Sympathy for weight loss: with lemon, rice, garlic, urgent and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is a sympathy for weight loss?

The sympathy for weight loss consists of a work full of energy done to help you in your goal of losing weight. It is as if it served as a kind of potentiator, for you to lose those unwanted pounds on the scale.

However, it is worth mentioning that a sympathy does not make a miracle. That is, it will be useless for you to do the sympathies the way you will learn during this article, if you do not do your part, and continue eating wrongly, or not exercising.

With the end of the year coming and summer approaching, it is natural that many people start to bother with those fats, and then decide to run after the "damage". These spells do not offer any harm, so you can do without any problem. But remember again to do your part. Check out the following best spells to lose weight.

Sympathies for those who wish to lose weight fast, successfully and others

Many people want to lose weight, but not all are willing to go through the process, and wait the necessary time for this to happen. So, if you are one of these immediatists can check out some sympathies to lose weight quickly

From 3-day weight loss spells to gypsy spells and even Chico Xavier's weight loss spells.

Sympathy for weight loss

To perform this sympathy you need only a piece of string that has never been used before. Also, be very careful, because it must be done on a waning moon day.

To begin, tie the piece of string around your waist and tie a firm knot. While doing so, say the following words: "Because this virgin string, it will thin my waist and my belly will disappear.

Put your clothes back on without removing the string. You'll need to keep using the string until it breaks on its own. When the string finally breaks, you'll need to throw it into running water, such as a river or even your household flush.

Sympathy for weight loss with success

This is another sympathy that will need to be done on a waning moon day. When the day in question comes, light a 7-day candle. Have lunch as usual and leave some of your food in a saucer, offering it to your guardian angel. After 1 hour, throw the food in the trash.

You will need to do this for the 7 days that the candle is burning. Once it has finished burning, wrap its remains in blue paper and throw it in a trash can outside your home. When you leave the place, do not look back.

Sympathy to lose weight fast

To perform this charm you will need a garlic, a glass of water, a saucer and a vase with flower. Cut the garlic clove in half and place both halves inside the glass of water. Cover it with the saucer and let it take serene for a night.

The next morning, as soon as you wake up, pour the water from the cup into the sink, and bury the two parts of garlic in a vase with flower. This ritual should be repeated for 7 days.

Sympathy to lose weight in 3 days

For the following sympathy you will need 1 glass of cachaça (any kind you prefer), 1 photo of yourself with your whole body, 1 white plate, 1 red candle and 1 pair of scissors. Position the plate in front of you, and take the photo and the scissors while saying the following words:

"Maria Padilla, queen of all beauty, of the perfect body and of seduction, I ask you to help me in my efforts to lose weight. So that I can get this image forgotten and make a new and improved one begin to appear."

After saying this, cut the photo in half and drop it inside the plate. While doing this, mentalize the body you desire. Slowly pour the cachaça over your cut photo inside the plate. Again, mentalize your dream body while doing this. Finally, light the red candle in a safe place and let it burn until the end.

Sympathy to lose weight very fast

This is another sympathy that needs to be done in waning moon. In addition, you need 7 jilots and 3 liters of water. To start it, wait for the first waning moon of the month. When the day in question comes, cut the 7 jilots in the form of a cross.

After that, put the water on the fire and wait for it to boil. Add the jilots and wait for 15 minutes. Then, with the fire off, wait for the water to cool down and take it to the fridge. During the entire period of waning moon, drink half a glass of the mixture before lunch, and half a glass before dinner.

Sympathy for quick and easy weight loss

This sympathy is very simple, and you will need only almond oil and sugar. Mix the almond oil and sugar in an amount that is enough to fill a disposable cup.

Try to relax, and mentalize your desire to lose a few pounds quickly. Next, take the mixture and massage it slowly into your belly, and the area where the fat bothers you the most. Finally, pray to your guardian angel, asking for his help in your weight loss process.

Gypsy sympathy for quick weight loss

According to experts, gypsy sympathies tend to be very powerful. To perform it will need 12 bay leaves, 1 liter of water and 2 spoons of honey. First, boil the water and add the bay leaves.

Mix the honey in the water with the bay leaves and stir well. After taking your normal bath, pour the mixture from your neck down. While doing so, thank the gypsies for their help in your weight loss process. This sympathy should be done at night. Do not forget to take another normal bath before going to sleep.

Chico Xavier's Sympathy for weight loss

This sympathy should be started on a Wednesday night. Fill half a glass of water, and in it put the number of grains of rice, corresponding to the amount of kilos you want to lose. It is also important that you do not put an amount more than you really need.

Before going to sleep, you will need to drink the water, but keep the rice grains intact. After that, fill the glass with water again, and go to sleep. The next day, when you wake up, drink the water again and this time fasting. Keep the rice at the bottom of the glass, and fill the glass with water again.

On Friday, when you wake up, drink the water again, but this time with rice. To finish, you should write this sympathy on a piece of paper, and give it to a number of people corresponding to the amount of pounds you want to lose.

Powerful sympathy to lose weight fast

To perform this sympathy will require some important materials, such as, 1 lemon, 1 piece of paper, 1 piece of white tape and 1 jar that can be taken to the freezer.

First, squeeze the lemon into the jar. Next, write on the paper your desire to lose weight. After that, roll the paper into a straw shape, and pass the white ribbon around. Finally, place the paper inside the jar, take it to the freezer and leave it there for 7 days.

Quick and urgent sympathy for weight loss

The following sympathy is extremely simple and will not give you any trouble. To perform it you need only 1 rose. To start, take the rose and leave it in a place where you can dry it. After it is already dry, remove its petals and keep them in your purse or pants pocket.

For every pound you lose, you should throw away one petal. Do this process until you lose the amount of pounds you want.

Infallible sympathy for weight loss

This sympathy is considered very good by experts, because, besides helping you lose weight, it still has the power to clean your whole body of negative energies. So, let's go. To perform it you will need 3 large glasses full of water, in which you will put 3 tablespoons of coarse salt.

Also, put in the cup the amount of rice grains, corresponding to the number of pounds you want to lose. Before taking your bath, pour this mixture on you, mentalizing the amount of pounds you want to lose. After that, take your normal bath.

Sympathy for weight loss that use specific materials

The world of sympathies to lose weight is immense, so there are several that use more specific elements, as a way to enhance the energies contained in it.

So, see below sympathies with sugar, beans, garlic, ribbons of different colors, among others. Choose your favorite and go ahead.

Sympathy to lose weight with sugar

To perform it, first you need to write on a piece of paper how many pounds you want to lose. After that, take amounts of sugar that give the weight of the amount of pounds you want to lose, put on paper and wrap it.

Then, throw the paper into an anthill outside your house. On the way home, say the following words: "Fat keep this sugar, it will feed the very hungry." Repeat this until you get home.

Sympathy for weight loss with water and rice

According to experts, rice is a very powerful ingredient when it comes to weight loss spells. So, write down what you'll need: 1 glass with water by half, image of your favorite saint and rice.

First of all, be careful, because this charm will need to be done on a Sunday night. To begin, take the amount of grains for the number of pounds you want to lose, and put inside the cup. Then fill it halfway with water.

After doing this, take the cup and place it in front of the image of your saint of devotion. Pray, asking the saint to help you eliminate unwanted pounds. Cover the cup and go to sleep. The next day, as soon as dawn, drink the water from the cup, without the grains of rice.

Sympathy for weight loss with beans

Another ingredient full of energy when it comes to sympathy for weight loss, is beans. So, to perform the following sympathy, you need evidently beans and 1 small transparent plastic bag.

The number of beans will need to be related to the number of pounds you want to lose. To start, take one bean at a time and rub them over your arm. Then store them in the transparent bag.

While performing the charm, you should say the following words: "Little pounds, little pounds, little pounds will all go away with the beans. Little pounds, little pounds, little pounds will all go away with the beans.

After that, keep the baggie in a reserved place, and throw it away only after you can lose as much weight as you want.

Sympathy for weight loss with garlic

To perform this charm there is no mystery. You need 7 garlic cloves, 1 pot and water. Let the garlic cloves rest, and then cut them into three equal pieces.

After that put the liter of water to boil, and as soon as it starts to form bubbles, add the garlic. It will be necessary to leave it on fire for 30 minutes, until it turns into a soup. After that, remove from heat, let the mixture cool down and put it in the fridge. Finally, you will need to take this mixture in the morning, for 7 consecutive days.

Sympathy for weight loss with onions

If you are unhappy with the pounds on the scale, the following sympathy can help you. Start by cutting an onion into 4 equal parts. Of these, 3 should be buried in a pot. The last part should be divided into the amount corresponding to the number of pounds you want to eliminate.

Take these pieces and make a tea with them. Let it cool down, strain it and throw the mixture into the vase in which you buried the other 3 pieces. Cover with a little bit of soil, and throw away the remains of the tea.

Sympathy for weight loss with lemon

The following sympathy needs to be performed on a night of full moon, so please pay attention. On the night in question, cut the lemon into 3 equal parts. Take a piece and suck.

With the second piece, you have to squeeze it over the soil. After that, take the 3 pieces and tie them with white thread. Finally, bury them in a flower pot.

Sympathy for quick weight loss with lemon

This sympathy is a little more complicated to do, but it promises to give good results. You will need 1 dried eucalyptus leaf, 1 piece of dried lemon peel, 1 piece of white cloth, 1 pyramid miniature, 1 flower vase and 1 orange line.

Take all the materials and place them on top of the white cloth. Then sew it together with orange thread. Take the little bundle and store it in a medicine drawer. It should be left there for 7 days. Once this number of days has passed, bury the bundle in a flower pot.

Sympathy for weight loss with yellow ribbon

The sympathy with yellow ribbon is extremely simple and easy to do. First get a yellow ribbon. As soon as you can, on the first night of the waning moon, leave home with the yellow ribbon and look in the sky a star of very small size.

When you find it, tie a knot in the ribbon and say the following words: "Star, beautiful and skinny star, give me your thinness and I'll give you my fat.

While tying the knots, keep repeating the phrase: "Star, beautiful and skinny star, give me your thinness and I'll give you my fat. When you finish, tie the ribbon around your wrist, and as you lose weight, loosen the knot corresponding to each one.

Sympathy for weight loss with red ribbon

Get a large piece of red ribbon, and also a bunch of candles of the same color. To begin, you should tie the ribbon around your waist, taking care not to tighten it. While doing so, you should say the following words:

"My dear guardian angel, allow me to lose weight (say how many pounds) and never get fat again. As thanks, I promise to light a pack of red candles for you, on the cross of a cemetery."

Attention: only light the candles after you lose the desired number of kilos. The ribbon should also only be removed from the body after you lose the unwanted kilos, so be careful when tying it, so it is not tight.

Sympathies to lose weight, overweight or decrease waist

As you have already observed during the course of this article, the sympathies to lose weight are the most diverse possible. It has for all tastes, as the most different types of materials.

So, there are also those that are specific, as to lose measures of certain regions. Check out the following more options of sympathies and choose your favorite.

Sympathy to lose weight

This sympathy is very dynamic and at first seems complicated. However, if you have attention and patience you can do quietly. First, take a sheet of paper and write what you want. This must be written clearly, for example, "lose 2 kg in 20 days".

It is important that you avoid using the word "I want". Next, cut out the vowels from the sentences, and leave only the letters that are consonant. With these letters, try to create a drawing, anything, of your choice. You can mix the letters, do as you like. The important thing is that you can transform the letters into a picture.

After that, try to connect with your mind. Meditate, dance, pray, do an activity that facilitates this connection. After that, stay still for 30 minutes, until you feel that your mind is light and you reach a state of reflection. When you feel that this has happened, look at the image that you have created through the letters.

Forget what this image represents, just imagine that it is being taken to the universe. At this time, you will need to talk to the angels, and ask them to see your intention to be doing this sympathy. Ask them to help you in your weight loss process.

Finally, throw the papers into the water and try to forget about the whole procedure that you have done, so that you are very calm. Continue your day-to-day life in a normal way, carrying out your activities and working on your self-love.

Sympathy to reduce waist

This is another super simple sympathy, but it promises to be powerful. Take a large piece of string, that neither you nor anyone else has ever used. Tie it around your waist, and tie 3 knots. Pay attention here, it is necessary that they are 3 knots. Not 2, not 4, but 3.

Now you can only remove the string from there, when you reach the waist measurements you want. So, very careful not to tie the string tightly, otherwise it will bother you.

Sympathy to eliminate excess weight

The last sympathy of this article will bring again a character already known, the rice. As already said around here, when it comes to sympathy to lose weight, rice is considered a powerful ingredient. So, you will need a cup full of rice, paper, pen of any color, 1 glass of water and 1 scale.

First weigh yourself on the scales. Write down your weight and your full name on the paper. Think about the pounds you want to lose and write it down on the other side of the paper. Then fold the paper 3 or 7 times and pour it into a glass of water.

Now take the rice that was inside the other cup, and throw it into the cup that has the water and paper in it. If a little water overflows from the cup, it's no problem. After that, take this same cup, place it on top of the scales, and store them under your bed.

The charm will need to stay under your bed for 30 days. During this period, it will be necessary that you also do your part to lose weight, so the idea is that the charm serves as a potentiator for your effort. At the end of 30 days, throw out everything that was inside the body and weigh yourself on this same scale.

The sympathy to lose weight can be done by anyone?

This is a very interesting question, because, even though there aren't so many rules for who can or can't do a charm like this, there are certain things that it's good to analyze. First of all, if you don't need to lose weight, and you're just having that old paranoia, thinking you're fat, get it out of your head.

Therefore, try to resort to sympathy for weight loss, only if you really need it. Another interesting point to analyze, is that you should be with the emotional well structured, not to be disappointed.

It is important to talk about this, because there is nothing that actually promises you that these sympathies will work out. Because it is known that the sympathies tend to work as potentializing agents to conquer something, because of the energy present in them, and also the faith that the person who is doing it, ends up depositing on it.

So, in an issue as delicate as weight loss, if you just do the sympathy, but do not do your part, eating properly, exercising, etc., it will hardly work. And that's where the problem lies, because if you put all your trust in this, and it does not bring you the results you expected, you can get frustrated. So, this can shake even moreyour psychology.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong in doing the sympathy, however, remember to do your part, and be with your mind well prepared to face the weight loss process.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.