Tomato sympathy: to grow hair, to separate couple and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know the tomato sympathy?

Although most people think it is a vegetable or a legume, the tomato is actually a fruit, since it develops in the ovary and ovule of the flower after fertilization occurs.

This delicious fruit not only serves for our cuisine but is also used for various sympathies due to its powerful energy that can affect both men and women sexually.

After all the tomato is naturally a powerful sexual stimulant due to its properties that help improve libido and semen quality, helping couples who wish to have a child. This article will tell you more about all the sympathies directed to the tomato and how to perform them correctly.

Understanding more about the sympathy of the tomato

The tomato is a vegetable that besides being tasty and very nutritious is also a powerful ingredient for making sympathies. In the topics below we will address more about the tomato, its uses and properties.

Origin and history

Before being consumed worldwide, the tomato was a native food of pre-Columbian America, being dissipated to the old world in the middle of the sixteenth century. The Aztecs as well as other native peoples already used the fruit in their cooking.

Not only as food, but the pueblo people also believed in the mystical power of the tomato, that eating its seeds would bring divination powers.

The history says that the first person to spread the tomato to Europe was the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortés after conquering the Aztec city of Tenochtiltan in mid 1521. The fruit was confused and compared to a new type of eggplant only the color of blood.

In Italy the tomato was called "pomo d'oro" because the first batches exported looked like golden apples.

With the Spanish colonization of America the Spanish took the tomato to the Caribbean and the Philippines. From there on the fruit spread all over Southeast Asia. In Europe the fruit was formerly considered poisonous due to its connection to mandrakes which were used in witchcraft.

From the XIX century the tomato started to be consumed and produced in several countries, especially in Italy, France and Spain. In the USA it was also seen as a poisonous fruit until one day in 1830 a guy named Robert Johnson ate a whole tomato to the astonishment of his audience in Salem City Hall in New Jersey.

Brazil is the ninth largest producer of tomatoes in the world, behind Egypt, Iran, Turkey and of course the world's largest producer, China.

What's it for?

Although the fruit is known worldwide as the hallmark of Italian cuisine, it has its food origins through ancient peoples like the Incas, Mayas and Aztecs. Not only for food, but the idea that the tomato was a fruit with supernatural powers derived from the time of these ancient peoples.

It was believed that by ingesting the seeds of a tomato the person who ate it would gain divination powers.

The culinary use of the tomato was not dated until mid 1692, where Antonio Latine wrote in his cookbook Lo Scalco alla Moderna a recipe in which he cited cutting pieces of tomato and leaving it without skin and seeds.

Then we added seasonings such as parsley, chopped garlic and onion, a pinch of salt and pepper, and to finish olive oil and vinegar resulting in a delicious Spanish-style tomato sauce.

Nowadays we can see the vegetable both as salads, snacks, juices etc. But besides its edible use it is also a powerful ingredient for making sympathies. This fruit is a natural sexual stimulant, so it is widely used for rituals involving libido and love relationships.

Benefits of tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which causes the slowing of aging in our body, besides improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of having cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

They also have beta carotene and vitamin A which increases sexual desire and increases testosterone production, being considered a natural aphrodisiac. Remembering that for vitamin A to be absorbed properly in the body, it needs to be consumed raw.

Tomatoes have potassium, which helps muscle development and also the nervous system. It helps prevent cancer thanks to vitamins C, E, and carotenoids such as lycopene. It is a food that by having few calories, 20 per 100 grams, eating it causes the feeling of satiety which makes it an ideal food for weight loss diets.

Vitamin C also has great healing power, strengthens immunity and the natural defenses of our body and facilitates the absorption of iron, being this fruit a great food to fight diseases such as anemia. This vitamin is also responsible for improving our blood circulation preventing us from cardiovascular diseases.

It has large amounts of carotene (pro-vitamin A) which helps in the visual acuity, and also in the health of the skin and hair. Its large amount of fiber contributes to regulate the intestine and reduce the existence of gastrointestinal diseases, and serves as a natural laxative.

It is indicated for people with high cholesterol rates and diabetes, as it helps control blood glucose and cholesterol. Finally, tomatoes are also a source of potassium and are low in sodium, which makes them a diuretic food and perfect for people with diseases such as hypertension, gout, or hyperuricemia.

In addition to potassium regulating our blood pressure, it prevents cramps and muscle weakness when facing long and prolonged physical activities.

Ingredients used together

The tomato can be used in conjunction with other objects to perform a charm, which can be sulfite paper, aluminum foil, pepper, coconut soap, etc. For each charm there are different ingredients that are mixed together with the tomato, so there is a wide range of objects that used together can bring the desired result to your charm.

Tips to enhance the effects of the sympathy

The best way to potentiate the effects of the sympathy you are going to do, regardless of what it is, is to have a lot of faith and positive thinking that your ritual will have an effect. After all, all sympathies are somehow also linked to the power of thought, so the greater the thought and willpower of the person who is performing it, the more potent and powerful will be your sympathy.

Cautions with the procedure of the sympathy

These sympathies should be done very discreetly, and out of reach of other people. But before performing them think very carefully if that is exactly what you want, because these rituals are very powerful, and once you try to do any of them there is no going back.

So be self-controlled and don't act on impulse or emotions. Think well before you do it so you won't regret the consequences later.

Tomato sympathy for rapid hair growth

We all know that beauty is something fundamental, and that the face is a business card. To make your hair grow faster and stronger than ever, the tomato can be used to perform this very simple sympathy. Below we detail more about the step by step of this ritual and its ingredients.

Indications and ingredients

If you are a vain person who wants your hair to grow with more strength and intensity, and to have it invigorated and with more brightness, this is a good charm indicated for you. The ingredients are very simple to get, all are easy to find at home. You will need three ripe tomatoes, coconut soap and a towel.

How to do

First cut the three tomatoes in half and rub them through your scalp and hair. Rub your scalp thoroughly, don't let any of the tomatoes from peel to seeds go to waste. Massage your head well with your fingers and then wrap your hair in a towel and stay like this for two hours so that your scalp gets all the proteins from the fruit.

Then wash your hair with coconut soap without leaving any traces of the fruit. Do this ritual every day of the week and in a short time your look will have a great revival. Due to the several vitamins present in tomatoes like A, C, K, B1, B2, B3 besides iron, magnesium and potassium your hair will grow strong and with much more shine.

Tomato sympathy to stop drinking or using drugs

There are those who indulge in the vices of drink and drugs and end up falling into a bottomless pit. However there is a ritual that can be used the tomato to make the addiction to get rid of the person once and for all. We will now talk about this sympathy, how to perform it and for what purpose.

Indications and ingredients

If you have a friend or relative that is addicted to alcohol or drugs, try to make this sympathy for this addiction to end once and for all. But remember that the person you want to help also needs to be aware that he/she wants and accepts this help. Otherwise this ritual can have contrary and even devastating effects.

Try to talk to this person as soon as possible and convince him of the real situation he is going through before anything else. To make this sympathy you need the following materials: a tomato, the object of addiction of this person (can be cachaça, marijuana, cigarettes etc.) and a piece of aluminum foil.

How to do

Take the tomato, open it and put what the person has as an addiction and then wrap the tomato with the aluminum foil tightly enough. Put the wrapping in the freezer and mentalize in your head that from now on "so-and-so's" mind will be frozen to have impulses towards that addiction.

After a few days the changes will begin to appear, but you can redo this ritual in seven or twenty-one days. Besides drug and alcohol addictions this sympathy can also be used to ease addictions and eating compulsions or habits like nail biting etc.

Sympathy tomato to separate couple

There are times when mourning in a love disappointment is not enough, and the betrayed woman or man finds herself with the feeling of revenge in separating the loved one with the supposed new companion she found. Think very well before doing this sympathy, because it is very powerful and there is no way to reverse it.

So be careful when making rash and impulsive decisions out of anger or revenge. To understand more about this sympathy follow the next topics of this article.

Indications and ingredients

To make a couple to separate regardless of whether it is the mistress of your husband, or that crush who ended up getting involved in an unexpected relationship, this is a shot and fall sympathy that will end the relationship of these two people in a short time.

The ingredients you will need for this ritual are: a ripe tomato, a sheet of paper, pepper and aluminum foil.

How to do

Take the paper and write the couple's names, each name should be on one side of the sheet of paper. With the tomato in hand cut and remove the pulp by placing the paper where you wrote the names before so that it is rolled up, and put the pepper inside.

Seal the tomato and wrap it with the foil and leave it for nine days in the freezer. On the tenth day remove the wrapped tomato and throw it in a ditch near a dirty river. Between 9 and 21 days the couple will separate.

Sympathy tomato for the man brocharchar

Sometimes we can be faced with situations that are not only delicate but also embarrassing, such as catching your partner cheating with another person. Not everything always ends in forgiveness or in an understanding between both parties. The betrayed woman often inflated by hatred and revenge seeks a non-logical way out to overcome the situation.

The tomato can be used to perform the sympathy to make the man brogue in the "bad time", and is one of the means that a betrayed woman seeks to make its revenge. However, remember that this sympathy is powerful and there is no way back, so think very well before performing it. Check below a little more about this sympathy and how to do it.

Indications and ingredients

If you are a woman and have already suffered the pain of betrayal, or your boyfriend or spouse has ended your relationship, because he got another partner, this ritual can be of mutual interest. But keep in mind that revenge leads nowhere, after all each of us is responsible for the things we do and the consequences that will carry in the future.

You should have the following ingredients to perform this ritual: a ripe tomato, a white paper and a pencil.

How to do

With paper and pencil in hand, write seven times the name of the person you want to brogue, then cut the tomato making a hole in the middle removing the pulp and inserting the rolled up paper which wrote the name before. Put the tomato inside the freezer and leave it there. While the fruit is inside the freezer the man will brogue.

Tomato sympathy to ward off negative energies

With the rush of everyday life we are susceptible to absorb negative energies are of people around or even the negative environment itself which we are always present in our daily routines.

To renew our energies and scare away the negative karma that can present itself in the form of even diseases and other ailments there is the sympathy to ward off negative energies using the tomato.

Next we will talk in more detail about this ritual, and the procedures necessary for it to be done correctly.

Indications and ingredients

For those who want to purify themselves of negative energies, whether they come from people with bad intentions or places with a high concentration of negative karma, the tomato sympathy to disperse bad energies is a great choice.

The tomato will help cleanse and invigorate your energy and bring protection from all kinds of bad things. The only ingredient you will need is the tomato itself, preferably a large size.

How to do

Take a large tomato and cut it in half horizontally. While cutting it in half say out loud: "With this saliva I cancel all the pests thrown at me with the saliva of others. Then spit nine times on the tomato and then put the fruit in a place that is in contact with nature, your home garden for example.

Tomato sympathy to change thinking

There are times when we would like to make a person change his or her mind or opinion on a certain subject. Sometimes it's not even because we disagree with that person's thoughts, but because what that person thinks may be harmful not only to him or her, but to everyone around.

There are those who use this sympathy to change the thinking or way of thinking of this person and put more sense in his head. For a better understanding about this type of sympathy we will talk a little more about it in the following topics.

Indications and ingredients

If you want to change someone's mind, either because these ideas will harm that person, or because your partner wants to end or give a break in your relationship, try to do a little trick for this tomato charm.

However be warned that this ritual is very powerful and irreversible, so be aware of its consequences and that there will be no turning back. So think well and do not act on impulse or selfish actions. Required for this sympathy: a piece of paper, a pen, a white plate, a red candle, seven toothpicks, honey and a tomato.

How to do

First of all, this sympathy should be done in the street if possible. With the paper in hand write the name of the person to whom you want your thoughts to be changed and then cut the top of the tomato so that you can put the paper inside.

Then put the tomato in the middle of the white plate and pour the honey on top of it concentrating on the part where it is cut. Take the toothpicks and cover the fruit and pour more honey on top of it. Now light a candle and say the following words:

"Oh cosmos, you are powerful, you know everything, you see everything! You well know that (speak the person's name) is with confused and foggy thinking, that he cannot yet make correct judgment so that he can make the best decision! I, for the moment, have my feet on the ground, I know what is best!

I know what he needs to do! I know what he needs to change! Get him to change his mind from what I think about (say the name of the issue you want the person to change his mind about).

Sympathy tomato to have a child

There are women who make several attempts to get pregnant, or even are infertile, but even so still harbor the desire to have a child and therefore never give up. The sympathy of the tomato to be able to get pregnant will use this powerful food as a means of channeling many positive energies so you can get pregnant and have a very healthy baby. Below we will talk in more detail asto do this ritual correctly.

Indications and ingredients

For women who have difficulty getting pregnant or who lost their babies in miscarriages this sympathy is very welcome to do. The tomato has extraordinary properties in channeling positive energies both spiritual and sexual.

It will help you conceive a very healthy and happy child. You will need the proper ingredients to make this ritual: two tomatoes, some white beans, and a handful of lentils.

How to do

Take the two tomatoes and remove the seeds from both and put them together with the lentils and the white beans. On a Sunday day go to a very large and healthy tree with firm roots and leave the mixture of seeds and grains at its feet while speaking the following words: "nature spirits I wish to become pregnant!"

While chanting these words try to materialize your request imagining yourself pregnant and very happy. With great faith and positivity you will be able to achieve your wishes.

The tomato sympathy can benefit you in many ways!

The tomato sympathy is a very powerful ritual that can both benefit and harm your target. It can be considered a double-edged sword because it is a magnet for energies and very positive karmic vibrations that will fulfill your wishes. Of course, for your sympathy to work, you need to have a lot of faith and believe that it will come true.

Thinking negatively will only make your ritual less likely to be successful and bring frustration.

On the other hand this fruit can also bring harm to other people, especially in the sexual and amorous. No wonder that this type of sympathy is very requested by women, especially those betrayed or who were exchanged for another by his former partner.

Generally speaking, tomato spells are beneficial and energizing, but keep in mind that you should only resort to them as a last resort. Try to run after them and try to achieve things through your own sweat and effort. Don't just sit around waiting for things to fall from the sky.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.