discussed below. Read on to find out more.

Combination of Aquarius and Leo in social life

Leo loves to socialize because this opens up space for them to be noticed and adored, something they feel a great need for. As Aquarius is also a very sociable sign, initially the life of both of them will not experience problems in this area.

However, deep down, Aquarians also like to be noticed and admired, which can end up generating an ego dispute between the two, but for very different reasons. So this aspect needs to be looked at carefully to avoid major conflicts.

Combination of Aquarius and Leo in sex

Leo people give a lot of importance to sex and like to please their partners, so they will do everything to satisfy Aquarians, who tend not to give so much importance to these moments of intimacy and value more the conversations.

It is possible that Aquarius will be more inclined to experiment when they get in touch with Leo. Naturally curious, they will bring their most secret desires into the relationship, which will strengthen the couple's sex life.

Love Aquarius-Leo Combination

The coldness of Aquarius, when placed next to the natural warmth that emanates from Leo, can be a problem for the relationship between the two of you. So, some adjustments will need to be made so that everything goes well in love.

Thus, the Aquarian needs to find a way to avoid making the Leo feel left out. This sign can't stand being ignored and tends to become resentful when they feel they are not getting all the attention they deserve.

Combination of Aquarius and Leo at work

At work, Aquarius and Leo can be good partners. The energy of accomplishment of fire, when combined with the communicative capacity of air, has everything to form an unbeatable team. Besides, the Leo is a born leader, which can boost the duo's projects.

This leadership trait, when added to Aquarius' creativity and willingness to change makes both of them able to accomplish anything they want. Therefore, they are an amazing pair for business.

Virgo and Aquarius go together?

Virgo and Aquarius have nothing in common. From their elements, earth and air, respectively, it is clear that the natives of these signs will not be able to find a ground on which they can easily live together. All spheres of their life together will depend on a lot of work to make it work.

However, there is one aspect in which they can end up attracting each other: intelligence. Both are very focused on their intellectual side and this can be the source of attraction. They like to question and to feel challenged and stimulated in this sense.

The next section of the article will comment on more aspects regarding the combination of Aquarius and Virgo. Read on to find out more.

Combination of Aquarius and Virgo in social life

Virgoans are shy, they prefer quality to quantity and don't have many friends, so they don't usually leave the house for big parties or situations where they need to talk to a lot of people, which tends to drain their energy.

Aquarius, on the other hand, has the need to surround himself with people and to dialogue. Natives of this sign always have many friends and like to be surrounded by them. Therefore, opposing postures will be a problem.

Combination of Aquarius and Virgo in sex

Even in sex it can be tricky for Aquarius and Virgo to get along. Virgoans' shyness makes them take some time to get comfortable with new partners, which can irritate Aquarians and their need for invention.

Aquarius is also a sign that tends to be more uninhibited and to take the lead in situations, so he will tend to make a series of proposals that Virgo won't feel comfortable with and this will create friction.

Love Aquarius-Virgo combination

The relationship between Aquarius and Virgo will be the perfect definition of lack of warmth. Both signs are considered cold and have ways of showing affection that are not very conventional. Moreover, these demonstrations are not usually frequent.

Also, Virgo sees love in a practical way, which makes this not a romantic sign. On the other hand, Aquarius always believes that there are more nuances to be discussed in a problem, which will irritate Virgoans, who hate lack of objectivity.

Combination of Aquarius and Virgo at work

Getting along at work will also be complicated. Virgo believes in dedication and that doing things the way they worked out first time is the way to success. This is not a sign that likes innovation and prefers to stick to the basics if they are working.

On the other hand, Aquarius needs change and movement. When the native of this sign feels stuck and stagnant, he seeks new directions. In the working relationship with Virgo this tends to happen, generating irritation on both sides.

Do Libra and Aquarius go together?

Libra and Aquarius have a lot in common. Both are signs of air, mentally oriented and value social life. Therefore, they can be a very productive combination if they know how to align their differences, which are especially noticeable in love.

While Aquarians are detached and have difficulties making a commitment, Librians are romantic and want to find lasting relationships. But their ability to dialogue tends to make it not so difficult to reconcile these aspects. Check out more about the combination of Aquarius and Libra in various areas of life!

Combination of Aquarius and Libra in social life

The social life of Aquarius and Libra will be incredible. Both are signs that like to be surrounded by people and value communication. In these situations, both have the chance to show their intelligence to others and this is one of the points in which they find more affinity.

Besides, their social life will never fall into a routine because both of them have a need for movement and are always looking for new air.

Combination of Aquarius and Libra in sex

Libra is ruled by Venus and therefore a very reductive sign. Moreover, its romanticism has much to contribute to the couple's sex life, since Aquarius does not count on this characteristic, but loves to innovate.

In addition, the chemistry between them will be very good. Another factor that tends to contribute to a healthy sex life is their ability to dialogue. It is possible that even before experiencing this moment for the first time the two have already contacted each other everything they like or dislike.

Love Aquarius-Libra Combination

In love, Aquarius and Libra have everything to get along very well. Both of them value rationality and believe in dialogue as a tool to solve conflicts. Therefore, this relationship will not count on drama or jealousy scenes. Besides, they will never become manipulative with each other.

However, the Aquarius' lack of romanticism can hurt their feelings at times, since they value more explicit displays of affection.

Combination of Aquarius and Libra at work

The working partnership between Aquarius and Libra will be extremely productive, especially if it involves teams. Both signs attach great importance to their careers and like to carry out their duties in the best possible way.

Also, their communication skills can make them enter into very useful contracts when working side by side. So, in this sector the bond between Aquarians and Librians is very beneficial for both parties and they have everything to bring out the best in each other.

Do Scorpio and Aquarius go together?

Scorpio is a mysterious sign and ruled by the element water, which makes its sensitivity to be sharpened. Aquarius, in turn, is ruled by air and prioritizes rationality and mental aspects. Although the attraction between the two is intense, the problems will also be.

The long term will be a problem for the couple and will require dedication from both parties. However, this can end up generating a lot of wear and tear and the impression that both need to police themselves instead of living the relationship in a spontaneous way. Below, more aspects about the combination will be explored. Read on to find out more.

Aquarius and Scorpio Combination in Social Life

Scorpio natives prefer quality over quantity. Although they are not antisocial, they cannot stand superficial bonds and therefore prefer to have few friends but have time to develop these friendships, deepening bonds and strengthening ties.

On the other hand, Aquarius is expansive and needs people around, so he always has many friends and a busy social life. Thus, the differences between the two signs cause problems in this sector because they want different things.

Combination of Aquarius and Scorpio in sex

The attraction between Aquarius and Scorpio is intense and initially very mental. But as Scorpios are passionate and the most sensual natives of the zodiac, it quickly becomes also a sexual connection and that will be interesting for both parties.

Scorpio likes to be in charge and is always willing to innovate, something that pleases Aquarius, a sign that tends to like unusual experiences in bed.

Aquarius and Scorpio in Love Combination

Love is a problem for Aquarius and Scorpio, who have very different visions of what they want from a relationship. Scorpios will find it difficult to respect the Aquarians' need for freedom and can become manipulative with their partners.

Besides, the fact that Aquarius is a colder sign will awaken the Scorpio's insecurity, activating his sense of possession and generating gigantic jealousy crises, something that will gradually drive the Aquarian away.

Aquarius and Scorpio Combination at Work

If Aquarius and Scorpio do not meet easily in other areas of life, at work this changes. Here, they are excellent partners. Scorpios do not like to delegate their tasks and believe they can do everything better than other people. They are willing to work hard to achieve their goals.

Aquarius also gives a lot of importance to work and likes to innovate. This sign also likes to feel that the one who is working next to him gives as much importance to the project as he does and finds this characteristic in Scorpio.

Do Sagittarius and Aquarius go together?

Among all the fire signs, Sagittarius is the one which suits Aquarius the most. The common characteristics of both can be extremely fruitful for the relationship. Both love to be free, are rational and value intelligence.

In addition, they are constantly thinking about the future and like modernity, being daring people. Because they live on the same frequency and at the same pace, Sagittarians and Aquarians understand each other's needs well and have everything to work as a couple.

The next section of the article will go into more detail about this combination in various areas of life. Read on to learn more.

Combination of Aquarius and Sagittarius in social life

Sagittarius natives are the soul of any party. Fun, spontaneous and humorous, they have a busy social life and always like to be close to their friends, something which also happens with Aquarius.

They will always be in on the coolest and hippest shows, as well as acting as the guides for their group of friends whenever they need to choose a diversion.

Combination of Aquarius and Sagittarius in sex

Aquarius and Sagittarius love novelty and this characteristic applies to sex from the smallest details. The kiss between the two will never be the same and they will do everything so that each moment of intimacy is innovative, preventing the relationship from falling into routine.

Everything with this duo has a first time look as they are always looking for adventures and things they have not yet experienced. Therefore, the couple formed by Aquarius and Sagittarius has an intense sex life.

Love Aquarius-Sagittarius Combination

The similarities of Aquarius and Sagittarius make it easy for love to work out. The two can be considered one of the best combinations of the zodiac because they live at the same pace and share the same worldviews, always focused on tomorrow and progress.

In addition, both signs' sense of adventure and respect for freedom will make the relationship work and never lose the creativity that is so important to them.

Aquarius and Sagittarius Combination at Work

Aquarius and Sagittarius will also work well together. They both think long term and bet on innovation to build their careers. They are also communicative and know how to lead, which will make them great in a team.

However, they need to be careful not to try to go over each other's heads when some disagreement arises. It is necessary for them to use their ability to dialogue to reach a common place.

Do Capricorn and Aquarius go together?

As unusual as it may sound, Aquarius and Capricorn have some things in common. This is linked to their rulership. In modern astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. However, before the changes, the sign was ruled by Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn.

Because of this, Aquarians still retain some influences from the planet, such as determination and a traditional side. These characteristics are in dialogue with the needs of Capricornians and can be used to make the relationship work.

More details about the combination between Capricorn and Aquarius will be explored below. To know more about it, continue reading the article.

Combination of Aquarius and Capricorn in social life

For the couple's social life to work, Aquarius needs to use more of his saturnine energy to understand that Capricorn lives at a different pace. Therefore, these natives are very focused on their careers and don't like social situations very much.

In this way, a Capricorn rarely leaves the house. Besides, their seriousness makes it difficult for them to move around in various environments while Aquarians triumph in these occasions. So, it's a matter of aligning expectations.

Combination of Aquarius and Capricorn in sex

Capricorn is an extremely traditional and fixed sign. Natives see no reason to try something new if what they do is working well for them, so this tends to clash against Aquarius' need for innovation.

On the other hand, Saturn's influence makes the Aquarians have a more traditional side and this perhaps contributes to the "sameness" of Capricorn not having a very serious effect on the couple's sex life.

Aquarius meets Capricorn in love

The sign of Capricorn is always looking for stability, so the rebellious, free and innovative side of Aquarius can be scary and uncomfortable for the natives of this sign. However, at the same time, it can be very attractive because it is exactly what the Capricornian lacks.

Also, should Aquarius know how to use the energy provided by Saturn to show that he is capable of being serious when he is involved with someone, this will considerably lessen the Capricornian's fear of getting hurt in the relationship.

Combination of Aquarius and Capricorn at work

Work is where Aquarius and Capricorn can find affinity the most because the saturnine energy of Aquarians manifests with intensity in this sector. It is in the career where natives of this sign apply their conservatism and discipline.

However, the influence of Uranus also appears, bringing an interesting dynamism to the pair. Thus, the innovations characteristic of Aquarius will be proposed and it will be up to the Capricornian to determine what is feasible and what is not for the projects of both.

Aquarius and Aquarius go together?

When two Aquarians get together, they live a life of freedom, excitement, innovation and constant adventures. The duplicity of the air element in the combination gives the couple dynamism and makes their communication excellent.

In addition, they both value intelligence and are rationally oriented. However, despite all their similarities, they will need to know how to tame their rebelliousness a little and learn to talk about their feelings to ensure that they will build something that is really healthy.

More aspects about the combination between two Aquarians will be explored below, keep reading the article to know more about it.

Aquarius/Aquarius Combination in Social Life

The social life of a pair formed by two Aquarians will be intense. Aquarius is naturally a sign of friendship and likes to be close to the people it loves, so when it finds a partner who values the same things, it lives this side to the full.

Therefore, Aquarians will be together in a series of adventures. They will find in each other the support they need to live everything they have always wanted and, of course, the social life will be exactly as every Aquarius native has always dreamed of.

Aquarius meets Aquarius in sex

The sex life of two Aquarius natives, incredible as it may seem, can be a bit stagnant. Although they both like innovation, they are very mental and value conversations before anything else. Therefore, they can even become a bit impatient in sexual relations.

The truth is, they'll feel more stimulated to talk about whatever they're interested in at the moment than anything else. So chances are, this isn't going to be a very sex-based relationship.

Aquarius meets Aquarius in love

Love can work out very well or end up frustrating both Aquarians. As you both have difficulties talking about your feelings and are not very romantic, it's possible that some difficulties may arise and cause the relationship to cool down quickly.

So when this is added to the need for freedom and individuality, Aquarians may end up coming to the conclusion that they'd rather be alone. This doesn't mean that problems can't be worked around, but perhaps the two just don't want to do that.

Aquarius meets Aquarius at work

At work, both Aquarians find common ground in which they can get along very well. They establish a productive partnership because they believe in the same things, especially in the idea of prioritizing the needs of the collective. Therefore, when they work in a team they value each collaborator as a fundamental piece.

In addition, your ability to look to the future can generate a number of interesting projects that meet your progressive worldviews.

Do Pisces and Aquarius go together?

Pisces and Aquarius are very different, so this combination will face a lot of challenges in the most varied areas. However, this does not mean that it has no chance of success, especially in friendship and love.

It's a fact that Pisces and Aquarius will be attracted to each other, so it's all a question of how much they are willing to align their differences and give in so as not to wear down the relationship, which will become very difficult without both of them making the necessary efforts.

More details about the combination between Aquarius and Pisces will be commented on below. To know more about it, continue reading the article.

Aquarius and Pisces Combination in Social Life

Aquarius and Pisces will experience difficulties in their social life. While one is independent and likes to be surrounded by people, the other is needy and prefers to be in his own world. If you decide to be just friends, the bond has everything to work out because the demands are lessened, but if the social life is as a couple, problems will arise.

Pisces won't know how to deal with Aquarius' independence and will feel left out, which will potentiate his neediness.

Combination of Aquarius and Pisces in sex

As the attraction between these two signs is intense, sex tends to go this way. Pisces tends to be more affectionate with his partners, but he is curious and likes to experiment. Therefore, he finds in Aquarius' need for innovation a very interesting pair.

However, Pisces natives need patience and sometimes Aquarians seem too rushed in their sex life, which can end up creating some conflicts for the couple.

Love Aquarius Pisces Combination

Love will demand all possible effort from both parties, who will need to make several adjustments to maintain the relationship in the long term. Aquarius is a mental sign and does not have much contact with his emotions, being little romantic and sentimental.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is Pisces, the most emotional and sensitive sign of the zodiac. Therefore, Pisces can feel vulnerable in front of Aquarius' independence and will start to make demands, which will generate irritation in their partner.

Aquarius meets Pisces at work

The partnership between Aquarius and Pisces can be productive at work, as both tend to be able to dialogue better when the impositions of a love relationship are removed. In addition, they can admire each other's abilities and characteristics more.

Pisces is a creative sign but lives inwardly, so Aquarius can help you get your projects off the ground and add some innovative and interesting points to your ideas.

Which signs go best with Aquarius?

In general, Aquarius matches best with air signs, like Libra and Gemini, because they are natives who are governed by the same element as him and therefore can understand the importance that some characteristics of his personality have for Aquarians.

However, fire signs can also prove to be very good combinations for Aquarius because of their drive for movement. Among them, Sagittarius stands out as the best partner for Aquarians, but Aries can also be an interesting duo.

Below, more details regarding the best combinations for Aquarius in various areas of life will be commented on. So, if you want to know more about it, continue reading the article.

To socialize

For socializing, Aquarius tends to get along very well with Gemini. Both are signs that value intelligence and have good communication skills. In addition, they are always surrounded by people and really enjoy developing their socializing skills.

Together, the two can be the center of attention in any social situation. And even if they're alone in a bar, the conversations will still be intellectually stimulating so they forget about the rest of the world while talking about everything.

To sensualize

When talking about intimate moments, the best partner for Aquarius is Sagittarius. This is because both signs like innovation and always need to do things in a different way to feel that their life is not ordinary. Both Aquarians and Sagittarians hate routine.

Thus, sensuality is something that stays high between this duo and they have a very healthy sexual relationship for both parties.

To love

In love, the ideal match for Aquarius is Libra. This is because Librians can understand your need for freedom like no other sign, since they share it. In addition, they have the characteristics that Aquarians lack, such as a more refined sense of romanticism.

Libra's delicacy and willingness to build a long-term relationship will be very conducive to romance and can help put Aquarius more in touch with his own feelings.

To work

When it comes to work, Aquarius and Aries are excellent partners. Both are very career-focused and place great value on success in this area. Moreover, while Aquarians are very mental and like to think about innovation and the future, Aries live in the now and intensely. Therefore, they act much more than they think.

This way, the duo can successfully carry out their projects thanks to the impetus of the Aries. However, the Aquarian will undoubtedly be the one who thinks about the smallest details of the project.

Who is the best companion for the Aquarius native person?

Defining the best companion for Aquarius involves a number of factors, such as determining which area of life you are talking about. This sign is very versatile and can live in a peaceful way with all the natives of the zodiac, even with those who have no affinity.

This is due to their ability to communicate and their desire to make the world a better place. Aquarius believes in the collective and progress and sees dialogue as a way to achieve both. Therefore, they get along well with anyone as long as there is respect.

But when it comes to love, Aquarius finds in Libra their perfect match because Librians bring to the relationship the romanticism that Aquarians lack and still manage to understand their need for freedom.

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