The cycles of love tying: dangers, counter effects and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What are the cycles of love tying?

If you are familiar with love tying, you must have heard about the cycles of this ritual. The person who is the victim of the tying goes through some phases in which she behaves in a certain way. The person who did the tying feels powerful and in full control of the victim.

This sensation comes from an obsessive spirit, which is with the person who promoted the ritual. As time goes by, the victim of the ritual gets more and more involved with the person who promoted the tying, starting to look for that person more and more. You will know in more detail the phases of love tying in this article. Check it out!

Cycles of love tying on the victim

The victim of a love tie goes through several phases. These cycles serve as a kind of thermometer for the action of the love tie and indicate how involved the victim is in the ritual. Learn more about each of the phases of this cycle below!


The first cycle that the victim of a love tie-up goes through is the feeling of confusion. This is due to the fact that, at one time, she wanted to stay away from the person who made the ritual and now the feeling is totally contrary to what she had in mind a few hours ago. Thus, the victim of the tie-up spends the whole time thinking about the person who made the ritual.

In general, almost all victims of love tying go through this stage, at least in cases in which the ritual is effective, because it may not work. This may occur due to several factors, including the intention of the person who did the tying.

Spiritual Obsession

The second phase of the cycle of spiritual tying is the obsession. This happens due to the influences of a spirit of low vibratory level. This entity starts its work by making the victim of the love tying think more and more about the one who promoted the ritual, making the one who was tied think and miss the person who did the ritual.

The function of the spirit of low vibratory level is to spend the whole time next to the victim, during all days of the week. Because of this continuous influence, there is no moment in which the victim does not think about the one who made the binding.

Loss of pleasure from food

Lack of appetite is also a consequence of a love tie. As a victim of this ritual, the person tied up ends up not eating as before. She starts to have a certain aversion for food, due to the fact that she no longer feels pleasure in food and only feels happy when she is thinking about the person who promoted the love tie.

The lack of appetite on the part of the tied individual ends up opening a door for the occurrence of several other problems, such as malnutrition, fainting or some other evil arising from the lack of nutrients in the body.

Loss of sleep

Sleep is extremely important for the proper functioning of the body. Love tying ends up interrupting the victim's nights of sleep, so that she can no longer sleep as she used to. The nights of the tied person become increasingly sad and desolate. This is due to the fact that when she closes her eyes, the victim can only think of the person who ordered the work.

The victim of the tying is so involved by the ritual that she gets to hear, during the night, some compliments from the person who promoted the ritual, and a voice stating that the victim should reattach the broken relationship ties. All this is suggested by the obsessor spirit.

Everything seems dull

The person who is the victim of a love tie goes through a period when everything seems to be meaningless and unattractive in any way. The individual who goes through a love tie begins to stop doing even activities that are important for his or her livelihood, such as working.

The interest in studies also disappears, which ends up causing the victim of the lashing to give up academic life completely. The victim of the lashing ends up not taking care of herself/himself more and more, including giving up taking care of her/his own personal hygiene.

The return

As the tied up individual cannot think of anything else but being near the person who ordered the tying up, the victim ends up taking the attitude of resuming the relationship hoping to find happiness and relief from all this tension in the arms of the person who promoted the tying up.

The love tying makes the victim desperately look for the person who promoted the ritual, hoping that the relationship goes back to the way it was before. With this, the obsessor spirit continues its work of deceiving and manipulating the feelings of the victim of the tying, making her stay trapped.

Total control of the obsessor

Finally, to end the cycle of love tying, the obsessor takes total control of the victim. As long as there are payments for the spirit's work, it will continue acting more and more. After the conclusion of this entity's action, there won't be two free people loving each other in this relationship anymore.

One of them is there only because he was influenced by the obsessor spirit, but his feelings are not true, there is no more genuine love in his acts and thoughts. All the victim of the binding does is to be commanded by the obsessor.

Dangers of love tying

The person who is going to do a love tie-up must be fully aware of all the risks that the practice entails for the victim. This ritual directly interferes in the personal life of who was tied up, causing serious consequences. Learn more in the following topics!


The impact that a love tie-up has on the life of the victim of this ritual is inestimable. The person who suffers from the tie-up simply does not think about anything else, except going in search of the one who ordered the work. She completely puts aside important things in life, such as studies and work.

On these two things her livelihood depends, and the victim simply leaves these things aside to go in search of the loved one. Among the consequences of tying up for the victim are constant nightmares, the inability to choose freely and also the loss of various opportunities.


Love tying can have the opposite effect to the person who asked for this ritual. The person who promoted the tying may see everything he has achieved in his life ruined and live a state of physical and spiritual misery. It is important that the person who goes in search of a tying job is ready to bear the consequences.

The love tying ritual can also cause the loved one to move further away. In some cases, when the ritual does not work, what you see is the exact opposite effect. Instead of the loved one getting closer, she ends up moving away.

Impossibility of reversal

People who promote a love tie must live with the idea that they will live tied to another person. The worst of all is that this individual will never truly love the person who promoted the tie. The victim of the ritual is being influenced by an obsessive spirit, she doesn't have genuine feelings.

Therefore, the person who did the tying will live bound forever to someone who does not truly love him or her. As a consequence of this, both parties to the ritual will live unhappily, because the love tie, once performed, can no longer be undone.

Negative debts

Another danger related to the performance of love tying is negative debts with entities of low vibrational level. No matter how much the person who performed the love tying gives up in the process and expresses genuine regret for having done this ritual, the negative results will still linger for a long time.

The price to be paid for a love tie is high, so the person who thinks of doing such a ritual must be willing to sacrifice something. The best thing to do is to try to leave aside the relationship that did not work out and move on. No one should be forced to love someone.


In the case of who made the love tying, the law of Karma is applied to people's lives in the form of suffering in love life. This is due to the fact that who promotes a love tying ritual is interfering directly in people's free will, taking away their freedom.

No one deserves to live attached to another person and be deprived of their freedom of choice because of a relationship that did not work out. All people are born free and so they should remain, without being deprived of their own freedom.

Contrary effects on which you asked for the mooring

Besides the tragic effects that the victim suffers because of love tying, those who asked for this ritual to be done can also suffer, because the price to be paid for this ritual is quite high. Learn more in the following topics!


The first contrary effect that arises in the person who promotes the love tying is a strong regret, which can happen after the ritual is performed, or even at the moment it is being done. The truth is that the individual who commissions the love tying work suffers a lot from the regret.

The person promoting the tying will not be able to enjoy the benefits of this ritual. However, this is not the main problem that comes from the practice of love tying, there are many other complications that arise when this ritual is done.


The headaches that appear in the person who performed the ritual are very strong. This is one of the most common symptoms in those who made a love tie. In general, if the victim of the tie is a bad person, the one who is doing the tying is the one who feels the headache.

Headaches as a symptom of love tying can last for several days. However, it is important to note that the strength of the ritual that was performed also interferes directly in its result.

Vomiting and nausea

Vomiting and nausea are another symptom that enter the list of the evils that the victim would receive, but ended up going to the person who performed the ritual. The fact is that the victim would experience strong nausea, vomiting and nausea without an apparent cause. With this, the person who performed the ritual will receive all the symptoms that were destined for the victim.

The constant vomiting and nausea can cause several problems for both the physical and mental health of the people who promoted the tying. These symptoms would be part of the victim's routine, however, they will be part of the life of the people who promoted the ritual.

Disinterest in socializing and dating

As a consequence of having promoted the ritual, people who have done this will eventually completely lose interest in making new friendships and relating to another person once again. Not making new friendships or relating in a healthy way with other people will eventually make the individual feel sad.

Gradually, the person who has done the ritual loses the desire to meet new people, socialize with friends and get a girlfriend or boyfriend. The lack of desire to date and the absence of desire to socialize are consequences of the love tie.

Constant fear

The constant fear of having done a love tie-up comes from the fact that the person who performed the ritual made a pact with an evil entity that acts in an unpredictable way, that is, the individual who ordered the love tie-up will have to live with a spirit that will try to achieve its goals at any cost.

With this, one of the symptoms of love tying is the feeling of constant fear of this evil spirit. You have full knowledge of what this entity is capable of doing, so the fear will grow more and more in your heart and will always be present in your life until the ritual stops taking effect.

Feeling of persecution

The feeling of persecution is one of the symptoms of love tying. The person who promoted this ritual feels the constant sensation that they are alone and constantly being persecuted. They can no longer go out into the street and be in peace, because they have the constant feeling that they are being watched.

This symptom comes from the fact that the person who did the tying is always afraid and fearful of what is going to happen. The individual who ordered the love tying work will also feel watched at various times of the day and especially at night.

Feeling non-physical presences

The last effect to be mentioned is to feel the presence of spiritual beings, which is one of the scariest consequences for those who do a love tie-up. The individual who has promoted this work will have to constantly live with the presence of spiritual beings in their home, workplace or any place they frequent regularly.

When this happens, it is recommended that the individual who has ordered the love tying work should immediately seek spiritual help because the problem is getting worse and worse and is becoming very difficult to control.

Is it advisable to perform love tying works?

It is essential that the person who is in doubt about performing a love tying ritual understand that the best thing to do is to avoid this ritual. Those who think that this ritual will bring only what is desirable for the one who promoted it are mistaken. The opposite effects are part of the love tying ritual.

The ritual will bring certain aspects that you, certainly, will not be ready to deal with. The consequences of a love tie go beyond who asks for this ritual, they involve the victim and also who promotes the ritual. The negative results may not even appear immediately, but, probably, they will happen in your life in the future.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.