To dream of rape: attempt, being raped, rape and more

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of dreaming of rape

To get the meaning of dreaming of rape is necessary to touch on a delicate topic. Many women, the vast majority, are sexually abused, either on the street, at work or even at home and this can create the fear of rape.

But what these dreams really mean depends on how, where, and who goes through this abuse. It's possible that it means more than a simple interpretation: that you're afraid. But it's a good idea to follow this journey of self-discovery.

To dream of rape in different forms

To dream of rape can have different meanings, especially if it is about an assault, but not all dreams with this theme means, say they are about sexual matters.

To dream that you are watching a rape

When you see a rape in your dream it may be related to sexual dysfunction, perhaps the sex is not what you expect and you are disappointed by it. It may be related to expecting a betrayal, something imminent that you will not be able to do anything about.

But betrayals occur in different ways than sexual ones, not just them, so it's possible you're about to be betrayed by the one you love, someone you trust, you may lose a chance you knew was yours, something you believed you deserved.

To dream that you are watching a rape can also indicate that you are surrounded by dishonest people, even close friends, which is affecting your life in a negative way. A good opportunity to know how to judge the character of those closest to you and know how to choose those who want your good and who will uplift you.

To dream that you are being raped

To dream that you are being a victim of rape is a sign that you are facing some battle, it may be ironic that it is not related to the fear of rape, but dreams can use various analogies. The battles can be personal and professional, like getting a promotion, a job, losing that amount of weight, getting healthier, there are several possibilities.

Another possibility is that you have little self-control and someone can get you out of your head, using informal language, someone takes you out of your comfort zone causing an extreme of emotions. A conflict at work, a separation. It is important to stay calm to deal with such situations. A tip: meditation helps a lot.

To dream that you are raping someone

If you are raping someone in your dream, it means that you are the victim of an injustice, also indicates commitment to your health, in other words, it is better to take care of yourself: have a healthy diet and do some exercise that pleases you, imposed exercises, such as gym, may not have long-term benefits for you feel obliged to go and you end up giving up.

In general, to dream that you are raping someone indicates a bad omen. If you consider yourself an aggressor, it means that there is a lack of purpose in your life, in other words, you may know what you want, but you do not make a decision, you lack initiative. There is no way to see what is being done wrong and how to take the initiative, you end up distancing yourself from your neighbor.

It is because you have such selfish attitudes that you behave aggressively in the dream! It is important to be more open about your feelings, to have more solidarity, which is a practice, in order to have more empathy for others, to avoid dreams like this in the future.

To dream that an acquaintance was a victim of rape

To dream that an acquaintance was a victim of rape indicates conflict with this person, possibly he or she has hurt you, betrayed or abandoned you and you may feel a withdrawn anger for the attitudes and the person, this includes a relative. As a saying goes revenge is like holding a burning coal in order to shoot someone: you end up burned.

Such dreams indicate a need for forgiveness, for moving on, they are deep and sad feelings that cannot remain within you, because it will only hurt you. It may be that it is under the surface, or that you do not even notice that you have them and you have this feeling of anguish that you do not know where it comes from.

This dream is here to reveal your inner self. Cleanse yourself, let go of hurts and negative feelings that are distressing you. I recommend Ho'oponopono for these cases, a Hawaiian healing technique.

To dream that a relative was a victim of rape

When you dream that a relative of yours has been a victim of rape, the meaning may be related to a feeling of anguish coming from deep within your heart regarding the family member.

To dream that a relative has been a victim of rape can also reveal a worry that something bad will happen to that person, to avoid it you need to get closer to them to make sure they are safe. Many find comfort in prayers, knowing that God is watching over their loved one is a relief to the mind and heart.

This individual may be going through difficult times, so the real concern about their physical, emotional, financial, professional state. All of this portrayed in a scene of rape during a sleep. There is a feeling that this evil is happening to us, a very great empathy is happening.

To dream of an attempted rape

To dream of attempted rape indicates doubt, whether in a professional, sexual or relationship sense. Your mind may be divided, there are many choices and you do not know what to do. Often you lack the assistance of a second person to help you make the right choices, someone to guide you.

Don't do things you don't want to do or are being forced to do. Remember: a person can only guide you, never run your life. It can also mean a deep and judgment-worthy desire in the sexual realm, but don't worry, most sexual practices are healthy as long as it's done with consent.

Don't let yourself be judged or feel humiliated by other people's opinion about your sex life, you are free and should live fully. Sexual practices done just to please your partner cause you to have dreams like this, which reinforces the fact that you own your choices, do it for pleasure, never to please someone else. This can cause you to not feel good about yourself, which triggers the dream.

To dream that you are able to escape from a rape

When you manage to escape from a rape in a dream, it indicates a big change in your routine. Many times, as said before, there is a tendency to hide your voice when facing uncomfortable situations like not liking the current job, not wanting your partner, misunderstandings with the family, among others.

Running away from rape in your dream is a great thing. It means a big change in your life, that is, you may have reached your voice. Or, in another perspective, occur in an unexpected way. A new partner, a new job, a new home, new friends. Positive changes come into your life and they are great, enjoy them.

To dream that you are threatened with rape

In your dream to be threatened with rape means that you feel threatened in some way, whether by a new flirt who shows up to disrupt your relationship, an opponent at work or even a new little brother to get the family's attention.

The important thing is not to allow yourself to feel this way. Rape means vulnerability, that is, you feel vulnerable, without help, without help. But you have yourself, increase your self-confidence! You can take charge of your own life, without feeling threatened by the arrival of someone new. You are special exactly in your individuality and no one can take that away from you!

To dream that you are accused of rape

To dream that you are accused of rape suggests serious consequences for you. Usually something unexpected happens, like gossip and intrigue, and the consequences related to it. It is good to take a bath in rock salt and feel the negative energies being removed from your body.

It also means a feeling of guilt, you are divided in your choices and do not know what to do in these life situations. It is always good to ask for guidance from a counselor, or spiritual guide.

Another tip is to analyze your choices well and choose the one that will give you the best benefit. If you are accused but not guilty in the dream, your plans may delay a little, but do not give up on them! If you can prove your innocence then you will be victorious.

It is always good to be in harmony with your decisions to avoid disturbing dreams, it is not always easy, because life is usually challenging and you can end up making choices you don't want to, many times people want to stay oblivious and let life go with its flow. But there are times when it is necessary to interfere, to ensure a better quality of life.

To dream that you killed a rapist

The meaning of dreaming that you killed a rapist is that you have confidence in your abilities, you are not overwhelmed by fear or difficult situations. Your dreams are very clear, sometimes not, but this does not let it affect you. You battle and give, the best of yourself in everything you do.

Don't let trouble get you down.Okay,you're on the right track.What you dream of,you can achieve.It's not good to have dreams about rapists,but it shows a determination and grit in you.You can play anything you want.

Other meanings of dreaming of rape

There are still other meanings to dream of rape, which does not mean being a victim or perpetrator. Read on and find out which of these meanings fits your dream.

To dream of a rape in your work

To dream of rape in your work means fear of losing your professional independence, the same goes for the harassment suffered. It is possible that the person has lost opportunities for growth or does not see himself valued at work, perhaps even not working in the area that you like. It is important to develop professionally and excel in the profession.

Make decisions that favor your professional growth, evaluate if it is more promising for you to stay in the same job or try new careers. Invest your time in a profitable way, take new courses and interact with other professionals in your area.

To dream of rape and blood

To dream of rape and blood indicates that you need to be aware of what is happening around you, it may indicate a health problem, blood is related to something bad, tragic. To dream of rape and blood reveals that something unexpected will happen in your future.

To dream of sexual abuse

To dream of sexual abuse may be related to fear of losing your independence, which is normal to feel, it is indicated to set fulfilling goals, which are possible to accomplish, so that you feel more in control of your own life.

Your life is in your hands, you are in control! Don't let others take away your independence, even if it means giving up certain privileges. You are the Michelangelo of your life, make it the best you can. But don't give up your independence, even if it means earning less, giving up luxury, good you decide.

Does dreaming of rape indicate health problems?

To dream of rape is perfectly normal and although it is scary, its meanings can indicate good things, omens and alert for more enlightening futures. Do not be afraid of your dreams, learn from them! They are all messages from your subconscious trying to warn you that there is something very wrong or very right!

The subject of rape can be scary, and it really is. Women can feel insecure after such a nightmare, but I assure you that reality is different from dreams, which is why it is so important to try to find out what they mean before jumping to conclusions. This article will be of great help to those who want to decipher their subconscious!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.