Types of rosary: See the main ones and the difference between rosary and rosary!

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Jennifer Sherman

Learn more about the types of beads

The practice of praying the rosary is very popular and ancient in the Catholic Church. According to records, this form of devotion began with Christian monks, who used small stones so as not to lose the sequence of the prayer.

However, the awakening of this devotion began when Our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic, asking him to pray the rosary. The purpose of the request was that through the practice, there might be the salvation of the world.

In this way, the practice spread throughout the world, and today there are several different types of rosaries. Among the main Catholic rosaries, we can mention: Mercy Rosary; Divine Providence Rosary, Liberation Rosary, Rosary of the Holy Wounds, and Mary Steps Ahead Rosary.

To find out more about them, and really understand how a rosary works, keep reading carefully.

Understanding thirds

Before you go deeper into this world and start your prayers, it is fundamental that you learn about some important points of this subject. For example, to understand in fact what is a rosary and what is a rosary, as well as the difference between them.

In addition, you need to know about the most different types of beads. Rest assured, although it may seem a bit confusing at first, it's all in simple. Follow along below.

What's a rosary?

The rosary is nothing more than a small part of a Rosary, which is divided into dozens. It contains 50 Hail Marys, besides the other prayers. The practice of praying the rosary is widespread throughout the world. Everywhere there are countless faithful expressing their faith through these prayers.

The main reason for the practice is to show all the faith that exists in Our Lady. Thus, it is known that according to older stories, for each Hail Mary that is prayed in a rosary, it is as if you were offering a flower to the Virgin Mary.

The Rosary is also composed of a set of mysteries: the Joyful, also called the Joyful, which speak of the incarnation and childhood of Jesus, the Sorrowful, which brings to light the episodes of the Passion of Christ, and the Glorious, which in turn contemplate the life of Jesus Christ, recalling the resurrection and the continuity of his mission.

However, in the year 2002, Pope John Paul II added another mystery, called the Luminous Mysteries, which, in turn, speak about the entire life and mission of Jesus Christ. So, following logic, the rosary could have had its name changed to "fourth". However, it is known that the name rosary is already established throughout history.

However, the rosary is not prayed all these mysteries at once, after all, as the name says, it is "a rosary", which nowadays has become a quarter. The mysteries are contemplated in different days, following the determinations of the Catholic Church: Monday and Saturday - Joyful; Tuesday and Friday - Sorrowful; Thursday - Luminous and Wednesday and Sunday - Glorious.

What is a rosary?

The Rosary is nothing more than a rosary in its complete version. In this way, the mysteries are not separated into different days of recitation during the week. During the recitation of the Rosary, the 4 mysteries are contemplated at once, in their sequence.

Therefore, a Rosary is composed of: the Joyful Mysteries; the Sorrowful Mysteries; the Glorious Mysteries and the Luminous Mysteries. In this way, the Rosary ends up being a little longer, and consequently it takes more time to finish the prayers completely.

Currently, the Rosary has 20 decades, so 200 Hail Marys are prayed on it, as well as the Our Father, Glory be to the Father and, of course, the Creed.

Difference between the rosary and the rosary

The difference between a Rosary and a Rosary is basically that the Rosary is the joining of all 4 mysteries. Thus, in the Rosary, the mysteries are prayed separately, each on its respective day of the week, while in the Rosary the 4 mysteries are contemplated at once, in their sequence. In other words, when you pray a Rosary, you are praying the equivalent of 4 Rosaries.

In former times a Rosary consisted of 150 Hail Marys, while the Rosary had 50, in addition to the other prayers, of course. Thus, a Rosary was equivalent to precisely one third of the Rosary. Hence the name "Rosary".

However, when Pope John Paul II instituted a new mystery in the Rosary in the year 2002, 5 more decades were included. Thus, the Rosary had its 200 Hail Marys, as it is known today. In the case of the rosary, however, it continued with its 5 decades, and today it is the equivalent of the fourth part of a Rosary. Despite this, the name "rosary" prevailed, after all, it is already very popular all over the world.

Types of beads

Currently there are different types of rosaries, some of the best known are: Mercy Rosary; Divine Providence Rosary, Liberation Rosary, Rosary of the Holy Wounds and Mary Passes by.

They have some things in common, such as always beginning with the Sign of the Cross. In most of them, some opening prayers are also made, such as the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, and Gloria. However, in the following topics you will learn more in depth about some parts of their structures.

Other rosaries that are just as powerful, but less popular, are the Battle Rosary, the Confidence Rosary, and the Faith Rosary.

Mary's Rosary passes in front

Considered by many as a miraculous rosary, the Maria Passa na Frente rosary is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It begins with the Sign of the Cross, and then some initial prayers are said before beginning the tens.

They are: I believe, Our Father, Hail Mary (3 times) and Gloria. To understand their indications and to be informed of all their tens, follow the reading below.


To pray asking Mary to pass your problems on means to trust the Heavenly Mother above all. So, have faith and deposit your projects, concerns, afflictions, fears, problems, etc., with the hope that the Blessed Mother will intercede for you with the Father.

Remember also that no matter how difficult your situation may be, everything will work out at the right time according to God's will. Therefore, be sure that everything will happen the way it is supposed to, and never lose your faith to believe in better days, regardless of anything.

First ten

The first decade of the rosary Mary goes through is very simple. It consists in praying the following passage of this prayer ten times in succession:

"Mary, go ahead and open roads, doors and gates, open homes and hearts."

Second ten

The prayer corresponding to the second decade of the Maria Passa na Frente rosary is as follows:

"Mother going ahead, her children are protected and follow in her footsteps. She takes all her children under her protection. Mary, go ahead and solve what we are unable to solve. Mother, take care of everything that is not within our reach. You have the power to do so."

It is prayed 10 times.

Third ten

The third tense which is also prayed for 10 times, is composed of the following prayer:

"Go Mother, go calming, serenading and softening hearts, go ending hatred, grudges, hurts and curses. Mary, go ending difficulties, sorrows and temptations, go taking your children away from perdition."

Fourth ten

In the fourth decade we have the following passage, also prayed for 10 times:

"Mary, step in front and take care of all the details, care for, help and protect all your children. Mary, you are a mother and I ask you, step in front and go leading, carrying, helping and healing the children who need you."

Fifth ten

The fifth tense closes with the following excerpt:

"No one can say they have been let down by You after they have called or called upon You. You alone, with the power of Your Son, can solve the difficult and impossible things."

It is prayed 10 times.

Rosary of the Holy Wounds

Known for promoting healing and deliverance, the Rosary of the Holy Wounds begins with the Sign of the Cross, like most rosaries. Then the Creed is prayed and the following prayer: "O Jesus, Divine Redeemer, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Afterwards, 3 more short special prayers are prayed, so that you can then start the two tens. Follow along with faith.


The St. Wounds rosary is meant to promote healing and deliverance, so if you have been experiencing problems related to illness, alcoholism, drugs, fighting, or anything else of the sort, praying this rosary with faith can help you.

Trust in the Holy Wounds and truly place all your afflictions in the hands of the Father. Trust and keep your faith radiant, knowing that He will always do what is best for you.

First ten

The tens of the rosary of the Holy Wounds are equal, so they begin as follows:

The First Mystery is prayed: Eternal Father, I offer You the Holy Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ to heal those of our souls. Then, the following prayer is prayed for 10 consecutive times:

"My Jesus, pardon and mercy: through the merits of Thy Holy Wounds."


To conclude the Rosary of the Holy Wounds, the following prayer is prayed for three consecutive times:

"Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Holy Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ, to heal those of our souls. Amen."

Rosary of Mercy

The Rosary of Mercy is based on the apparitions of Jesus Christ to Saint Faustina. In one of his apparitions, Jesus told her that whatever was asked for through this prayer would be granted.

So, if you need to attain a grace, pray the rosary with faith, for it is powerful and can help you. Follow its indications, tens and ending, see.


The Rosary of Mercy must be prayed with great faith and preferably at 3:00 p.m., since this is called the hour of mercy. It begins with the Sign of the Cross and is followed by the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Creed.

First ten

The tens of the Rosary of the Holy Wounds are equal, so repeat the prayers from the first ten to the others. They begin as follows:

Pray Eternal Father: "Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your most beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.

Pray For His Sorrowful Passion: For His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. (Prayed 10 times).


To conclude the Rosary of the Holy Wounds, two special prayers are prayed:

Prayer 1: Holy God, Strong God, Immortal God, have mercy on us and on the whole world (3 times).

Closing Prayer: O Blood and Water that flowed from the heart of Jesus as a source of mercy for us, we trust in you.

Rosary of Divine Providence

The Divine Providence rosary is related to the name Mother of Divine Providence. Therefore, it is another form of devotion to Our Lady.

Always have faith and follow the powerful tens of this rosary, as well as, its indications.


It is known that Divine Providence manifests itself in the life of each one in the most different ways. So, understand that even though sometimes it may be difficult to see it, it is there.

Because it is related to the Mother of Divine Providence, if you are going through some problem, take the opportunity to ask with faith the intercession of Our Lady for your resolutions. This rosary begins with the Sign of the Cross, and then the Creed is prayed, so that after that your tens can be prayed.

First ten

The decade begins with the recitation of the First Mystery: "Mother of Divine Providence: Provide!

Then we pray: "God provides, God will provide, His mercy will not fail" (10 times).

The other tens are the same.

The rosary ends with the following prayer: "Come, Mary, the time has come. Help us now and in every torment. Mother of Providence, help us in the suffering of the earth and in exile. Show that you are Mother of Love and Goodness, now that the need is great. Amen".

Rosary of Liberation

The Liberation Rosary relates to the fact that it shows the faith and trust you place in the Father. Thus, this rosary is a way of invoking Him for forgiveness.

Follow its indications and understand a little more about this famous and powerful rosary.


The Liberation Rosary is suitable for those who seek to find comfort and hope in times of suffering. Thus, these prayers have the power to manifest all their trust and faith in God.

Because of this, the Liberation Rosary has performed countless miracles all over the world. If you have been going through a problem, whatever it may be, pray this rosary believing that it is possible to achieve your grace and be set free. Regardless of whether your pain is physical or psychological.

First ten

All the tens of the Liberation Rosary are the same, and begin as follows:

Prayer: If Jesus sets me free. I will be free indeed.

Pray: Jesus have mercy on me. Jesus heal me. Jesus save me. Jesus set me free. (Prayed 10 times).


The conclusion of the Liberation Rosary begins with the prayer: "Mother of sorrows and mercy, may the light emanating from your glorious wounds destroy the forces of Satan.

The final prayer is recited afterwards:

"Lord Jesus, I want to praise and thank you because you, by your mercy and mercy have raised up this most powerful prayer that produces wonderful fruits of healing, salvation and deliverance in my life, in my family, in the people for whom I pray.

Thank you, Jesus, for your infinite love for me. Heavenly Father, I love you with all the confidence of a child and I come to you at this moment crying out for a great outpouring of your spirit into my heart so that the Holy Spirit can come upon me. I want to empty myself of myself.

Therefore, before the cross of Jesus Christ, I renew my total and unconditional surrender. I ask you to forgive me for all my sins. I now place them on the wounded body of Jesus. I empty myself of all afflictions, worries, doubts, anguish and all that has taken away my joy of living.

I surrender my heart to you in the name of Jesus, Father. I also place on the wounds of Jesus crucified all the diseases of the body, soul and spirit, the worries with the family, work, financial problems, sentimental, and all my anguish, uncertainties and afflictions.

Lord, I cry out the redeeming power of the blood of Jesus, let it come upon me now to cleanse me, cleanse my heart from every bad conscience. Jesus have mercy on me, Jesus have mercy on us.

I want to surrender my wills, weaknesses, debts, miseries and sins, my heart, body, soul and spirit, in short, all that I am and all that I have, my faith, life, marriage, family, work and vocation. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, Lord, fill me with your love and with your power, with your life.

Come, Holy Spirit of God, come in the name of Jesus, come and make alive the word of God, proclaimed through the prayer of the rosary of deliverance, and may it work in every heart the grace of healing, salvation and deliverance, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Other types of powerful thirds

There are some rosaries that are not as popular, however, they also carry with them great power. This is the case with the following rosaries: Rosary of Faith; Rosary of Trust and Rosary of Battle.

Both can also help you with a wide range of issues. Here's a little more about them.

Rosary of Faith

The rosary of faith begins with an I believe, an Our Father and Hail Mary, the latter prayed three times in honor of Our Lady.

On the larger beads of the rosary we pray: "Lord my God, my faith is small, but I would like to obtain the grace to see you in sacrifice and pain, and to know you better so that love may blossom. Amen".

On the smaller beads: "Lord Jesus, I believe in you. Increase my faith and give me the grace to be holy".

Jaculatory after each decade: "Holy martyrs of the faith shed your blood over me so that I too may reach where you have reached.

Prayer: "O most sweet and beloved Jesus, who know me as I am and from whom I can hide nothing, give me the grace to unite myself to you in your pain and passion. May you be with me and I with you so that in this union I may become more like you. Teach me, Lord, to be like a chalice to overflow with love and to pour out for the world your most precious blood that heals, liberates, and transforms.

May I never lack faith and may it be fruitful in sufferings and tribulations for love of you. Amen".

Rosary of Trust

The Rosary of Trust begins with the Sign of the Cross, and is prayed: "By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us, God our Lord, from our enemies.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Invocation to the Holy Spirit: Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and all will be created. And you will renew the face of the earth.

Let us pray: O God, who have instructed the hearts of your faithful in the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that we may rightly esteem all things according to the same Spirit and may always enjoy its consolation. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

After that, the Creed, the Our Father and the Hail Mary are prayed 3 times, and then the Gloria is prayed.

After that, you start the tens, which are all the same:

First Tension: Tobit 3:2-3, 20-23

2 You are just, O Lord; your judgments are full of equity, and your conduct is all mercy, truth and justice.

3 Therefore remember me, O Lord; do not punish me for my sins, and do not hold in remembrance my offences, nor those of my forefathers.

20. It is not in the hands of man to penetrate your designs.

21. But everyone who honours you has the assurance that his life, if it is tried, will be crowned; that after the tribulation there will be deliverance, and that if there is punishment, there will also be access to your mercy.

22 For you do not delight in our loss: after the storm you send up a calm; after tears and sorrows you pour out joy.

23 O God of Israel, may your name be blessed forever.

Psalm 22, 4

Though I walk through a valley of darkness, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.

Psalm 90, 2

You are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.

Finally, the rosary ends by praying the Salve Regina:

"Hail, Queen, Mother of mercy, life, sweetness and our hope, hail! To thee do we cry, the banished children of Eve. To thee do we sigh, groaning and weeping in this vale of tears.

O our advocate, look upon us with your merciful eyes, and after this banishment show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of your womb, O forgiving, merciful, sweet and ever Virgin Mary.

Pray for us, Holy Mother of God, that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ, Amen".

Battle Rosary

The Rosary of the Battle begins with the Sign of the Cross, followed by the recitation of the Creed, the Our Father, and the Hail Mary 3x.

On the large beads of the rosary, pray: "God of heaven, give me strength. Jesus Christ give me the power of goodness.

Our Lady give me the courage to win this fight, without dying, without going crazy, without letting myself down. God can, God wants, this battle I will win.

On the small bills, one prays, "I will win."

At the end it is prayed: "Hail Holy Queen, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, bless us and hear our prayers".

We end the Rosary of Battle by saying, "Victory is ours through the blood of Jesus.

The rosary is present in the lives of people who practice Christianity!

The importance of this practice for Christianity goes back many years. After all, it is known that shortly after the beginning of the recitation of the rosary, still using small stones to count the prayers, Our Lady appeared to Saint Dominic asking him to recite the rosary.

It was then that with the request of the Virgin, the practice began to spread even more, winning the hearts of the faithful. After all, it was a practice that filled the hearts of the Holy Mother and also of the Father.

Our Lady's request was with the purpose of men obtaining the salvation of the world through this religious practice. Thus, many believe that this is a practice that helps on their way to heaven. Of course, you must also do your part by being an upright person and following Christ's teachings on earth.

However, knowing the immense power that comes from the rosaries and rosaries, it is known that this is a practice that can indeed bring you even closer to the Creator. Besides of course being a way of help in your requests for intercession.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.