The laws of the universe: law of attraction, vibration, unity, return and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the laws of the universe?

The laws of the universe help us to understand how everything works in order and harmony. They aren't physical or scientific laws, but that doesn't mean they aren't true. Just look around and you'll start to see evidence of them everywhere.

In fact, defying these laws is pointless and won't bring anything positive into your life. You may even believe that you're gaining the upper hand for a while, but the universe will charge you, usually with a lot of drama, struggle and challenges.

So it's worth learning to live according to the laws of the universe, which will make your journey much happier. Want to find out about them all? Learn about the 21 laws below.

Understanding more about the laws of the universe

Essential and immutable, the laws of the universe have been known for many years by ancient cultures. Sometimes associated with the Hawaiian meditation Ho'oponopono, they are also linked to Hermetic philosophy, which originated in Egypt. Read on and find out more.

What are the laws of the universe?

Our universe is governed by 21 universal laws, all of which are connected and based on the principle that everything in the cosmos is energy, including us human beings.

For the laws, we are both emitters and receivers of energy, so our thoughts, feelings, emotions, words and actions are a form of energy release, which moves in cycles, coming and going.

In this way, we need to understand that energies must be tuned to the vibration of our goals, so that they can be achieved in a fluid and satisfactory way. Therefore, knowledge of the laws of the universe is extremely important if we are to evolve physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Origin and study of the laws of the universe

The laws of the universe, especially those related to science, have been studied throughout humanity. However, the so-called laws of nature are rarely covered in formal education.

Few authors and scholars even mention the subject, but those who do bring up brilliant concepts that help us understand more about how the universe works, its order and harmony.

If you want to delve deeper, some writers who talk about the laws of the universe are: Montesquieu, Immanuel Kant, Hans Kelsen, Miguel Reale and Carlos Bernardo Gonzalez Pecotche.

Where do the laws of the universe apply?

There are 21 laws of the universe that govern spiritual and material nature, human beings and animals. In addition, they command our actions, whether good or bad. In this way, it can be said that these laws control the cosmos as a whole.

Energy in the universe is neither created nor lost, it is transformed. In the same way, our movements emanate positive or negative energy. Furthermore, all objects in the cosmos, living or not, have a unique frequency, vibrating and producing many types of radiation in space.

An interesting and curious fact is that even abstract items such as thoughts, emotions, feelings and desires have their own vibrational frequency.

The laws of the universe

The law of attraction is the most famous, but did you know that it's not the only law of the universe? In fact, there are many more. There are 21 laws in all that govern every aspect of our lives. Discover each of them below.

Law of attraction

The best known of all the laws of the universe, the law of attraction reveals that it is possible to attract and co-create reality according to our thoughts and feelings, whether positive or negative.

Thus, it can be said that thoughts are much more than we imagine, because they emit vibrations that attract similar frequencies. Therefore, if the mind vibrates at the same intensity as our desires, it will be able to attract whatever is in our thoughts.

So you have to think positively so that you feel worthy of everything you dream of. Although the law is very powerful, it doesn't mean that everything will materialize. You have to direct your actions in this direction and not sit around waiting for something miraculous to happen.

Law of resistance

According to the law of resistance, you can't stay hidden, ignoring your life in order to avoid a certain issue, because it won't magically disappear. Failing to acknowledge a situation means that you're not making an effort to deal with it.

For the law, this resistance comes from fear, and all individuals need to learn to overcome their fears if they want to solve problems. Furthermore, people who resist because they don't know the truth are guided by ignorance.

Therefore, you need to deal with setbacks in the best possible way, letting go of anxieties and fears, because if you don't, you could attract the same problem again. The tip is to let life flow, because a major inner transformation will open the doors to happiness.

Law of reflection

The law of reflection shows that we project an unconscious part of ourselves onto other people. In this way, it can be said that it reveals a case of self-reflection, bringing up a question: "who are we really?".

The things you love and admire in others are the same things that exist within you. Likewise, the things you dislike or find disagreeable in others also exist within you. In a very simple way, the law shows that the world is a mirror.

So take a look around and evaluate everything you see, because only self-knowledge will bring the answer and true reflection to the question "who am I?".

Demonstration law

Everything began as a thought that connected with an action and produced a manifestation. Thought is a creative force. This is one of the major principles of the law of manifestation. So, if you want to change your life, the change must begin inside your head.

According to the law, you have to dream before anything can happen. What's more, the limits you place on yourself are the only things that stop you. It can be said that the longer a thought is held, the more powerful the result.

So if you're unhappy, you need to change your beliefs and behavior. Recognize what's not working and start programming yourself to generate success and harmony. The power of the mind plus dedication and awareness are the keys to evolution.

Law of free will

We are the only ones responsible for our choices. This is the main idea behind the law of free will. Although there is destiny, only we can change the course of our journeys, since we have the freedom to act in the face of different circumstances.

Therefore, self-knowledge is fundamental for life to flow naturally, with joy, prosperity and detachment. By developing spiritual awareness, you can mitigate karmic consequences, creating more positive perspectives, always guided by kindness and positivity.

Law of consequence

Equivalent to the law of cause and effect, the law of consequence reiterates that every action has a reaction. In this way, it teaches us that if you do something negative, you can expect a backlash, you always have to consider all the ramifications of your actions.

With karmic effects, this law shows that the universe gives us the chance to be builders of our own destinies, we just need to know how to plant what we want to harvest. It's worth remembering that although sowing is free, harvesting is obligatory.

So the tip is to learn to select the thoughts that stay in your mind, preventing negativity from taking hold and bringing unpleasant results. Never do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you.

Law of harmony

Nowadays, human beings are causing more and more imbalance. Unlike what we experience in the physical world, the spiritual world is perfect, harmonious and full. Therefore, the law of harmony seeks to bring about this balance, since harmony is the opposite of chaos and the purpose of Karma.

When we throw a stone into a lake, for example, it will create ripples for a while until everything returns to its natural state of harmony. Disharmonious acts do the same thing, only in our lives. Instead of spreading positive energy, they spread disharmony. It can be said that this law works in conjunction with the laws of consequence and attraction.

Law of wisdom and knowledge

The law of wisdom and knowledge is very important for putting an end to our negative feelings and their consequences. It teaches us that we need to know how to face problems consciously and only then will we be free of suffering.

With the necessary knowledge, we put aside ignorance and all the negativity it carries. When we learn to face situations with love, awareness and dedication, we are able to go beyond our own limits. Therefore, the tip is to seek wisdom in order to learn all the lessons that the universe gives.

Law of return and gift

According to the law of return and giving, everything that is done with love and affection returns with the same positivity. It is therefore very worthwhile to always be involved in good deeds, maintaining constant contact with the divine.

When we care and think about others, everything we do for them will one day come back to you. Some of the visible consequences of our actions take the form of friendships, gifts, money and material goods.

The energy of giving is capable of transforming negative vibrations into positive ones. In fact, with a good reflection, we can understand who we really are, what we can do to help and how far we want to go.

Law of evolution and purpose

For the law of evolution and purpose, nothing happens by chance, as there is a reason for everything to be this way. All things are planned and focused on positivity and love, so that there is great spiritual development.

The evolution of the human being takes place in the sense of increasing awareness, wisdom, creative power and the manifestation of good deeds in society. Furthermore, all of us, inhabitants of planet Earth, have this same goal of growth.

In fact, dharma is the evolutionary purpose we have selected for our journey, remembering that we need to align ourselves with the law in order to transcend karma, getting closer to what we were born to live.

Law of energy and vibration

Everything in the universe is energy and produces a vibration. As energy only transforms, it is never extinguished, it comes and goes, but it never remains stagnant. This is why we end up attracting people, things and situations that are in the same vibratory range as ours.

It can be said that destiny is shaped by each person's energies and nothing happens by chance. When we emanate love, the world returns everything in the form of peace, health and happiness. So the tip is to increase your positive vibration through meditation sessions, cultivating feelings of gratitude, forgiveness, kindness and detachment.

Law of detachment

The greatest teaching of the law of detachment is that everything in life is fleeting, nothing will be the same forever. That's why we must be independent of people and things, we can't get so attached so that our soul is more conscious and free.

Understanding this law means understanding that resistance and attachment are the source of all our suffering, as they generate dissatisfaction and a feeling of spiritual emptiness. Once we accept that everything is changeable, we are at peace.

Another important point is generosity, because the more you give, the more you receive. Financial or moral help will never suck you in, because the energy will come back even stronger. Remember that you will always be rewarded for your acts of charity.

Law of gratitude

Many people say that the act of giving thanks is very powerful, and this is proven by the law of gratitude. Being grateful for the simplest things in life, as well as your material possessions, even if they are few, is the key to achieving dreams and a much more satisfying journey.

This is because gratitude connects with the vibrations of the cosmos and has the power to bring good things from the astral plane into the physical world. The more you feel this way, the more the universe will reciprocate the positive energy you emanate.

As the law is immutable, it is well worth being grateful for all the people, things and situations that pass through our journey.

Association law

Combining efforts with those around us allows us to generate a bigger and better result. This is the teaching of the law of association, because when two people of similar vibrations come together for a single purpose, their energy is more than doubled towards that goal.

It's therefore very worthwhile looking for ways to harness and amplify this energy. Seeking out friends with the same mentality and vibe is a great idea.

In fact, when thousands of people come together for the same purpose, the power is immense, unlimited. That's why this law is widely used by clans, religions and meditation groups around the world fighting for peace.

Law of unconditional love

Expressing unconditional love results in a harmonious life - that's the premise of the law of unconditional love. However, it's worth noting that this feeling is much greater than romantic love, because it involves giving of oneself, without expecting or asking for anything in return.

It's about accepting people exactly as they are, without any judgment or expectation. It doesn't involve changing people or using them to your advantage. It's about pure acceptance. According to the law, if you express unconditional love, you automatically rise above fear, opening yourself up to receive this wonderful feeling back.

Law of affinity

According to the law of affinity, nothing happens by chance in our lives, so it can be said that there are certain affinities in which it is impossible to explain the size of the connection that is established, even when the individuals do not seem to be compatible.

In short, this law shows that like attracts like. Whenever we emit any energy into the universe, be it good or bad, we are attracting similar energies and vibrations. Some affinities end up explaining the purposes, objectives and consequences that we defend for the sake of spiritual evolution.

Law of abundance

The law of abundance states that we can create our reality from our intentions, according to our interests. However, it also reveals that we only see the reality that we want.

The universe is full of abundant energy and all living beings have within themselves the potential to transform their journeys into a true paradise, full of happiness.

Many people see the world as a scarce environment, but if you choose the path of accepting what is your divine right, you will achieve a prosperous life. The law of abundance reminds us that we have everything we need to turn our time here on Earth around.

Law of universal order

Everything is exactly as it should be. This is the principle of the law of universal order. According to her, there are no accidents in life and every seemingly negative event leads us down a new path. All her experiences were meant to happen.

The energy emanating from thoughts, words, emotions and actions creates all your experiences. This means that there are always opportunities to learn and evolve.

In addition, collective thinking shapes the environment for all of us. If the majority of people are angry, for example, there is a huge chance of wars breaking out. For the law, we are all one.

Law of unity

With the assertion that separation is an illusion, the law of unity shows that everyone and everything around us is connected. We are part of the same creation, collective consciousness and vibration. The more obstacles we put up, such as racial and status differences, the less contact we have with ourselves.

Absolutely everything we do, say and think affects the other people around us. We are all connected to the collective conscious, to the Higher Self. You could say that we are all part of the great energy source called God.

We are all one, and what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Therefore, the less prejudice, racism, homophobia and xenophobia, the closer you will be to divine unity.

Law of compromise

The law of commitment states that we came into this world with the aim of expanding our consciousness, because happiness is only achieved when it is shared with other living beings, because if someone is suffering or emanating a low vibration, the imbalance is capable of affecting all the inhabitants of this planet.

Bodhisattva, a Sanskrit term that represents one who, moved by great compassion, has put the well-being of others first and achieved enlightenment. These beings are aware that they will never be truly free until we all have freedom.

Law of eternity

According to the law of eternity, there is no real death. For it, the soul is continually evolving and this evolution is infinite. When it comes to appearance, it doesn't look like you're progressing, but your spirit is always growing and expanding.

Every experience, even misunderstandings, allows our soul to develop. In fact, these experiences usually bring about very sudden and gigantic growth.

Furthermore, time doesn't exist, it's just a convention, a kind of social and physical agreement. Therefore, the past and the future only exist in our minds. In this way, it's impossible to do something tomorrow or to have done it yesterday, because only now exists.

Further information about the laws of the universe

Although the laws of the universe are invisible and intangible, they are real and have countless consequences for those who ignore them. Read on and find out how to delve deeper into the subject and make your journey more positive.

How can we understand more about the laws of the universe?

The best way to understand the laws of the universe is to study them. However, few educational institutions make these laws a compulsory subject, so you have to look for other alternatives.

A great starting point are the articles by the thinker and humanist Carlos Bernardo Gonzalez Pecotche, who developed Logosophy, a science that seeks to offer teachings on how to comply with and respect all that the laws of the universe preach.

Another author is Hans Kelsen who, in his book "Pure Theory of Law", talks about the so-called natural laws, looking closely at the law of consequence, which is present in all processes.

Tips for applying the laws of the universe in your life

In order to apply the teachings of the laws of the universe to our journey, we must emphasize that our thoughts play a fundamental role and greatly influence the energy we emanate.

Beliefs, by the way, are also very powerful, so subconsciously believing that there are no good single men in the world will make this a reality. So it's worth paying attention and eliminating these negativities.

This is because each one of us has the power of transmutation. Creating a higher frequency vibration allows us to transform the lower ones. We have to make an effort to change our lives.

The laws of the universe manage spiritual and material nature, living beings and their behavior!

With immeasurable effects, the laws of the universe govern all living beings, their thoughts, actions and the cosmos itself. Therefore, learning the laws is only the first step to achieving a more satisfying life. You also have to put everything into practice.

It's worth remembering that the more you take advantage of the laws of the universe, the easier your journey will become. Understanding them leads to a happier life, with less struggle and more fluidity. There will be more clarity and less confusion. So the tip is to appreciate your new knowledge now, with a lot of wisdom and dedication.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.