Virgo Astral Hell: Characteristics, period, astral heaven and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What Virgo Astral Hell means

Astral Hell is a term used in astrology and is related to a more complicated phase that someone usually goes through in the period before their birthday. And Virgo's astral hell is the period when people of this sign go through these difficulties.

Virgo's astral hell is the period when the Sun is passing through the house of the sign of Leo. Usually this passage occurs between July 22 and August 22, which are the Leo decanates.

In the course of this article you will learn more about various characteristics brought by the Virgo astral hell. In addition to information such as: the influence that this period has on Virgoans, hell and astral heaven of Virgo and how to deal with this period.

How the period of Astral Hell influences Virgo

Normally Virgoans are people who do not usually cause conflicts with other signs because they are calm and quiet. Therefore, in general they are easy to deal with, since their methodical way of doing things helps in relationships.

Below, check out some information to better understand what it is and how the astral hell of Virgo works. How is the relationship with Leo, the relationship with Capricorn, what are the characteristics brought by this influence, its qualities and defects in this period and much more.

Leo, the Astral Hell of Virgo

The astral hell of Virgo is the sign of Leo, because during this period the Sun is passing through the house of the Leo. The passage of the Sun through the houses is what determines the sign of astral hell. Therefore, this is the sign that will have the greatest perception about the changes that this period causes in Virgoans.

Usually the relationships between Virgo and Leo are very positive and pleasant, even if they have very different characteristics. This is because these differences act as complements for both. The period of Virgo's astral hell will be a time that will require patience, as the Leo will be very affected as well.

Capricorn, Virgo's Astral Paradise

Just as there is the Astral Hell, there is also the Astral Paradise, and this for the Virgoan is represented by the sign of Capricorn. Therefore, a strong characteristic brought to the Virgoan by his astral paradise, is the need to know everything about a person before surrendering to a relationship.

Like Capricorn, the Virgoan doesn't like to take risks and prefers to investigate the suitor's life before approaching them. However, when they understand that the person is truthful and reliable, they easily fall in love.

Virgo Astral Hell Features

The characteristics brought by the Virgo astral hell are both good and bad. Virgoans are extremely organized in all areas of life, whether at work, at home or at school. This is very good, but in the period of astral hell, they feel confused and stressed, because they have the feeling of not having control over things around them.

Virgoans are very methodical and usually lose patience when things get out of hand. This trait becomes more exacerbated during astral hell, which is likely to cause conflicts with those around them.

Accentuated Qualities and Defects

During Virgo's astral hell, its characteristics become more evident. See below what they are:

  • Need for more intense organization;
  • Increased degree of collection with regard to the mistakes of others;
  • Increased degree of cleanliness mania;
  • Virgoans are more critical of people's appearance;
  • Lack of serenity that can rock relationships;
  • Increased need to control people and increased jealousy;
  • Increased concern in health care.
  • Even more methodical

    People of the sign of Virgo are very methodical in everything they do and during the period of astral hell this characteristic becomes even more evident. So much so that they end up stressing themselves due to the increased need for organization.

    In this way, everything will be a reason for Virgoans to get off their axis, a small delay ends up becoming an unforgivable failure. In this period, do not promise anything to the Virgoans that you are not sure you can accomplish, as it will surely be reason to start a war.

    Difficulty in interpersonal relationships

    In interpersonal relationships, Virgo's astral hell also causes upheaval in your life as these natives will be even more detail-oriented than usual and any mistake from their partner will be cause for fights and charges.

    The point that will be unforgivable for Virgos during this period, is related to hygiene, they will pick on everything that seems sloppy to them. The good news is that this change of mood will last only 30 days.

    Astral Heaven and Astral Hell for Astrology

    During paradise, and during astral hell changes occur in the characteristics of Virgoans. In these periods, these natives will have many variations in their lives that can be positive or negative, depending on the moment.

    In this section of the article, learn about the meaning and how to find out which sign is both heaven and astral hell for each sign.

    Meaning of Astral Paradise

    The period of astral paradise is directly related to the 5th house, which is the quadrant of the astrological chart that deals with pleasures, recreations, expressions of creativity, procreation and romance. This is a period that in general brings peace, vitality and good luck to the signs.

    Another way to understand the astral paradise of each sign, is that, the sign that is representing this period, has a very strong affective bond with the first sign. Thus, friendships and relationships between these are very favorable and flow much more easily.

    Meaning of Astral Hell

    Despite the negative connotation of the name, astral hell is not, as a rule, a bad period for people. However, it cannot be denied that during this time some sudden and often unpleasant changes occur. This period is linked to the 12th house, which talks about the end of cycles and challenges.

    During this time people will face some difficulties to internalize some events, mainly because they are quite unexpected. However, keeping calm everything will return to normal quickly.

    How to discover the Astral Paradise

    To find out which sign is the astrological paradise, you just need to know which sign is positioned five months after yours. In this case, the twelve months are not taken into consideration, so Capricorn is the astrological paradise of Virgo.

    This period occurs when people reach the 5th house of the Zodiac, the astral house related to love. It is a period when people live with tranquility, without doubts or provocations and have a lot of energy to start new projects and achieve new conquests.

    How to discover Astral Hell

    To discover the astral hell of a person, it is necessary to evaluate the period in the twelve houses of the astrological chart. Therefore, the astral hell of a sign occurs in the 30 days preceding its birthday.

    In the case of Virgo, its astral hell is the sign of Leo, which is the sign that has its decanates in the month of August, the month before the decanates of Virgo. This period brings moments of confusion and unexpected events that can represent complicated challenges.

    How to deal with Virgo's Astral Hell?

    Dealing with the period of astral hell of Virgo is not an easy task for those who live with the Virgos or for the natives themselves. It is necessary to have patience and willpower to go through this time of so many changes.

    Even if this is a challenging time, where everything seems to go wrong, it is necessary to maintain optimism and a positive outlook on events. Take this opportunity to learn to not give so much importance to the negative things that are happening, because soon everything will return to normal.

    In this article you could find out various information about Virgo's astral hell period. Astral Dream hopes that it will be useful to clear your doubts.

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.