To dream of lightning: falling on you, storm, blue lightning, yellow lightning and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of lightning

To dream of lightning means that your nerves are on edge, there is a threat hovering in the air, and at any moment an explosion can change the course of your life forever.

In a more or less unconscious way, you have already realized that something is balancing on a tightrope over the abyss, something with the potential for great transformations. All of this is stirring your spirits and provoking your most violent and destructive instincts.

Thus, if you dreamed of lightning, it is a good time to delve into self-knowledge and locate the feelings and situations in your life that are at stake. With this, you will be able to avoid really disastrous consequences.

Here are some details that can offer us a better understanding of what it means to dream of lightning.

To Dream of Lightning Falling

Just like real lightning, electric discharges in dreams are born from the clash between elements charged with energy. That is why it is good to observe all the components present in the dream.

See below for the meanings that some of this information can bring.

To dream of lightning falling near you

Lightning falling near you represents a potential change which affects you deeply. If it is accompanied by much thunder and heavy rain, it suggests that these transformations originate in your own inner conflicts.

In addition, the scenarios and other people present in the dream may indicate in which area of your life the conflict is taking place. Try to know and recognize the threats, whether they are internal or external. Practice relaxation exercises and other physical activities.

Finally, avoid taking action without more careful preparation or planning, at least for the time being, and especially in the more sensitive areas of your life.

To Dream of Lightning Falling into the Sea

Dreaming of lightning falling into the sea adds a touch of security to the threatening tone that dreams of lightning possess.

But whatever that threat, or the internal instability which provoked it, any effects of it will be less serious and personal than might be feared. It is possibly some common and natural conflict, perhaps involving very general and everyday issues of humanity.

Seek a more secure definition of your place in the world and deepen ties in the groups you identify with, making your experience in them a little more complete and personal.

To dream of lightning striking a person

To understand what it means to dream of lightning falling on a person, you need to take into account the feelings and scenarios that make up the dream.

It can arise as much from a destructive feeling and anger towards the person as it can from a concern and a desire to care for them. If it includes a storm or other destructive elements, it points to a relationship that is already worn out and facing imminent transformation.

So take a deep breath before you reconnect with this person in reality, don't act on impulse and try to temper your words.

To dream of lightning striking the ground

Lightning falling to the ground points to the existence of some conflict or threat involving that which you hold most certain and secure in life.

But calm down: it is hardly a threat with real potential for destruction or other more serious consequences. Even if the feelings in the dream are intense or the lightning accompanies thunder and storm, there is more a sense of threat than an actual threat.

Look for ways to work on your anxiety and avoid the most automatic and thoughtless reactions, so stay away from thoughts that worry you into great danger.

To dream of lightning falling on a tree

Lightning falling on the tree in a dream points to threat or proximity of conflicts for which you are perfectly prepared.

However chaotic and frightening the storm in your dream may be, or the effects of lightning falling on the tree, it all represents threats which, should they come to pass, will have no or very little power of destruction over you.

In this sense, relaxation and self-awareness exercises can be helpful at this time. Identifying the source of a threat, even those that are not so destructive, can prevent a lot of headaches.

To Dream of Lightning Falling in Your Home

To dream of lightning falling at home points to the existence of conflicts and threats involving your most intimate relationships and your deepest sense of self. In addition, it may reflect a real and already ongoing conflict, and a desire to find a simpler and more immediate solution to it.

Thus, if the lightning in the dream causes very large destruction, or includes rain/storm running through roofs, doors and windows, it indicates a greater presence of unresolved feelings of anger or hurt.

In this regard, try to talk to your family or get advice from people close to you whom you trust. Be honest with yourself and don't feed fear of change.

Other meanings of dreaming of lightning

The more details you remember, the easier it will be to understand the full implications of your dream.

See below for some common variations of lightning dreams and what each one may be trying to tell you!

To dream of blue ray

Blue lightning, in a dream, originates in more passive feelings toward the threat that the storm represents. It demonstrates feelings of hurt, fear or sheer sadness in the face of this threat or the conflicts already established.

On the other hand, it also implies a deep desire to react and to obtain power to solve the problem without further emotional stress. However, this desire finds no or almost no tools to be realized.

In addition to meditation and relaxation exercises, which can ease feelings of anxiety and distress, practicing sports and outdoor activities will strengthen your relationship with your own body and promote improvements in self-confidence.

To dream of yellow lightning

A yellow, orange or red ray will contain more evidence of a destructive feeling at the source of your dream. It represents feelings that are more "on edge" and the approach of destructive or only profoundly transformative events.

It may also indicate that the chances of resolution not involving major changes are non-existent or very low.

So patiently and carefully examine your heart and the situations in your life that bring potential conflict. Try not to act on impulse in any of them. Find ways to work through your anger and try meditation and relaxation exercises for self-awareness and anxiety control.

To dream of lightning rods

The lightning rod appears in dreams as a reference to our capacity to absorb and process conflicts. It may indicate the existence of a solution previously found for some problem and be informing you about whether or not this solution has really worked.

That is, if the lightning rod absorbs the charge of lightning in your dream and nothing happens, then your solution was the correct one. Any disastrous consequences of lightning striking the lightning rod, or if lightning is falling away from it, then there is something wrong with your solution.

Carefully investigate the origins of this dream for yourself, being as honest with yourself as possible.

To Dream of Lightning in a Storm

To dream of lightning in a storm points to some conflict that is already underway within you or even in concrete situations in your life. It expresses the impetuous feelings and emotional chaos involved in the process. It indicates the real possibility of more drastic and definite events that would be approaching.

Other characters and scenarios in the dream can give the exact context in which these conflicts occur.

So it's time to put all the patience and tolerance you can muster into practice. Calm your breathing, try to relax, step back as far as you can and analyze things as calmly and detachedly as possible.

To dream of lightning and rain

If you dream of lightning and rain, your unconscious is manifesting the perception of a clash that causes you deep feelings of sadness and possibly abandonment.

It can also point to a process of transformation which is already underway, and although this is taking place smoothly, it may at any moment include more dramatic events. In any case, once this struggle is resolved, i.e. once this transformation is complete, you will probably feel like a new person, much lighter and more self-assured.

So, practice activities that relax and connect to the body, be patient and try to maintain your self-confidence. Remember that there is no evil that does not end.

To dream of lightning in sunny weather

To dream of lightning in sunny weather points to the existence of potential conflicts and threats in circumstances where you barely suspect they may appear.

The scenarios and people in the dream can help you identify these circumstances. But once you have identified them, consider the possibility that the dream represents only an insecurity about them and not the unequivocal existence of a threat.

Finally, it may indicate a certain dissatisfaction or anxiety about something that is apparently flowing wonderfully.

Relax, try to get rid of unnecessary tension, deflate expectations. Talk openly about your doubts and fears with the people you trust the most.

Is dreaming of lightning an omen of destruction in life?

When lightning strikes in your dream, you may know that you are involved in conflicting and impulsive feelings, which mainly point to destruction and change.

It may be an external threat, and it may in fact herald a real process of transformation that is approaching or already underway and you haven't even realized it yet. But it is usually more about the expression of feelings and fears than the representation of actual situations, whether present or future.

If you feel overwhelmed and restless, try walking barefoot on grass, putting your feet in running water, or simply being in touch with the earth and nature.

Try to calm down and, as a last resort, share your doubts and perceptions with someone closer to you who can help you see things with total clarity.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.