The Emperor in Tarot: meaning of the card, in love, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does the card The Emperor mean in Tarot

The card of the Emperor is one of the major arcana of the Tarot. It is the number 4 card and its meaning is associated with the male figure, the material world, representing authority and leadership. When it appears in a reading it indicates that more reason is needed.

If you look closely at the card, you can see the figure of an older man sitting on a throne, with a scepter in his hand and an eagle shield. With a firm, resolute appearance, he conveys an image of power and protection.

The Emperor is the figure of power and decision. He is associated with balance. The Emperor is usually fair in his decisions because he ponders before deciding. Because he has the leadership, he knows how to manage interests. Discover below some of the fundamentals, meanings and combinations of this card.

Fundamentals of the letter The Emperor

This card symbolizes power. When it appears in the game, it shows the importance of not getting carried away by emotions. It is necessary to be strategic. In addition, the Emperor signals the figure of someone who cares. The king who must take care of the welfare of his subjects. Learn more about the history, iconography and the relationship of the Emperor in the Tarot with the sign of Aries.


The history of Tarot is ancient and details are lacking. The game would have appeared in Ancient Egypt, but a description of Tarot cards as we know them today appeared in the 18th century with the French Protestant theologian and historian Antoine Court de Gébelin (1725-1784).

In the work "Le Monde Primitif", Gébelin states that the Tarot cards were extracted from the Book of Thoth (an Egyptian god). And the reading of Tarot cards became fashionable among French nobles at the time of the French Revolution, when the emperor was synonymous with power and wisdom.


The Tarot card points out paths and carries a lot of information. All details must be analyzed when reading. When looking, for example, at the Emperor card, the image of a monarch sitting on a throne, wielding his scepter firmly emerges.

The male figure is with his legs crossed, with his profile exposed, without armor, which shows someone secure, fearless. The card represents, in this way, self-affirmation, transmitting security and authority. Important characteristics for those who occupy management positions or have some kind of leadership.

The major arcana

The Tarot cards are divided into major and minor arcana. The major arcana are made up of 22 cards that are numbered from 0 to 21.

The figures of these cards represent universal archetypes that are present in people's lives. And the numbering of the cards does not seem to have an objective meaning, but when analyzing the cards individually one realizes that the major arcana bring the narrative of the human journey.

Each arcane or card presents a scene with various symbolic elements. They are what help those who consult the cards to correctly interpret what it may mean at the time of reading.

Relationship with the sign of Aries

Uniting the symbolism of the cards with the influence of the planets can reinforce the message for those who consult the Tarot cards. In this sense, when looking at the characteristics of the sign of Aries, for example, the card of the Emperor has much in common with it.

The card of the Emperor represents power, expresses a secure person, who likes to protect those who are close to him and integrate his friendship and family nucleus, his subjects. The native of Aries also has this characteristic of being energetic, likes to command and demand the involvement of those around him.

Meaning of the card The Emperor

The card The Emperor represents strength and power. In it, the illustration is that of a king with a scepter in his hand which symbolizes the one who rules and has the power to decide. The king must make decisions in an objective and rational way, not allowing space for emotions that can hinder the royal decision.

This is the card that represents respect for rules and traditions, indicates rigidity, is the symbol of masculinity and authoritarianism. Remembering that the decision is the king's. In a reading, when appears The Emperor, the card points to a person who likes to dominate and impose his position. When thinking about a situation is a scenario of prosperity and success.

Father figure

A king takes care of his subjects, he is the father of all. The arcane of the Emperor carries the masculine energy of paternity. That is, he is the father who protects all and to whom all owe obedience. The protective father is present in the card of the Emperor which is usually represented by an older man.

He represents wisdom and has the leadership to lead. The Emperor card represents the male figure who holds power and dictates the rules that everyone must follow. Who has the characteristic of this card can be leader, protector and sovereign of their attitudes.

Authority and leadership

The card of the Emperor which is related to power, order and organization of thoughts, activities and material world, besides having as main characteristic the power and decision.

The Emperor holds justice in his hands and can coordinate matters firmly. He is the leader who understands the power of his speech and the management of life, so he is always consulted.

The elements that are part of the Emperor are firmness, affirmation, order, stability, prestige, consistency and authority.

Order and organization

To lead, it is necessary to have characteristics such as security and organization. It is with these foundations that the Emperor begins the creation of an empire. In the Tarot, the Emperor means stability. For he is the father provider who organizes everything and creates a secure environment.

Logical thinking, focus and work

With logical thinking, focus and work, the Emperor has conquered a status of personal power. He is able to lead groups of people and maintain a structured life. In the reading, The Emperor appears to indicate the chances of projects, plans and goals outlined for oneself. It is necessary to maintain focus and mastery over logic and strategy for everything to go well.

It is necessary to do what has to be done. This calls for focus. The price for exercising the Emperor's energy is to receive responsibilities and a position of leadership that will allow one to achieve success and serve as a model for others. All this thanks to the logical reasoning used in problem-solving and conflict resolution.

Material power, prosperity and wealth

The arcane of the Emperor can be a sign of promotion at work, an increase in salary or some kind of material gain. But, this is not surprising because the card of the Emperor is the card of those who seek knowledge to improve themselves in what they do.

The Emperor is the master of investments, purchases and sales. He knows how to move capital and, for this reason, he ends up ruling the way a person handles his earnings and spending. The balance between spending and saving money needs to be improved to avoid surprises. The Emperor is the one who saves resources to have a minimum of financial security.

The Emperor in love

Remember that the card of the Emperor indicates rationality. That is, when this card comes up when talking about romance or feelings, there is a certain difficulty in the air.

In love, the presence of this card shows the concern or desire for stability. In a draw, depending on the question, it shows a person who wants to maintain stable ties and create a family.

The Emperor in Love card represents the care and security provided by a person close to you. When it appears in a drawing, it can signal a period of stability and trust in the relationship.

However, depending on the question and how it appears in the game, the Emperor card can signal caution about abusive relationships, when the partner wants to impose rules.

For committed people

For those who are in a relationship, the Emperor brings the message of calmness. It strengthens bonds, being a good sign for marriages and stable unions.

In some moments of this relationship, perhaps the will of one of the sides will overlap and this can cause frustration or a feeling of oppression in the one who had the desire stifled. It is common a climate of tension in couples who are stuck to what they have achieved together. Since this, in fact, is the fear of losing what (and who) they have.

For singles

If your sentimental life is lonely and the card of the Emperor has appeared in your path, be attentive: perhaps someone special will appear in your life to gain your attention, affection and protection. This card is an indication of emotional stability. A relationship with involvement, security and trust.

The Emperor card can also signal an older person present in your life who will offer security and loyalty. Romance may not be the strong point of someone with the Emperor energy, but other positive aspects make up for this area.

The Emperor can also signal that you seem a bit cold and don't show enough emotion for a loving relationship.

The Emperor at work

When the card of the Emperor appears in a Tarot card in the work field, listen carefully, because it indicates professional success. When it appears, it is a sign that you are in evidence. The card has different meanings that depend on the type of drawing, but in essence, it announces a good time, with protection and security. Your moment has arrived.

The Emperor in the workplace is that boss who likes to distribute orders and be right about anything. When he is well resolved, he can be someone who seeks the welfare of all. And his energy in this place calls for security, wisdom and rationality. See below the meaning of the card for those who are employed and for those who are unemployed.

For employees

Your efforts will be in the spotlight and you will finally be recognized. Perhaps you will receive a reward in recognition of your efforts.

Depending on how it is played, the Emperor's card can also mean someone superior subordinating and repressing you in the work environment. See how your relationship with your boss is and be aware of your value. Your work force is a service rendered and you need to keep in mind your capacity, because this relationship is maintained by your competence.

The meaning of the Emperor is very positive in scenarios where you need to take control of the situation and move forward firmly to overcome obstacles. This card also says that you should avoid negative behavior and not value thoughts that influence your self-esteem.

For unemployed persons

If you are looking for work, get ready! Your requests will be answered. When the letter appears for professional life, it points to a positive trend to find a job.

Here is an analysis of the chart: the Emperor is sitting down. He waits for things to happen and come to him. But you have to look for opportunities! It is best to get up and go after what you want.

The Emperor card has different meanings that depend a lot on the type of drawing, but in its essence, it announces a good period, with a lot of protection, security and that will bring achievements.

Financial aspects

When it comes to money the Emperor's card is success! But nothing falls from the sky and to reach this level, you need to work and trust. The Emperor requires control, discipline and responsibility with money. Have a budget. Know where you use your money.

Combinations with the card The Emperor

In a Tarot reading, when using, for example, only the major arcana, any combination is possible. In this scenario, the Emperor may be combined with 20 other cards and each one presents a result. It is necessary to analyze the card combinations that arise in the play.

For example, in a drawing that unites The Emperor and Death. Feared by many when it appears, the Death card simply means that a cycle is ending. Whether the person likes it or not. Together with The Emperor it can be the sign that one must be rational and accept the situations that life presents.

In the following we will analyze only some positive and negative combinations of the Emperor in relation to other cards.

Positive combinations

It is important to note that all Tarot cards have good and bad aspects. Not everything is completely good or bad all the time. This always depends on the angle of observation.

What about, for example, a move that unites The Emperor and The Sun? This is a very positive pair. The Sun is a card of joy and harmony. And the Emperor is also a card for success, but it depends on work and strategic thinking.

Another positive example is the union of The Emperor and Temperance. The latter is a card of balance. It indicates that it is necessary to keep calm. Together with The Emperor it suggests patience and rationality in decision making.

Negative combinations

But what about the negative side? What makes a card combination be negative? In Tarot, the less positive aspect of the card happens when it indicates addictions and exaggerations in behavior, for example.

In practice, the Emperor represents leadership, security, firmness. And this can be positive, but these characteristics badly developed, may indicate an authoritarian behavior, for example.

The risk of the negative aspect of the Emperor's card is that a person will fall into a situation where he considers himself to be the centre of the world and will demand more of others than himself, judging and exerting his strength in oppressive ways.

A little more about the letter The Emperor

The energies of protection and care are present in the Emperor's chart. On the other hand, the lack of patience, the imposition of rules and dictatorial determinations of this leader would be the negative aspects.

There are words that can define the arcane of the Emperor. These words are protection, care, security, guidance, affection and organization. Here are some more aspects of this card, as well as its challenges and tips on how to deal with them.

In health

In the realm of health, the Emperor chart shows you being too hard on yourself. Working too hard, perhaps. In any case, it's important to remember that trying too hard doesn't always mean you'll get what you want, so be careful.

If the Emperor appears in your reading in the area of health, you need to listen to your body or consult a doctor. For the Emperor commands you to listen to your body and slow down if necessary.

Inverted card

The Emperor in the inverted position indicates that you are acting more with emotion than with reason, which makes you get out of control when faced with problems that come your way. You need to find a balance so that you can find good solutions and not get desperate. Using a little more logical thinking will bring benefits.

On another reading, it may indicate someone authoritarian who is abusing his or her status of power to take control over your actions and steal ownership of your ideas. If this is the case, you will need to remain calm so that you can learn to deal with the situation and not come off badly.

Using a little more logical thinking at the moment will only benefit you by helping you structure yourself better and organize strategically so you don't end up lost.


Another negative aspect of the chart is that the person cannot take control of his own life at all, without any direction or stability. In the first situation this individual can start to become authoritarian and cause harm to those around him.


When it comes to authority and power, it's always good to ensure balance. A good leader is one who can assert their ideas and wills without oppression. Also, to maintain a generous stance, it's important to stay in the center, creating the stability you crave.

Can the card The Emperor signal a good time for professional relationships?

The Emperor signals that success is a result of your performance. Perhaps the invitation to occupy a leadership position will arrive. For the Emperor, stability, structure and focus are necessary to effect the transformation of ideas and dreams into reality, so keep up your efforts to stay in the limelight.

The card of the Emperor is the fourth of the major arcana. It indicates power, work, success and the dominion of logic over emotion and the mind over the heart. Therefore, if the subject is authority and power, the best is to ensure balance. A good leader is the one who can assert his ideas and wills without imposition.

Remember that having a generous posture is important to keep yourself in the center, creating the stability you desire in your work environment.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.