To dream of ex-love: returning, kissing, dead, marrying and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of ex-love?

Ending a relationship is never an easy task, and neither is dreaming about an ex-love. This happens a lot after the end of the relationship. Who has never experienced this, right? Even if the separation has been peaceful, without much conflict or hurt, dreaming about an ex can happen.

Most people have been through this or will go through it. This situation bothers a lot of people and leaves a question mark behind the ears. After all, what does it mean to dream about an ex-love? Is there still a feeling? Is there a desire to get back together? Is there something unresolved?

In general, there is no single meaning to dream about an ex or an ex. Everything will depend on your feelings towards that person, the way the breakup happened and if you still have unresolved issues with them. So, read on to know everything.

To dream that you do something with an ex-love

There are various types of dreams with ex-love, and these are the ones where you have some action towards your ex-love or else the two of you are interacting in some way. In a good way or not. check it out.

To dream that you are having sex with an ex-love

To dream that you are having sex with an ex-love can mean two things, depending on whether you still have feelings for this person. If this is the case, it could mean that you miss and still want to be with this person.

It may represent an attachment for love that has been lost or a lack of intimacy that you have with a current relationship. Or, that you are afraid to enter into a new relationship, perhaps for fear of previous events repeating themselves.

It would be good to evaluate what is still holding you back from this person and if there are still chances of you getting back together. If you really can't get back together, try to work on your attachment so that you can let go and get over her.

To dream that you are fighting with an ex-love

To dream that you are in an argument with your ex may be a sign that there are unresolved issues within you. This feeling may be hindering you from getting over the breakup and moving on.

Try to revisit your feelings and figure out which issues are still bothering you. If possible, try to resolve them, or get that hurt feeling out. Maybe that's a good way for the dreams to stop happening.

To dream that you are killing your ex-love

Dreaming about something like this can be scary, even causing you to feel guilty when you wake up. But don't take this dream too literally. This dream may just mean that you are "killing" the feelings that you had for this ex-love and that you are ready to start moving on.

It can also mean that there are still very strong hurts and resentments for this person. Try to realize how you feel about this person and resolve this within yourself.

To dream that the ex-love does something

In the meanings presented below, it is your ex-love that is doing something to you. Usually they can express that they are your wishes that you would like to happen or something that was unresolved within you. Check below.

To dream of ex-love apologizing

Since dreams express many of our desires, dreaming that your ex is apologizing may show that it is something you expected from him. If something happened between you, and it hurt you, maybe an apology was all you needed to put an end to that relationship.

An apology from an ex-love can also mean an implicit desire that you have to get back with this person. If this possibility doesn't exist, work on your self-esteem to go in search of something that makes you happy: a trip or another person, for example.

To dream of ex-love rejecting you

To dream that your ex-love is rejecting you may be a sign that you need to stop reliving the past. Perhaps you are taking too long to get over this person, becoming too attached and hostage to their wishes.

Also, you probably harbor a desire for reconciliation and he does not want the same. This pain of rejection is being reflected in your dreams.

Some things don't depend only on us and maybe it's better that way. Come back to the present and leave the past behind. Invest in yourself and in your new relationship, if you are in one. Life goes on.

To dream of an ex-love kissing you

To dream that you are kissed by your ex-love may show that you still have some feelings for him. It may mean a longing or affection that you have for her and longing for the relationship if it was good.

However, if you are uncomfortable with this dream and it does not bring good feelings and sensations about this situation, it may be that you need to let go of conflicting feelings from the past. Perhaps, because there is still something holding you to this person, you are not giving yourself opportunities for new people and experiences.

To dream of ex-love ignoring you

If your ex is ignoring you in your dreams, you may feel that way outside of them too. You may feel left out by your ex or someone else, and it hurts you, even if you don't realize it while you're awake.

However, if you are in a new relationship, it may be that the person ignoring you or not giving you the attention you want, but your dream ends up presenting this as your ex. Anxiety and worry are feelings that may arise from this situation, reflecting in your dreams.

To dream of an ex-love asking you to marry him

To dream of an ex-love asking you to marry him or her may be a repressed desire that this had happened. Perhaps the breakup was not something you wanted. Probably the love for the person still exists, as well as the desire to live with him or her. Even if other reasons have led to the end.

In this sense, you can try to have a conversation with your ex-love or else continue the process of overcoming the breakup.

Also, this dream may have a good meaning. If you realized that it does not fit the previous meaning, it may just be that you have accepted the breakup and are better off with all the unresolved issues of the past.

To dream of ex-love in different conditions

Situations where you observe your ex-love in some way, perhaps not so pleasant for you. He may be dating or even marrying someone in your dreams. He may also be in situations where you see him in danger.Check out more below.

To dream of a dead ex-love

Although it may seem like a bad thing, which may cause you distress at first, dreaming of a dead ex-love has a good meaning. This dream shows that you have passed the stage of feeling sad about the breakup. This means that the bad feelings that still existed inside you have finally passed. Now you will remember this relationship without suffering.

It can also mean a farewell to the relationship that ended, your subconscious is putting an end to this ex-love for good, preparing you for what may come next. So get ready for something new, a world full of new people and experiences waiting for you.

To dream of ex-love returning

To dream of the return of this ex-love means that you have hope for this reconciliation. There is still a feeling, but only you can know if this is something good or bad. Anyway, analyze well what you are feeling and realize what kind of feelings this dream awakens you.

Also try not to act on impulse if you think about talking to this ex-love to get back together. It's not always the case that going back to something that is over means it will be better this time. Think about it.

To dream of ex-love with another person

If you are still in love with this ex-love, it will not be pleasant to have this dream, however it means that your subconscious is trying to help you move on.

When you see your loved one with someone else in a dream, it makes you more prepared for when it actually happens. It also helps you to let go of the past and the relationship you lived. Forgive your ex and move on, opening doors for you to find a new love, just like him.

To dream of ex-love marrying someone else

The meaning of dreaming of an ex-love marrying someone else has two possibilities. If your relationship was good, it means that you still feel a pain in having to move on and let go of this person and your past.

You have not overcome the breakup and still harbor some feelings of love and affection for this ex-love. This dream arises from the fear you have inside of you to see him getting married and moving on with your life with someone else.

On the other hand, if the relationship was bad, full of fights and hurt, it means that you want to forgive him and see him happy moving on.

To dream of an ex-love in danger

If you dream that your ex-love is in danger and you save him, it means that you have matured and managed to leave the sorrows behind. Even after the breakup, you care about the welfare of this person.

If you do not save him in the dream, it means that there are still hurts and resentments to process. You have not yet been able to forgive or feel good about the ending of the relationship.

Other dreams with ex-love

There are a multitude of possible dreams in which your ex-love is present, and each of them may hide an underlying meaning, of some feeling that you don't realize when you're not sleeping. And it's important to try to understand them. Read on to learn more.

To dream of an ex-love from adolescence

To dream of an ex-love from your teenage years means that you miss that time when the relationship happened. It could be that you are going through a time of need and fondly remember a very old relationship. Or it could be the way that relationship was and how you felt in it.

Usually, first loves or those of adolescence are quite remarkable because they are our first experiences. Your subconscious may be wanting to show you how happy you once were and the way you would like to be loved again. If you are already in a relationship, it may mean that you would like to be loved in a different way.

To dream of an ex-lover

To dream of an ex-lover has very similar meanings to an ex-love. As in the other case, if you have unresolved problems, this may reflect in your dreams.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you still like him and want to get back together, but just that that relationship is still reverberating inside you in some way. Whether it's unresolved things or fear of a new relationship.

To dream of ex-love's family

Dreams depend on the moment you are living. Dreaming about your ex's family can mean missing these people and the good times you had with them or it can be a desire that you have to get back with this ex.

If you argue during the dream, it means that you should leave these people and this story and look towards your future. Even if you liked them very much, it is time to leave it behind.

To dream about the current relationship of ex-love

To dream of your ex-love's current relationship may mean that you are feeling a little jealous or envious because you have "lost" a person you loved. Especially if there are still feelings for her. Another meaning is that you may, in your subconscious, feel bad that he has forgotten you and moved on with someone else.

Depending on how you feel about this person and your breakup, it may just mean that what you had and felt is over. If you are reassured by this dream, it just means that your heart is at peace to also go your way.

To dream of ex-love tells about past, present or future?

To dream of an ex-love is something that is related to you and your feelings for that person and the end of your relationship. You are still living in the past and need to resolve everything that is preventing you from moving forward.

Everything you learned and went through in the old relationship is valuable, no matter how painful the breakup may have been. The whole experience will be good life baggage for whatever comes after. Past, present, and future go together.

What happens in the past reflects in the present and in the future. And the way we deal with the events of the past in our present shape what that future will look like.

Therefore, when dreaming of situations related to ex-love, especially if it is recurrent, try to stop to analyze the feelings that you still have for this person and work on them, so that you can be happy and at peace, without these marks of the past.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.