Violet Flame: history, its power, meditation, prayer and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is the Violet Flame?

The Violet Flame is a powerful divine instrument that was released by Master Saint Germain, so that it was possible to transmute negative energies. In this logic, the flame provides transformation and energetic healing.

Harmful feelings and actions commanded by the ego can be transmuted, thus reaching a distinct and higher vibrational frequency. The purpose of using the power of the violet flame is to stimulate individual and collective ascension.

In this sense, the energy of the flame balances relationships between people and with the entire planet. Want to know more? Then check out more information about the Violet Flame: its history, its power, meditation, prayer and more!

The history of the Violet Flame

The Violet Flame was released in 1930 by Count Saint Germain, this occurred in Mount Shasta, California, a place considered the root chakra of the planet. Understand better the relationship of the Violet Flame, with the Count, with Theosophy, with the Aquarian Age and much more.

Count Saint Germain and the Violet Flame

Count Saint Germain was known as a mysterious figure, because he never divulged his real identity. He was a mystic, alchemist, scientist, musician, composer, as well as performing other skills.

He claimed to have found the philosopher's stone, so he was considered immortal. In addition, the Count spoke several languages and wherever he went he pretended to have a different name. He became known for bringing the energy of love, through the Violet Flame, which is nothing more than a divine tool to transmute negative energies.

The Violet Flame is considered the seventh ray and is linked to the crown chakra. It is capable of uniting spirit and matter, in order to purify imbalances and free a human being of his karma.

Theosophy and the Violet Flame

Theosophy is the teaching of divine matters, in which the Count of Saint Germain is known as the master of the seventh ray. It is believed that the Violet Flame emerged by means of this ray, being, at present, a very powerful spiritual force for eliminating karma and providing peace of mind.

The flame can be considered a fire with intense brightness and great spiritual strength. This energy is capable of transforming and purifying souls, both those close to and those far away. In addition, the flame also emanates balance, love and peace.

The White Brotherhood and the Violet Flame

The White Brotherhood can be defined as the hierarchy of spiritual beings, with the purpose of passing on knowledge to other people. Thus, the beings chosen for this mission were called ascended masters, being Saint Germain one of the masters of the White Brotherhood.

One of the fraternity's teachings is to view life as challenges and learning, not suffering, and to stay connected to one's natural abilities in order to manifest gifts for all humanity.

The Age of Aquarius and the Violet Flame

The age of aquarius is actually a state of consciousness, in which an individual is able to find freedom and connection with the seventh ray. Those who can achieve such understanding and connection with the divine must manifest service.

In that sense, you have to be on the move in order to provide transmutation and healing for more people. According to Saint Germain, the age of aquarius would be important for the whole planet, but in South America, incarnate saints would be born, who have never stepped on Earth before.

Attributes of the Violet Flame

The Violet Flame provides forgiveness to others as well as to oneself, another virtue driven by the flame is mercy, that is, the ability to receive a divine blessing at the right time. The Violet Flame also attracts more attributes that elevate consciousness and bring peace of mind. Understand it better below.


Master Portia, soul complement or twin flame of Saint Germain, brought to humanity energy of justice, freedom, love, alchemy and mysticism. Thus, each being could reach the divine energy.

In this sense, the Violet Flame can be used to seek healing of intimate issues, reaching high states of consciousness. But it is also an energy that offers forgiveness to others, this occurs when someone is able to put themselves in another's place, trying to understand their motivations without judgment.


Mercy is a divine blessing that goes beyond your efforts. It occurs when you are in motion, in the direction of your growth. If you are fulfilling your mission, doing what is necessary, you can receive mercy.

Love is a natural energy present in everything that is part of everything, however, many times, people tend to forget this divine quality. Therefore, it is always necessary to reconnect with oneself and, consequently, with the collective.

Through the Violet Flame love can be spread by providing affection for all. The divine has no intention of judging, so remember that every mistake is an important step in your path.


Diplomacy is one of the virtues driven by the Violet Flame. In politics, diplomacy is a tool to maintain healthy and peaceful contacts between countries. In personal life, diplomacy can be understood as understanding the other's side and seeking balanced relationships.

The Violet Flame can be disseminated collectively, this depends on the intention to use the divine blessing. Thus, it can lead to peaceful partnerships between more people, increasing positive vibrations.


There are some people who are given a spiritual mission to serve for freedom on earth, and the Violet Flame assists in this process. Proximity to spirituality encourages great deeds toward a higher purpose.

In this logic, the person chooses to go in the direction they feel is true, following their intuition and essence. On this path, one must understand that many challenges will have to be faced, but each step is towards individual and collective development, and with that, freedom increases.

The power of the Violet Flame for personal healing

The Violet Flame drives personal healing by transmuting negative energies and bringing the individual closer to his higher self. Thus, the realization of the soul's mission and materialization of gifts for a greater good becomes ever closer. Understand it better below.

Higher Self

The power of the Violet Flame can be used for personal healing, for this we need to connect with the higher self, in order to transmute energies that prevent the ascension of body, mind and spirit.

One way to achieve the connection with the divine that dwells within each being can be through meditation. In this logic, each person should ask their higher self to emanate the energy of the Violet Flame.

In addition, the flame should be glimpsed entering through the crown chakra and subsequently filling the entire body. With this, a request is made for all negative energy to be transformed, or for a more specific issue.

Heart Chakra

After engaging the crown chakra and passing through the throat chakra, the Violet Flame is led to the heart chakra to connect the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

Afterwards, the flame expands to the rest of the body, rotating internally and externally. Through the visualization of the flame and requests to disperse negative energies, that which no longer fits is transformed, attracting good energies.


The Violet Flame transmutes negative energies, the seventh ray being responsible for the union of spirit with matter. This explains the fact that the Violet Flame is able to free a being from his karma, even if it has been brought from many previous lives.

In this logic, it is possible to use the flame to transform everything that is uncomfortable, as well as to provide collective healing, emanating energy to other beings. Moreover, the Violet Flame is able to provide a state of greater concentration and presence.

Divine Light

The main purpose of connecting with the Violet Flame is to achieve divine light, this is because the elevation of consciousness allows you to be more awake to complete your soul mission. Therefore, light drives action and movement.

Thus, the mind gains more and more freedom to move away from limiting beliefs that prevent the being to achieve balance. The Violet Flame also favors the development of self responsibility, so each one becomes able to embrace their own choices and desires.

The power of the Violet Flame for healing relationships

The Violet Flame is capable of healing relationships, so it is possible to emanate energy to the entire planet for the common good. See more information below.

Higher Self

The Violet Flame is used in healing relationships reaching collective transformation, since each person will be evolving in its own process. In this sense, it is possible to transmute dense and deep feelings.

But remember that we must respect the free will of each person, that is, the person has to want to seek healing. In this logic, doing meditations together is a good choice. Moreover, the meditation of the Violet Flame can be emanated to the whole Earth.

Swirling Violet Flame

To use the power of the flame a violet vortex must be visualized going through each chakra of the body, as well as being dissipated by the environment to perform a deep energetic cleansing.

It is essential to imagine that the Violet Flame enters your body and continues spinning. Then, to get out the flame must pass through the heart chakra and involve the entire physical body, dispersing all the negative energy.


The transmutation of energy generated by the Violet Flame is able to heal old karmas, thus providing the freedom to live with more peace, moving away from dense and stressful processes.

Many times, an individual is trying to heal a wound from childhood and even from other lives. Therefore, seeking mechanisms to better deal with all this is essential. But this does not indicate that the journey will always be light, on the contrary, it is something painful, but it brings us closer to the connection with the divine.

Divine Light

In the search for self-knowledge and approaching the divine light, which is present in each being, a state of collective elevation is also achieved. This occurs because by changing yourself, you are emanating energy to all the rest.

No matter how much daily illusions prevent us from seeing, everything is connected. Therefore, each individual action generates a reaction, both personal and collective. Therefore, a question that should always be asked is "what change would you like to see in the world?

Other connections to the Violet Flame

There are some ways to stay connected with the Violet Flame, such as praying to Saint Germain, meditating on the Violet Flame, affirming Saint Germain, among other possibilities. Check them out below.

Prayer to Saint Germain

The prayer to Saint Germain is performed to attract the energy of the Violet Flame and transmute negative energies in order to reach the higher self and more and more connection with the divine. Check below:

"In the name of my beloved I AM Presence and the Triune Flame in my heart, I call now for the violet light from the heart of Saint Germain, Holy Brother of humanity. Purify our planet, Beloved Chohan of Liberty, raise now the consciousness of humans of good will.

Saint Germain beloved Master, radiant Violet Light.

Purify our world, with Justice and Freedom.

Saint Germain, oh Ascended Master, guide humanity.

Sacred purification; love, forgiveness and charity.

Saint Germain, consume now, our past mistakes.

Take all our people, to the mysteries unveiled.

Saint Germain Chohan Violet, shows all the ways.

Bring Light, bring truth, knowledge and reality."

The Violet Flame Meditation

For the Purple Flame meditation you need to find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths, or as many times as you feel necessary.

Ask for the presence of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame, then focus on your difficulty and question what challenges you need to face to overcome this stage. Then let your emotions, thoughts and feelings flow freely without judgments. Finally, ask that the negative energies be transmuted.

Affirmation of Saint Germain

To attract the energy of the Violet Flame is indicated to do the affirmations of Saint Germain. See below:

"I am the Violet Flame

Acting now in me

I am the Violet Flame

I submit only to the Light

I am the Violet Flame

Magnificent Cosmic Power

I am the Light of God shining all the time

I am the Violet Flame radiant like a sun

I am the sacred power of God that sets everyone free.

Violet Flame Mantra

The mantra of the Violet Flame can be done to all humanity, for this you must repeat, 18 times, the following words "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity that God desires". In addition, this mantra is also used, with some variations, to balance the 7 chakras.

For this repeat the following words "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity that God desires, my crown chakra is violet fire, my crown chakra is the purity that God desires". Then repeat the mantra and pass it through the other chakras.

What is the main influence of the Violet Flame in a person's life?

The main influence of the Violet Flame in one's life is to transmute negative energies and provide clarity. Thus, one tends to be closer and closer to one's higher self.

Therefore, the flame is a powerful energy to raise one's own consciousness and seek healing from intense processes, even from past lives. In this logic, each step on the journey on Earth is seen as a challenge to achieve personal and spiritual development.

In addition, the flame attracts energy of realization, because with the awakening of the higher self, the soul mission becomes evident. Now that you know the function of this divine instrument that is the Violet Flame, start using this energy in your journey.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.