To dream of penis: big, small, cut, rubber and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming with penis

Because of the sexualization of this organ, dreaming about penises can be seen as a cause for concern for the dreamer. However, dreams about penises do not indicate that you are sexually attracted to the phallus itself or to the person who was the subject of the dream, if any.

The main meaning of dreaming of the penis is related to the association of this organ with power and virility, as a demonstration of strength. However, the meanings of dreaming of this organ vary according to the context, demonstrating important aspects of your life and the relationship with the people around you.

To dream of penis being a woman

Did you dream about a penis and you are a woman? Understand that this dream does not necessarily indicate that you feel sexual attraction to the specific context of the dream. Each of these dreams reveals a different interpretation about aspects of your life. So, check out the different scenarios for dreaming about penis, being a woman, below.

To dream that you see a penis

When you dream that you see a penis, you symbolize this organ as an instrument of strength. Thus, this dream reveals that you wish to have firmer attitudes in your life, with strength in times of adversity.

Thus, you contemplate the phallus as an object of strength, reflecting it as if it were the attitudes of firmness that you want to have in life, so as not to be indecisive in the face of adversity.

To dream that you have a penis

In the case of a woman who dreams she has a penis, there is nothing related to sexuality in the interpretation of this scenario. What exists in dreaming that you have a penis, being a woman, is a more dominant and firm characteristic in your decisions, since the penis is an archetype of power, firmness and strength.

Related to this, dreams about a woman seeing herself with a penis reveal that the person wishes to have a firmer attitude towards conflict.

To dream of penis of boyfriend or husband

If you dreamed of your spouse's penis, this is a sign that the relationship is going very well and that you want to deepen your relationship with your loved one.

However, this is not always the scenario, since dreaming about your boyfriend's or husband's penis may also indicate future reconciliation, with the fitting of ideas and closer ties. In this sense, be willing to strengthen ties, with empathy and mutual respect, without focusing on superficial aspects.

To dream of someone else's penis

Are you worried because you dreamed of someone else's penis? In the case of married women, this dream does not represent betrayal, but a possible weariness with the relationship. Thus, the person's mind replaces the image of the person who bothers with a representation of what the ideal spouse would be like, generating reflections on what to change in the relationship.

However, if you are single and dreamed of someone else's penis, this may indicate two explanations: one psychological and the other biological. In the psychological realm, this is a representation of the desire to feel inserted into some group and cultivate more friendships, represented by the act of introducing yourself into new relationships.

In the case of biology, this dream may represent a latent desire to be involved in new relationships.

To dream of penis, being a man

Are you a man and dreamed of penises? The meanings can range from power, strength and other virtues, and are much broader than those related to mere sexuality. Check out the various scenarios of dreaming of penises, being a man, and explore the meanings for each of these dreams and what they may show about your life.

To dream with another penis

To dream of another penis shows great competitiveness, especially if it is with some rival or person you do not have affinity. Thus, you dispute power at work or academic environment and even to see who has greater networking.

Therefore, focus on yourself and do not compare yourself to your rival, to see who is greater. Focus your efforts on having great attitudes with consistency and virtue. However, if this dream is directed to a person with whom you have affinity, the meaning already changes to a non-competitive scenario.

In it, you do not care about the growth of the other, encouraging that there is a progress of both in the work scenario, mainly. Therefore, this dream has no sexual connotation, but partnership and bonding linked to growth.

To dream with the own penis

To dream of your own penis shows a look directed at the Self, your posture in the workplace and academic environment, especially how the dreamer is concerned with positions of power.

In this scenario, dreams about your own penis reveal a great concern to appear powerful and imposing in society, wanting to elevate yourself at work and gain prominence. Be careful not to have an arrogant posture due to this effort, always respecting your colleagues and working for the benefit of the collective.

To dream that you have a very small penis

When you dream that you have a very small penis, you reveal that you are afraid of being forgotten in the work environment, which makes you want to compensate for this negligence by having authoritarian attitudes in front of your professional colleagues.

Therefore, be careful that you are not rude in your work and do not let this authoritarian desire prevail in your daily life, cultivating empathy and dialogue. Related to this, dreams with a very small penis indicate that you do not have a balanced self-image.

You feel inferior or overly superior, with a need for compensation. After all, it is this need for compensation which creates the problem of being harsh at work, indicating a need for you to work on your self-confidence.

To dream that you take your penis

When you dream that you take your penis, your mind reveals that you do not feel secure about your abilities and often try to prove yourself that you are firm in your actions and act in an intense way.

Therefore, try to develop a firmer posture in your decisions, so that you inspire yourself to have greater confidence in your abilities to solve complex situations.

To dream that someone takes your penis

As sexual as it may seem, dreaming that someone is holding your penis reveals a latent need to show yourself as a figure of desire and admiration, either professionally or in your relationships. Therefore, you are trying to demonstrate power and protagonism in your actions in an attempt to stand out in front of others.

Also, to dream that someone takes your penis shows a need to deepen romantic or friendship bonds, the penis being the representation of the bond between you and the other person. This bond can be deepened in reality if you are aware of this desire and want to deepen your relationships.

To dream that you pick up a penis

To dream that you hold a penis shows a desire to acquire more power and therefore status in the workplace. In this way you represent the attribute of power through the phallic archetype, as a way of making concrete the acquisition of the abstract concept of power.

In this dream, by taking the phallic representation of power, you feel that you are satisfying this goal and feel more confident and prepared to accomplish tasks in the professional environment.

To dream that you are losing your penis

In dreaming that you are losing your penis, your mind portrays the conception that you think you are losing power and prestige, in the eyes of society. Since the phallic archetype represents power in this dream, which expresses an unconscious fear of this loss of power.

Faced with this fear of losing power, it's important that you don't get overwhelmed by outside criticism, because it's the criticism that causes you to lower your head in the face of adversity. So, only look at constructive criticism and remember that your work skills are not being lost.

To dream of penis in different forms

Now that you have seen what it means to dream of penis, both being a woman and a man, understand what it means to dream of penis in different ways.

In this sense, you will see examples ranging from dreaming of penis pointing upwards, to deformed and even cut off. Understand each of these different meanings and see which one you fit into.

To dream with big penis

Do you think that dreams about large penis indicate sexual desire? Do not limit yourself to thinking that this dream is restricted only to the expression of sexuality, this dream is much broader in its meaning. This dream reveals that you are a strategic person and that you are in a phase of great plans for the future.

In this sense, by dreaming of a large penis, your mind indicates that you are hatching grand plans that will culminate in greater prestige for you. So, invest your time in these plans that have great chances of generating success.

To dream with small penis

When you dream of a small penis, your mind reveals that you are going through an introspective phase, aiming to analyze your values and enjoy the small moments in life. You are in a modest phase, without great ambitions of power, focusing on your long-term personal development and harmony in the emotional realm.

To dream with fat penis

If you have dreamed of fat penis, it means that you feel it will be necessary to adopt a more decisive and firm stance at work, which will result in more abundance in your life.

This feeling is a component associated with the result of the work and is the central objective of the dream, the penis being only the representation of the attitudes necessary to conquer this objective.

Therefore, to dream with fat penis is a common attitude for those who go through dilemmas, presenting the solution that is to demonstrate firmness and not falter before the challenges that life presents you, taking effective resolutions without haste.

To dream with thin penis

The implicit message in dreaming of a skinny penis is that you believe you have little influence in any area of your life, whether it be relational, work or academic.

Thus, you feel that you are not strong enough to express your opinions eloquently and that you need to improve your communication skills in order to persuade your audience.

In light of this, don't feel cowed and try to understand why you have this conception, focusing on your development and self-love.

To dream of penis pointing upwards

Have you ever dreamed of penis pointing upwards? Know that this dream is a sign that you are with enough self-esteem and are satisfied with the firmness that you present in the face of challenges.

You feel more powerful and competent to perform any task assigned to you, which is reflected in your performance. However, for those who do not feel satisfied at this time with their performance at work, this dream is an omen that you will soon gain greater power in the work or academic environment.

So, if you dream of penis pointing upwards, prepare for a future full of challenges that you will overcome, however difficult they may be.

To dream with penis pointing downwards

When you dream of penis pointing down, you reveal a certain lack of confidence in your ability to deal with a problem, as if you do not have the strength to overcome it.

So, try to work on confidence in your abilities and do not get involved in environments that are toxic to your self-esteem, if you can avoid them. Also, if you are tired, try not to push yourself too hard, to avoid burnout which is also known as Burnout.

To dream with penis turned to the right

If you have ever dreamed of penis turned to the right, it indicates that you are going through, at the time of the dream, a more rational phase that partially neglects some friendship relationships or even the romantic relationship.

In addition, to dream of penis turned to the right, you feel a need to invest more time in work or academic production, with the improvement of instrumental skills.

The advice of this dream is for you to be careful not to invest too much in the professional area and forget about your relationship with loved ones.

To dream with penis turned to the left

To dream of a penis turned to the left reveals a greater association with artistic production and creativity, not being too attached to the instrumental factors present in a dream with penis turned to the opposite side (right).

In addition, this dream demonstrates a greater propensity to invest in relationships, whether they are friendships or romantic. People who dream of a penis turned to the left wish to increase their communicative potential and social skills, in order to expand their network of social contacts.

To dream with deformed penis

When you dream of a deformed penis, you feel that you do not have such a fair relationship between power and virtue, as if power can be corrupted in some situations. This is because the penis represents the archetype of power.

In seeing this deformed symbol, this portrays an internal conception that this symbol of power is corrupted, that is, unjust.

In this sense, people who dream of deformed penis usually do not make a point of acquiring more power and status in society. The advice is that these people continue to cultivate the effort to have good connections, but do not neglect the work.

To dream with cut penis

First of all, it is important to understand that dreaming of a severed penis is associated with a limitation of power. This dream may indicate a certain helplessness in the face of a situation involving competition or even an abusive bond.

In light of this, it is important that you pay attention to your relationships and try to cut toxic relationships, so that you can regain your confidence and consequently, demonstrate more power and be more firm in your decisions.

Other meanings of dreaming of penis

In addition to all the previous meanings about dreaming of penises, it is possible to infer others before new scenarios that are not so typical, but that can occur. Among them, dreaming of: penis woman, rubber penis and penis and blood.

So, check out the meanings of each of them below and as well as their symbolism, going far beyond the sexual scenario and demonstrating various nuances about your emotional state and your thoughts.

Thus, you will be able to increase your self-knowledge, basing yourself on reflection about dreams that are considered taboo by many people.

To dream of a woman with penis

When you dream of a woman with a penis, you are projecting the archetype of penis strength and power onto some woman you know, or if you are a woman, it may also be yourself. In the latter scenario, you see the need to take firmer action and expand your networking at work, in order to gain more prominence.

In addition, these dreams indicate that you are rooting for the professional success of a woman close to you and that, with the right support, she will be able to reach her potential and conquer greater professional space. All this explanation refers to sorority, based on the meaning behind the phallus symbolism.

To dream with penis and blood

If you have ever dreamed of penis and blood, know that this dream does not represent any bad omen, being in fact, quite positive. To dream of penis and blood demonstrates balance, through reconciliation between your feminine and masculine pole.

Thus, this sign of balance shows that you are traveling a path that will lead to comfort with your identity and stability to resolve diverse situations.

To dream of rubber penis

By dreaming of rubber penis, you reveal a fear of feeling excluded from some group of colleagues or friends and even family, because of your differences. Given this idea, it is important to understand that dreams with rubber penis indicate the fear of exclusion and segregation.

In this sense, it is important that you work on your beliefs about yourself and try not to devalue yourself.

Because the archetype of the penis is related to attributes located in the Yang, which is the masculine energy pole in Eastern traditions, encompassing power, firmness and strength, dreaming about penis is related to masculinity.

However, it is important to understand that dreams with penis go far beyond this and connect with many attributes linked to relationships and professional performance. Finally, it is important to conclude that dreaming about penis does not need to have a sexual connotation, being this conception distorted by various taboos existing in society.

Therefore, dreams about penises in different shapes and conditions represent feelings about oneself and others, self-efficacy beliefs and desire for power and other attributes to solve problems and achieve goals.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.