To dream of macumbeira: talking, fighting, old, friend and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What it means to dream of a witchdoctor

Dreaming about macumbeira is something that divides opinions. While some believe it is a very good and auspicious dream, others are scared to death and believe it is a bad omen. This fear is the result of ignorance about the practices and principles of religions of African origin.

The practitioners of religions of African matrix are victims of various forms of persecution and prejudice, because the very term "macumbeiro" is already pejorative and has nothing to do with the religions themselves. Macumba is a musical instrument and not an offering or a dispatch to orixá or entity.

Therefore, if you were scared by your dream, ask yourself the real reasons why you were scared: was it with the dream itself or with your vision about the macumbeiras? The truth is that, just like any other dream, it is necessary to interpret it correctly and analyze each element observed. To understand more about the true meanings of this dream, check below!

To dream of macumbeiras people

To dream of candomblecistas or umbandistas, popularly known as macumbeiros, means that you have received a message from the spiritual plane. Rejoice, because regardless of your beliefs or the content of the message, this dream means that someone who protects you is communicating with you. Learn more below!

To dream of a female neighbor

To dream of a neighbor who is a macumbeira may frighten those who believe that practitioners of religions of African origin are bad people and do evil to those around them. However, this dream speaks precisely about a spiritual light that guides and protects you. It indicates that there is nothing to fear, because you are supported.

Another possible interpretation is that you will receive help from the spiritual plan, so that your dreams and goals are fully achieved. So do not fear the macumbeira neighbor, focus on your goals with faith and confidence and see the magic happen.

To dream of an old female witch doctor

Old female witchdoctors are often Mães de Santo, that is, religious leaders who help their consulters and sons of saint to go through difficult times and find their true paths. Therefore, to dream of an old female witchdoctor indicates that you need to find yourself, meditate with yourself and seek what you lack.

Seek new activities, other social circles and see if, among these novelties, you find something that fulfills you and makes you feel that you are on the right path. If this doesn't resolve it, maybe this is the time to seek help, be it psychological or spiritual. Search for something that helps you see your purpose in life.

To dream of a female friend

To dream of a female friend can have several meanings, and in two cases, it is something that requires some attention. In a practical application, if you are afraid of religions of African origin, this dream came to warn you about false friendships. Be careful with those who surround you, because not everyone wants your good.

If this is not a dream that scares you, it serves as a warning to organize better in their daily tasks, pay more attention to your routine and have focus on work, because if something goes wrong, no point blaming others.

The third interpretation for this dream is more cheerful. For couples in love, perhaps, this is the time to set the dreamed date for a beautiful wedding.

To dream of a lot of witchdoctors

The meaning of dreaming of many macumbeiros is that your head is full, because there are so many plans and dreams that it is difficult to focus on just one and you feel suffocated by your own expectations. You need to focus on simple goals, small parts of each goal, and keep the focus on each step of this journey.

Observe which goals are in dialogue with each other, which are personal, which are professional and which are family or relationship goals. Then, find out what the main goal is and what the first steps are in each of these areas. This will make it easier to know what to do in each situation.

To dream of a dead witchdoctor

To dream of a dead potter has a bad interpretation. Assuming that to dream of a potter is to receive a message from the higher plane, to dream of a dead messenger is a sign that there are enemies in your way. Someone is lurking, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Pay attention in your social circles as there is someone sneaking around, setting up situations and waiting for the right moment to attack you, without giving you a chance to defend yourself. Talk less about your life and stay away from anyone who shows too much interest in it.

To dream of a dead witchdoctor

To dream of a deceased witchdoctor indicates that you need to be cautious about situations in your daily life. Pay attention to the problems that you consider solved, because there may be loose ends that can complicate your life.

Dreaming of a spiritualist who has died is also linked to your own insecurity. Perhaps, the foundations that support your way of life are more fragile than you think and can crumble easily. Try to strengthen your structures and invest time and dedication to what can bring you more security.

To dream of a witchdoctor doing something

Having a dream with macumbeira professing their faith, either praying, preparing dispatches or using sacred elements of their religion, usually has a very beautiful and profound meaning for the dreamer. Dreams of this type are true blessings. Read on and find out what they are!

To dream of a witchdoctor doing macumba

A dream about a witchdoctor doing macumba is one of the best dreams you can have about practitioners of African religions. Its meaning is very intimate and beautiful, because it shows that you have a great need to learn something that can help others and improve the world.

In this case, the offering symbolizes this work, a ritualistic action that requires concentration, ancestral knowledge, a clear mind and good vibrations, to attract the best to the life of those who need it. Discover what you need to learn in your life to offer to others.

To dream of a witchdoctor smoking a cigar

Dream with macumbeiro smoking cigar has a special meaning. In the religions of African matrix, many entities use the smoke of smoke as an ethereal instrument of cleansing, purification and protection.

These entities use the cigar through the body of the mediums who incorporate them. Therefore, seeing a medium of African origin with a cigar between his fingers indicates a lot of luck and protection on his path. This means that it is time to put your plans into practice.

To dream of a praying witchdoctor

A dream about a witchdoctor praying to the Orixás and entities is a prayer request. Reflect on how you have professed your faith and how long it has been since you last said your prayers. Your inner light needs to be strengthened.

Pray, ask forgiveness for your faults, give thanks for your life, for your family and for what you already have and ask for a good direction for your life. It is in this order that you pray to the Orixás and, perhaps, you are lacking precisely the request for forgiveness and the demonstration of gratitude in your prayer.

Other meanings to dream of macumbeira

There are many ways for the figure of the macumbeira to present itself in your dream. Besides simply spotting the person in question, you can also interact with her, is in a candomblé house or an Umbanda center.

Under what circumstances did you meet this person in your dream? Think about it and check out the meanings of this dream below!

To dream of a macumba house

A very common way to dream about religions of African origin is to see yourself in a religious temple of one of these religions. These temples, pejoratively called macumba houses, are welcoming spaces where several people seek solutions to problems and words of wisdom.

This dream indicates exactly that. If you saw yourself asking for some work to be done, it means that you are seeking protection and resolution of problems. If you were just there, the dream indicates that you need advice from wise and experienced people.

To dream that you are a macumbeiro

To dream that you are a macumbeiro indicates that deep within you a deep longing for spiritual enhancement. At this time your spiritual calling is very strong and accepting your path will be very important for your personal development. Regardless of which path you choose, religion does not matter, spiritual connection does.

Another possible interpretation is that you are ready to achieve your goals. Your plans have been well laid out and executed and your goals are about to be achieved. Enjoy the moment.

To dream that you see a witchdoctor

A dream in which you see a macumbeira, without interacting with her, only observing her actions, indicates that you have a lot of spiritual curiosity, but you still do not know which path to take or you hold yourself too tight, for fear of following a different path than the known one.

Do not be afraid, seek to know yourself better and discover what touches your heart. Life asks for movement and just observing will not bring you the knowledge nor the blessings you seek. Go after what you know you have to do.

To dream that you fight with a witchdoctor

To have a dream in which you fight with a witchdoctor indicates that you are, in fact, fighting with your spirituality. The witchdoctor with whom you see yourself arguing represents this spiritual force that you do not want to accept. In truth, you are fighting with yourself, with the path that you know you have to follow but refuse to do so.

To dream that you fight with a witch doctor can also represent friends and acquaintances who have invited you to participate in some ritual or to learn about a different religion and you refused. Stop and reflect on how many opportunities to develop spiritually you have wasted so far.

To dream that you are conversing with a witchdoctor

To dream that you talk to a witchdoctor indicates that you are searching for your spiritual path and seeking to develop and find yourself among the known possibilities. In this sense, talking to someone of a known religion can be a good way to find yourself on this path.

This dream shows that you are on the right road, searching for knowledge, communicating with different people, broadening your horizons and accepting other points of view. Continue your search and soon you will find your true and only path.

Does dreaming of macumbeira mean that they are doing macumba for me?

Now that you have read this article, you already know that the meaning of dreaming of a witchdoctor is not about someone wanting your harm or doing some work against you. It could even be that someone is plotting behind your back, in the case of dreaming of a dead witchdoctor, but the dream does not specifically talk about work done.

This type of dream has many interpretations and most of them speak about quests, dreams and goals. Others speak about your own spiritual development and what you still need to learn or what you are neglecting in your spirituality.

In general, it is a message from the spiritual plane to help you on your journey, whether material or not. So keep calm, because most messages talk about positive situations. Analyze all the elements of your dream, think about how you felt in relation to it and always keep a positive expectation, because the chances of it being something good are great.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.