The meaning of Mars in the signs of the Zodiac: understand this star!

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Jennifer Sherman

Mars in your birth chart

The planet Mars in the Star Chart reinforces some characteristics already present in the signs and brings with it a lot of strength and action, characteristics that can be taken to a more aggressive side, so to speak.

The nature of Mars is masculine and therefore it is symbolic of the impulsiveness of the great star, the Sun, showing more regarding human needs for survival and also exposing a very large sexuality.

There are no barriers for Mars. This planet, through all its strength and attitudes, shows that it is capable of making everything happen, even what is considered impossible.

Did you like it? Want to know more about Mars in your Birth Chart? Read on!

Mars and its meanings

Mars in the Birth Chart shows the need for actions and the way they are taken. Responsible for most of our impulses, this is the planet driven by wills, whether they are thought out or not.

Its deepest meanings can be seen through the desires, mainly the sexual ones, since this planet in the astrological chart clearly reveals the sexual profile of the native who has it in specific positions.

Full of energy, Mars in the Birth Chart makes all the difference for natives in relation to their deepest and most primary feelings. Are you curious to know more? Read below!

Meaning of Mars

The deepest meaning of Mars speaks about the central goals that this planet brings to the birth chart, dealing with issues such as the individual willpower of each being, which can often be focused on their instincts and basic survival issues.

Mars is seen as the opposite of Venus, because while the latter represents the feminine archetype, Mars is the synthesis of the masculine.

Mars in Mythology

In Mythology, Mars is known as the God of War, son of Juno. His main characteristics are linked to aggressiveness and violence, hence the nickname he received. He is described as a warrior and a power figure who faces all battles.

Through sculptures and paintings, Mars was always seen as a warrior wearing war clothes, shields and military helmet.

Mars in the Annual Chart

Mars appears in the Annual Chart representing everything that will happen during this period. As this is a planet that brings with it the energy of war, actions and impulsive reactions, it is a point to consider as a basis for your main actions in this cycle.

Despite so many characteristics that can be seen as negative, this is also a planet that shows our motivations and can prepare us for the cycle that begins with great willpower.

How to find my Mars?

To discover the correct positioning of your Mars, the easiest way to carry out this process and have an accuracy and definition, is through the Astrological Map, which is made according to some details, such as your date and place of birth.

Other necessary information is also used to draw this chart. From this point onwards, all planets, including Mars, will be set in their proper houses.

Mars in Aries

Mars in the sign of Aries shows all the strength of this planet, which is known for its symbolism of warrior, full of action and initiative. This is a sign that shares very similar characteristics, which gives even more openness to this.

In Aries, we can say that the planet is at home because it is in the sign ruled by it. We can even point out that this planet can be considered the "father" of Aries for this reason.

As much as Mars provides the strength for actions to be taken, there needs to be discernment to do so and Aries is a sign that can easily perceive these issues. Want to know more? See below!

Positive aspects

The natives who have Mars in Aries, besides being people full of energy and action, also show great courage and initiative to achieve what they want.

They like a challenge and are always ready to take on anything. Their positive energy means that their projects rarely get stuck and this is something to admire.

Negative aspects

As part of his negative points, the build-up of all energy can cause the native to be very impulsive and take actions which may lead to regret, depending on the type of action taken at the time.

As much as there is a great desire to accomplish great things, this native can easily become distracted and give up on something because of it, so maintaining focus is not always easy for him, and there needs to be enthusiasm for something to stay accomplished.

Sex and love

The moments of intimacy for people who have Mars in Aries can become true competitions. As they like to develop these little games, it is common that natives with this position also take the opportunity to play at this time.

Very assertive and direct in nature, people who have this position at these times tend to give in a little more than usual and look for more softness. But in general they like warmer situations.


The way of acting of these people, in general, is based very much on competitiveness and the will to win. Therefore, as for the career, they can develop very well in sports, for example, because these allow there to be that thirst to overcome their opponents.

You have to be a little careful because it is very easy for this native to end up losing track and letting selfish and aggressive behavior take over.

Mars in Taurus

In the sign of Taurus, Mars acts providing more energy and ensures that this native will focus even more on his tireless search for stability through good financial and material resources.

The Taurus way of acting, in general, is ruled by a lot of caution, so this sign always channels its efforts to conquer its deepest goals and the energy that comes from Mars makes this even more intense.

The path can often be complex and very difficult to face. This makes the energy of Mars become limited. Curious to know more? See below!

Positive aspects

Taurus is a very centered sign and calm in its actions, so it always looks for something that gives it more comfort and stability. Therefore, its process may be slow, but the Taurus will reach its goal in a concrete way.

In this way he can draw up his plans based on this worldview and to execute what he wants he can count on the strength and perseverance of Mars, which will help with the part of execution.

Negative aspects

People who have Mars in Taurus can usually control their negative attitudes, but if they feel threatened or extremely irritated, this can end at any time.

When the sign of Taurus decides to enter a dispute, he rarely comes out of it to lose and uses all his strength to prove his point and win. This reaction can end up being exaggerated, which, of course, will be seen as a bad thing.

Sex and love

In this respect, people who are positioned in Mars end up being a little predictable in their actions.

So, they like to invest in good moments, a very present characteristic in Taurus, with intimacy situations, like oils, massages and others, in search of security. Some people of the sign of Taurus prefer even the foreplay to the sexual act itself.


In professional life, the native who has this position, in general, can show himself as a successful person. This happens because Mars in Taurus reinforces some very positive aspects of this sign, such as persistence in achieving their goals.

If a headstrong Taurus wants to achieve something, he will follow through until he reaches that final goal without caring about the bumps in the road.

Mars in Gemini

The influence of Mars in the sign of Gemini can reinforce some of the most common characteristics of this sign, since these people are naturally very active and versatile, and highly adaptable to situations.

It is common for Gemini people to insert themselves in debates and deep discussions, as these people are usually extremely intelligent and interested in diverse subjects that encourage their intellectuality the most.

The Gemini loves to know a little bit about everything. For these people, acquiring knowledge is essential and good for their inner self. Do you want to know more about Mars in Gemini? Read below!

Positive aspects

The main ability that is reinforced by Mars in this sign, which is already one of the most communicative and expansive, is precisely your way of being able to show yourself to the world and make people clearly understand your vision.

This may even be the reason why Gemini is able to convince those around her that the view she holds is the correct one about something.

Negative aspects

With the influence of Mars, the Gemini may adopt a slightly more irritable and rude posture. At times, however much he or she may seek to socialise and be pleasant, these traits will come out in sarcasm and rudeness.

The anger coming from Mars makes Gemini's not leave behind arguments and use an intelligent and reasoned speech to win any confrontation.

Sex and love

In intimacy, the native who has this position can benefit from skill with words and the desire to know new ways to get his partner excited through them.

The Gemini energy is so strong that added to the actions of Mars makes this moment very positive, full of versatility and inspiring, ensuring good moments and a great lightness for the experiences with two.


This positioning is very positive for natives who wish to pursue careers which in some way provide them with both a spotlight and a way to express their intelligence, as a reporter, journalist or critic.

Being restless by nature, Gemini people are usually in search of knowing more about everything and so they benefit from this in their jobs and new professional challenges.

Mars in Cancer

The emotions of the Cancerian are normally a point to highlight, but with this placement this becomes even clearer and constantly stays on the surface in a very intense way.

Mars influences the sign of Cancer in such a way that its main characteristics are highlighted. Thus, when the Cancerian is faced with moments of frustration this can appear through a constant bad mood or complaints.

The sensitivity of these natives tends to be amplified by the strong influence of Mars, which reinforces this with its very present energy. Curious to know more? See below!

Positive aspects

The person who has Mars in Cancer has very great self-control and usually avoids crossing the line, since this can lead to consequences which this native is not willing to face at all, because they affect him much more deeply than he can handle.

Another important issue of this native is the fact that he also cherishes the boundaries of others and does not invade other people's spaces, letting them feel comfortable to live with him. This native is a person who is firm in his visions and purposes and takes it all very seriously.

Negative aspects

With a greater sensitivity towards emotional issues, Cancerians tend to lose their heads a little due to this positioning, which makes things more intense.

The anger accumulated in these moments can cause discord and unnecessary arguments. This can be seen much more clearly in the family relationships of this native, which tend to be shaken in these bad periods for the Cancerian. This happens especially with parents.

Sex and love

The emotional characteristics of Cancerians are always taken into consideration in various analyses, so connecting with a native who has Mars in Cancer certainly takes these aspects into consideration.

For Cancerians it is necessary that there is an emotional connection for these moments, so that they are even more special. This makes the Cancerian feel more secure and gradually can release all his energy for a better enjoyment of sex.


The energy coming from Mars to the Cancerian should be channeled in other aspects so that he doesn't end up continually getting irritated with things that shouldn't cause such a fuss.

If well used, this force can promote changes in the life of this native and make it easier for him to develop in his professional career. As this is a planet of courage, the Cancerian who is usually restrained in this respect, can seek to fulfil his most secret professional wishes.

Mars in Leo

The sign of Leo has some very simple to understand characteristics and Mars brings a reinforcement to this, showing a native even more creative and full of willpower under its influence.

Other very important points that are emphasized in this native with Mars in Leo is the fact that these people are very determined and assertive, full of action, and make good use of it.

Some points end up becoming enemies of the Leo, because there is a tendency to behave in a possessive and jealous way, something that can be seen both in Mars and in separated Leo. Want to know more? Check it out below!

Positive aspects

The sign of Leo behaves in a very stable way and always seeks to be seen as a centered person. The desire is that others see you as someone to look up to. And Mars brings these characteristics to the fore.

These natives are determined and do not measure efforts to achieve their desires and goals. This can be seen as something very positive if they do not exceed the limit of what is acceptable and become arrogant and exaggerated.

Negative aspects

The most negative points seen in relation to this placement of Mars in Leo are shown through the way these people relate to others. It is very easy for this native to become a very possessive person.

In addition, because they believe in their potential, these people become proud and do not listen to others because they think they are very right about something. But, their very determined views end up creating unnecessary tensions.

Sex and love

The Leo sign needs to be exalted and if he finds someone who sees him in this way and plays this role, he feels even better in intimate moments.

These natives also often insert a bit of drama into these contexts, in which they play engaging roles and full of stories that sharpen creativity and desire.


These natives are very proactive and can develop well in careers which guarantee them the prospect of gaining some leadership. As they consider themselves visionaries, they believe they have the potential to lead situations and activities.

This combination, however, can also be seen among people who pursue activities in sectors such as the arts, especially for dramatic actors or something that resembles that.

Mars in Virgo

The characteristics most present in the native who has Mars in Virgo are energy and ability, something that is also normally seen in the behavior of Virgoans. People who have this position rely on very well defined actions.

It is not common for these natives to act on pure impulse. Everything ends up being well thought out, orchestrated and only then executed. They like to act only when they feel they can afford the consequences that may come from their actions.

Natives with Mars in Virgo are extremely attentive and nothing goes unnoticed by these people. Do you want to know more about Mars in Virgo? See below in detail!

Positive aspects

The most important points to highlight of this native in a positive way is the ability that these people have to get organized at any cost to perform their duties fully and very well done.

Nothing goes unnoticed by the native with Mars in Virgo. All details are noticed and duly absorbed by him. This makes life much easier for these people, since they can only carry out their work if they feel this security of the perfectly fitted details.

Negative aspects

The negative points of this positioning can generate some discomfort for other people. This happens because everything needs to be perfectly calculated and if it doesn't turn out that way, the native gets frustrated and the irritation that comes from this is overwhelming.

The tendency in face of situations that get out of control in this way is to get angry with the other people who acted with him something and take out his frustration showing that if everything had been done by him, it would have been perfect.

Sex and love

For this native, the moment of intimacy also carries a little of his clearer signature: everything has to be done in the perfect way. So, for Mars in Virgo you have to take into account all the details for a good time together.

This positioning makes the person wants not only to pay attention to details, but that your partner also pays close attention to the moments you are together. Everything is discovered by both little by little, considering the small details.


At work, these people are full of energy and always adopt a perfectionist stance. Everything is done with precision, care and a lot of focus so that it does not get out of control for this native.

As professionals these natives can perform with excellence in fields that allow operation of sharp or high precision instruments, as surgeons, craftsmen and even mechanics.

Mars in Libra

Mars in the sign of Libra makes the need to be socially approved of this sign even greater. As this is a very sociable being and that values this, it is common that the Librian feels disconcerted if he is not seen in the way he wants.

In this way, Mars' energy ends up being a little damaged by the Librian and becomes a little more limited for being so distant from its house of origin, the sign of Aries.

The actions of the sign of Libra are very distant from all the action energy of Mars and this causes this planet to be affected in this position, because usually the Librians are much more cordial and diplomatic. Want to know more? See below!

Positive aspects

A positive aspect of this position, which for some people may not be seen this way because it prunes the characteristics of Mars, is the fact that Libra, being very sociable, tries to think more before acting and never attacks, something common to this planet.

Thus, decisions and positions are much more guided by thoughts and evaluations than only by actions that do not take even a minute to be determined.

Negative aspects

This positioning can become a real inner war for the native who holds it. This is because Mars' vision is much more of action, while Libra wants to be balanced and thoughtful in its attitudes.

Some much more aggressive and selfish posturing may emerge along the way through the sheer influence of Mars, in a never-ending fight with Libra to get this released. Recklessness may still be present, but perhaps more contained.

Sex and love

In intimacy this native acts in a romantic and dedicated way. He enjoys the moments as if they were unique. Libra is very attached to beauty and harmony, so this is a time to show these skills by creating something unique and unforgettable.

Generally they cultivate an environment full of serenity and tranquillity to enjoy each other's company. But of course they also pay close attention to their partners' wishes.


The sign of Libra takes its work very seriously and Mars brings all this attitude and actions which are sometimes very impulsive. This can create conflict in this sector because the native tends to get out of control if the rules are not followed.

The person who has this position is very demanding with others, especially if he is in a position of power, which usually happens, since Librians love to exercise power.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars associated with the sign of Scorpio in this astrological chart brings aspects of intensity, especially when it comes to personal actions. Thus, this positioning has the function of guaranteeing a more fearless attitude to the Scorpian.

As the sign of Scorpio by itself already faces whatever the problem is, Mars makes this even greater and turns this native into a person almost incapable of feeling fear.

Even in the face of very complicated issues, people of this sign can resist, persist and seek within themselves all the courage necessary to face the potential challenges. Are you curious to know a little more? Read on!

Positive aspects

Natives with this position have courage and dedication as their main positive points. They are people who act out of passion and whenever they have a goal and a desire, they run after it to make it happen.

The concentration of these natives is also something to be admired. They use it coupled with exemplary discipline to perform their duties like no other. They are hardly influenced when they believe in themselves.

Negative aspects

As negative points, Scorpios can become a bit obsessed with their visions and make their points of view unique. There is no opinion and not even another way of seeing things. For this native everything ends up being black and white.

People with this positioning have a very high intensity. But if this is applied in a wrong sector or something, it can cause possessive and jealous behaviour.

Sex and love

In intimacy, this position brings a great intensity to the moment. If the Scorpio in itself can be very passionate in this sector, the influence of Mars intensifies the moment even more.

Everything with the sign of Scorpio tends to be very emotional, but you need to channel your energy at this time only into positive things so as not to create any bad situation for the couple.


The concentration and discipline generated by this position of Mars in Scorpio makes the native capable of very assertive actions and it is definitely not easy to make him change his mind. And this can be very good or very bad at work.

So, in case the native is doing something that is clearly going to go wrong, but doesn't want to give up because he believes it will work, he won't listen to anyone until he ends up failing.

Mars in Sagittarius

The natives who have Mars in Sagittarius exhibit very positive characteristics. They are very friendly people, optimistic and full of joie de vivre. Besides, of course, being totally independent people by pure Sagittarian influence.

This is a sign that is always looking for adventures, ideas and special moments. Thus, the native who has the sign of Sagittarius associated with Mars counts with a whirlwind of feelings, as they will be even more active and with firm positions.

There is a predisposition to exaggerate in your actions because the sign of Sagittarius is already highly expansive and when counting on the actions of Mars this can generate unexpected results. Curious to know more about this positioning? See below!

Positive aspects

The good energy of Mars makes the Sagittarian have good ideas and want to invest in themselves. Therefore these people have a strong tendency to open their own business and show themselves as first class entrepreneurs.

The wisdom in the actions of these natives takes them far because they possess all that is necessary to succeed in whatever area of their lives.

Negative aspects

The way Mars and the sign of Sagittarius act can be very similar in that they are extremely expansive. This can cause them to quickly become overreacting, with immediate and unnecessary actions.

Another point worth mentioning is that due to the high knowledge of this native, he can end up feeling much better than other people and becomes too presumptuous and perhaps even arrogant.

Sex and love

When it comes to intimacy, the Sagittarian has something different to boast about. It is common for them to attract people by their joie de vivre, and laughter can make their object of desire fall even more in love with them.

This will be a very different moment because the native with Mars in Sagittarius has no compunction about taking advantage of it to play various games and venture to get to know his partner more intimately.


At work, these natives need to listen more to people because they end up not giving the slightest importance to other people's opinions and what they have to add, and they come to be seen as difficult people to deal with.

Always very courageous and willing to face anything for what he believes in, success is on the path of the person with Mars in Sagittarius. However, he needs to control his speeches a little more and not be sarcastic when it is not convenient.

Mars in Capricorn

The sign of Capricorn can channel the energy of Mars into the professional sectors, which does not mean that it will leave aside the personal, but that it will take advantage of this influence to develop more this side of importance for the native people of this sign.

Capricorns love to be recognised for what they do, and feel much more satisfied being praised for their work than for other more personal matters, so the influence of Mars will be used very well by this sign.

The natives who have this position in Capricorn feel much more the need to use the force for material and professional matters than anything else. Want to know more about Mars in Capricorn? Read below!

Positive aspects

People with this disposition are highly influenced by the sign of Capricorn and all its organization. The energy of Mars emphasizes even more this way of acting, giving even more disposition to the native to execute his tasks with courage and will.

A very positive point for Capricorns is their practical way of dealing with things. They don't get bogged down or think about something they have already thought and decided.

Negative aspects

With the strong influence of Mars there is a great tension in the life of this native, which causes them to move away from some human values, putting that in the background so that their ambition takes over, since they have a practical and cold vision.

Because of this way of acting, many people end up seeing the natives with Mars in Capricorn as selfish, materialistic and self-centered people.

Sex and love

In intimacy the Capricornian has the ability to develop a positive performance for long periods of time. This positioning can have a great influence on these moments of intimacy.

For a Capricorn person, desire is something that arises little by little. Therefore, this sign is not very adept at quick and unexpected actions and needs to take one step at a time to enjoy the moment.


The way of seeing things from a more organized and centered perspective makes Capricorn people influenced by Mars very successful in their professional lives.

With this vision focuses what they desire, these natives pursue their desires and dreams with strength and courage until they achieve the desired progress.

Mars in Aquarius

The planet Mars, being associated with the sign of Aquarius, tends to give this native a great desire to achieve independence. Through their actions, which are provoked by this planet, Aquarians can achieve their goals by sheer determination.

People with this positioning, however, do not like to take into consideration the views of others and always prefer to do things the way they think and believe.

This happens because naturally these people adopt strategies and ways of thinking very different from traditional ones, which can be seen by other people even as strange. Want to know more about this positioning in Aquarius? See below!

Positive aspects

One of the most positive points of this positioning is the fact that this native defends his visions whatever the cost. When they believe in something, they face their limits to fight in favor of whatever it is.

This may be seen as rebellious, but it is a firm way for the native with Mars in Aquarius to prove his worth and show people that he knows what he is doing, however much they may not agree.

Negative aspects

The negative points of the native with Mars in Aquarius depend a lot on the way this native will defend his or her positions in front of something. So it is possible that there is some tension due to the fact that these people are very assertive.

Because they have revolutionary thoughts and do not want to hear otherwise about their views, Aquarians can quickly become self-centered towards other people. Attitudes that could be seen as strength become something harmful.

Sex and love

In intimacy, this positioning will greatly favor this native, who shows himself as a very versatile partner and willing to understand the needs of the person with whom he is with.

Besides, Aquarians are always open to face new experiences, concepts and live indescribable moments with their partners in their life as a couple. Alone, they show all their potential to their partner and both of them will have unique moments.


The Aquarian's way of life, always seeking to revolutionize whatever it is, can be an extremely positive point for his career. However, working with large groups can be a real challenge for him, who does not like to give up his thoughts.

Having to face something together with other people is a very big challenge in this native's life, but he needs to learn because you can't build a career alone.

Mars in Pisces

People who have Mars in Pisces have a great intuition, which is amplified by the strong influence of this planet. In general, people of this sign have a great diplomacy in the way they act and this will also be intensified with this sign.

But for Mars, which represents a lot of action and decision, the position can be a reason for confusion. Feelings will be problematic in this scenario, generating doubts, questioning and restlessness.

For these natives, the position can be a little confusing. You need to exercise more self-control. Want to understand more about Mars in Pisces? See below!

Positive aspects

The sign of Pisces is extremely mutable and has very objective actions. With the influence of Mars, this intensifies even more. With so much energy, individuals who count on this sign tend to stay away from problems.

Pisceans have many aptitudes for the arts, like music, for example, or they can even develop very well in the world of dance. This is because the person who has this position can adapt wherever he goes.

Negative aspects

Nurturing bad feelings, such as resentment, can cause this native to have very bad experiences. Your placement may end up repressing anger and leaving it stored until it comes up.

The reaction of the Piscean will be one of sheer nervousness and exaltation. He may present psychosomatic problems due to this habit of keeping things to himself and never externalizing what he is feeling. There needs to be a much greater effort for these natives to explore this.

Sex and love

In intimacy, the person with this position likes to play with the imagination because stories make this native even more stimulated and wants to see where the situation will go.

These games make the native with Mars in Pisces very interested and are a great way to hold their attention. The moment for these natives has to be engaging, with soft touches and ambient music.


The role of these natives is usually seen behind the scenes. They don't show themselves as great leaders or even appear as the people responsible for executing something. In general, they stay behind, following everything that happens.

But, it is undeniable that even from behind and without showing themselves they make all the difference because they perform their tasks in the best possible way and are very objective in everything they propose.

How to use Mars to my advantage?

As Mars is a planet full of energy, which provides changes and much more effectiveness in the way people act, using it in your favor depends a lot on how much you are willing to cancel some defects to make it effective.

This is because if this planet encounters something that naturally does not do so well for your actions, the fact can be intensified. Therefore, the actions that come from Mars can be channeled into good things, which will lead you to success.

This is a great way to use Mars to your advantage: turning something that could end up being harmful into an energy to motivate you to be better.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.