What are Access Consciousness Bars? Benefits, therapy and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about Access Consciousness Bars

Access Consciousness Bars are used in a unique technique that focuses on the creation of the individual's desired reality. It arose from the conception that everyone is capable of creating the life of their dreams, as long as the ample possibilities are accessed by the person facing a present moment that does not match their expectations.

Present in numerous countries, the technique uses various tools to release limiting beliefs and energetic blocks. By using the fundamentals of Access Consciousness Bars, the therapist can expand the individual's consciousness, discarding records that do not make sense with the goal of establishing a new reality.

Thus, the Access Consciousness Bars present life as a reflection of the choices made, conscious or not. By changing them, everything changes. Throughout the article, learn more about the uniqueness of the method, its infinite possibilities and how it works in practice!

Access Consciousness Bars, functioning and sessions

The Access Consciousness Bar technique brings access to the unrestricted potential of each individual, in order to promote the necessary changes in the way of seeing the world. Without judgments about yourself and free of limiting thoughts, it is possible to achieve goals and create the life of your dreams. Besides psychological benefits, there are positive impacts on the physical body. Learn more in the sequence!

What are Access Consciousness Bars

Access Bars Consciousness is a technique created by Gary Douglas, an American author and lecturer of great prestige. The therapy appeared in the 90's and proposes what can be compared to a reorganization of human memories. The subconscious keeps the experiences that are carried to adulthood and can become barriers to full realization.

Thus, the concept developed by Gary Douglas has as premise to give back to people a knowledge that they already have, but that is momentarily asleep due to the blocks of the mind. According to the technique, the frustration experienced in life is a response to limited and restrictive beliefs, which block the flow of vital energy present in the universe.

What is Access Consciousness Barcode Therapy

The Access Consciousness Bar technique, in practice, corresponds to successive meetings. The technique is simple and involves applications that need to be presential, since they use physical touches. The therapist promotes energetic reprogramming from the feet and, with it, limiting thoughts can be discarded and replaced by others, of an abundant and prosperous nature.

How it works

The Access Consciousness Bar method involves meetings of approximately one hour in duration. In general, the patient and therapist remain in silence, without the use of music or mantras, and the technique is put into practice. The professional accesses specific energetic points by contact with the head, allowing negative records and traumas to be released.

Therefore, the focus of Access Consciousness Bar is on the questions asked, not the answers. Therefore, it is indicated to dive into the amplitude of a universe where everything is possible, where there is always more to be received and the possibilities are infinite. Therefore, the methodology aims at establishing a new reality, lighter and more assertive.

Who and what the bars are suitable for

The method of the Bars is indicated for all people who seek improvements in their own lives, in the sense of consciously creating reality. This is due to the external manifestation of what each individual carries inside, since human reality is a projection of thoughts and beliefs that are present in the mind.

Thus, the bars are ideal for those who seek to develop new mental patterns, without limitations. The energies present in traumas and negative memories condition the person to a repetition of events throughout life. With this, the infinite possibilities of the universe find a block to manifest.

Therefore, the Access Consciousness Bar technique is indicated to release emotional barriers, bring more lightness to everyday life and support the healing of physical problems.

As it is usually a session

The Access Consciousness Barre session begins with the patient relaxing on a stretcher. Before the head is touched to release blockages, questions are asked. The therapist's intention is not to find answers, but to expand the boundaries of the individual's consciousness.

Thus, by stimulating the points in question, the therapist is able to release the electromagnetic content stored in the neural spectrum.

In this way, behaviors can be changed from transformations in the human unconscious. However, for this to happen, the conscious mind needs to act as well. With the technique, the mind works in an integrated way.

How long each session lasts and how much time is needed

Usually, Access Consciousness Bar sessions last around 60 minutes. The time it takes for a person to achieve the desired results depends on several factors, including the amount of mental and energetic blockages to be released. Then, the realizations find room to come.

The benefits of therapy with Access Consciousness Bars

Emotional blockages caused by trauma or negative beliefs bring results that are felt by the body and mind. Soon, situations begin to repeat themselves and the body gives signals that something is wrong. But the therapy with Access Consciousness Bars works by releasing what blocks the individual's potential and promotes transformation in health in an integrated way. Learn more below!

What are the main benefits of therapy?

Those who use Access Consciousness Barriers perceive benefits on various levels, gradually. The change in the way of seeing and seeing the world, from the release of blockages, brings changes in the physical body and mind, since both are deeply connected.

In this way, the improvements brought by the technique involve a feeling of peace, more comfort for those who have pains and illnesses, mental clarity and a more assertive behavior. Soon, the perception of paralysis in the face of difficulties and dreams begins to disappear, making room for infinite possibilities and a lighter and fuller life.

Which diseases can be treated?

There are many illnesses that can be treated with Access Consciousness Bars, as well as imbalances. Emotionally, situations related to stress, depression, insomnia, irritation and mood swings can be worked through with the technique. In addition, mental traps such as addictions, compulsions, hurt and anger can be balanced.

In the physical body, Access Consciousness Bars help in the treatment of pains of various origins. Sleep improvement, more willingness and weight loss are examples, and the relaxation perceived by the patient also promotes more health and comfort. Therefore, any pictures caused by physical and emotional problems can be alleviated or even eliminated.

Among them are hyperactivity, attention deficit, OCD, phobias and physical limitations such as restricted movement. The Access Consciousness Bars are therapeutic and enhance the so-called conventional treatments.

Relaxation and improvement of sleep

The application of the Access Consciousness Bar technique, as the meetings progress, promotes a feeling of relaxation in the individual. The touch on the energetic points of the head balances the energy of the mind and body, impacting the quality of sleep. More relaxed, tranquil and without repetitive negative thoughts, the individual can sleep better and have more energy in day-to-day life.

Ability to deal with adversity

The action of therapy in the electromagnetic field of the human mind allows the being to connect with self-realization, which includes useful skills for adverse moments. These situations usually activate triggers of frustration and knowing how to deal with them is essential to keep the vibration high.

In addition, the sense of worthiness is also linked to beliefs that are constantly reverberated through thoughts and actions. Therefore, those who learn to deal with adversity have a determining tool to carry projects forward.

Increased concentration

Mental blocks are one of the biggest causes of lack of concentration. Reduced focus interferes with daily activities and quality of life, and the bar method helps regain concentration. When the mind is freed from limiting and paralyzing thoughts, it can stay more alert and ready to react, benefiting work and activities in general.

Increased understanding and decreased irritability

The mental expansion provided by Access Consciousness Bar therapy is the best way to visualize what is around in a clear and coherent way. Understanding what happens internally and externally, as well as the boundaries between these spaces, helps in the treatment of anxiety and decreases irritation in daily life. With this, the quality of life goes up.

A lot of what people feel, such as anger peaks and mood swings, are caused by mental blocks. This happens because they unfold in constant feelings of frustration, facing what is not materialized.

Mental development

Using Access Consciousness Bars as therapy transforms the patient and the mind into allies. In practice, the mind can be for or against the dreams and projects started, which, in many cases, goes unnoticed. Positive and abundant thoughts are able to lead to the so much sought after personal realization. The evolved mind emphasizes questions, finding in them the infinity ofpossibilities.

More than that, it expands consciousness and finds ways out of obstacles, always with motivation. For that, goals are always big and accessible, and the path is taken step by step. Therefore, thinking positive eliminates negativity that tends to arise along the process, making the mind an ally of the individual.

Quality of life

Access Consciousness Bar is a practice that transforms daily life. The patient can sleep better, wake up well and willing and perform their activities with more focus and vitality. The sense of well-being is a differential of the technique, promoting changes in all spheres of life.

Thus, although the quantity of sessions is indicated by the professional, the effects can be felt from the first meeting.

Specific advantages for women

For women, one advantage of the bars is the complementary treatment to issues related to the menstrual cycle. For those who suffer with intense and uncomfortable symptoms during PMS, using Access Consciousness Bars is an alternative. Thus, the bars help with emotional imbalances and also physical pains that interfere with routine.

How Access Bars act on your personal blockages

The uniqueness of the Access Consciousness Bar technique is in the contact with limiting beliefs and restrictive thoughts rooted in the mind of the patient. With the touch on the right points, the stagnant energy is unblocked, opening space for the establishment of a more deserving, light and full posture, with a high sense of worthiness that is reflected in personal achievements.

Thus, the personal blockages are, in truth, caused by aspects locked in the mind, which impede the individual's realization. With the application of the method, such blockages are released and allow the creation of a reality of ample possibilities. Each released point can be transformed into a new positive belief.

What professional and personal transformations are involved?

Access Consciousness Bar is a technique that brings benefits in the personal and professional fields. Although many do not realize it, the well-being and balance of the mind bring positive impacts to the tasks performed and relationships. As the individual unblocks limiting and restrictive aspects, he/she is fully able to evolve.

With physical and emotional improvements, the patient is able to work better and more focused, achieving superior performance. In the personal sector, the difference in sleep and physical discomforts and a more positive mindset transforms the relationship with oneself and others for good. More specifically, the tools that boost the patient involve building a powerful mindset.

Thus, this is a differential to deal with adversities and changes, adding more security and self-esteem to the individual. Using Access Consciousness Bars also transforms habits and behavioral patterns.

Tips, similarities to energy bar and time to feel improvement

The Access Consciousness Bar technique brings extensive benefits, but they manifest themselves individually. After all, the more space is opened in the mind and in the way of seeing life, the more space available there is for the installation of relevant data that can bring the expected change. Check out, below, more information and tips about the method!

Top tips

For those who do the Access Consciousness Bar, the main tips involve openness to the new and trust in the process. For the expected results to come, expanding the consciousness through questions is one more step. Therefore, besides the experience during the sessions, the tip is to pay attention to repetitive thoughts and behaviors. The focus on the questions is fundamental.

Therefore, the patient can write down his reflections and find unexpected answers, as long as his attention is focused on what needs to be improved and what can become reality.

Similarities between Energy Bars and Access

The points touched on the head by the Access Consciousness Bar therapy correspond to energy bars. Each one is connected to a subject, such as money, creativity and professional life, and all of them can enter in a state of unbalance. In this way, the technique consists, precisely, in balancing the person's energy bars.

The Access Consciousness Bars process is mechanical and pragmatic, which makes it different from other energy balancing practices, such as Reiki. Therefore, it is a means of allowing the free flow of vital energy, always depending on access to the energy bars. Therefore, the method resembles an energy cleansing itself.

How soon will the person feel improvement?

It is not possible to say in how long the individual will perceive the effects of the reprogramming of thoughts proposed by the Access Consciousness Bar. The results depend on the emotional openness of each person, as well as the volume of beliefs, thoughts and traumas to be released. Therefore, it may take a few meetings for the benefits to be effectively felt.

Can the technique with Access Consciousness Bars replace a psychotherapist?

The creation of a new reality with the application of the Access Consciousness Barriers methodology can be understood properly as an energetic cleansing. Going further, it is a very powerful mental reprogramming, capable of eliminating thoughts incompatible with what you wish to manifest.

In the same way, the individual creates new ways of seeing the world, which begins with a new vision about oneself. In addition to changes in mood, new ways of conducting issues are perceived and unlimited possibilities emerge, always focusing on what would be pleasant for the person.

However, psychotherapy is intended to diagnose and treat psychological and mental disorders and oscillations. This means that the techniques are complementary, not mutually exclusive.

In this way, using Access Consciousness Bars is a means of releasing beliefs and balancing the mind from more assertive and conscious thoughts. Although not a substitute for psychotherapy, it still helps to enhance its results on a clinical level.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.