To dream of electric wires: Catching fire, short-circuiting and others!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of electric wires

Electric wires conduct energy from one point to another, and in general, dreaming about this is associated with connection. Wires conducting energy usually represent a good connection of yours with the flow of life. Usually this dream arises when you are in a good phase and your unconscious mind wants to symbolize this through reveries while you sleep.

However, depending on the details of the dream its meaning may even be the opposite and the dream itself, be more like a nightmare. Check out the possible interpretations below!

Interpretations of dreaming of electric wires

Although some dreams have the same object as their main focus, they do not convey the same message. The general meaning of dreaming of an electric wire is related to connection, however, not all dreams with this object have the same interpretation.

If in your dream the wires are on fire, short-circuited, bare, falling, in a current of energy, in high voltage or broken their meanings are others. Come read and find out!

To dream of electric wires catching fire

Electrical wires catch fire when they are unable to support the flow of energy transmitted from one point to another. To dream of electrical wires catching fire means that you are overloading yourself. Overloading yourself beyond your limits can lead to moments of stress, high tension and imbalance.

Your unconscious therefore manifested itself in the midst of the dream to warn you about this, in the expectation that you take the reins of the situation, avoiding the worst.

To put out the fire generated by electrical wires is necessary to cut the energy supply, so, to avoid this overload, cut from your life everything that has left you oppressed.

To dream of short-circuited electric wires

The warning brought on by dreaming of shorted electrical wires is that you may collapse with an unforeseen event in your life. So be aware of what is happening around you and seek to fortify your structures for this possibility. A good way to strengthen yourself is to reconnect with spirituality.

In aromatherapy, myrrh and elemi essential oils are associated with spirituality. Therefore, a good alternative to connect to the Divine is to drip some of this oil on your wrists or use a personal diffuser. In addition, of course, have frequent prayers as a priority.

To dream of bare electric wires

Unraveling wires are unprotected wires and are more vulnerable to being damaged or causing harm. Therefore, to dream of unraveling electrical wires means that your connection with the other person is weakened and any attempt to approach them may generate uncomfortable situations.

Therefore, before connecting with someone, try to strengthen yourself internally. Ask yourself what parts of your essence are vulnerable to a new personal bond. A good example is the feeling of trust; perhaps you are in a more distrustful phase about the people in your life and this hinders the strengthening of ties and the exchange in the relationship.

However, if the stripped wire in your dream is copper, it indicates that even though you are in a more vulnerable phase regarding your own feelings, you will be able to relate to new people, providing a very enriching experience.

To dream of falling electric wires

To dream of electric wires falling down means that your connection to the world or to the people around you is slowly diminishing. Ask yourself what is happening to you to allow this to happen. Could it be that you are not too focused on routine and have become robotic in your existence? Begin as soon as possible to develop insight into yourself, your life and people.

One tip is to set your alarm clock a few minutes earlier so you can go to your window - or something similar - and notice the sky, the sounds of where you live, the weather, and notice your existence based on that. Also try to be closer to your friends. Calling that friend you haven't talked to in a while is a good tip.

To dream of power current in electric wires

The meaning of dreaming of power current in the electrical wires is that you are energized and ready for any situation in your life. Now is the time to start new projects, take a chance on your dreams, develop your skills.

Don't let this phase end without having taken advantage of it, so make a list of things you'd like to do and cross them off topic by topic. Take a chance, your chance is now.

To dream of high voltage electrical wires

To dream of high voltage wires indicates that someone will appear in your life soon for an enriching exchange for your existence. Often the universe puts in our direction people or situations essential for our personal development.

However, this may end up going unnoticed. A dream of high voltage electrical wires is a warning to watch out for, as someone good to connect with is on the way. Don't miss this chance.

To dream of broken electric wires

Dreaming of broken electrical wires reveals that you have lost your ability to connect with the world and with people. This usually occurs when you are in a depressed and apathetic state about life.

Question what the meaning of your existence is. Knowing the answer to this is a way to direct yourself in life, therefore, reconnect with the world. Discover your meaning or give a meaning, and so your existence will take on new meanings, attracting new possibilities for connections.

Does dreaming of electric wires symbolize a personal struggle?

To dream of electrical wires encompasses numerous interpretations and some of them are associated with a personal struggle. For example, if you dream of broken, uncapped, fallen, shorted and on fire electrical wires; it means that you are not in the best phases of your life.

Dreams like these, in general, indicate a certain hindrance to the flow of good things in your life; and it is a warning from your unconscious mind to take notice of this and fight. Personal struggle is a path, and probably the solution to reverse the current context of your life - which was demonstrated in a dream, not be one of the best.

With that in mind, take advantage of the signs your dream has brought you and seek the best solutions for yourself.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.