Virginians in bed: How sex is with men and women of the sign.

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Jennifer Sherman

What are Virgoans like in bed?

The Virgo native is ruled by the earth element and is reputed to have the most complicated sign of the Zodiac. In addition, he needs touch, physical contact to feel safe. This is even the main sense of the kinesthetic Virgoan in bed.

In sex, he likes to plan and feel the best and smallest details with warmth, intensity and involvement. The Virgoan needs to feel his partner's complete surrender and this is the reason why he values physical contact so much.

However, this is not an easy sign to conquer. Because it is very demanding, perfectionist and extremely detailed. This native tends to notice the culture of the person and their physical appearance, from the toenail, if it is well cared for, to the teeth, if they are yellow, for example. Discover below what are the types of virginians in bed, how to seduce a virginian, what not to do, and more!

The types of virginian in bed

This meticulous search of the Virgo native for someone he considers impeccable happens because he wants sex to be rich and meaningful. Thus, the Virgoan loves massages, herbs, good food and natural aromas, so it is interesting to make use of sensory stimuli.

The Virgoan will always be interested in websites, books or illustrated videos of spicy stories. Since unlike other earth signs, they like to watch and talk about sex.

When the words become reality, the Virgo native feels a double pleasure because they have visualized all those touches in a delicious encounter. It's positive to make compliments about his body and performance, because this will be like throwing gasoline on the fire. However, pay close attention to the type of virginian that your crush is to adopt the most accurate tactics to hook him.

Restrained Virginians

Some of the people ruled by the sign of Virgo usually surrender gradually in the conquest. That is, in the first meeting they will be more shy people. However, in a second moment together, they can surprise showing a lot of desire and romanticism.

It's important to point out that the Virgoan prefers a more moderate encounter, without a lot of fuss and adventure. Although he's willing to try something new once in a while, in general he'll prefer to keep the routine and the affection in the bedroom.

Then, once the fire is lit, count on a passionate sex session. The sensual Virgoan will be intense in bed, especially once he trusts his partner.

Voracious Virginians

The other group of Virgos are the voracious by nature. The cool exterior hides a wild side thirsty for fantasies and intense sex worthy of movies. Being from an earth sign, they sell an image of inhibited, but in their safe environment, they have no limits to pleasure.

They are attentive lovers and will do their best to satisfy their partners. They also prefer a reserved environment or at least one they can control. Their way of seduction is quite exhibitionist and meticulous.

The Virgoan will always seek to improve his performance because he has very high standards in everything and sex is no different. Sometimes it may not be easy to satisfy him, but he will be generous enough to allow his partner to surprise him again. Sensual music and movies with hot scenes are an excellent way to awaken and inspire the sexuality of a Virgoan.

How to seduce a Virgo man in bed

Virginians like things to be very well planned, so it is important to organize the sexual moments as well. The more the Virgo native can control the situation, the better. In addition, he needs to feel attracted to the person physically, but also by their culture and intelligence.

There is a list of items to be followed: first seduce him with conversation, show that there is affinity between you in personal tastes and hit the right clothes, hairstyle and even perfume. The secret is to seek before an intellectual connection, with an engaging conversation and caprichar in details in their physical appearance.

How to seduce a virginian woman

Although it may not seem like it, the Virgo girl is very sexual, but you have to respect her time. She can give off an unapproachable image, but when someone arouses her interest, things change drastically.

The tip is to use the intimacy and trust you've gained to get her to loosen up in bed. And believe me, even if the Virgo girl feels like having sex every day, she won't tell her partner. It's part of her game to be won over, because it turns her on.

The Virgo native is a perfectionist by nature and your kiss will be no different. To seduce her, invest in an enveloping kiss, soft, but intense and full of affection. However, do not forget to invest in chivalry.

For her, a man who suggests sharing the motel bill doesn't deserve a second chance; after all, this doesn't seem romantic to her. Even if she offers to pay, don't fall into the trap of accepting. The Virgo girl wants to be treated well, to be pampered.

How to seduce a Virgo man

Virgo men don't give themselves away right away and love to play cat and mouse. They don't go straight to sex, as they prefer something more careful and more mental. Invest in cultured conversations and interchange them with naughty hints because they love it.

Wait for the Virgoan to plan the date, as it's part of the game to prepare the night in detail. Although he may seem dry in public, in a place that feels safe and comfortable, he'll give himself away completely.

Let him be in charge, or at least think he's in charge. Respond to his caresses and kiss a lot, explore his body, but don't forget to notice the details prepared by him and his body. It's foolproof!

Best sex positions for virginian

A Virgo girl's favorite position is the relaxed landing, when she lies down and her partner lies on top of her. It's similar to the famous "mommy and daddy". In this position, she feels that she can receive more caresses from her partner and is free to explore it. Another position that pleases her is oral sex, even more so when it involves penetration and stimulation simultaneously.

The Virgo man doesn't like to juggle sex and is generally generous and concerned with his partner's pleasure. One position he likes is where his partner lies on her back and raises her legs in a "V" shape. This position allows a deeper contact and enhances pleasure.

Erogenous zones

Virgoans feel a lot of pleasure when they touch and are usually very skilled with their hands. One of Virgo's erogenous zones is the abdomen, just below the navel and near the groin. However, you have to be vigorous in your caresses to avoid tickling.

The tip is to explore this part of the body with your fingers, tongue and lips, running over the skin with a kissable massage oil that is scented or gives a warming or cooling sensation. Virgo natives love to have their senses stimulated.

Sexually compatible signs

Virgoans are prudent and this also shows in bed, so there is a greater possibility of a good experience with signs that behave in a similar way. There is a high compatibility with Taurus and Capricorn, who like him have a more physical sexuality, direct, who like comfort and seduction without haste.

What not to do in bed with a Virgo man

The Virgo native in bed brings the experience of total surrender. He is generally a dedicated lover and able to disconnect completely from the outside world to live the moment, he concentrates only on feeling and giving pleasure. However, be careful! One wrong step and the Virgoan can lose interest. Here are some attitudes to avoid when you are in bed with a Virgoan.

Ignore the details

Virginians are detail-oriented and study every move before taking the next step. Their intelligence contributes to the success of these calculations. The aspect is also reflected in their perfectionist behavior as they believe that everything can be improved, even in sex.

In relationships, they prefer safe ways. Adaptable and logical, their choices are always based on reason. They need stability and when they are not inserted in a routine, they tend to feel lost.

For these reasons, if your partner is disconnected, not noticing your zeal for detail, the Virgo native will lose interest. He needs to feel that his efforts have been noticed and, above all, valued.

Neglecting foreplay

For the Virgoan, foreplay is very important, but it doesn't start in bed. For the native of this sign, sex starts in the invitation, in the planning of the date. In every detail shared, from the selfie of lingerie sent in the afternoon, the comfort of the environment, the seduction during dinner, the exchange of glances and caresses full of ulterior motives.

The Virgo native invests in the pleasure of the other as the source of his own pleasure. The more delivered the partner is, the more fulfilled the Virgoan will be. Therefore, if he feels that his partner is not so concerned with what precedes the moment of love, he can feel disappointed.

Taking abrupt action

The Virgoan does not like coarse attitudes or very wet kisses, very hurried, clumsy or impulsive caresses. For the Virgo native, good sex is done with calm and cadence. Any attitude that breaks the romantic atmosphere of this native will make him lose interest.

Tips for seducing a Virgoan

If you want to know how to seduce someone of the sign whose symbol is Virgo, you need to understand that they approach erotic acts the same way they do everything else: pragmatically.

For Virgos, sex is simply a necessary part of life, it's therapeutic, like any other form of exercise. And many of them prefer a physical and no-frills partner, because they believe it's easier that way. Less maintenance, more practical.

So, to win a Virgoan you need a lot of patience, romanticism, dedication and a few more attitudes. Find out what you can do to seduce a Virgoan.

Hygiene and cleaning

For Virgos, seduction is composed of a number of factors. Hygiene is very important, so to be with a Virgo native it is essential to be an impeccable person in this aspect, from the superficial to the intimate hygiene.

Stimulate the intellectual

Virgoans don't like people who talk too loud, or who talk incorrectly. What most seduces the natives of this sign, who are naturally thirsty for knowledge, is intelligence. Therefore, bet on your cultural baggage and knowledge in different areas to drive Virgoans crazy.

Bet on Dirty Talk

Although they have a certain style, natives of this sign love a "dirty talk", that spicy conversation that can happen in online or phone conversations.

However, you need a relatively high degree of intimacy before proposing and observe their reactions during the chat. The Virgoan can either love or hate the direction of the conversation, so be careful and let him lead.

Ask what the virginian likes

It is essential to observe how the Virgo native reacts to your stimuli and to what you say. Ask him what he likes, as he is indecipherable by nature. Sometimes it can be difficult to understand him, as the Virgoan can seem delivered and passionate at some moments and cold at others. But deep down, he loves to have his desires satisfied and prefers to control the sexual relationship.

Are there signs that are incompatible with virginians in bed?

As everything that involves the signs, there is also the question of compatibility in bed. In the case of Virgo, the most incompatible signs are Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini.

The explosive and impulsive Aries will clash with the controlling Virgo, while Sagittarius is impulsive, unstable and adventurous, while Virgo needs calm and time to get involved. With Gemini, Gemini's instability and need for change will clash with Virgo's need for constancy.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.