Therapist: know the difference between psychologist, psychiatrist and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Is there a difference between therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst?

The differences between therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst are still confusing for many people. Thus, a good way to begin to make this differentiation is to consider the training of professionals who work in each of the areas mentioned.

When talking about the psychologist and the psychoanalyst, it is possible to point out that both have the same academic training, Psychology. However, the psychoanalyst turns to psychoanalysis, which turns to "unraveling mysteries" hidden in the unconscious.

The psychiatrist, in turn, has a degree in medicine and acts in the diagnosis of diseases such as depression and anxiety. Finally, the therapist is the individual trained in one or more areas focused on human health, both physical and mental. Want to know more about the performance of these professionals? Continue reading the article!

Differences of therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst

The main difference between therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst is in the training, which will reflect directly on their method of action or in what each of the professionals effectively treats. Therefore, if you are interested in knowing more about it, just continue reading this article to check in more detail the differences.

How the therapist acts

Every professional who has training in a health area, regardless of whether it is physical or mental, can be called a therapist. Thus, even those who have technical training, as in the case of holistic therapy, can receive this title.

In all, Brazil recognizes 29 distinct therapeutic practices and the Unified Health System (SUS) offers treatment for several of them. The law does not restrict treatment with alternative therapies to health professionals, but they tend to be more interested in them as a matter of affinity and technical knowledge.

How the psychologist works

When talking about the role of psychologists, it is possible to highlight that these professionals have a bachelor's degree in Psychology. However, in the case of those who work in the clinical area and work with psychotherapy, they can also be called therapists. However, in this context the term is an abbreviation of psychotherapist.

Therefore, psychologists are not considered therapists and the confusion is due to the linguistic issue mentioned. Their action is to help people to overcome emotional obstacles and the way this is done depends on the specialization of each one.

How the psychiatrist works

Psychiatrists have a degree in medicine and a specialization in psychiatry, a process that takes about 10 years to complete. After completing their training, the professional acts to identify and diagnose illnesses like anxiety, depression and several other disorders.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the psychiatrist is the professional responsible for prescribing medications when these are necessary in the treatment of a certain patient. Sometimes, the work of these professionals happens in parallel to that of psychologists.

How the psychoanalyst works

A Psychology professional who adopts psychoanalysis as a line of work is called a psychoanalyst. The analysis done by these professionals tends to be longer, since they investigate the patient's mind in search of memories and past sufferings that have been repressed.

This happens because for psychoanalysis negative behavior patterns may be associated with something that has already been forgotten, so that it is necessary to rediscover the past to identify the causes. In this sense, non-verbal language, forgetfulness and also uncomfortable subjects for the patient are also analyzed.

When to seek a therapist

There are some signs that indicate when a person needs to look for a therapist. Due to the rush of everyday life, they can end up overlooked and be seen only as signs of tiredness or associated with daily stresses.

Thus, it is very important to know how to identify these signs to avoid seeking professional help only when the situation is already more aggravated. Want to know when to seek a therapist? See more about it below!

Intense emotions

Feeling sadness or anger when faced with certain situations is a normal part of human behavior. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity with which this happens and also to the frequency of these emotions.

Also, if someone's feelings become paralyzing or bring damage to their routine, they need to be looked at more closely. Failure to seek support can end up leading to worse conditions, such as anxiety or panic, arising from an individual's misperception of something in their lives.

Fixed thought

People who have fixed thoughts about past traumas need to seek a therapist. In general, it is recommended that treatment be initiated as soon as the trauma occurs so that therapy, regardless of the type, serves as a support and helps the patient to deal with the problem, alleviating suffering.

Therefore, when an event like an accident or a separation, for example, happens in someone's life, the best thing to do is not to wait to start the process because it tends to dissipate the problems faster.

Being demotivated

Feeling unmotivated is something that can happen, especially during periods of increased physical and mental fatigue. However, when this makes you feel increasingly sad and disconnected from things in your life, you need to seek the help of a therapist to deal with these issues.

Some signs that demotivation is becoming harmful are loss of interest in people and activities that used to bring pleasure. Even these symptoms cannot be neglected because they may indicate an onset of depression.

Mood variation

Anyone who experiences many mood swings, especially when they are extreme, going from happiness to sadness very quickly, should seek professional help. When this process becomes frequent, this help becomes even more urgent because someone needs to examine its causes.

It is worth noting that in many cases the patient may be diagnosed with some kind of disorder and, therefore, these emotions are not something ordinary in his life. However, only a trained professional can discover the causes and determine a line of treatment.

Low income

It is practically impossible to leave problems out of professional life and they end up intervening in one way or another. Therefore, the individual goes through periods of lack of concentration and feels great difficulties to perform their tasks, which can end up generating problems in the career.

If this situation is worsening to the point of causing professional performance to drop significantly, it is necessary to seek a therapist to find a way to change this scenario, since emotional issues can end up causing even job loss if not taken care of.

Difficulty in relationships

Another sign that a person needs to seek help from a therapist can be seen in their relationships. When someone has difficulty dealing with their partner, cannot communicate with friends and family, or loses their temper too easily, it means that there is an emotional problem.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand by oneself what generates this behavior. Professional help is then valid to help change this behavior and to broaden people's perceptions.

When to seek the psychologist

To seek the help of a psychologist, contrary to what many people think, you do not need to have some pre-existing mental health condition.

This is because psychotherapy can be beneficial for anyone, as it helps you understand the reasons for your difficulties, whether in relationships or even in your family life. So, it is a way of self-knowledge and also bringing improvements to mental health. Want to know more about when to seek a psychologist? Read the next section of the article to find out.


When an individual feels overloaded, either emotionally or even in terms of workload, this can be a sign that they need to seek psychological help. Overload can lead to other more serious mental health conditions and therefore at the early signs it needs to be taken seriously.

Through psychotherapy the patient will be able to discover why he feels constantly overwhelmed and then seek ways to change this reality, making his life more amenable.


Those who constantly feel tired are getting a physical signal from their body that they need psychological help. If this feeling of fatigue recurs even at times when the individual does not have so many tasks, but has the feeling that they do not have the energy to do anything, this needs to receive attention.

Constant fatigue can be a symptom of more serious psychosomatic illnesses, such as depression. Therefore, anyone who feels this way constantly should seek a psychologist as soon as possible.

Excessive anger or resentment

Constant anger or resentment can cause a person to withdraw from social life. This defensive isolation is very dangerous and can damage relationships, both in love and in the family. It can also be linked to a sense of not belonging.

Although many people think that this feeling is something unusual and that makes them strange, in fact, it is present in the lives of many and is a sign that things are not right in the realm of mental health.


Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder characterized by the fear of leaving spaces that are considered safe. In general, those who live with this condition are afraid to leave their homes. Therefore, situations in which this is necessary cause extreme fear and can even generate panic attacks.

The causes for agoraphobia are not fully known, but when these symptoms manifest, the time has come to seek psychological help because it is a condition that needs treatment to be overcome.

Anxious thoughts

It is possible to state that anxiety is a natural response of the body to some situations, as if it were a survival mechanism. Therefore, it works to make people understand that they are living a dangerous situation and, thus, create expectations with what is to come.

However, there are differences between having constant anxious thoughts and natural anxiety. In this sense, the first case should be treated as a disorder characterized by mental disorder, which disrupts the life of the individual.


Apathy can be characterized as a feeling of generalized disinterest in life. This state of insensitivity, especially from an emotional point of view, causes stagnation and therefore people who have this symptom are unable to enjoy the positive things that life has to offer.

So, when the indifference becomes chronic it is necessary to look for professional help to get around this situation, since the apathetic person cannot see grace in anything and not even the most tragic events stir their emotions.


It is necessary to pay close attention to hopelessness, since it can be one of the risk factors for suicide. It is a state in which the individual cannot have confidence that something positive can happen to him. Then, as he loses this capacity, he also loses the ability to have expectations about his future.

In general, the feeling of hopelessness happens when there is a discontinuity between being and being. Therefore, the person who experiences this rupture cannot think that life is worth living and needs to seek psychological help.

Social withdrawal

There are many factors that can lead a person to a scenario of social withdrawal. Thus, this can happen due to their negative thoughts and their pessimistic view of life in general. Soon, this person starts to believe that they are not good enough to have any kind of bond, whether friendship or affective.

When she needs to be in the middle of people, her discomfort is evident, as well as her nervousness. In view of this, she should seek help from a psychologist.

When to seek the psychiatrist

Since a psychiatrist is the professional responsible for identifying mental disorders, he should be sought out whenever symptoms of these are identified. In this way, he will be able to assess whether there is a need for medication and what would be the appropriate treatment for this.

Below, the scenarios in which seeking a psychiatrist is necessary will be discussed in more detail. Read on to learn more about them.

Inability to control emotions

When people present an inability to control their emotions in various situations, like at work or even in their friendships, it's necessary to look for a psychiatrist. However, you need to pay attention if the reactions were disproportionate to the events, since getting upset with negative feedback is something normal.

But if the person presents difficulties to control the anger they feel or if they get frustrated too easily, this can be a symptom of something bigger and highlight the presence of mood disorders.

Sleep alteration

Sleep problems are quite common and almost all people experience this situation eventually. However, if insomnia is something frequent in your life and even hinders the performance of routine activities, you should seek a psychiatrist to examine the issue more carefully.

There are several mental disorders, such as some types of anxiety, which are linked to sleep disorders. Therefore, they need to be investigated so that an accurate diagnosis can be made and the adequate treatment can begin.

Licit and illicit substance abuse

People who experience difficulties with substance abuse issues, whether illicit or not, need to pay attention to this issue. Especially when they make attempts to quit consumption but fail to do so. Thus, such substances end up getting in the way of their daily lives.

When this scenario presents itself, it is necessary to seek help from a psychiatrist. In general, abuse is used as a form of escapism for other problems and they can only be overcome with the proper psychiatric help.

Abrupt changes in performance

Anyone who experiences sudden changes in performance, whether it's regarding work or studies, needs to seek out a psychiatrist as soon as possible. This can be a symptom of depression, which impairs the development of daily activities.

However, it is important to pay attention to some aspects, since having small failures at work is something common. These performance changes need to be persistent and more substantial to become a point of attention and something that requires professional help.

Physical ailments without explanation

People who present physical illnesses without explanation, in fact, are suffering from psychosomatic conditions. This is a disorder that ends up harming the functioning of the body, since it generates several physical discomforts in the individual's life.

Although the causes for diseases of this nature are not fully understood today, in general, they are linked to stress caused by the emotions of the individual, which causes the functioning of his brain to be affected, which generates the release of important substances.

Anxiety, worry, or excessive sadness

The most striking symptoms of anxiety disorders are excessive worry and also sadness. Thus, people may show physical signs such as changes in heart rate and a persistent fear.

Thus, when the first warnings about anxiety appear, it is time to seek help from a psychologist. It is worth noting, however, that symptoms vary from individual to individual and anxiety can cause different changes in each person. Moreover, it is more common than many people think.

When to seek the psychoanalyst

Psychoanalysis is suitable for all types of people who want to learn more about themselves and their behaviour patterns. Therefore, there is no restriction as to who can or cannot seek it.

In view of this, there are also some aspects that should be observed because a psychoanalyst would be more suitable to treat them. Want to know more about when you should seek a psychoanalyst? See below.

Repetition of patterns

When a certain person repeats that she is repeating patterns in her life, it is interesting to look for a psychoanalyst to be able to identify what causes this repetition, since the individual may not remember the event that originated this issue in her life.

This kind of symptom can be seen, for example, in your love life, so if you are always getting involved with people who follow a certain pattern, this could be a sign of repeating behavior. Another sign is when you do something to sabotage your own success whenever it comes your way.


Those who feel constantly melancholic may need the help of a psychoanalyst. This happens because these people cannot adapt to the ideal of happiness and sometimes have difficulty feeling pleasure in the activities they perform, even those that should turn to entertainment.

Besides, the individual feels displaced and always turns to philosophical questions about life and death. When he does not find company to think about what makes him anguished, he ends up isolating himself and becoming more melancholic.

Destructive actions

Risk behaviors usually manifest themselves in individuals who need to seek a psychoanalyst. Thus, they adopt destructive actions, such as excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs. They may also adopt dangerous sexual conduct.

In these situations, the person feels as if something is forcing them to engage in this type of action. In this way, it is almost as if they are possessed by another person who is very different from themselves. When this symptom is observed, it is time to seek help.

Deep attachment

Those who are very attached to the people in their lives need to pay attention to this issue, since it can be associated with dependence. Therefore, what the person thinks is love, is actually something quite dangerous. Those who have this symptom, in general, are afraid of being alone and when they glimpse this possibility, they panic.

Thus, it is common for them to have a feeling of emptiness and boredom at the prospect of being left out by the people in their lives. This needs to be looked at carefully before it develops into a more serious emotional dependency.

Lack of pleasure in life

People who need to seek help from a psychoanalyst find it very difficult to feel pleasure in life. This happens in a very broad sense and can affect all areas of that person's life. Thus, they feel bored in their work and also in their relationships in general.

So, it is necessary to look for help to understand the roots of this dissatisfaction and if it is really linked to external factors or if it happens inside the person who manifests this symptom.

Frequency of fights

In general, people who need the help of a psychoanalyst often get involved in fights. Regardless of the space, whether they are talking about work or home, they are always at the center of some conflict and find it difficult to free themselves from this impulse.

This happens because these people have the constant feeling that those around them are all the time plotting to harm them. Therefore, they become vigilant and may end up buying fights for reasons that don't even really exist. Therefore, those who notice this symptom should look for a psychiatrist.

Does the therapist have the power to heal someone?

The psychotherapist, by himself, does not have the power to cure someone. What he offers is a qualified listening and able to identify patterns of behavior, so that the individual can understand the reasons why he acts the way he does and, then, can get around these issues.

In addition, it also plays an important role in helping to identify issues regarding possible mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. However, for a diagnosis and proper medication you will need to consult a psychiatrist.

It is worth noting that the two treatments can be done together and, in fact, this is highly recommended by professionals. Therefore, be aware of your symptoms and do not hesitate to seek help when necessary.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.