To dream of ex-girlfriend: fighting, asking to return, with another and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of ex-girlfriend

To dream of an ex-girlfriend means that you still have unfinished business that needs to be resolved. It is common that relationships do not end when one of the parties states that they want to continue. This happens because they extend in thoughts and also in manifestations of the subconscious mind.

Therefore, dreams about ex-girlfriends may represent the existence of a trauma, whether it is generated by the separation or by something that happened while you were still together. Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to these points.

Therefore, this is a situation that requires attention from the dreamer, especially so that he can identify the exact meaning of the dream with the ex through the details present on the occasion. These details, in turn, can provide changes in the overall interpretation.

So, if you have dreamed about your ex, read on to find out what your unconscious is communicating.

To dream of ex-girlfriend in different conditions

First of all, it is important to note that one influential factor in the interpretation of dreams about ex-girlfriends is the condition in which she was when you saw her. Therefore, if you have seen one of your former partners crying, for example, it will not mean the same thing as meeting with one of them pregnant.

In addition, a recurring dream that will also be covered during this section of the article is seeing an ex-girlfriend with another person. So, in case you are in search of extracting meaning from a dream of this nature, read on to find out what messages are being conveyed.

To dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend

To dream of a pregnant ex-girlfriend is an indication that you are feeling trapped or even powerless in the face of some situation in your life. Thus, your habits are becoming repetitive and the impression you have is that circumstances find different ways to mock you.

In addition, this dream also means that there is something that makes you uncomfortable and that you have not yet fully accepted. Because of this, your potential is not being fully utilized and your self-esteem is suffering the consequences.

To dream of a sick ex-girlfriend

Whoever dreams of a sick ex-girlfriend is receiving a warning from his subconscious that the breakup is already something overcome. In general, this happens because the dream is made up of your feelings from the breakup and the whole process that led you to this overcoming the fact.

Therefore, dreaming of sick ex-girlfriend is usually described as something beneficial for the dreamer and means that you are healed. In addition, this dream also points to the fact that you have baggage to deal with your future experiences.

To dream of a crying ex-girlfriend

If you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend crying, especially in situations in which there is some physical proximity, this indicates that you are missing some aspect of the relationship that ended. However, it is worth being careful not to take hasty actions, such as trying to resume dating only by an isolated characteristic of the ex.

So remember that this memory is something temporary and continue living your life in the present in a normal way. If you are alone, when you dream of ex-girlfriend crying, try to think that something better certainly awaits you in the future.

To dream of a bruised ex-girlfriend

Try to pay attention to dreams about an injured ex-girlfriend, especially if she is hospitalized. This indicates that there are some issues between the two of you that have not yet been fully resolved, so that you have not yet fully overcome the end of the relationship.

In addition, there are some details of dreaming about a hurt ex-girlfriend that are important. In this sense, if your ex is hurt, but treating herself at home, the interpretation is more positive and means that you have managed to reach an agreement about the separation.

To dream of ex-girlfriend with another

Undoubtedly, to dream of an ex-girlfriend with another is one of the most recurring types of dreams in this category. Thus, it is worth noting that it is linked to the strong connection with the memories of the past, which do not leave your head even after the breakup.

However, on a more symbolic level, dreaming of an ex-girlfriend accompanied by another person is a statement that you are making the same mistakes with some frequency and therefore continue to face similar problems. So, try to rethink these issues.

To dream of ex-girlfriend wanting to come back

When you dream of an ex-girlfriend asking you to resume your relationship, it means that you can realize the feelings of affection and respect that she has for you. However, since your decision has been made and dating is not something you want for your life, the dream also indicates that this is not the right time to return.

So, as much as you may feel needy and dreaming about an ex-girlfriend wanting to get back to you potentiates this feeling, try to find ways to strengthen yourself so that you don't get carried away by the wrong feelings and end up going back on your choice.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend giving advice

If you have dreamed of an ex-girlfriend advising you, it is a sign that issues between you were not properly resolved during your relationship. Thus, this type of dream acts as a warning that you need to be more attentive to resolving conflicts in your present.

It is also worth noting that dreaming of ex-girlfriend giving advice is a warning that it is time to move on and forget what happened, however painful it may still be.

To dream of an ex-girlfriend ignoring you

The message of dreams that involve an ex-girlfriend ignoring you is pretty clear: it's time to move on with your life. In other words, you need to find a way to stop thinking about your ex and get over the past.

In a way, you already know that feeding this fantasy is something useless and will only bring you suffering. For this reason, dreaming of an ex-girlfriend ignoring you shows that it is time to act to be able to seek new relationships and lead a more peaceful life.

To dream of a dead ex-girlfriend

Although dreaming of a dead ex-girlfriend can be somewhat terrifying, in general, this dream should not be interpreted literally in any way. Its meaning, in fact, is positive and is connected to the fact that you have been able to leave the past behind.

Because of this, this is the right time to move on and have other experiences. So, if you have someone in your sights but are still unsure about whether or not to get involved, know that the dream is indicating that you are ready to do so.

To dream of ex-girlfriend in different situations

A factor influencing the interpretation of dreams with ex-girlfriends is the situation in which the contact happens. So, if you are talking, fighting or even kissing one of your exes, the message of your subconscious will be different and is conditioned to these details of the situation experienced.

Therefore, the next section of the article is dedicated to exploring this category of dreams in greater depth. Read on to find yours and discover the right interpretation.

To dream that you are talking to your ex-girlfriend

People who dream that they are talking to ex-girlfriends, in general, used to have a good friendship with their former partners. However, in case this is not exactly your case, dreaming that you are talking to your ex-girlfriend is indicating to you that you would like this to exist in the present time.

So, even though the relationship is over, this ex is someone who brings back good memories that you'll remember all your life. Because of that, there's this desire to continue to bond with her.

To dream that you are fighting with your ex-girlfriend

If you have lived a troubled relationship with your ex, marked by many fights, the dream in which this is repeated is trying to tell you about the problems that were generated in your psyche due to all the conflicts. Therefore, to dream that you are fighting with your ex-girlfriend reveals the need to seek professional help to overcome the traumas of the past.

Staying silent about what you feel and suffering in silence is not fair, so try to think about it and find people who can help you to move on. Self-care is very important at this time.

To dream that you are kissing your ex-girlfriend

If you are in a relationship and dream that you are kissing an ex-girlfriend, try to be alert. This type of dream arises when you face some kind of instability in a relationship. So if you are feeling tense about these issues, it is natural to dream that you are kissing your ex-girlfriend.

However, try to understand that the dream is only a manifestation of your discomfort and not something that must be followed. It is only your state of constant vigilance manifesting itself to alert you to the need to take care of this problem.

To dream that you are back with your ex-girlfriend

There are two possible interpretations for dreaming that you are back with your ex-girlfriend. In the first of these, your dream was based on memories and therefore this indicates that you are still trapped by the past and the things that you lived through together. Thus, it is necessary that you are able to get rid of this in order to move forward.

However, if you dream that you are living new experiences with an ex, the interpretation is positive and indicates that you are ready to open up to what is new. However, it is necessary to reflect on who you want to have by your side first.

To dream of other people's ex-girlfriend

Although it is a little more unusual than dreaming of one's own ex-girlfriend, it may happen that in your dream the presence is the former partner of another close person, be it a friend, a brother or even a son. Thus, it is also interesting to address the meaning of these dreams to try to cover as much information and interpretations as possible.

Therefore, the next section of the article will be dedicated to exploring these meanings in greater detail. Read on to learn more.

To dream of a friend's ex-girlfriend

Those who dream of a friend's ex-girlfriend are feeling out of place in some way. In addition, it is common for the dreamer to feel lost and have difficulty finding their own way. This is because, in general, there is a barrier preventing you from seeing clearly the situations that present themselves in your daily life.

Therefore, to dream of a friend's ex-girlfriend asks you to watch out for possible characteristics of yours that you are trying to expose to the world, but have not found the proper means to do so.

To dream of brother's ex-girlfriend

The unconscious mind of those who dream of a brother's ex-girlfriend is trying to warn that the dreamer needs to better organize his life to make progress in his projects.

In addition, dreaming of a brother's ex-girlfriend also indicates a greater need for health care. Therefore, be aware of possible vitamin deficiencies and try to keep your physical stability up to date so that the rest can progress properly.

To dream of son's ex-girlfriend

If you dreamed of your child's ex-girlfriend, try to stay alert. This is because this dream is an indication that some situation will arise soon and will need clarification. This situation, however, may have already been resolved in the past, but new questions have arisen and therefore it will be necessary for you to explain yourself again.

Thus, the advice to dream of son's ex-girlfriend is that you try to be active in the face of this situation and do not let things become a snowball. Take a firm stand and try to resolve everything that is necessary.

To dream of her boyfriend's ex

If you have dreamed about your current boyfriend's ex, try to pay attention to your insecurities in the relationship. Your unconscious mind is trying to tell you that you still do not feel totally confident about what you are building. This brings you doubts about whether or not to throw yourself into the relationship.

Therefore, the only way to solve this problem is to be direct and expose everything you're feeling. Try to have a frank conversation with your partner about the points that generate this insecurity and make the necessary changes.

Other interpretations of dreaming of ex-girlfriend

It is worth mentioning that there are some types of dreams with ex-girlfriends that are linked to issues such as how often the dreamer sees himself in front of this figure from his past. In general, they open several possibilities of interpretation and some of them demand attention.

In addition, there is also the possibility of people from a very distant past, such as childhood, appearing in dreams. Thus, the next section of the article will be dedicated to exploring scenarios of this nature. Read on to learn more.

To dream a lot about the ex-girlfriend

If you have frequent dreams about an ex-girlfriend, be alert to the possibility that you are acquiring a characteristic of obsession in your thoughts. Dreaming a lot about the ex-girlfriend, in fact, is not exactly connected to love relationships, and therefore, this obsessive tone is affecting other areas of your life.

So, the advice is to pay attention to the ideas that run through your head recurrently, as well as possible addictions. Once they are identified, look for some way to interrupt this cycle.

To dream of childhood ex-girlfriend

Dreams connected with childhood ex-girlfriends do not have a negative interpretation. In fact, they are directly connected with nostalgia. Therefore, their meaning for the dreamer is that he misses the innocence and spontaneous characteristic of these relationships, especially when they are placed side by side with the complexity of adult bonds.

Thus, dreaming of a childhood ex-girlfriend also denotes nostalgia for when your responsibilities were less, a time when you only had to worry about being happy and doing the things you liked.

To dream that you do not know your ex-girlfriend

Without a doubt, this is one of the best types of dreams you can have about an ex-girlfriend. This is because the overall meaning is that you feel so good about who you are now that you don't even remember the things that happened in the past. So follow this path of self-worth to be even happier.

Remember that it is always important to put yourself first, and the good thing is that right now you seem to be on track to do that, so keep going down that same road as you are sure to keep progressing along it.

Dreaming of ex-girlfriend is a sign of repentance?

Although many people consider that dreaming of an ex-girlfriend is a sign of regret for the breakup, in view of all the interpretations presented, it is not possible to say that this is true.

In fact, there are scenarios in which revisiting a figure from the past in a dream points to a desire to undo what has already been done, but this is not a rule. Therefore, be careful not to fall into shallow and ungrounded interpretations for what you dream, since many things can influence its meaning.

Therefore, it is very important to analyze dreams in a more detailed way in order to obtain an accurate interpretation and to write down everything that you remember dreaming. In this way, the information in this article can help you to properly understand the message brought by the dream.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.