To dream of subway: station, tunnel, car, derailing and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of a subway?

The subway is considered one of the best means of transportation, so it is common to dream that you are on it at some point in your life. However, it is even more common to have doubts about the meaning of this type of dream. In this sense, dreaming about the subway means that your subconscious is trying to indicate a path or direction for your life.

According to Louise L; Hay, author of the bestseller You Can Heal Your Life: "life will help you in whatever decision you make". So choose wisely your next steps towards your destiny. Want to know more about the details of dreaming about the subway? Continue reading the article.

To dream that you see and interact with the subway

In dreams, it is possible to see and interact with the subway. And each of these interactions has its own meanings and indications. If you are curious, read the list prepared with great care for you. And delve deeper into the world of dreams.

To dream that you see a subway

If you dreamed that you see the subway, know that this dream has a negative meaning: it shows that you may soon face problems. Although it indicates that you should swallow your pride and prejudice to avoid misunderstandings with people close to you, do not worry too much about the difficult days ahead.

You are a warrior and you may well battle through some moments, your worst days can't be 100% bad, at some point a ray of sunshine lights you up. There is always a positive to see during the toughest battles, if only that makes you stronger. And more self-assured, just be careful not to create the pride within yourself.

To dream that you are in a subway

A dream in which you are in the subway indicates that you are reaching your goal through unconscious methods. Although this provides remarkable progress, it is risky not knowing what is driving you in your career or lifestyle. By recognizing your hidden aspects, you are able to move forward in life.

In this sense, it means that these same aspects are what give you structure to grow, try to recognize them. Pay attention to your basis for success and keep in mind that you need to recognize it to stimulate yourself more and more towards your goals. Always remember: everything you can dream, you can have in your hands.

To dream that you are trapped between two subway stations

To dream that you are trapped between two subway stations indicates that you will have to deal with a moral dilemma. In this case, it is always good to analyze the situation well before making any decision. Try as much as possible to be impartial in your choice, not taking any answer to the personal side. See the moment on a logical and rational aspect.

So, you will need time to make the right decision, so no rushing. Reflect as much as you want, because know that this is precisely what will lead you to the right judgment. Don't have favorites in your thoughts.

To dream that you are riding in the subway

To dream of riding in the subway implies that you are using your instincts to guide your decisions, this is not good. Because you are a rational being, aspect that differentiates you from other animals. So it makes no sense to let your primitive side lead your choices,

You may simply be following the crowd, but you are a unique individual, with your own characteristics and original dreams too. So it would not be the most appropriate to be just one more in the midst of many, try to locate your desires and respect them. In order to follow your own course in life.

To dream that you are sleeping in the subway

If you dreamed that you traveled on the subway in your sleep, it implies that you are blindly following a path that has been determined for you by other people. You are a grown person and do not need to let others make the choices for you. In fact, there is a certain pleasure in making your own decisions.

So analyze your path so far and ask yourself if this is what you wanted for your life, because this dream implies that your path is determined by conformism. So you need to open your eyes to the possibility of charting your own course.

To dream that you cannot enter the subway

If you have dreamed that you have paid for a ticket but cannot get through the door, it suggests that although you have paid your debts, you are being prevented by the people in your life or by your social or economic circumstances from achieving your goals.

For know that your impediments in life are what you attract. By having thoughts of "I'm not going to make it," you are preventing yourself from prospering. And that's not fair to yourself or to society, which would benefit from your gifts.

Try to circumvent the situations that obstruct your passage to your dreams through your intelligence and focus. As well as avoiding negative thoughts.

To dream that you are waiting and the subway never arrives

A dream in which you have arrived at the terminal, but are waiting for a subway that never arrives, implies that you are paralyzed by worries. These can be of a financial or personal nature, as well as the possibility of being stagnant in a job that does not please you or only brings you headaches.

Know that you can choose your thoughts, and thinking about your worries will only attract more reasons to worry. It is understandable that it is frustrating to feel powerless in the face of life, but as your thoughts change your life situations will also change. In the meantime, you need to make an effort.

If the job is not to your liking, make an effort to look for a new one. Relationship can always be discussed with your partner. Remember: you are in a relationship for two.

To dream that you do not pay to use the subway

If you dreamed that you jumped the gate without paying the subway fee, it indicates that you do not hesitate to use a stealth method to get where you want. Think and reflect on your actions, they certainly have already harmed someone. A good tip is to put yourself in the shoes of others, and think what would be the most ethical thing to do at the moment.

If you skip the gate because you can't afford the cost of the ticket, it means that the cost of a decision you need to make is too high for you to proceed. Always keep in mind that decisions don't have to be made in the heat of the moment, you can take time to reflect on it.

To dream that you are losing the subway

To dream that you miss the subway implies missed opportunities to solve a problem, which is preventing you from realizing your ambitions. It is imperative that you take your chances when they pass by you, because you may not have them within your reach again. However, if you try hard enough there will always be other opportunities.

Now the options are with you. You must keep in mind to know how to take advantage of opportunities when they arise, so that you don't come to regret them later. Calm down, you can meditate on them, individually, to recognize if they will be a good or bad change in your life.

To dream that you enter the subway

To dream that you enter the subway indicates that a good opportunity will arise in your life in a short period of time. You should keep your eyes wide open so as not to miss it. Remember: although there are second chances, opportunities are unique and may not appear for you a second time.

To dream that you get out of the subway

If you dreamed that you get off the subway, the meaning reveals that you have fulfilled all your obligations very well. This is a great sign that things are in order in your life and that, at the moment, worries are minimal.

This dream has come to confirm your conduct. You have acted well, being secure with yourself and able to organize your own ideas in order to keep progressing and creating productive things.

To dream of subway in different forms

In a dream, the subway may appear in different forms, such as its station, the tunnel and even an accident. But before you panic at the possibilities that these dreams present, read carefully the meanings below. You will surely be surprised.

To dream of a subway station

To dream of a subway station can represent both a point of departure and arrival that you have set for yourself or what life has taken you against your will. Those who have this dream can hope for an end to cycles and resolution of lived situations and problems.

It is understood that the end of a cycle can be a painful or pleasurable passage, depending on who goes through it, in the eyes of the observer. But it is necessary that a course be closed, so that a new one may begin. Always focus on the possibilities of improvement in your life and be grateful for the lessons of the period that has ended.

To dream of a subway tunnel

If you have dreamed of subways passing through tunnels, know that this may represent a sexual relationship. Having such a dream means having an unrequited passion. It will not do you any good to sit around waiting for your love to be reciprocated, often the best thing to do is to stay in friendship.

But if you really want to get over that crush, you'll need some time away from the focus of it, this includes social media too. Don't worry, in time it will pass and you'll start to highlight your ex-lover's flaws. And you'll see him as he really is, instead of this idealized version.

To dream of a subway accident

To dream of a subway accident indicates that your goals are not going according to plan and that your intuition is trying to communicate that your current path may cause harm to you. In this case, you should listen to it. If plans do not go according to what you expected, try to change a little the road you are traveling.

A good tip is to reflect if your goals are really what you want for your life, in order to walk again the road towards your future. And so you can rediscover yourself as a man with new focus and with new directions for the future

To dream of crime in the subway

If you dreamed that you witnessed a crime on the subway, or were a victim of one, know that this suggests a lack of self-confidence. You feel powerless to make a real difference in your life or the life of someone you care about. The important thing to understand is that your life is in your hands, and it starts with your thoughts and feelings.

You have to act intentionally and produce harmonious and happy thoughts and vibrations, instead of just reacting to what happens to you. Your outer world is the fruit of your inner world. To have influence in other people's lives is another story. He has to make his own choices and reap the fruits of them. You can always pray for things to go as smoothly as possible with yournext.

To dream of an empty subway car

When you dream of an empty subway car, it means that your spirit is worried about losing your job. This dream is very common and you have nothing to worry about. To clear your conscience, analyze your work and see what you can improve.

Sometimes, you may actually lose your job. But the dream is not a premonition, what it symbolizes is the end of your source of income. So if you are insecure, it is good to look for alternatives to increase your income at the end of the month and comfort you if the worst happens.

To dream of a full subway car

To dream of a crowded subway car shows that you will still experience serious problems and with this you will have to make decisions that will require a firm hand and a strong stomach. But your whole life has prepared you, like the warrior that you are, to make difficult choices and deal with stormy times.

You are far more capable than you believe yourself to be and heavy times come and go, as soon as you make that decision, you will have to face the consequences of them. So think carefully before you make it.

To dream of a train derailing

To dream of a train derailing means that you feel that your life is getting out of control. Stay calm, you can still take control of your own life, just analyze correctly what is not working as it should and then think of practical, but not always easy, solutions to problems.

It should be added that decisions will not always bring immediate results, it may take some time for your experience to get "back on track" again, so it is important to have patience and conviction in your decisions.

What should a person expect from the meaning of dreaming about subway?

You can expect different things, depending on the details. Overall it means, if you see a subway, that you are being a follower, obeying what others think is best for you. In this case, you need to take control of your own life.

Because only by being the protagonist of your existence, you can make decisions that can really impact you. And so you can create paths that fit your expectations - yours and not others'. That way you will live happier.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.