The relationship between Quantum Physics and spirituality: learn more about it!

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Jennifer Sherman

General notions about the relationship between Quantum Physics and spirituality

At a certain point in human history, Science and Faith are expected to be reconciled. Quantum Physics is basically a harmonic union between these two things, like the resolution of a paradox.

Several thinkers envisioned the advent of the age of knowledge. Centuries ago, scientific discoveries refuted religion, and religion questioned what science said about the interpretation of sacred texts.

Nowadays, we are invited to observe reality from another point of view, that is, that we are all an integral part of the whole and co-creators of the universe. Quantum Physics states that, in order to understand reality, it is necessary to disassociate ourselves from the traditional idea of matter.

Furthermore, the idea of reality goes beyond anything we can imagine. Want to know more about the relationship between spirituality and Quantum Physics? Check out this article!

Quantum Physics, energy, consciousness awakening and enlightenment

In the following topics, you will delve into the concept of Quantum Physics, its origin, what exactly "quantum" means, and other concepts. There is a wealth of knowledge to be explored in this science. Check it out!

What is Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics is a science that observes the phenomena that happen with the smallest existing particles, the atomic and subatomic, which are the electrons, protons, photons, molecules and cells. For a long time, it was believed that atoms were made of matter, but then it was found that a large part of an atom is vacuum - that is, it is not matter, but a condensed energy.

Thus, looking at our reality from a microscopic point of view, we can see that our bodies are the result of vibrations emanated from our ancestors, because we are the result of an energetic genealogical equation that took thousands of years to result in our "I".

When quantum physics was discovered

A century ago, Quantum Physics arose from attempts to explain the physical phenomena that happened with light. For this, several researches were made and, by observing the radiation emitted by gases in a lamp through a prism, it was possible to see, for the first time, the presence of well-defined colors.

Thus, when the gas particles are subjected to collisions, the electrons are charged with energy and jump to another, more energetic orbit of the atom. After that, the electron returns to the first level and begins to release colored light in the form of a photon, demarcating a boundary between the energy levels.

What is quantum

The word "quantum" comes from the Latin "quantum", which means "quantity". This terminology was used by Albert Einstein to describe the equation created by Max Planck, the father of quantum physics. The "quantum" was described as a physical phenomenon of quantization, which is basically the energy rise of an electron, the smallest indivisible quantity of energy.

If, before, the atom was considered the smallest particle, the quantum started to occupy this qualification. With the advances in science in general and Quantum Physics, today, we know that the atom is the smallest visible particle existing in nature.

The energy of Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics states that everything is energy and that even our bodies and all existing things are emanations of ancestral energies, which were the result of a hereditary equation of millions of years, which form a large network and result in a single element. Therefore, we are all connected.

In this way, Quantum Physics also proposes to observe and define what cannot be seen, what cannot be measured and the indeterminism of the particles that make up our reality. It discovered that, if each of us could see an atom, it would show a small and strong hurricane, in which photons and quarks orbit. Thus, Quantum Physics deals with this energy.

Quantum Physics and the awakening of consciousness

The study of Quantum Physics states that whatever our thought is, it already exists. Through its energy, we can access and condense it, transforming it into matter. For example, the cure for a certain disease already exists: only the energy of thought has not reached the point of accessing it to materialize.

In this way, consciousness promotes the selection of the vibrational flows of energy treated by Quantum Physics. It is capable of altering many undesired contexts, or better yet, bringing to reality the appropriate contexts, latent in some field of possibilities of the cosmos.


Spirituality allows man the comfort of hope about what cannot be obtained or controlled, because it connects him to his inner self. Science allows man the knowledge and discoveries about the results that can be controlled or applied for his benefit. It connects us to something greater and shows how small we are before the inexplicable.

Therefore, the enlightenment we can extract from this knowledge is that, regardless of whether spirituality is connected to science or vice versa, it makes man reflect on what he is. We can go in search of our personal conclusions, enjoying the best they can offer us.

The quantum person

A quantum person is one who, from the moment they strongly desire something, accesses what is created in the vibrational field through electromagnetic waves. In this way, they make this desire part of the probabilities at the quantum level and condense the energies for the desired purpose.

Therefore, if there is a vibration of energy well channeled through thought and emotions, it can achieve any goal and become an action.

Spirituality, through faith and the knowledge of Quantum Physics, makes it possible for people to consciously generate vibrations that can bring many benefits. Thus, an elevation of the state of consciousness is created, since the realizing power of thought is already known.

Quantum leap, parallel universes, planetary transition and others

The existence of parallel universes is often discussed in movies, especially in superhero movies. In addition, science has been researching the existence of the multiverse. Are there, in fact, other universes besides ours? Can we move between them? Check it out!

The basis of the material world is immaterial

Quantum Physics demonstrates that, far beyond all that is tangible and material, energy exists. Buddhism is a religion that has always defended this idea and the need to go beyond the barriers of the physical world to give greater importance to our consciousness. After all, this is the psychic imprint that gives meaning and form to reality itself.

We are what we think and it is thought itself that projects what is around us. The idea that we are an energy is one of the pillars that create a connection between Quantum Physics and spirituality.

The concept of Quantum Leap

After performing some analysis on the colors of light, scientists discovered that the electrons did not move in a linear manner in space. When changing their location between one energy level and another, they just disappeared and reappeared, like a kind of teleportation or Quantum Leap.

Thus, the subatomic particles, despite being particles, when put in motion, move as waves. This finding is evidence that it is impossible to know the exact location of an electron, but we can discover the highest probability of the exact location where it is.

Parallel universes

A theory created by Stephen Hawking states that the Big Bang did not generate just the Universe, but a Multiverse. This means that this event gave rise to an infinity of similar parallel universes, which diverge in fundamental points.

So imagine an Earth where dinosaurs were not extinct, or universes where the laws of physics are different and from that come infinite variations.

In this context, Quantum Physics is known as the science of possibilities, because it tells us that all possible outcomes of any action already exist in the present, as a dormant form of reality.

Planetary Transition

There is scientific evidence that the Earth's magnetism has been reducing rapidly and the change in the planet's magnetic poles coincided with the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.

With this reduction of planetary magnetism, Quantum Physics states that the access time for the manifestation of thoughts drops drastically, and with this alteration, celestial beings can enter and help humans in the awakening of consciousness.

The transformations that come with the Planetary Transition will be perceptible in the increased frequency of light, the modification of brain waves and vibrational field, the energetic redirection, the strengthening and fusion of the eighth chakra, the abrogation of the Law of Karma and the power to consciously access the fifth dimension.


We can make a comparison about how the vibrations of thoughts, feelings and emotions, even if they originate from such a subtle source, create an energy capable of moving and shaping the dense matter of a mountain. When the vibrations are consciously projected, it is possible to observe their transcendental effects, also consciously.

Thus, thoughts generate emotions and they feed the soul. Selecting and conducting the energetic flows makes total difference in the construction of the Self and the real world. Until consciousness is awakened and the conduct of our lives is conscious, the unconscious will be the creator of all things, because the universe understands the vibrations and that is its language.

Creative mind

A renowned physics professor at the University of Oregon, Amit Goswani, claims that the behavior of microparticles changes depending on what the observer does. The moment he looks, a type of wave appears. But when he is not looking, no changes occur.

All these questions demonstrate how atoms are sensitive to any attitude that is taken. Buddhism has always referred to this same aspect: our emotions and our thoughts define us and also alter the reality that surrounds us.

Universal Connection

According to physics, in each of our atoms resides a part of the stardust from which the universe itself originated. Somehow, just as Dalai Lama said, we are all connected and part of the same essence.

Therefore, thinking about this connection helps to understand the importance of doing good, because everything we do brings consequences in the Universe and will be returned to us.

This connection should lead us to a deep reflection on everything we do, considering that our actions directly interfere with the balance of the Universe we know. Therefore, it is important to always seek to do good.

Quantum Physics, spirituality and relationships with personal life

As you have seen, Quantum Physics has a direct relationship with spirituality, since it is a science that deals with the smallest particles and how they influence the universe as we know it. Learn more below!

Quantum Physics and spirituality

Quantum Physics and spirituality have a direct relationship, since, with human development, it is expected that there is a conciliation between science and faith. Quantum Physics establishes a link between these aspects, enabling the resolution of this paradox of disharmony between these two areas.

Therefore, it shows us that, to understand reality, we need to disentangle ourselves from the traditional idea of matter as something concrete and solid, besides being tangible. Space and time are visual illusions, since a particle can be found in two distinct places at the same time. The conception of reality transcends everything we can imagine.

The Dalai Lama's position on the matter

According to Dalai Lama, leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the connection between Quantum Physics and spirituality is not something evident. According to him, all atoms in the body are part of an ancient image of the Universe in the past.

We are stardust and we are connected biologically to any being with life. Man is a being of visible energy that vibrates entities united to all existing things.

If there is something that human beings know, it is that science and spirituality are not exactly known for reconciling their theses. Quite the contrary: faith and spirituality, in general, disagree with each other.

The relationship between Quantum Physics and personal life

About 15 billion years ago, everything that makes up the universe as we know it, planets, suns, stars and other celestial bodies, was compressed into a single spark in the middle of a vacuum. With the advent of the Big Bang, space and time originated.

Einstein's Theory of Relativity was revolutionized by Russian Alexander Freidman and Belgian Georges Lemaitre when they identified that the universe was not static, but was constantly expanding.

Thus, the origin of the Universe and its expansion brings with it a reflection: the human being also has an origin and needs to expand and evolve, just like the Universe we know.

Quantum mysticism, Wigner and actuality

The relationship between Quantum Physics and spirituality brought some reflections, which gave origin to some concepts. Among them, we can mention the Quantum Mysticism. It is important to understand it. Learn more below!

The concept of Quantum Mysticism

In general, Quantum Mysticism consists of interpretations of Quantum Theory which fall within the tradition of animistic naturalism or which adopt a subjectivistic idealism, or which still depart from religious elements.

It is an attitude that attributes an intimate connection between human consciousness and quantum phenomena. To better define these conceptions, there are several theses, each accepted by some mystical-quantum current.

Therefore, we can divide Quantum Mysticism into five distinct groups: Participant Observer, Quantum mind, Quantum communication, Other intepretations and Applications. Among the arguments of Quantum Mysticism, we can mention: "Human consciousness is essentially quantum" and "Human consciousness is responsible for the collapse of the quantum wave".


Eugene Paul Wigner was born in Budapest, Hungary, on November 17, 1902, and died in Princeton on January 1, 1995. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in the year 1963 for his many contributions to the Theory of the Atomic Nucleus and Elementary Particles.

His award is due mainly to the discovery and applications of the fundamental principles of symmetry. He stood out for his contribution to nuclear physics, which is part of the formulation of the law of conservation of parity.

New Age

The New Age movement was something that spread through various occult and metaphysical religious communities in the mid 1970s and 1980s.

These communities looked forward to the advent of a "new age" of love and light, which offered a foretaste of the coming age through inner transformation and restoration. The proponents of this thesis were followers of modern esotericism.

The New Age movement was succeeded by several other esoteric movements over the centuries, for example, Rosicrucianism in the 17th century, Freemasonry, Theosophy, and ceremonial magic in the 19th and 20th centuries. The term "New Age" was first used by a man named William Blake in the preface to his poem "Milton" in 1804.


Quantum Mysticism has been brought to the forefront nowadays through self-help literary works, such as one of the most prominent books on the subject, "The Secret", written by the author Rhonda Byrne. This book became a worldwide bestseller, whose main thesis is the Law of Attraction, whereby our thoughts manifest themselves in reality.

This means that if one thinks positive, one will bring positive things into one's life, but the opposite also applies in this thesis. The author alludes to Quantum Physics as a scientific foundation of the Law of Attraction. However, there is no scientific evidence to support her idea.

How can knowledge about Quantum Physics and spirituality benefit me?

The main goal of all forms of spiritual manifestation is to seek union with transcendent reality. There are different traditions that may give different names to a divine being, however, in all of them we find the same desire to become one with the Divine.

By combining spirituality with quantum physics, human beings can understand the spiritual basis of the universe and live accordingly. Living life according to a pre-established order in the universe is a prerequisite for a healthy life. This means that we have to recognize the invisible background of reality and accept the importance of spirituality in our life.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.