Smell candle: burning, on the street, at home, what to do and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to smell like a candle?

It is a very common experience to smell things, and that cannot be explained with a quick glance around the room. Smelling something that is not physically present can be intriguing, but the reason why it happens is simple: aroma is used as a tool for spiritual communication.

When speaking of mediumship, the first thing that comes to mind is someone hearing or receiving spirits. However, these are not the only types of mediumship that exist. Another not so popular ability is the olfactory mediumship, in which the person possesses sensitivity to catch glimpses of the spiritual world through smell.

Therefore, these mediums may feel, suddenly and without physical explanation, aromas such as that of roses, of perfume from a deceased loved one or even of a candle that is not there.

Read this article and find out what it means to smell a candle under different conditions, places, what it means for spiritualism and what to do in that situation.

Candle Smell Conditions

The meaning of smelling a candle scent can vary according to certain conditions, such as where you smelled it, whether it was a public place or in your own home, or whether the candle smell resembled the scent of a candle that is still lit or one that is already out. Read on to discover the answer that each possiblity presents.

Smell the candle burning

When the smell resembles that of a candle that is lit, there is an attempt at spiritual communication, possibly a request for prayer on behalf of the disembodied person, who may or may not be an acquaintance of yours. However, you should not be alarmed, as this request is not urgent.

Before taking any action, concentrate and try to understand what kind of energy the smell inspires in you. If it is positive, say a prayer for the enlightenment of the spirit that asks for your help; if you feel a negative energy, make a purification and protection ritual for yourself.

Smell a candle going out

To feel an aroma similar to that of an extinguished candle shows that you have a higher degree of mediumship, because to perceive a subtlety like that is for few. And, if you have felt that smell specifically, the message received is more urgent.

The spirit who is contacting you because he is in great need of your attention or help. Therefore, you should act more quickly.

Smell the candle at home

If you have felt the smell inside your home, this is a sign of a spiritual presence in the environment. For many doctrines, spirits are always around us.

However, the smell of something that doesn't exist in the physical world is a communication made with the specific intent to get someone's attention, but one that in most cases is not evil, so there is no reason to fear it.

Smell the candle on the street

If you have smelled candlelight in a public place, there is no need to worry. If the aroma has bothered you or passed a negative energy, it is recommended that you avoid or reduce the frequency with which you go to the place. By doing this you will not experience this attempt at spiritual communication again.

Smell the candle according to Spiritism

For the spiritist doctrine, we are always accompanied by spirits, even if we cannot see or feel them. However, if a person smells candles when there are none in the environment, this means that there is an attempt of contact from the spirit world being made. Find out below what this contact can mean.

Mentors and spirit guides getting in touch

The communication through the smell of the candle may be coming from a mentor or spirit guide, who is trying to send you a message. They are trying to tell you that it is time to evolve on your spiritual path and work harder on it.

Your mentor is sending you a sign, an invitation for you to follow this path more intensively. Like the fire of the candle, you must purify yourself in order to grow and increase your spiritual awareness so that you can evolve and free yourself from the cycle of reincarnation.

Disembodied asking for prayer

Another possibility, and the most common of these, is that the sudden smell of candlelight is an attempt at communication by a disembodied person-in other words, a spirit of a deceased person, who may or may not be a person you have known.

In situations like this, the person may be asking you to say a prayer for their soul, that they may find light. Requests like this are common, as many disembodied people do not have a living loved one who can do this for them.

Negative energy signal

Smelling candlelight always indicates spiritual contact. Often, however, this may be unwanted contact. There is a possibility that the spirit creating this odor does not have good intentions.

To find out if this is the case, you should focus and notice what that smell makes you feel. Do you feel a good or bad energy? Is the smell unpleasant or sweet? If you feel peaceful, that's a good sign.

However, if you feel a nuisance, you should deal with this low-vibration spirit with a cleansing ritual for yourself and your environment.

What to do if you smell a candle

What you should do in case you smell a candle varies according to the sensation that the aroma gave you. Did you feel a threatening or suffering energy? The attitude to be taken next will change according to the answer.

You can make a prayer for the disincarnate, or seek a form of protection for yourself. Below are indications of what you should do in each of the situations.

Prayer for protection and help for you and the disembodied

If you have smelled the candle, do not be alarmed, as it does not mean a threat in most cases, but a request for help. Raise your thought to higher spiritual levels and make a sincere prayer, asking for spiritual help and illumination on the path of the disembodied who is there.

Then say a prayer for your own spiritual protection, so that evil spirits do not try to deceive or harm you.

Ritual of purification of the spirit and the home

If you want a more powerful and lasting option after smelling the candle, do a purification ritual for yourself and your home. You should gather 7 dried bay leaves and a small dish, in order to let them burn.

With a match or lighter, burn the tip of the leaf, but do not let the fire burn it completely. You must make it release the smoke slowly. This smoke should be spread in each room of your house, as it will act to purify it.

Do this with a positive mindset, because if you are afraid, the ritual will not have as much effect. Perform the ritual for 7 days in a row for a more consistent result.

Use crystals to purify the environment

Many people believe that crystals are just beautiful stones, but they are actually powerful sources of energy from nature. Their properties vary according to their color and composition.

For purifying an environment, the most recommended crystal is the clear quartz, because it is the most powerful of the crystals, it can clean the energies of the environment while also protecting it from negative energies.

Find a religious temple of your choice

If you have done the prayer, the ritual and used the crystals, but still continue feeling the smell of candle around you, the most indicated is that you look for a spiritual leader or temple that you trust, so he can help you in this situation.

Can smelling candle smell mean they did work for me?

To smell a candle does not mean that a work was done to hurt or harm you. It means, in fact, an attempt of communication from the spiritual world, besides showing that you have a sensitivity to perceive these subtle energies.

This communication is mostly positive, or at least does not offer any risk, as it brings a message from your spiritual guide for you to deepen your studies in spirituality, whatever your religious path. It may also be a message from a lost spirit who is asking for help to follow his journey in the spiritual world.

In either possibility, what you need to do is to elevate your thoughts and ask for enlightenment and protection for yourself and the spirit asking for help. This will be enough to make the candle smell not arise again.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.