Stone Fumê Quartz: origin, properties, price, how to use and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the properties of the Smoky Quartz stone?

The Smoky Quartz is a translucent quartz with shades that belong to the brownish gray range. The transparency of this stone is variable, and can be from a light brown tone to an opaque dark, close to black.

The spiritual meanings of this quartz focus on the achievement of goals, especially those that involve inner transformation. Precisely because of this, it also concerns emotional balance and liberation from negative mental patterns.

The use of this stone brings a sense of realism that breaks through illusions, offering understanding and maturity to deal with crises and conflicts. For meditations, the Smoky Quartz contributes by breaking through obscurity.

Related to the umbilical chakra, it is considered one of the most powerful crystals for energy cleansing. In this article, you will see everything about the energy and meaning of the Smoky Quartz. Check it out!

Information about the Fumê Quartz stone

Next, we will know some valuable information about the Smoky Quartz, approaching its physical and spiritual characteristics, but also its uses and applications, as well as curiosities about this special quartz. Follow!

What is Fumed Quartz?

Smoky Quartz is a variety of translucent quartz and found in gradations of browns. Among the crystals of the quartz family, this is one of the most powerful in relation to spiritual and energetic properties.

It is considered a quartz with great healing capacity, especially with regard to psychic and spiritual problems. It is the ideal quartz for those who are aware that they need to put their feet on the ground.

Therefore, it helps attract inner strength, focus and energies surrounding transformations. Therefore, it is a stone of realization, which also has the potential to neutralize negative vibrations and drive higher vibrational patterns.

Origin and history

The Smoky Quartz stone originates from exposure to natural radiation. It was a crystal considered of great value and nobility in Antiquity, by various cultures, such as the Sumerian and Greco-Roman, but also by shamanistic cultures in other parts of the world.

The Sumerians engraved cylindrical seals on this crystal species, and some Egyptian artifacts also used smoky quartz in the making, such as necklace beads, inlays in various jewelry and small statuettes.

In Ancient Rome, the Smoky Quartz was related to mourning rituals. In China, it was used in the production of bottles and even sunglasses. Many ancient people believed that the color of this quartz was generated by the presence of smoke inside.


Being a very common type of natural formation and the second most abundant mineral on the planet, the crystals known as quartz are found in various parts of the world, and its extraction dates back to ancient times.

Quartz has been present especially in the production of jewelry in various cultures, being known since Sumeria. Brazil is currently the country that most extracts this stone, but it is also produced in other countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Scotland and Madagascar.

After being extracted from rocks, the raw quartz goes through a process known as gamma radiation, which precedes the cutting of the crystal.


A gem of Smoky Quartz, or smoky, has its own characteristics of the silicon dioxide crystals known as Quartz. It presents distinctions as to its color and degree of transparency.

In Mohs' scale, the degree of hardness of this gemstone is 7, and its brightness is classified as vitreous. The Smoky Quartz is distinguished by a variety in visual terms, it can be translucent and with almost complete transparency, until approaching the appearance of a black or brown crystal and presenting greater opacity.

The smoky visual quality of Smoky Quartz comes from the presence of free silicon, formed from natural irradiation.


There is a significant difference between the value of a raw stone and its manufactured version, that is, after it has undergone some processes in order to be marketed. Once extracted from rocks, Quartz does not have a high value.

Its final value can cost up to 300% more than at the time of extraction, after the processes known as gamma radiation and lapidation. Gamma radiation is a process that basically gives the stone a more crystalline quality, making it more attractive. This considerably influences the final value, along with the craftsmanship involved in lapidation.


There are varieties of Smoky Quartz. The Morion type got its name from a text by Pliny the Elder, who, in Ancient Rome, catalogued a series of minerals in use at the time. This is a variety of brownish hue and opaque quality, found in very dark versions and approaching black. This type of Smoky Quartz is common in Poland, Germany, Denmark and Spain.

In Scotland, the Cairngorm variety is extracted, abundant in the mountains of the same name. This version has a yellowish-brown color. In Brazil, we have the variety called Alligator Quartz, which is rarer and has this name because of its scaly formation.

Meaning and energy

The Smoky Quartz has its meaning based on construction and stability. This crystal promotes liberation, that is, deep cleaning in the energetic channels.

Its power focuses on repelling dense energies and attracting positivity to the environment or the one using it. It has the potential to heal old emotional wounds and provide a spiritual connection to the Earth.

This makes people connected to it feel more secure, lucid and emotionally balanced. It is considered an effective crystal to strengthen the links with the spiritual and also with nature and its subtle energies.

Characteristics of the Fumê Quartz stone

Everyone can benefit from the energies of Smoky Quartz, but those born under the signs of Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Sagittarius will find a very deep connection with this stone, receiving its emanations and being influenced by it in a genuine way.

The energies of the Earth element, to which this crystal belongs, are abundant in the Smoky Quartz. They make it act in the basic chakra, located in the coccyx, but its energetic flow is also connected to the heart chakra and the navel chakra. As for the planetary energies, the Smoky Quartz is associated to the planets Pluto and Saturn.

Chemical and physical properties

As all quartz, the Smoky Quartz is considered a chemical compound practically pure, of constant properties and thermally stable. Despite this, there are impurities of elements such as lithium, sodium, potassium and aluminum present, which brings variations to the physical properties of this crystal, such as its diverse range of colors and degrees of transparency and opacity.

It is classified as a stone of hardness 7 in Mohs Scale, being characterized by massive forms, with compact, fibrous, granular or cryptocrystalline aspect. Its brightness is variable, going from translucent to matte. In the case of Smoky Quartz, its dark color and smoky pattern comes from the exposure to radioactive substances.

Uses and applications

In ancient times, it was common for Smoky Quartz to be extracted for the manufacture of jewelry and other items of daily use, such as jars and statuettes. Its ornamental use and in the jewelry industry is still very popular.

Today, however, this crystal is applied in many other manufactures, especially in the production of optical and electronic devices, such as computers. The production of fiber optics also uses quartz, due to its almost absolute transparency and high degree of purity.

Being an abrasive, hard and shiny material, it is also a component of enamels and soaps. In addition, it is used as a raw material in construction, such as in the manufacture of glass.

Curiosities about Brown Quartz

There are several curiosities about the Smoky Quartz crystal, also known as Brown Quartz. Considered a very positive and powerful emanation stone, it was used by the Arabs as a friendship stone.

In this context, there are reports that it could change color according to the owner's energies. It was also attributed the meaning of fecundity, since this is a stone of connection with the Earth.

In Scotland, it is traditionally used as decoration in kilts, while the original people of Australia use Brown Quartz in rituals to conjure rain. Another curious use of this quartz is in graduation rings, being popular especially in Human Sciences courses.

Benefits of the Smoky Quartz stone

Next, we will learn about the benefits of the Smoky Quartz stone. We will get to know its effects on the spiritual, emotional and physical body. Check it out!

Effects on the spiritual body

The Smoky Quartz is a stone of special power for the most profound spiritual transformations. Its energies bring resolution, confidence and, above all, awareness.

This makes the Smoky Quartz an excellent amulet for those seeking greater connection with their own spirituality. The effects of this stone on the spiritual body are greater focus and determination, as well as joy and good will to accomplish even the most difficult tasks.

In addition, it dissipates negative energy, protecting the energy field from lower vibrations. The presence of Smoky Quartz provides a lucidity focused on the practice of good and the search for knowledge.

Effects on the emotional body

The highly positive emanations of Smoky Quartz benefit the emotional body. This stone releases energies of aliveness, clarity, inner strength and empathy, which makes it a powerful ally in emotional healing processes.

For those who suffer from depression and anxiety, the presence of Smoky Quartz aids in the symptoms, bringing a sense of calm and contributing to a deep understanding of our crises and deep-rooted issues.

In addition, the Smoky Quartz improves communication skills, in other words, attracts understanding and eloquence, stimulating dialogue and intuition. People who have low self-esteem feel instigated to practice self-care and personal appreciation.

Effects on the physical body

Smoky Quartz provides remarkable benefits for the physical body. Its effects are of the order of neutralizing energies, and Smoky Quartz has the power to balance the Yin and Yang energy flows within the body.

This is a particularly effective stone for bringing relief and stimulating healing from diseases of the abdomen, kidneys, pancreas, hips and legs. Its deep relationship with the Earth is manifested in the positive effects it has on the reproductive system.

The heart is another organ that receives the healing vibrations of Smoky Quartz. Likewise, the stone stimulates the assimilation of minerals.

How to use the Smoky Quartz stone

Next, we will learn about the main uses of Smoky Quartz, ranging from decoration to its function in meditation. To know to whom this stone is indicated and stay on top of other recommendations for use, follow along!

To whom is the Smoky Quartz stone indicated?

The Smoky Quartz stone is indicated for any people who feel compelled to spiritual improvement or who seek relief from emotional or physical symptoms. Those born under the signs of Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Sagittarius are naturally attracted to this stone, benefiting from its properties in an intense way.

The Smoky Quartz is a crystal very appreciated by mystics, being widely used with the purpose of energetic cleansing. Thus, its healing power is described as potent.

Also, for relief from any types of pain, you can position the Smoky Quartz over the organ in question while mentally connecting with its healing energies.

Top stones and crystals to use together

Combining Smoky Quartz with other stones is an excellent alternative, since using them together enhances their effects. Onyx, Hematite and Emerald are especially energetic when combined with Smoky Quartz.

Among the effects of emerald, the restoration of emotional balance is boosted by the sense of clarity and belonging provided by Smoky Quartz. Similarly, Onyx and Hematite are stones that work the communication field and bring self-confidence.

Among the crystals, White Selenite is the ideal option, since this stone is an excellent energy amplifier, besides serving to clean and activate other stones.

How to use the Smoky Quartz stone for meditation

Crystals are especially effective when used during meditation. Their presence has the power to induce a state of relaxation and provide greater connection with your own inner universe, as well as promoting the energetic purification of the environment.

When practicing meditation, just hold the stone and mentalize what you want, not forgetting to visualize good fluids and pay attention to breathing. In order to enhance the action of Smoky Quartz, place it on a chakra that you need to work, preferring those that have vital connection with the stone, such as the navel or heart chakra.

How to use the Smoky Quartz stone as decoration of environments

Because they charge and diffuse energy, crystals are great items to keep in the home or work environment. Their use in decorating environments is both aesthetic and harmonizing.

The presence of Smoky Quartz, like other crystals, improves the Chi (vital energy). However Feng Shui does not recommend the use of many crystals in an environment, suggesting the use of up to three pieces.

Smoky Quartz can be arranged on a work desk to bring determination and keep the space free of heavy energies. In the bedroom, it helps to balance the emotional and inspire dreams.

How to use the Smoky Quartz stone as a personal accessory

There are several interesting possibilities to use the Smoky Quartz as a personal accessory. You can opt for a pendant encrusted with this stone and wear it on a long cord.

Thus, it will be close to the heart, one of the chakras benefited by the energy of the Smoky Quartz. This use as a personal ornament extends to other jewelry, such as rings and earrings. If you prefer, you can keep it inside the bag, as a patuá.

In this case, protect the crystal with a fabric of natural origin, such as cotton. Crystals diffuse and amplify personal energy, so when carrying a crystal, remember to activate it through positive thoughts and intentions.

How to care for your Smoky Quartz stone

Next, we will learn about how to take care of the Smoky Quartz stone, learning how to clean and energize it. We will also find information about price and where to buy this stone. In addition, we will find out how to identify if the crystal is real. Follow along!

Cleaning and Energizing the Smoky Quartz Crystal

The cleaning and energizing of crystals ensure the functioning of the stone, preventing the stagnation of energies. To clean your Smoky Quartz, use a toothbrush. It is useful for removing dust, stains and other debris that can accumulate on the crystal.

This removal can be done dry, in case of dust, or by moistening the brush in white vinegar. Vinegar, by the way, is a great option to deeply energize the stone. Soak it occasionally in vinegar, for 8 to 12 hours.

After that, simply rinse with warm water. Placing a White Selenite or Amethyst on the Quartz is also a way to activate it, as well as leaving it regularly exposed to the full moon.

Price and where to buy Smoky Quartz stone

The value of the rough stone, i.e. as extracted from nature, is considerably less than the price of a stone that has undergone purification and polishing processes.

When inlaid in jewelry, prices vary, depending on the size of the piece, as well as the quality of work involved, among other factors. Who choose to buy the gem of Fumed Quartz cut, but not inlaid in jewelry, is faced with varied prices.

These are based on the size of the stone, but also on visual aspects, such as transparency, texture and color. Currently, gems ranging from $ 20.00 to 100.00 are found in mystical items stores and in the decoration trade in general, including online.

How to know if the Smoky Quartz stone is real?

The commercialization of Smoky Quartz can be controversial. This is because there are suppliers who create artificial versions of this crystal, using gems of clear Quartz.

These gems are exposed to X-ray radiation, which causes the crystal surface to acquire brown stains and textures that resemble the legitimate Smoky Quartz. There are also counterfeits involving synthetic pieces.

In these cases, the artificial piece is too smooth, not presenting the natural imperfections of the crystals. See online images of the authentic Smoky Quartz and observe if the crystal you are going to buy has an artificial appearance. Besides, the temperature of the real crystal is lower than the human body's. So, give preference to regulated suppliers.

The Smoky Quartz stone represents protection and energetic purification!

Crystals are powerful minerals when it comes to the emanation of energy. Arranged in environments or used as amulets, they help in the vibrational and fluidic balance of the body and spirit.

The Smoky Quartz is a stone that represents protection to its wearer, for being a variety of crystal very powerful to dissipate dense and negative energies, as well as to attract focus and determination, increasing the inner strength and leading to transformations of spiritual order.

Besides promoting energetic purification, the Smoky Quartz pushes the mind to states of joy and satisfaction, being an excellent activator of personal magnetism. Therefore, it is a great stone to have around!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.