The cleaning of environments with coarse salt: Why do it, methods and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about the use of coarse salt in cleaning environments

Having such a powerful natural artifice available in abundance on Earth is amazing. Rock salt is a natural crystal used in many ways, especially in Brazil. An element that is available and very easy to be found, it is also used in cleaning environments, removing all negative and heavy energy from the place.

This article brings together the main ways to use the properties of rock salt for cleaning, showing how you can do it in a simple and practical way today in your home. Discover everything you need to know to keep me body, spirit and home vibrating a positive energy, prosperity, love and faith.

Rock salt in cleaning the environment and main methods

Your home is an extension of your body, the energetic currents that pass through you also pass through your home. Unfortunately there are not only positive energies around us and when we carry negative energies home, they will accumulate. And if not discharged can bring energetic instability leading to various consequences.

Fights without reason, extreme drowsiness, blurred vision, frequent muscle pain and low immunity may be some symptoms that indicate that your home is loaded with negative energies. But do not be alarmed, because you yourself can make the energy cleaning, bringing balance and peace to the house and its residents. See below all the ways you can use coarse salt to cleanse the environment.

Why is rock salt used to cleanse the environment?

Rock salt is an extremely powerful mineral, when used in a spiritual way it has as its main function the energetic cleaning of the environment or people. Known as the most powerful cleaner and depleting of energies, rock salt is used for thousands of years by various religions and spiritualist philosophies around the world.

In school, we learned that coarse salt when placed in water dissociates its particles easily. Its negative and positive particles separate and begin to annul each other, generating a balance. In the chemistry of coarse salt it is possible to observe its action just as it is done on the spiritual side.

How to use the coarse salt in a positive way

In the environment, the coarse salt can be used in several ways to achieve various goals, its most common use is for energy cleaning. This salt is a kind of crystal that emits electromagnetic waves, these are able to capture the negative energies and annul their actions in a simple and powerful way.

The first method for cleaning the environment with coarse salt

This method is well known and used by the ancients, as a form of sympathy. In a glass, you can put 2 to 3 fingers of coarse salt. Put water in this glass leaving one to two fingers away from the edge, then put a small piece of coal in the glass. Place this preparation behind the entrance door.

The water is a vehicle magical amplifier and in addition to providing purification, the coarse salt is a depletor of negative energies. Already the coal serves as the needle of a compass indicating the path, in this case he will point when you should change the mixture, because it will sink and be covered by salt when he has accumulated too much energy.

The second method for cleaning the environment with coarse salt

The second method is more active and can be done once every 3 months or when you feel that the house is with a lot of negative energy. A way of verification can also be through the cup with coal, if it begins to sink and be covered by the coarse salt very quickly, perhaps it is indicated you use this second method.

In a bucket, put 10 liters of water, add 1 tablespoon of rock salt, 1 tablespoon of indigo and 100ml of lavender. With a new cloth, apply the mixture from the back of the house to the front, wiping the cloth under running water and not throwing the dirt into the bucket of mixture. During the cleaning, firm your thoughts on positive and purifying things.

Coarse salt for when the visitor does not want to leave

It was very common that when a person received a visitor at home, he would go to a window and throw a handful of coarse salt in 3 throws, repeating in his mind "person who has this energy that is bothering me, go away, go away".

Discharge with coarse salt and amethyst

Amethyst is a very powerful stone with an extremely powerful element, this discharge that focuses on the mental is very beneficial and should be done when you feel mentally exhausted and find yourself in those situations where your mind is increasingly heavy and disturbed, having symptoms of insomnia, irritability, discouragement, panic and other related.

Choose a calm and quiet place in your home. Clean the floor in a hygienic manner and line it with a new white cloth, then throw the rock salt on the cloth and stand barefoot. Hold the Amethyst stone with your left hand, close your eyes and begin to visualize the energetic cleansing of your body and mind, feel each energy descend to your feet and leave.

Coarse salt in energetic cleansing of the body and baths

In addition to cleaning the energetic field of the house, cleaning the astral field of the body is essential. The human body has some energetic points that are called chakras. Each of these 7 main points is responsible for the balance of our spirit and our physical body and the obstruction of the chakras can be associated with various diseases of the body.

As a way of cleaning and balancing the chakras we have the spiritual baths, which in practice serve as a cleansing bath for our spirit. This bath can be done with herbs, flowers, crystals and also with rock salt. Below you will understand how you can protect yourself and do your cleaning using this powerful element.

Importance of energy purification

The universe is in constant motion, every microparticle that permeates the universe moves and these movements generate an energy. The energies called universal are available to all who know how to connect with them. And these natural energies attract positivity, health, prosperity, unity, love and faith.

However, due to a hectic and turbulent life we tend to disconnect from the natural energies and this causes a negative energetic accumulation, which attracts diseases and discomfort to our lives. The energetic purification aims to cleanse our spirit and make it easier this connection with the whole and this purification can be done by you.

The function of spiritual cleansing

The function of spiritual cleansing is simple to understand. It serves as a purification of dirt from your physical body, but acts in the astral field, clearing the chakras and providing a more fluid connection with the natural energies. Spiritual cleansing can be achieved through various methods, and most often without any assistance, only with your faith and love.

The ideal is to do the cleaning weekly, either on Monday to start the week in a light and fluid way or on Friday to remove all the accumulation carried during the day to day. It is worth mentioning that in addition to maintenance cleaning, you can also perform this cleaning after being somewhere or with people who accumulates negative energy.

Bath of coarse salt to eliminate fatigue

In the world we live in today with increasingly turbulent routines, being tired has become something normal, but know that being constantly tired and discouraged is not common. In addition to seeking the help of a doctor, an energizing bath can help you lift your spirits and give a cheer more to follow the routine. Here's how to do.

In a saucepan put 500 ml of water to heat. After boiling turn off the heat and add pitangueira leaves, 3 cinnamon sticks and a teaspoon of coarse salt. Let cool, pour the liquid into a bowl and dispose of the herbs in the garden, after the hygienic bath throw the mixture from the neck down while making a prayer asking for energy.

Discharge bath with coarse salt

The coarse salt is a powerful energy remover, so it should be used with caution and common sense. It is not indicated to take a bath of coarse salt every week, because like an exfoliator, if used too much can cause wounds in the spirit. Left this alert, it is recommended to take at least every 3 months a bath of discharge. See below, how to perform the bath.

In a jar, put two tablespoons of coarse salt, add water and stir to dissolve. Then prepare a bath of boldo, white rose and lavender and put in a separate jar. After the hygienic bath, pour the water with coarse salt from the neck down, visualizing the cleaning and energetic, and then play the herbal bath to balance the energies.

Other ways to cleanse the environment and ward off bad energy

Coarse salt is a powerful element to clean the environment and protect against negative energies, but it is not the only one. There are other elements that are just as important and if performed mutually will enhance its effects. Keep your energy field positive is something essential and with daily practice becomes a habit.

Think of the cleaning of your spirit or your home as the hygienic physical cleaning. Think about what it would be like if you only took one shower a week or if you washed the dishes once every 10 days, for sure it would not be pleasant at all. Energetic cleaning is the same, maintaining a positive space and vibrating positive energies is essential for our spiritual well being.

The physical cleanliness of the environment

A messy house is a reflection of a messy mind, want to know how is your life? Look at your wardrobe or the hygiene of your car. The mess and the accumulation of things attract negative energies just as the accumulation of garbage attracts rats and cockroaches. Keep your home, office and car tidy means keeping the energy flowing and clean for longer.

You don't need to develop a compulsion for cleanliness and organization, but just keep the environment clean on a weekly basis and don't leave things piled up in corners. If this is still a challenge for you, start little by little, tidying the house every day, washing the dishes after use, folding the clothes and so on until you get used to it. You'll feel the difference.

Use incense

Incense sticks are great energy dissipators and attractors. They are easy to find and super affordable and you can find them in various shapes and sizes as well as for various purposes. It may seem like just something to bring in an aroma, but the power of incense sticks has been used for thousands of years by various peoples and religions, from Hinduism to Islam.

The smoke assumes a dissipating factor in the air, this smoke carries throughout the environment the magical actions of the herbs contained there. When you buy an incense of Oxalá, for example, you have the boldo and other herbs of that orixá, macerated in that stick that when lit carries in a dissipating way that energy, cleaning, protecting and balancing your home.

Plants for house protection

The benefits of having plants in the home are so great that we could make a huge list of each of them. The plant element is extremely resonant with our spirit, but beyond that there are physical benefits of having plants indoors, they can improve the air in the house, decrease the temperature, as well as reduce stress and increase creativity.

Each plant has its specific action and emanates particular energies. It is important, in addition to decorate the plants in the decoration of your home, choose the specific energies you want to attract. For example, the pot of 7 herbs that is widely used for cleaning and protection of the home or another plant that is widely used is the lucky bamboo to bring these good vibrations.

Carrying out smoking

The effect of smoking is very similar to incense which is to promote purification through the air element, but in a deeper and more specific way. In smoking you use an iron container to put burning charcoal and on top of this ember you throw specific dry herbs for spiritual cleansing or attraction of good energies.

In houses of religious articles you can find a mix of herbs for the desired purposes, and also find a smoker that greatly facilitates the smoking in your home. The practice does not require much knowledge beyond your faith. When smoking to unload and cleanse the environment you must start from the inside out and to attract good energies the ideal is to do from the outside in.

Keep windows open

The circulation of air and light within the environment is also very important. Energy is something that needs to flow and leaving windows and doors open can help you in this regard, besides being something very beneficial to prevent mold and fungus. Remember that the energy of your home is the extension of your energy, so dedicate a few minutes of your day to sunbathe is very important.


Lavender is a sacred herb, linked to ancestry and spirituality. It is a natural calming agent that provides cleansing and soothes the spirit. You can find several versions of lavender, from a vase to the liquid extracted from its natural oil. And you can use each of these versions, have a vase in your home, use the liquid when cleaning the home or to take bathsrelaxing.

Another very common use of lavender is to drip a few drops of its essential oil on the underside of the pillow or in a diffuser in the bedroom to aid in bedtime. This brings peace and relaxation, clearing the mind and preparing the spirit to achieve a peaceful and invigorating sleep, indicated for insomnia or difficult moments that hinder sleep.

Holy Water

Holy water is water consecrated within a Church, which is available to all who may need it. It can be used to clean the house and can be crossed on the body, being passed on the wrists and behind the neck. When using it pray an "Our Father" and a "Hail Mary" asking heaven to bless you and to illuminate your steps.


A strong element that can never be underestimated is prayer. As the ancients used to say, the word has power, so God understands the intentions behind an afflicted and longing heart. Using the Psalms or prayers such as Caritas', can bring you great strength and vitality, as well as providing balance through communion with the sacred.

Does the cleaning of the environment with coarse salt work?

Yes. Proven to be used for millennia and transcending the barriers between cultures and religions, the magical property of rock salt has been proven for a long time. Science has been able to prove the same actions by associating it to salt crystals. Its functionality has already been put to the test and has proven to be a powerful natural energetic cleanser.

However, like everything in life, what will determine the functionality for you is your faith, love and common sense. Some energies need to be dispelled in layers, while others, although it is difficult to admit, are attracted to us, such as envy, pride, sorrow or anguish. Keep your intentions pure so that your home and spirit can also always be purified.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.