Spiritual benefits of cats: cleansing, protection, attraction and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the spiritual benefits of cats?

Cats are animals that have become increasingly popular. Because they are extremely sensitive, they can make an accurate reading about the energies of people, places and even the weather. Therefore, they are excellent animals for protection, since they can sense danger even before it shows itself.

Besides this benefit, cats are like a kind of energy sponge and absorb all the negativity they pass through, neutralizing it. Other benefits of cats are energy cleansing and attraction, since they bring abundance and prosperity to the environment in which they live.

This article is about the spiritual benefits of cats, showing you how and why they can help you. Since the colors of their fur are related to specific purposes, we also present the spiritual benefits of their different coats, for you to discover the magic of your pet. Check it out.

Spiritual benefits of cats

There are many spiritual benefits of cats. If you have a pet cat, you've probably noticed how they absorb energies, ward off spirits or even can feel or "catch in the air" someone's vibrations. Understand more about the benefits of these four-legged companions below.

Absorb and neutralize negative energy

Cats are famous for the way they perceive energy. Through their keen perception, they are able to pick up even the subtlest negative energy. After perceiving low-vibration energy charges, cats act to neutralize them, serving as a kind of energy filter.

This powerful spiritual property of cats is not only restricted to the environments they frequent: they also have an influence on the lives of the people and animals they live with. That is why they are considered one of the most powerful spiritual protectors.

Energetic cleaning and protection

Due to their extrasensory perception, it is very common for cats to stay in one place for a long time. When your pussycat is feeling blockages, energetic leaks or even a very intense negative charge, he will only rest when he reverses this energetic tension and brings more protection to your home.

If you have a cat at home and suddenly he appears and lies on your lap or, more often, on your belly, do not remove him: he is trying to do his energetic cleansing to ensure more protection for you. Therefore, thank your kitty and treat him with more affection and affection, because he is taking care of you.

It wards off unwelcome spirits

Cats are animals linked to the passage between life and death in many cultures of the world, such as the Egyptian culture. For this reason, cats can transit between the world of the living and access what is happening in the world of the dead. Have you ever been with your cat and he stares at "nothing"?

This is a sign that he has come into contact with a spirit or entity. When the cat realizes that the spirits are of low vibration, he does not measure forces to banish them from his home, like a true protective sentinel of his home.

Attraction prosperity and abundance

The cat is also a symbol of prosperity and abundance in many cultures. In Japan, for example, it is very common to find in homes a small representation of the maneki-neko, popularly known as lucky cat, responsible for bringing luck and money to the home.

Cats have this powerful energy of aligning your home and its residents with the energy of prosperity. Therefore, besides being excellent companions, they are like living prosperity magnets.

Protection while the person sleeps

Cats help protect people who are sleeping. Thus, they are not animals of nocturnal habits by chance, acting as the true guardians of the places they inhabit.

Besides being excellent hunters and possessing a keen night vision, cats will protect you from attacks by small animals and especially astral or disembodied beings that may hinder your dream.

While you sleep, they will be active, ready to hunt down negative entities and ward off nightmares, ensuring a more comforting sleep for the people who rest under their watch.

Perceive presence of negativity

Cats are like antennae that receive energies, so they can easily perceive the presence of negativity and denser energies around the environment in which he is. This perception, however, is not restricted only to places, because cats also read the energies of people very easily.

If some person has entered your home and your cat has started acting strange, shown fear or suddenly become angry, it is a sign that you need to pay attention to this person. Either he is someone who hides his true intentions from you or he is being the victim of some spiritual attack that only your cat could perceive.

Spiritual benefits by type of cat

Cats come in different colors, breeds and sizes. The color of their fur has a special meaning, so we present the benefits of 10 different types of coats, so you can understand how your cat can help you on your journey in life. Check them out.

Black cat

The black cat is undoubtedly the most wronged cat of all. Although it is commonly associated with witchcraft and negative energies, which leads many people to mistreat the poor animal, it is a powerful ally for anyone looking for a companion that can offer protection.

Their black fur serves as a sponge for negativity that is easily filtered and neutralized. In addition, the black cat possesses magical powers, as they are extremely sensitive animals. Therefore, they are commonly adopted by people who wish to develop their psychic abilities or enhance their development.

The protective power of the black cat is amazing and arguably exceeds the power of any other cat.

Cat orange/grey

The orange/grey cat represents happiness. It stimulates our spirit of leadership and gets our journey towards success started. It is a symbol of new beginnings and provokes positive changes, bringing high vibration energies wherever it goes.

Orange cats are commonly the pets of people connected to the environment, as they have the power to change the world for the better. Moreover, they are connected to the masculine energy, known as Yang in Taoism and are ruled by the Sun. As a consequence, they call money, making your life more prosperous and abundant.

Blue/grey cat

The blue cat or grey cat helps in the transition from difficult moments. It has a strong lunar energy that brings serenity and clarifications about our spiritual problems, presenting solutions to overcome them.

In addition, they are connected to the energy of peace, inspiring more love, luck and happiness. Gray cats also have a strong sensual energy and therefore work with personal development and the search for your soulmate.

White cat

The white cat is a symbol of luck. Unlike other cats, the white cat draws its energies from the spirit world to benefit those with whom it lives. Because of its connection to higher planes, white cats are believed to be spirit guides materialized in the form of a cat.

If a white cat appears on your doorstep, welcome it, for it is a sign from the divine. The white cat's spiritual energy makes it attractive to people with enhanced mediumship. In addition, it is associated with the moon and its phases, having within itself an intense power of healing.

Finally, white cats, besides being adorable, are donors of positive energies, also bringing balance to everyone who comes into contact with him.

Siamese Cat

The Siamese cat is linked to the energy of success. They attract prosperity, good luck and even awaken in you the power of popularity, being ideal for those who aspire to fame and brilliance. They have solar energy, but the moon energy is also perceived in these cats, but in less intensity.

The association of the Siamese cat with the energy of prosperity has a long road and it is commonly called the cat of happiness, cat of kings, cat of money and even cat of miracles. Consequently, these cats are linked to a life full of happiness and luck. They also symbolize the power and wisdom essential to exercise leadership.

Golden cat

Golden cats are quite rare. They are symbols of wisdom and therefore bring insight to overcome problems and realize what is hidden behind good intentions.

They are friendly and serene by nature and are associated with mental clarity and prosperity. Their color is associated with the sun and the sign of Leo. An example of this powerful cat is the Abyssinian, originally from Ethiopia.

Tricolour Cat

Tricolored cats bring good luck into your life from the moment they cross your path. They are believed to represent the energy of the Goddess, the feminine polarity of divinity, in her aspects of maiden, mother and elder, present in every color of their fur.

They are excellent protectors and fight evil, also bringing self-confidence and the ability to easily adapt to life situations. In addition, they easily reflect the personality of the person they most admire.

Cat with two colors

Two-colored cats are the symbol of unity. They stimulate friendship, making people understand each other better and better. In addition, they stimulate the energy of protection and also bring symbolism according to the combination of colors.

For example, a cat with white and black fur has the characteristics of both white cats and black cats at the same time. The most prominent colour is therefore the key colour for understanding the energy of these cats.

Turtle cat

The tortoiseshell cat, also known as scales or even smoke, is the representation of a guardian spirit. These cats are excellent energy protectors and bring good luck, prosperity and happiness to all those they love.

It is believed that the tortoiseshell cat sees with his eyes, heart and intuition and therefore they can determine very well the character of people and the energetic and climatic changes in the environments. In addition, it is associated with the ability to see the future.

Striped Cat

The striped cat is a symbol of good luck. It is also linked to optimism, prosperity and positive energies. Its sweet energy brings lightness so that you can overcome the obstacles in your life with your head held high. It is very popular and is also linked to purity and nobility.

What is the great power of cats?

Cats are connected to many energies, but their greatest power is undoubtedly protection. Their extrasensory perception makes them an excellent pet that will signal any negative energy that comes into contact with you.

In addition, cats are extremely independent beings and, above all, companions, so although they have many spiritual benefits, undoubtedly the greatest benefit of a cat is their companionship and unique personality.

Because they are sentient beings, they need love, affection and care. And as independent as cats are, they will need your attention to live well, like a member of your family.

Therefore, when you decide to adopt an animal to benefit from its energies, remember to do so with great responsibility. Animals should not be treated as objects or used for selfish purposes. Love them and take care of them, so you both will only gain.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.