Spiritual meaning of Déjà Vu: premonition, past lives and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the spiritual significance of Déjà Vu?

You don't need to do a huge research to know that the vast majority of people have already had the experience of having a Déjà Vu. Every human being goes through it sometime, even if he or she doesn't believe in these things.

The difference is that many people and many religions see Déjà Vu in different ways, but that doesn't mean there is a right or wrong definition of it. Regarding the spiritual meaning of Déjà Vu, it is believed to be past-life rescue.

Since for spiritualists we are incarnate beings seeking evolution, Déjà Vu is a way of bringing back memories from other lives. This can occur as a memory, smell or sensations. However, knowing that Déjà Vu is an incognito for many people, we decided to talk a little more about this faculty and explain more about it.

Read on to learn more.

Most common medical theories for Déjà Vu

It is known that medicine and religion walk on two-way streets, that is, they are not always side by side or following one another. Usually, science seeks to prove certain facts and non-facts in order to give a concrete explanation for each phenomenon. With Déjá Vu it is no different.

Déjà Vu is a very common and talked about phenomenon among many people. This is because no one knows for sure what this paranormal faculty is all about. Knowing this, we at Astral Dream decided to share the main theories related to Déjà Vu.

Get to know each one of them below!

Accidental triggering of the brain

The accidental brain trigger theory is explained as follows:

1) The brain can search through all your memories for scenes that are at least similar to those you have experienced.

2) When he notices that the memory is similar, he warns that the situation is similar.

However, if this process of retrieving memories goes wrong, the brain will warn you that it is a similar situation to one you have experienced, but in reality it is not.

Memory malfunction

Some researchers claim that this is one of the oldest theories. The brain bypasses short-term memories and is consequently able to reach old memories. In this way, it confuses them, making you believe that recent memories, which are being created in the present moment, are old memories, which creates the impression that you have already experienced that situationbefore.

Double processing

The double sense theory is linked to the way the senses reach the brain. Normally, the temporal lobe of the left brain, isolates and analyzes the information that is captured and then transfers it to the right hemisphere. However, the information returns again to the left.

When the second shift to the left brain happens, the brain has a harder time processing and ends up confusing it with past memories.

Wrong source memories

The human brain stores vivid experiences from various sources, such as our daily life, the series we watch or the books we read in other lives. Thus, this theory understands that when déjà vu occurs, in reality the brain is identifying a situation similar to something we have already done. This ends up confusing it with something that actually happened in real life.

Types of Déjà Vu

The word Déjà Vu is translated from French as "already seen". However, what many people do not know is that there are other types of Déjà Vus that we are used to. It is common for people to have different experiences and not understand what they mean.

So, thinking about it and wanting to clear up all doubts, we decided to explain what each one means and what they have differently. Thus, you understand the subject better and can know which ones you've had or have during your life.

Check it out below:

Déjà vu vécu

Déjà vu vécu is the most intense and persistent of the others. Many believe that because of this, it has a longer duration than the others. Déjà vu vécu is considered different from a simple déjà vu because the sensation and feelings usually appear in detail.

Déjà vu I felt

In relation to Déjà vu senti, it has a similar feeling to Déjà vu vécu, however, what differs them is the mind and the speed that the feelings happen. Déjà vu senti is extremely mental and has rapid aspects, which explains why it rarely remains in the memory afterwards. Soon after the occurrence, it is common for the person to no longer remember.

Déjà vu disité

Déjà vu disté is a little more common than the others. This is because everyone has had the feeling of knowing a place without ever having set foot in it, and that is what this déjà vu is about. Usually it is related to a new place, the person knows absolutely everything about the place and no one needs to tell them anything about it, because they already know.


The Never-ending is a little less common than the others and very few people are aware that it exists. In this sense, it is related to fear and insecurity. When a person goes through a situation, although they feel fear and apprehension, they know that they have experienced the same situation before.

Spiritual meaning of Déjà Vu

Now that you already understand a little more about Déjà Vu, what it is, what the types are and what science thinks about it, it is only fair that you go deeper into this subject and understand exactly what spirituality thinks about this phenomenon. Let's get to know it, then come with me!

Remembrance of past lives

Spiritualists usually believe that all experiences lived in other lives are recorded in our subconscious. This is because, if our past memory were erased, we could not learn and much less evolve. When you are in a normal situation, for example, these memories do not return to our conscious, because, for this to happen, a stimulus is needed.

According to the Spiritist Doctrine of Allan Kardec, we come back to Earth several times, we go through some experiences that, from time to time, can be accessed. So it is with Déjà Vu. If you believe you already knew a person who has just been introduced to you, it is likely that you really know him/her.

This also happens with places. If you think you know a place without ever having been there before, or you know some object without ever having had it, there are great chances that you are right. Déjà vus, in the spiritualist doctrine, are related to experiences lived in other lives.

Déjà Vu according to the Law of Attunement

You may not know this one, but usually when we come across someone and "don't like them", this sign of dislike without an apparent reason is also related to Déjà Vu. It is believed that some paranormals, when they make first contact with some people, receive a great energetic impact.

This impact, in turn, is able to echo in spiritual archives, which brings up the memories of the past quite clearly. It is at this time that people realize that this, in fact, is not the first contact. During this implication, all the sensations of other lives are relived and explored.


According to some specialists in parapsychology, every human being can predict the future. However, the process is slow and time consuming, and in some cases it is not successful. Those who assure that they have control over this paranormal phenomenon, are usually those who are born with the gift already developed.

Generally, this is where Déjà Vu fits in. For some reason, it manifests in these people - with the gift already developed - who have their souls and knowledge advanced in time.

Unfolding of the spirit

Some theories usually say that Déjà Vus are related to dreams and to the unfolding of the spirit. In the case of unfolding, it is believed that the spirit has experienced such moments free from the body and this caused memories of past incarnations, which led to the memory in the current incarnation.

When spirituality meets parapsychology, the new theories come to consider that sleep is the liberation of the soul before physical laws. Therefore, things like time, for example, would not be the way it is while we are awake.

According to the books of Parapsychology, the Soul goes through many experiences while we are sleeping. This means that during the 8 hours of sleep, time is not the same as in the natural way, as it can be equivalent to years.

The Spirit is able to move back and forth through time. When you finally awaken, there is so much information that it is hard for the brain to assimilate. Therefore, the brain will interpret the facts in the way that it feels suits the functioning of the organism.

Therefore, your first reaction is through Déjà Vu - when you are awake - or through dreams, which place you in a place, time and/or moment after the one you have already experienced.

Distortion of the notion of time

Parapsychology usually says that the mind is an aspect that is independent of the brain. During sleep, our consciousness is free and when we are awake, it is also able to expand. In this way, when this happens, you disconnect from the notion of real time and transport yourself to an optative time - in this case, you go to the future and immediately return to the past, bringing with it information.

When you realize that you are in that situation, you realize that you have already experienced that (even if it all seems very confusing). It is fair - if not necessary - to point out that many theories are based on different perspectives and claim that the way time works is not linear.

What to do after a Déjà Vu

Regardless of your religion or skepticism, it is important to be aware when these sensations appear. Usually, they happen with the intention of giving you the opportunity to know yourself and reconcile with your neighbor.

In this way, it is necessary that you try to interpret it. Breathe, inspire and in some moments try to meditate in order to obtain wisdom to understand the messages that are brought by Déjà Vu.

Déjà Vu for science

Science, as well as Spirituality, has not yet reached an absolute truth about Déjà Vu. Among all the speculations, the phenomenon is still explained through memory and the communication failure between the healthy mind and the unconscious. To learn more about the subject in the eyes of science continue reading this article!

Object and layout memory

Some scientists believe that human beings have two memories: one for objects and the other for how these objects are used to. According to them, the first memory works very well, while the other can fail at times.

This is why, when we enter a place and see some object arranged in some way similar to what we have seen and are used to, it is common that we have the impression that we are in a familiar place.

Delay from unconscious to conscious

Another explanation found by science is the delay from the unconscious to the conscious. That is, the connection of Déjà Vu with the synchrony or communication between the conscious and the unconscious of the person. When a short circuit occurs in the brain, the individual experiences a communication failure.

This expresses that it takes time for information to leave the unconscious to reach the conscious, which causes one to have the sensation that a situation has already happened.

Akira O'Connor's theory

Akirra O'Connor's theory overturns both explanations exposed by science. This is because the main author of Akira believes that the frontal lobe of our brain works as a form of antivirus. In other words, it is capable of cleaning our memories and even check if there is any inconsistency.

This is done in order to avoid the accumulation of a "corrupt file".

What's the truth about déjà vu?

It is not known for certain what the absolute truth about Déjà Vu is, what it is and why it manifests itself. So it is up to you to decide what you will believe: science, medicine or spirituality. What we do know is that Déjà Vu is a phenomenon and normally phenomena are not explained, they just happen naturally.

While some believe that déjà vu is in fact a rescue of past memories, others believe it is a conscious alarm of a discrepancy being corrected. Although they change the nomenclature, déjá vu will continue to exist and happen, until someone actually proves what it is.

While this is not happening, it is fair to point out that opinions and beliefs should always be respected. That is, regardless of what you believe, whether you are atheist or Christian, whether you believe in science or not, respect the opinion of others. There is no right or wrong in relation to this college a(normal).

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.