To dream of pool: full, empty, dirty, clean, deep, shallow and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming about swimming pool

In general, to dream of a swimming pool symbolizes a series of emotions that can be both positive and negative. It also suggests novelties, opportunities, fruitful friendships and even financial losses.

Still, it is essential to pay attention to the details of your dream, because they determine the meaning of that message. So try to remember what color the water was, the shape of the pool and what you were doing.

It is important for you to observe what is happening in your life right now, as well as analyze your thoughts and emotions, so you can better understand the messages that dreaming about swimming pool reveals.

If you want to know more, check out the most important interpretations of dreams about swimming pools!

To dream that you are interacting with a swimming pool

When you dream of a swimming pool, the meanings may vary depending on your interaction with the pool, that is, if you were swimming, diving, having fun in the pool, among other possibilities. See below the meaning of these and other interpretations.

To dream that you swim in a swimming pool

To dream that you swim in a pool can bring both negative and positive meaning. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the water in it. If it was clear and crystalline, it symbolizes that your path is open. Thus, you are close to achieving your goals and live fully and happily.

However, if you saw dirty water, expect a troubled time. Challenges will come your way. For this reason, you will have to have determination and strength to overcome these obstacles. Don't be discouraged and remember that it's just a bad phase.

To dream that you dive into a swimming pool

If you dreamed that you dived into a pool, know that you need to trust to give yourself to a relationship. In this sense, not allowing yourself to be complete in this relationship will bring suffering. So, observe your feelings and if this is really what you want to live, do not limit yourself.

Remember that your happiness is at stake and go after what's good for you, whether it's in this relationship or other issues. There are people around you who support you in your decisions, but also those who don't.

Therefore, do not care so much about the opinion of others and follow your heart. Another meaning of dreaming that you dive into a pool refers to the end of cycles, especially with regard to ties with family, friends or romantic partners.

If this is the case, consider whether it's really necessary to distance yourself. Often, dialogue can solve everything. Even so, if you come to the conclusion that this is the best way out, distance yourself, but think calmly so that you don't regret it later.

To dream of swimming in a pool

When you dream that you take a bath in a pool, understand that there is a need to find balance and harmony. For this, changes must be made. Take the opportunity to evaluate what is not working in your life.

In this perspective, you need to distance yourself from addictions and patterns of behavior, which will not be easy. In the beginning, you may miss your old habits a lot, but in the long run you can reap the rewards of this choice. Moreover, this dream symbolizes that your path is open.

To dream that you are having fun in a swimming pool

The arrival of new experiences is the main message of dreaming you have fun in a pool. You are open to living differently and are not satisfied with the monotony you are living.

So you can try to do things you've always wanted to do but never had the initiative for, so don't let your enthusiasm get lost over time.

In addition, this dream indicates that there is a need to have new emotional experiences - it may be the desire to make new friends or perhaps the desire to fall in love. Therefore, do not limit yourself and open yourself to the possibilities that life has to offer.

To dream that you clean a swimming pool

To dream that you clean a swimming pool suggests that internal issues need to be clarified, so be sure to observe your emotions. This can bring answers to the present and your decisions can become more assertive.

In addition, this dream is a sign to leave the past behind. If there are old issues that still bother you, try to resolve them soon. Then you can live free of these pains, feeling lighter and happier.

To dream that you are being pushed into a swimming pool

If you dream you are being pushed into a pool, take a closer look at the problems you are experiencing, because they are consuming your energy. If the pool was clean, it is a sign that you will be able to resolve these impasses with ease.

However, if the pool was dirty, you will have a hard time getting out of this situation, but don't be discouraged. Understand that it's just a bad phase and soon everything will fall into place.

Another meaning is that you are losing control easily and this is generating misunderstandings. Know that at this time it is ideal to avoid conflicts.

To dream that you push someone in a pool

It is not a good sign to dream that you push someone in a pool. Nevertheless, its meaning can bring many lessons. It indicates that you are going through a period of distress and stress, which may be occurring because there is no time set aside for you.

Too many tasks are overwhelming your day, leading to physical and mental exhaustion, so take some time to relax and try to understand your emotions. A break can recharge your energy, benefiting your productivity and creativity.

To dream that you are rescued from drowning in a swimming pool

To dream that you are saved from drowning in a pool, symbolizes insecurities and emotional dependence. You do not feel able to accomplish things on your own, so you are always relying on others. Understand that receiving help is important, but do not be held hostage by it.

In addition, this dream also suggests that you should face your emotions head on. If you are holding something back, put it out and you may feel better. It may also indicate new paths in your life, and that they will bring you a lot of learning and growth.

Another meaning for this dream is the escape from problems. Realize if you are avoiding dealing with some impasses and remember that they will not go away, so it is better to solve them as soon as possible.

Finally, being saved from drowning in a pool during your dream may also be a sign that you blame others for your actions and feelings. This attitude does not benefit you in any way, so seek to change it.

To dream that you save someone drowning in a swimming pool

If you dreamed that you saved someone who drowned in a pool, know that there is a need to seek help. This help can be for emotional issues as well as for daily tasks. It is essential to understand that doing things alone is not always the best way.

In this sense, if someone offers you help, accept it, as this help will be very helpful. Furthermore you may be feeling ill because of unresolved conflicts from the past, which may be the reason for standoffs with other people, or inner feelings which you are trying to hide.

To dream of swimming pool in different conditions

To dream of a swimming pool brings positive meanings of abundance and good news, but also points to negative periods, with feelings of distress and financial problems. Thus, it is necessary to analyze what the condition of the pool was. Check out what it means to dream of a full pool, empty, clean, dirty and more.

To Dream of a Full Pool

A full swimming pool in a dream is a great omen, as it symbolizes abundance and prosperity. Thus, various aspects of your life can benefit from this positive phase. Expect good news at work, in the family, in health and in relationships.

To dream of a full pool also points to social ascension, which is a consequence of your efforts, so keep dedicating yourself to what you have started. Another meaning is that you feel exhausted and are experiencing problems that are the result of your past decisions, but do not despair. Seek solutions and be patient.

To dream of an empty swimming pool

To dream of an empty pool is not a good sign, as it indicates emotional emptiness. You are living in times of neediness and affliction. Take advantage of this phase to get to know yourself better and cultivate your own company. Also, be careful not to approach other people only out of neediness.

In addition, this dream symbolizes financial difficulties. Thus, you may be approaching a phase of monetary losses. Use this dream to take precautions and avoid unnecessary expenses. Do not make hasty decisions and act with conscience and wisdom.

To dream of a clean swimming pool

In a dream, to see a clean pool is a good omen, because it means financial gains. Thus, it may be a salary increase, receive a debt that you thought you would no longer be paid, an inheritance, among other possibilities.

Therefore, if you are dedicating yourself to some project, follow this path, because soon you can reap the fruits of your efforts. If there is any deadlock, remember the meaning of dreaming of a clean pool and continue persisting in the path you want.

To dream of a dirty pool

When you dream of a dirty pool, be careful with your finances, since the meaning points to difficulties. In this sense, you may lose money. Be careful and do not act on impulse, because the losses may be irreversible.

In addition, this dream also suggests emotional problems. You cannot face deep feelings and you are always trying to run away so that you do not have to face the problem head on. Understand that this attitude brings harm. Assume your pains in order to overcome what you have gone through.

To dream of a swimming pool filling up

Novelty is the main message of dreaming of a swimming pool filling up. However, the message may point to bad news. If the pool was dirty, expect difficulties. You will have to be strong to overcome this cycle.

But do not be afraid. Face the impasses with determination, but remember to welcome your moments of sadness. Moreover, this dream is a warning, so if you can do something to avoid the problems, or at least reduce them, act in this direction.

Another meaning is that of good news. If you saw clean water, wait for good news. These will be opportunities to grow in some aspect of your life, so be on the alert and do not let this chance pass you by.

To dream of an emptying swimming pool

It is not a good sign to dream of an emptying pool. This dream points to a number of negative meanings. The first of these is that you are not accepting an end to a cycle. You are trying to prevent something from ending, even if the end is for your own good.

It also suggests that you're feeling rejected and feel that the people around you don't understand you or don't care for your company. Know that you don't have to change in order for others to accept you. If these attachments don't add, it's best to walk away.

To dream of an overflowing swimming pool

To dream of an overflowing pool indicates that you need to be honest with yourself. You are constantly lying about what you want to live and about past feelings, so take some time to reflect and put your thoughts in order.

You need to stabilize your emotions. If you leave this part of yourself aside, everything could go wrong. Maybe you haven't realized it yet, but your feelings are suffocating you, so let them out, and then you'll feel lighter.

To dream of an agitated swimming pool

If you dreamed of a troubled pool, take this as a sign to deal with negative thoughts. Your mind is sabotaging your performance in some area of your life. So when you dream of a troubled pool, watch your thoughts and do not let this situation continue to bring you discouragement.

Remember that if you are positive, good things can happen. In this sense, you will only succeed if you believe you are able to accomplish what you want. So, believe in yourself and be persistent.

To dream of a crowded swimming pool

To dream of a crowded pool means that you are feeling trapped. Some people do not allow you to express your individuality and essence. Therefore, do not insist on these relationships, change the direction of your life and do not be afraid to leave. Prioritize your well-being.

Another meaning is the need to believe more in yourself. You need to trust that you are capable, so you can move with determination to achieve your goals. Trust your heart, know that it is normal to feel fear and think that things will not work out, but be persistent and true to yourself.

Furthermore, this dream indicates that your instincts are guiding your actions. You act impulsively and often this brings negative consequences. Try to notice these patterns of behavior and try to change them.

To dream of swimming pool in different forms

It is necessary to analyze the shape of the pool to understand the meaning of a dream, because this detail reveals important information. Therefore, know what it means to dream of a large, deep, shallow, infinity pool, among others.

To dream of a large swimming pool

If you dreamed of a large pool, take it as a warning to change the way you face your feelings and problems. In this sense, challenges become giant in your life, but not because they are really difficult, but because you lack courage and confidence to face them.

Understand that even in the midst of difficulties, you will have to be persistent. Then you will be able to find a solution to what you are going through. At this time, it is necessary to be confident and realistic.

To dream of a deep pool

The main messages of dreaming of a sinking pool are insecurity and difficulty in facing internal issues. Thus, it is necessary to recognize your qualities and stop devaluing yourself. Affirm that you are capable and have the courage to achieve your goals.

Don't be so hard on yourself for your mistakes and imperfections. See them as learning experiences. Observe your feelings and give yourself space to acknowledge the pain that still surrounds you. This task will be difficult at first, but you may feel relief at the end of it.

To dream of a shallow pool

To dream of a shallow pool indicates that you are going through a time of loneliness, but this is not always a bad thing. This dream is a sign to use this period to your advantage. Enjoy your company, do things you always wanted to do and understand that it is not necessary to wait for a company to realize many of your wishes.

Even so, spending so much time alone can become boring and dull, so look for new friends to share experiences with. If you're single and free of past traumas, make room for new love, but don't accept just any relationship. Invest in bonds that really add to you.

This dream also has a negative meaning. It is possible that you are going through financial difficulties. Therefore, observe how your professional life is, dedicate yourself more in your work to keep it and study subjects of your area to always remain updated.

To dream of an infinity pool

In a dream, the infinity pool is a warning to rethink your life, because you are trying hard, but you are heading in the wrong direction. So take the time to reflect on your goals for the future, question whether they really make sense for the life you want to build.

Understand that it's possible that you've been taking the opinion of others too much into consideration, so that you've left your values aside. Maybe you've already noticed this behavior and have been trying to change it. If this is the case, you're going in the right direction, because your decisions should be based on your experience and on what you want to live.

Therefore, do not be so shaken by the opinion of others and keep doing what you believe. Another meaning of dreaming of an infinity pool is that you are too attached to places and people, which is not very good. Try to distance yourself from this feeling and choose wisely with whom to share your time.

To dream of an indoor swimming pool

If you dreamed of an indoor swimming pool, it is because you are experiencing an internal conflict. Probably, you are an introverted person, and people around you want you to be more communicative and sociable.

But know that you don't have to change unless you want to - remember to respect your way and your preferences. Another possible interpretation is that you are an extroverted person, but you are going through a period of introversion, which makes your friends and relatives strange to your behavior.

Don't feel bad about it, live this moment the way you think is best. At the end of it, those who really value your company will be by your side. Another meaning is that you are having difficulties overcoming obstacles. However, you should not be discouraged. Be persistent in what you have started.

If you have started a project, dreaming of an indoor pool asks you to evaluate whether it still makes sense for you, because you may be wasting your time. If so, do not be afraid to start over.

To dream of an inflatable swimming pool

If you dreamed of an inflatable swimming pool, take time to reflect on your actions and to pay attention to your thoughts. It is possible that emotions from the past are still hurting you, which harms your life as a whole.

Also, it could be that someone is taking away your freedom and wanting to dictate what you should do. Realize who this person is and try to stay away. One tip is to open up to someone you trust.

Another meaning to dream of an inflatable pool is that you are working hard. You are determined to achieve goals and growth, and soon you will be able to reap the fruits of your efforts. If you are looking for a purpose in life, know that you will soon discover your potential.

Other meanings of dreaming of swimming pool

Other meanings of dreaming of a pool point to overload of daily tasks and chores, unpleasant changes, the need to rest and spiritual elevation. Check out below the meaning of dreaming of baby or child in pools, fish in a pool, among other interpretations.

To dream of a baby or child in the pool

To dream of a baby or child in the pool suggests an unpleasant change. Something may take away your peace, causing you to lose your balance. So if you notice that something is not right in your life, take action before the worst happens.

Be careful not to overwhelm yourself with your problems, which can lead to an emotional breakdown. Another meaning is that you are working hard to achieve your goals, without limiting yourself.

You are always looking for new possibilities to succeed. Know that this attitude is extremely beneficial for your future. This dream also indicates that there is a need to get better organized, so realize what is not working and seek solutions.

Finally, the meaning may also point to a new friendship, which may bring enjoyable and relaxed moments into your life.

To dream of fish in a swimming pool

If you have dreamed of fish in a swimming pool, you should know that this is not a good sign. Negative thoughts are taking away your peace, causing you to become discouraged. Therefore, the most important thing is to realize these thoughts and not be held hostage by them. Try to understand the root of these thoughts.

By better understanding the problem, it will be easier to find a way to solve it. On the other hand, this dream also indicates that you are able to embrace your personality in order to respect yourself and seek peace of mind.

To dream of fish in a pool still suggests that some situation is hindering your growth, as well as that you feel wronged by something you have been told. So organize your thoughts and try to be at peace with yourself, without listening to what others think.

To dream of a dog in a swimming pool

It is a good sign to dream of a dog in the pool, as it symbolizes spiritual elevation. If you are dedicating yourself to self-knowledge and spiritual matters, know that you are heading in the right direction.

If you have disconnected from these issues, it is an indication to turn your attention to this. This dream also shows that you do not feel welcomed by people in your life, so you are burdening yourself to deal with problems.

Remember that there are other people who can help you in this process. Another meaning is that you are able to understand other people, and that you are being more tolerant, willing to change when necessary.

These attitudes will be very beneficial in your relationships, so keep cultivating this behavior. Finally, someone may be in need of you, so be prepared to offer help.

To dream of trees and plants around a swimming pool

Time to rest and reflect is the advice that brings the dream of trees around a pool. Try to be a little alone with your thoughts. Thus, you can better understand the cycle that you are living. In addition, dreaming of trees and plants around a pool shows that you feel overwhelmed with so many tasks.

Therefore, taking time to relax is essential so that you can get back to acting with determination. Remember that you must be strong in the midst of adversity, so avoid running away from your responsibilities.

Does dreaming of a swimming pool have to do with your emotions?

To dream of a swimming pool has a relationship with the emotions and indicates that the dreamer is experiencing a troubled period, while having difficulty dealing with problems and physical and mental overload.

In addition, it indicates fear of facing problems head on, harmful self-sabotaging behaviors, difficulty leaving the past behind and imbalance. Therefore, it is essential to observe your thoughts and emotions in order to find a solution.

Start taking action now to stop things from getting more difficult. Remember that running away is not an option as this will only leave the impasses for later, and the longer you delay dealing with them, the harder things tend to get. Try to use the information and tips in this article to find ways to solve your problems.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.