The kiss of each sign: Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Libra and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

The kiss of each sign

As we know, each sign has its own characteristics and, because of this, each one has its authenticity and originality. Therefore, knowing the particularities of each sign is very important to always understand what you can expect from the person who is looking for a relationship or just some kisses.

The fire signs, as you can imagine, are the ones who will give themselves to the moment and the ones who will have the most intense and passionate kisses of the whole zodiac. But of course this doesn't mean that the kisses of the signs ruled by other elements are bad. Want to know more? Keep reading this article!

Kissing, strengths, weaknesses and best combinations for Fire signs

When we talk about kisses, it's important to know how each sign kiss works, as well as the weak points and the best combinations for those ruled by the fire element: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

That's because when you know what's coming before you get involved, you can be more sure of what to expect when the long-awaited kiss begins. Read the next section to understand these characteristics!

Fire signs characteristics

The kisses of Fire signs are very intense and full of passion and life. Just like the element of Fire, which is hot, so are the kisses of people belonging to them. The natives are full of desire, dominance and even a little aggressiveness.

Fire is essential for life, being considered sacred and spiritual in some cultures. Its representatives are determined and insistent, and besides all this, they are self-confident and have a great thirst for life, showing reasons and imposing attitudes, which ensure much respect from others for them.

It is also worth noting that they do not give up and will not settle down until they realize that you are enjoying it and are completely satisfied.

The Aries kiss

Like the control freak that he is, the Aryan kiss is a kiss with a lot of delivery and dedication. It can be considered an aggressive kiss, so strong and striking that it will be. You will notice that the Aryan will prefer to be in control of the situation, always caressing and taking the attitude.

The Aryan kiss is sure to take your breath away, and with so many new things, it's bound to get your feelings confused. It's also important for you to know that this is the kind of kiss that's sure to have nibbles, glances and lips on the neck.

The kiss of Leo

The Leo likes to reign and feel the best in everything, so you can bet that when it comes to kissing, he'll give it his all, so you can experience one of the best sensations of your life. You'll find a partner who will bring a lot of naughtiness to the kiss, while dosing romanticism and intensity.

Therefore, there will be bites and kisses on the neck and there will be a lot of energy and wildness. If the Leo is still in love with you, you can be sure that he will grab your face and, during the kiss, will take breaks to declare himself.

The Sagittarian kiss

If we did a ranking to define the signs with the best kisses, the Sagittarian would win first place. The Sagittarian kiss is perfect, being in the balance between the dosage of naughtiness and romance and awakening a taste of "I want more" at the end.

The Sagittarian will shower you with caresses, kisses on the neck and on the cheek, instigating you to desire him more and more. He will also awaken your desire for something hotter, offering you something to quench your thirst. This sign will make sure that you give it your all and make you the centre of his attention during the kiss.

Kissing, strengths, weaknesses and best combinations for Earth signs

Earth signs transmit security and stability. They do everything with tranquility and are not in a hurry to accelerate the kiss. They can be people without much feeling, since they do not show it easily, but, during the kiss, they cause surprise by the overwhelming and unexpected feelings shown.

Also, there's nothing stopping them from showing a lot of sensuality and intensity during the kiss, but this may start to emerge after the earth signs have gotten intimate enough to start demonstrating this part. Want to know more about each other's kiss? Read on for the next section!

Characteristics of the Earth signs

Earth signs can be said to be cold, because they are more serious and applied in professional matters. But deep down, they are quite intense when they find a partner who ignites their will to be deeper in the relationship.

In fact, they are hardly signs that kiss to pass time or just to satisfy a craving. They will only make themselves available if they really feel attracted to the person, to the point of realizing that they will gain a lot from the relationship.

Because of this, during the kiss, they will try to give you security and stability, wanting to demonstrate that the feelings they have are serious and that you can trust to invest your time in that relationship.

The Taurus Kiss

The Taurus appreciates touch, pleasures, sensations, etc. It goes without saying that he will involve all of this during the kiss, trying to awaken various sensations in his partner. This sign will try to show all his affection and will use his hands to caress and provoke his partner, if that is his intention.

Therefore, the kiss is filled with desire and passion and he will try to impose a lot of seriousness, transforming that moment as something crucial in the life of the couple. This native enjoys long kisses and, during that time, he will be in charge of fixing you in that moment forever, transforming the kiss into something gentle and delicate.

The kiss of Virgo

Highly altruistic, the Virgo kiss is one of those that can decipher you and understand what you need at the moment. The Virgo kisser knows how to understand your body's signals and will give you what you (even unconsciously) ask for.

It's interesting to note that the Virgoan is happy to serve and offer what you want. He'll be happy to do this if he's in love with you. If this is the case, you'll experience a kiss full of surrender and with the aim of satiating all your desires, even if you don't ask with words.

Capricorn's kiss

If there's one therapeutic kiss, it's the Capricornian's. It will take away your tensions and work on you, giving you the effect of a deep and intense massage. However unexpected it may be, this kiss will be dosed with great care.

Their kisses have the power to involve you in a way that, little by little, will induce you to relax and will leave you anesthetized. Therefore, it is the privilege of few to be kissed by Capricorns, as they are very strict in their choices and will analyze very carefully if it is worth or not to enter into this relationship.

Kissing, strengths, weaknesses and best combinations for Air signs

The signs of the Air element are very rational and intelligent. Because of this fact, they are extremely creative, kissing with a lot of originality and joy. They will know how to involve you and kiss with a lot of sweetness, showing different ways of doing it, without declining in pleasure.

As much as they manage to involve you and do what was proposed with mastery, the signs of the Air element will not feel this moment very much and, many times, they may even be thinking about other things, not surrendering completely to the moment.

Regardless, the kiss of the Air sign is very differentiated and delicious, in a way that you will be delighted by such intelligence, even in a moment of emotion. So, if you want to know how the kisses of Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are, keep reading the next section!

Air Signs Characteristics

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, Air signs, are rational and have the fastest minds of the Zodiac. That is, they think a lot and are in the area of reasoning. They are freedom loving signs and are terrified of anyone imprisoning their ideas and wills.

Therefore they are extremely unpredictable, living in their ideals and identifying their own way of living. The negative point is that they can be very cold, to the point of not connecting with the pains of others and even less with the feelings of their partners and their family.

The kiss of Gemini

When kissing a Gemini, before the moment comes, don't be surprised if they tell you in detail how they'd like to be kissed and how they like you to do it. The sign of Gemini doesn't see any problem in explaining everything and telling you what will make them happy.

While they're kissing, Gemini men will combine smiles, happiness, and lots of conversation. Chances are he'll tell you about his feelings and want to verbalize everything he feels for you, detailing part by part how important he considers you.

Besides, they don't like long kisses, because they show love and feelings while talking. Therefore, they don't show much intensity, although they love kissing and being kissed, doing it with much desire.

The Libra kiss

In the beginning, the Libra kiss will be apprehensive, as he will seek the perfection of this moment, trying not to miss any important detail that will satiate his desire. As much as there is not much feeling, the Libra will make sure to carry this moment with the highest level of romance.

So, the kiss will be sweet and delicate and will be vaguely reminiscent of the princess kisses given in the movies, with lots of tenderness, little tongue and almost no biting, since that doesn't suit her romantic style.

So it's interesting to note that this sign has a tendency to not want to displease the other, and at the crucial time of kissing, this will be no different. He will give it his all, so that you not only enjoy, but also get completely involved.

The kiss of Aquarius

To achieve the feat of kissing an Aquarius, you need him to feel completely connected to you. If this happens, you will taste one of the most different and intense kisses of the Zodiac, because the Aquarius kiss will not only drive you crazy, but will make you want more and more.

These kisses are out of the ordinary and can appear totally different and tasty tongue movements, with a wet kiss that respects the intensity of the moment and requires the rhythm requested by that instant.

Moreover, because they are very intelligent, they use this cleverness even at this time. They are not limited only to the lips and, therefore, the kiss of an Aquarius can surprise you to the point that you do not imagine that it was possible for a kiss to be so different and tasty.

Kissing, strengths, weaknesses and best combinations for Water signs

Water signs are extremely emotional and see life in a light and pleasant way. They don't force things, but feel everything in a delicate way, like a kiss in a movie or soap opera. They are signs that hardly accept kissing someone without feeling extremely passionate or involved, and they show this surrender easily.

Therefore, it's not a very sensual kiss, but it involves so much feeling that it will embarrass you. During the kiss, the Water signs will try to decipher what you need, so they can offer everything of themselves to please you and thus show their love.

The signs of Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces are very passionate and try their best to transmit security and intensity. So that you can know more about the kisses of each one of them, check out the next section!

Water Signs Characteristics

The bases that predominate in the life of the Water signs, without the slightest doubt, are observation and imagination. These are very sensitive and sentimental people, and they can be easily offended, especially when they love to the extreme.

Determination is another essential characteristic, indicating that they are very focused and sure of their personal opinions. The downside is that they are very difficult to hear criticism, even constructive, always taking it personally, and hold a very deep resentment of those who offend them.

Besides that, they may act impulsively most of the time, since their decisions are mostly made by the emotional side, inducing them to make many mistakes difficult to be repaired.

The Cancer Kiss

For Cancerians to give their all when it comes to kissing and make you experience that sensation, they need to feel completely valued and loved, so that they can give themselves away while being sure that they're not being cheated on. Cancerian kissing is a clear demonstration of affection, staying warm and rhythmic as time goes on.

That is why, while kissing, Cancerians like to feel your breath and offer you a moist and intense kiss. It is one of the most dreamy kisses of the Zodiac, because they are in no hurry and know well that that moment is when they can show their affection in a way that their partner can feel the same intensity.

The Scorpio kiss

The Scorpios' kiss is one of irresistible style and hard to be denied for the charm they possess. It is an extremely sensual kiss, demonstrating the sexy side of the moment, despite their natives being quite hurried.

Hardly a person kissed by a Scorpio will not feel excited, because it is that provocative and aggressive kiss, with bites, hickeys and even pulls in the hair. This is because he has the goal of provoking you until you go crazy with desire.

But do not think that, because it is a kiss completely with footprint, it means that the sign of Scorpio has no feelings. Quite the contrary, by really feel much love and passion is that it provokes the sensations of the partner.

The Kiss of Pisces

A kiss of love is a perfect definition for Pisces kisses, as they are masters at offering what the moment proposes. This is a kiss that will explore the neck a lot and that will be completely wet, valuing the eye to eye as a way to foster the relationship.

The mystery arranged in this kiss makes everything more attractive and sexy, because it is something slow and delicate, that instigates you and invites you to know more, intensifying the movements and unfolding each part of the lips of the partner.

Therefore, as delicate and subtle as they seem to be, Piscean kisses can charm and easily make the other fall in love, because the seduction of each movement is so accurate that it is impossible not to want more.

Astral Compatibility or Synastry

We know that it is practically impossible to find a person who gets along with everyone around him or who likes everyone. In human relationships, there are differences and we feel more in tune with some people than with others.

This explanation is also plausible in the world of astrology and there is a study that determines which signs get along best and match best, in terms of friendship and love. Curious to learn more about the subject? Keep reading the next section!

Love compatibility between signs

When we talk about compatibility between signs, this doesn't mean that only the signs involved will work well together. There may be exceptions, but we say that, analyzing the behavior and personalities of each sign, there are some signs that get along better together and others that can't stand each other.

When we go into a relationship with someone, there are some personalities that are more attractive than others, and this is subjective and totally private. Therefore, it's important to know how these relationships work and find out which signs are most likely to work out lovingly.

Love compatibility of Fire signs

The Fire signs are strong and overwhelming. Being intense and with a strong personality, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius match with Earth and Air signs. This happens because by getting involved with Air, they will have the necessary stimulus to grow in life and projects.

This is because they are partner elements and have a lot of harmony. Moreover, the Fire signs will help the Air signs to be more confident in themselves and to take attitudes that used to procrastinate.

In addition, these also combine with Earth signs, because although they are opposites, they can help each other to curb negative attitudes and encourage what is lacking. This is very good, because the point of balance brings a security to the Earth signs and a tranquility to the overwhelming Fire signs.

Love compatibility of Earth signs

Earth signs will get along very well with Fire signs as, even though they are so different, create a certain balance which adjusts each other's lives. In addition, they are also compatible with Water signs as they are sentimental, giving the possibility for Earth to be more rational and help them in this sense.

Air Sign Love Compatibility

The Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, are very compatible with the Fire signs as these help them not to act impulsively and to think about the attitudes they should take.

With the element of Water, there are two possible sides: either they will love each other or hate each other. They are quite different, since Air is reason and intelligence and Water is feeling and intuition. Therefore, they can complement each other, so that they also reach a balance, or they can get irritated with so many differences.

Love compatibility for Water signs

The Water signs are complementary to the Air signs. If they accept to understand the differences and turn this into a stimulus to balance the two personalities, they can get along very well and complement each other gracefully.

Just like in life, Water puts out the fire and that's exactly why this relationship doesn't work out, even in astrology. Fire signs will feel overshadowed, which can trigger stress and unpleasant situations in the relationship.

Can the kiss of each sign be good or bad, depending on the love compatibility?

Based on the facts mentioned above, we can reach the conclusion that the kiss, in fact, does not concern only the sun sign of each one, but involves the entire astrological chart of a person. Whether it will be bad or good, will depend on each moment and feeling, but it is good to keep an eye on the best combinations.

Certainly, when there is feeling, desire and desire of both parties, everything happens naturally and, no doubt, partners will please each other in the most balanced way possible, awakening moments of intense happiness.

So, the signs may bring aspects of each native's kiss, but what really determines whether or not it is good is the individual themselves!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.