Virgo and Aquarius combo: in love, friendship, work and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Virgo and Aquarius differences and compatibilities

Virgo and Aquarius are technically polar opposites. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, and has Earth as its ruling element, while Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and its ruling element is Air.

Earth and Air are usually incompatible, but Virgo and Aquarius have positive qualities that can help neutralize clashes between them. The most common denominator is their passion and devotion for each other.

So, however distant they may seem, both Aquarius and Virgo love to pamper their loved ones. Virgo likes to give attention and affection as a way of showing their feelings. Aquarius will match this by showering their love with material gifts or trips, for example.

Although Aquarius finds Virgo very critical, he is a good listener and always sticks to the important details of the relationship. The only thing they hate are confrontations. If confronted with each other, they will shrug and tend to be rebellious. See below all the nuances of this combination.

Virgo and Aquarius work well if the two can accept and come to appreciate the differences between them. They are not mirrors of each other, and that is what makes this combination so beautiful. If they are willing to adapt, these two signs can help each other grow as individuals and as halves of the same whole, precisely because of these differences.

This is because they know how to help each other when they are vulnerable. Virgo can nurture Aquarius' strange habits and quirks. On the flip side, Aquarius can teach Virgo to be non-judgmental and embrace life more. Here are some affinities and differences between this duo.

Affinities between Virgo and Aquarius

Aquarius and Virgo are two signs that are characterized by their intelligence and wit. Both of them connect on an intellectual level almost immediately. This connection and understanding will only grow and improve as the relationship progresses, becoming one of their greatest strengths.

Both can balance a relationship perfectly as long as they accept their differences and take each other seriously, as both signs are extremely intelligent and excellent at making rational decisions. Thus, good communication between them can help them understand how balance in the relationship will benefit each other.

Differences between Virgo and Aquarius

Virgoans like things to be organized and planned, so Aquarius' apathetic and carefree attitude can upset you and cause a rift between these signs. Aquarius natives are adventurous, they like to take risks and maximize their life experiences. This can be disturbing for the Virgoan who calculates all risks and prefers security and stability.

Therefore, the difference of opinion between these two signs cannot be ignored. Naturally, the Virgoan considers the Aquarian someone detached from reality, while the Aquarian may find the Virgoan pessimistic.

And although they are both extremely witty and intelligent, they may not have similar tastes, and their preferences may be an obstacle to moving the relationship forward.

Virgo and Aquarius in different areas of life

Virgo and Aquarius have characteristics that can create a perfect balance between them in various areas of life. An Aquarian is creative and free-spirited, while a Virgoan is organized and responsible.

Aquarius can be aloof and non-conformist, while Virgo knows how to please people. While the Aquarian is inconsistent in his ways, the Virgoan is reliable. Aquarius can be unpredictable, independent, extreme and eccentric, while Virgo is diligent, demanding, patient, hardworking and perfectionist.

Read on and learn more about this combination in different areas of life, in living together, in love and more.

In living together

The coexistence between signs can be translated into a complicated emotional relationship because the preoccupation of Virgo displeases the personality of Aquarius and the best of intentions can have harmful consequences.

Aquarius can be stubborn, which can be difficult for the Virgo native to deal with. The Virgoan can be openly willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the sake of his partner's, so it's essential to find a healthy balance for both of them. In addition, they could build a healthy coexistence by recognizing each other's weaknesses and faults and helping each other.

In love

In love, they are both intelligent, charming and charismatic and seek to find a stable and reliable relationship. But together, they are the definition of opposites. And although opposites attract, this doesn't mean that the love between Virgo and Aquarius will be lasting or reasonable.

Virgo plans, organizes and demands a routine designed minute by minute. On the other hand, Aquarians are more detached from the family environment and more connected to their social circle. So, it would be hard to say that love between Virgo and Aquarius is not a challenge.

However, Virgo and Aquarius can get along very well intellectually and be better friends than lovers. They can share interests and good conversation without sex and romance.

In friendship

A friendship between Virgo and Aquarius can be highly positive, as they can reveal the best in each other, but it can also result in revealing the worst. They can learn many things together, this is because the Virgoan has a mind that works with facts and logic, and the Aquarian goes beyond logic into the realm of the spiritual and intuition.

While a Virgoan is very realistic and Aquarius is visionary, these two signs are very intelligent and enjoy spending time learning about new technology and exploring new devices. Both love to enhance their lifestyle and may be passionate about ways to improve their health and well-being.

At work

Virgo and Aquarius is a strong combination in business. Virgo can act as a producer, editor or entrepreneur, while Aquarius plays the role of writer, singer or artist.

The Aquarian is attracted by the firmness of personality and helpful nature of the Virgoan. The latter, on the other hand, is intrigued by the air of mystery surrounding Aquarius and marvels at his colleague's intelligence.

In this way, Virgo and Aquarius are extremely dedicated and hardworking people. They believe in a perfect world and will fight tooth and nail to keep this belief alive.

Virgo and Aquarius in intimacy

The intimate relationship between Virgo and Aquarius may need encouragement from each other and even, more gentleness to break the ice. Both signs are very intellectual, although in different ways, so they run the risk of overthinking things, especially when it comes to intimacy.

Indeed, an instant intimate connection between these two signs is rare, for only when they drop their inhibitions can their intimate encounters be warm and full. Here are a few more aspects of their intimacy.

The relationship

A successful relationship between these signs will not be easy. Virgo and Aquarius value intelligence and above all, a clear mind. But, this does not mean that they identify with each other right away.

Both value a peaceful relationship, which can be difficult given their differences. While Virgo would always choose practicality, Aquarius would choose the unknown and a not so understandable reality.

Still, they can motivate each other to develop their intellectual strengths and keep that asset if other things in their relationship aren't so good.

The kiss

The kiss between the two can be overwhelming and surprising. Virgo can leave Aquarius disconcerted after a kiss, despite his reputation of being reserved. On the other hand, the Aquarius native will always try to impress Virgo, abusing his creativity.

The Virgos usually heat up the mood, give several long and short kisses taking total control of the situation. The Aquarians are cautious to act, until they feel confident and thus give their best kisses with much intensity and innovation. In the touch of the lips, both really like to mix affection, tranquility with security and boldness.


When it comes to the Aquarius and Virgo sex combination, things don't look too good. Sexual attraction is not something that starts out hot and intense like in other combinations.

In fact, a sexual connection between Virgo and Aquarius has a bit of a hard time taking off. Yes, the two are intoxicating and love to be smart and analytical. However, if they are on the same page sex between the two of them, meanwhile, can be a roller coaster of fun.

The Aquarian will find that he secretly delights the Virgoan with his quirky improvisations in the bedroom and will enjoy showing him how a plan of action, executed correctly, will bring consistent results of pleasure.


Communication will be the biggest obstacle for these two, because they need to talk and learn to deal with conflict. Aquarius may feel deeply hurt by strong judgment, and Virgo may feel bad for showing his strong opinion or being too critical.

Mercury and Uranus, the ruling planets of these signs, have an androgynous energy, with Uranus dealing with all the weirdness and unpredictability of the world, while Mercury is the planet of communication, discipline, and productivity - things that are very important to a Virgoan.

Uranus encourages any plans for the future. A Virgoan can teach an Aquarian because discipline, logic and comfort are very important. In this sense, communication between them is a delicate point, as the Aquarian native will always find it difficult to understand how a Virgoan is so disciplined.

The conquest

Virgo and Aquarius in the conquest need to be open to let their romantic side show. Both should express their romantic feelings freely and spontaneously so that one or the other gets a clear signal.

Virgoans are very observant and usually expect initiative from their partner, whereas Aquarians are very concerned with authenticity and can feel awkward if they are forcing their interactions on someone.

For these two, noticing the signs at the time of conquest can be as beautiful as it is challenging, especially if they are afraid to embark on the relationship.

Virgo and Aquarius according to gender

The relationship of Virgo and Aquarius, regardless of gender, is usually not a great success because there are simply too many differences between them. Anyone who knows anything about astrology knows that a Virgoan is a lover of rules and the only thing the Aquarian likes is to break them.

Of all the zodiac signs, Aquarius is the worst at following a rigid routine and responding to any kind of authority. Check out more, below.

Virgo woman with Aquarius man

A man with the sign of Aquarius has a charisma which attracts the Virgo woman. She will feel happy at his side. She is very affectionate by nature and has the ability to create a loving atmosphere in which he can feel relaxed and release all the stress of everyday life.

While there may be some misunderstandings caused by the very different ways of thinking these two have, they can communicate very well.

Problems arise when she starts criticising him for things he considers irrelevant, such as being organised and more detail-oriented. This may make him rethink the relationship, as he will feel he needs to be with someone who is less critical and more carefree.

Aquarius woman with Virgo man

The Aquarian woman is full of life and brings a lot of energy into the life of the Virgoan. For the Aquarian, this kind of love and stability is a rarity and she finds herself enjoying the security and warmth of the Virgo native's lap.

Your relationship is symbolized by a deep intellect. You both value the achievements and accomplishments you get when you work shoulder to shoulder to make your relationship work.

They understand each other's needs and appreciate each other's inner beauty, so their relationship compatibility can be tricky, but a lot of fun if they try to make it work.

A little more about Virgo and Aquarius

Despite their differences, Aquarius' relationship with Virgo is full of enlightenment and contentment. Both have interests and qualities that complement each other. Like Aquarius, Virgo is also a social butterfly. Friendship means a lot to both, and both signs are loyal, generous and kind.

While Virgo may fall short in their discriminating and perfectionistic attitude, Aquarians still appreciate how Virgo can give them direction and purpose, so they are grateful and sensitive, not clingy and bossy.

However, both of them don't like to invest too much in their feelings. They prefer to keep what's inside them, rather than making themselves vulnerable to their partners. Below are tips that can help this relationship work.

Tips for a good relationship

For a good relationship between them, these signs must be able to find a way to understand each other and appreciate their differences. Their great minds do not think alike, and that is what makes this combination so spectacular.

Virgo shouldn't expect the Aquarian to tolerate his overbearing and insensitive attitude. In fact, if he acts in an arrogant way, this could be the reason for the end of the relationship. Similarly, the Aquarius native shouldn't distance himself from Virgo, especially if things seem difficult and complicated in the Virgoan's life.

Instead, they should learn from each other and open up their feelings so they can support each other. And if things get deeper between the two of them, it's healthy to go beyond the superficial level, but as long as they know how to build a light and balanced relationship.

Best Pairs for Virgo

Virgoans are reserved and usually keep their emotions in check, and they don't like people speculating about their personal life. When they meet someone, they analyse every detail in detail and take it one step at a time in order to take the least possible risks.

Virgo is the one who flees from the relationship as much as possible. He really spends most of his life avoiding deep involvements, which appears a great coldness. But the truth is that when they fall in love, they give themselves totally and sometimes allow themselves to be completely absorbed by love. Indeed, the best pairs for Virgo are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces.

Best Pairs for Aquarius

Aquarius natives are sincere and loyal people, they use all their sympathy and therefore in communication they have great facility to express themselves. Due to all their knowledge they always have interesting subjects to develop a conversation.

They like space and moments to do what pleases them the most. They are difficult to make commitments, but with understanding and freedom they can be conquered. Besides, Aquarians are very faithful. So, the best pairs for Aquarians are: Libra, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

Is Virgo and Aquarius a combination that can work?

Virgo and Aquarius can be considered a love-hate relationship. They have many similarities and also clear differences, but if they are well worked out, they can make the relationship work. Therefore, this relationship needs more than understanding and commitment.

Both signs have strong personalities that need respect from both sides. If everyone works together for their benefits, things will be much lighter.

They just need to put aside their differences and work on what unites them, like their love for adventure, their quick and witty thinking, and their drive for their ambitions and dreams in life. If they both see past each other's mistakes and flaws, and look at their partner's positivity, no doubt this relationship will be happy and long-lasting.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.