What are aerobic exercises? Benefits, impact on training and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations about aerobic exercise

Cultivating the habit of doing physical activities is crucial for good health. There are several options of sports and practices that bring physical and mental benefits. Among these exercises are the aerobic ones. They are characterized by the use of oxygen to supply energy to the body during the practice of the activity.

Aerobic exercises improve physical conditioning, give you more energy, help you lose weight and much more. There is a huge variety of them and you can alternate them, and practice them at home, in the street, or at the gym. To find out more about this type of exercise so malleable and advantageous, keep reading!

Aerobic and anaerobic exercises and their differences

Aerobic exercises differ from anaerobic ones in the way they obtain energy for the body. While aerobic exercises use oxygen, anaerobic exercises use carbohydrates present in the body. In this section you will understand the characteristics of each type of exercise and the advantages of practicing each one. Follow along!

What are aerobic exercises?

During any action it is necessary to produce energy for the brain, muscles and the whole body. In the case of aerobic exercises, this energy is obtained through oxygen. In addition, aerobic exercises are characterized by their low or moderate intensity and long duration.

In this case, it's not the intensity that will bring the results, but the consistency of the workout. So, in addition to muscle strengthening, aerobic exercises stimulate respiratory capacity, since adequate and frequent breathing is fundamental to oxygenate the body sufficiently.

What are the benefits of aerobic exercise

The benefits of aerobic exercises are numerous. Besides increasing lung and heart capacity, these exercises stimulate the metabolism. This generates the burning of calories, weight loss and fat elimination.

The stimulus is so great that even at rest time people who regularly practice aerobic exercise burn calories more easily. Other benefits that aerobic exercise practitioners experience is improved blood circulation and control of health rates.

What are anaerobic exercises

Anaerobic exercises, on the other hand, do not use oxygen as the main source of energy, but rather the body's own tissue. This happens because these exercises are done with high intensity and short duration, and the metabolism uses the body's carbohydrates to quickly provide energy.

Anaerobic exercises focus on a specific region or muscle through fast movements and, due to the reaction with carbohydrates, generate lactic acid. They are mainly used by those who want to increase muscle mass and lose weight.

What are the benefits of anaerobic exercise

Just like aerobic exercises, anaerobic exercises also act to stimulate the metabolism and improve cardiac and respiratory capacity. In addition, these exercises favor the production of muscle mass, weight loss and muscle endurance. They also increase strength, improve posture, strengthen bones and improve immunity.

What are the main differences between anaerobic and aerobic exercises?

The ideal physical activity plan features both types of exercise, anaerobic and aerobic, plus a battery of stretches to preserve and improve your muscle flexibility.

By performing workouts with both types you will be working on strengthening your muscles, your cardiorespiratory endurance, you will slow down the loss of muscle mass and prevent the loss of bone mass.

The main difference is during the exercises, while in aerobic exercises the muscle uses oxygen as fuel to burn fat to generate the energy needed for the practice of their activities, while anaerobic exercises use carbohydrates that are present in the cell for energy production.

Therefore, aerobic activities are usually associated with those of long duration such as walking, running, swimming, cycling and dancing, while activities associated with anaerobic exercises that are more common because they are of short duration are weight training, push-ups, gymnastics and weight lifting.

Key elements for good training

To get the expected results in your workouts it is important to follow some tips, besides having specialized monitoring. After all, training incorrectly can even cause injuries, besides not bringing the expected results. Learn now how to improve your workout and achieve your goals!


The frequency of the practitioner may vary according to the activity, the objective and the availability of who will do the physical activities. Many studies indicate that the ideal frequency for the practice of any activity would be at least 3 to 5 times a week.


Aerobic workouts usually last between 20 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes approximately. The most recommended for those who are beginning is not to exceed one hour.


Some research reports that the minimum needed to excel in aerobic activities is 60%, and at most 90%, of your heart rate. This is the only way you will be able to acquire muscle gain and there will be an improvement in your cardiovascular system.

The main aerobic exercises and their benefits

There are several aerobic exercises that can be done at home, in the street, in parks and also in gyms. Some of them use only the body, while others depend on instruments. Follow along to know the most famous exercises and how to practice them.

Skipping rope and its benefits

Although many people think that skipping rope is just child's play, know that this is one of the best aerobic exercises. Besides being simple to practice, it doesn't require a lot of space and can be done in various environments.

The only necessary equipment will be the rope itself, a pair of sneakers and a comfortable outfit. Jumping rope promotes caloric expenditure, but that's not all. The activity also requires balance, motor coordination, concentration and good cardiac activity.

So, start with light workouts, with a few sections of 30 seconds of jumping and 30 seconds of rest. Gradually increase the difficulty of the workouts as you feel your evolution.

Burpee and its benefits

The burpee is a complete workout for arms, legs and abdomen. In addition to strengthening the muscles involved, it also improves cardiorespiratory capacity. Basically, to do the burpee you must stand, then follow the steps below:

- squat by resting your arms on the floor a little wider than shoulder width apart;

- position your legs stretched out side by side, like on the plank;

- do a full push-up;

- jump back to the starting position, standing up, and then squat down;

- jump as high as you can by extending your hands upwards.

Do short series at the beginning, about 30 seconds, for 3 minutes. Gradually you can increase the sections and even add other aerobic exercises in the series with the guidance of a professional.

Stationary running and its benefits

Stationary running is a perfect alternative for those who don't have a lot of space to train and can't leave the house to do their workouts. During the pandemic, for example, this was the alternative found by many people to not stay still.

You can do the stationary run in two ways: lifting the knee towards the abdomen or like a normal run, lifting the heels towards the glutes. In the first option you will intensely work the quadriceps, glutes, calves and abdomen.

This aerobic activity improves balance, posture, motor coordination and agility. It also helps burn fat and increases cardiac capacity.

Treadmill and its benefits

The treadmill is another option for those who cannot or do not like to perform aerobic exercises outdoors. Some even have the equipment at home, and can get the results without leaving home.

Walking or running on a treadmill is very similar to running on the street and, in the same way, strengthens muscles, bones and joints, increases overall body resistance and helps burn fat.

Sprint and its benefits

The sprint is basically a run at the maximum speed the individual can reach. In addition to improving the circulatory system and working the lower muscles hard, sprinting will also increase your speed and help with blood sugar control.

Before practicing this exercise it is essential to stretch and warm up. Then, place a cone or some other target 6 meters from your starting position and another 20 steps away from the first. When you start the exercise you should run to the first cone, return to the starting position, run to the second cone, return to the starting position and continue until you finish the series.

4 sets of 40 seconds each are recommended at the beginning of the practice. This number can be increased as you progress.

Exercise Bike and its benefits

The exercise bike is a great piece of equipment for those who want to preserve their physical conditioning in a light and pleasurable way. It does not usually take up much space and is capable of reproducing various aerobic workouts, being very useful for those who do not like to go to the gym.

By having different load levels, it is able to work the lower muscles, preserve posture and develop physical and muscular resistance with excellence. Besides offering a physical and cardiovascular improvement similar to high performance athletes.

Dumbbell with heel and its benefits

To perform the jumping lunge you will need to extend your right leg behind you with the tip of your foot touching the ground. Keep your chest upright and bend both knees lowering your hips until your legs form a 90 degree angle. Then, jump off the ground keeping your legs upright and gently lower yourself back to the starting position.

By performing the same movement with the other leg extended you will be performing one repetition, being recommended to perform 12 repetitions per series and up to 4 series per day of exercises. This exercise will help you to have a better stability in the movement as well as strengthen your legs.

Dumbbell with arms over your head and its benefits

First hold a resistance band, or some rope, with both hands and arms extended above your head. Remember to keep your shoulders extended leaving your elbows away from your ears. Now step with your right foot forward bending your knees and then return to the previous position.

Perform the same movement with the other leg and you will have completed one repetition. It is recommended that you do 4 sets of this movement and a maximum of 12 repetitions per set.

Kneeling and its benefits

Kneeling is a simple exercise and widely practiced in physical activities in schools. The person should initially stand upright, the posture erect and his legs should be together, meanwhile the hands should be touching the thighs.

Then you must jump by spreading your legs and raising your arms above your head, touching one hand to the other in a synchronized manner. When you return to the ground, the person must maintain the same position as before.

The various exercises with polichinellas will improve your physical endurance, as well as working your thigh muscles and your glutes.

Vertical poleichinelo with resistance band and its benefits

To perform this exercise you will need a resistance band. Now, place the band above your ankle, look straight ahead and jump by interposing your legs moving them back and forth. At the same time, you should move your arms up and down.

It is very important that you keep your back straight and the resistance band over your ankle always stretched. It is recommended that you repeat this series in 4 to 5 times and perform a maximum of 10 repetitions.

Plank touching shoulders and its benefits

Start this exercise by positioning yourself as if you were doing a plank, remembering to keep your knees slightly bent, and your weight should always remain on your upper body. Now just lift one hand off the ground until it touches your opposite shoulder and then return to the starting position.

Repeat the same movement with the other arm. To complete the exercise with a good performance, perform 6 to 8 sets of at least 8 repetitions with both arms. This exercise will help you get a better core stability as well as strengthen your shoulders.

Mountain climber bending and its benefits

To perform this exercise, you should position yourself in a similar way to the plank exercise, placing your hands towards your shoulders and keeping your hips bent in line with your navel and ribs. Then, lift your right knee towards your chest and return to this position. Repeat the same movement with the other knee.

Alternate this movement eight times, then do two push-ups, keeping your shoulders forward and bringing your elbows to rib height. The recommended is to perform 6 to 8 sets at around 20 seconds per set. This is the ideal type of movement to improve your strength and fitness.

Dumbbell squats and their benefits

First you should stand upright and keep your legs apart following the line of your hips, then grab the dumbbells and raise it to shoulder height. After positioning yourself, do the squat by positioning your hips back and then raise them up until your knees are extended.

Remember to follow this movement with the dumbbells, holding them at shoulder height and lifting them upwards when you perform the ascent. This movement should be done without pause for up to 30 seconds and repeated for three sets.

This exercise moves several joints, which will increase your strength, especially in parts such as: the shoulders, hips and your lower back.

How to organize yourself to perform aerobic exercises?

Inserting a habit in the routine is not always easy. Especially in the rush of everyday life, many people find it difficult to start practicing physical exercises and, when they start, they can't keep a routine.

The first step to start doing aerobic exercises is to get your routine checked out. You need to make sure everything is okay with your body and that you can do these exercises safely. Then, consult a professional to find out which exercises are best suited for you and your goals.

Then, start little by little. Your body will be getting used to the exercises and starting with very big goals can end up frustrating you. Try to vary the activities and the environments where you will practice them. This way, it will always be a novelty and you will feel more willing to continue.

Little by little you will begin to feel all the benefits of aerobic exercises, whether physical or mental. This will encourage you to continue, as well as become a habit. Do not stop practicing physical activities. Now that you know the aerobic exercises, get organized and keep the focus to practice them!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.