What are the benefits of grapes? Properties, vitamins, calories and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what the benefits of grapes are?

The grape is a fruit very rich in nutrients, such as minerals and antioxidants. They are mainly present in its skin and seeds, but the pulp is also very beneficial for health.

This small pearl of sweet flavor is able to prevent diseases such as cancer, and also optimizes intestinal function. A little known fact is that it is rich in vitamins C and K, perfect for boosting immunity.

In addition, they are extremely versatile. These fruits can be eaten raw or be part of delicious dishes, and each type of grape has specific properties. Discover all the benefits it brings and learn how to incorporate it into your eating routine.

Understanding more about grapes

Grapes are one of the most popular fruits in Brazil, since they have a sweet, slightly citrus flavor. Here is a little about their origin, characteristics, properties and varieties available.

Origin and history of the grape

For those who do not know, the grape is the fruit of the grapevine, a plant of the family Vitaceae. It has the Asian continent as its origin, being one of the most consumed fruits in the world.

The initial cultivation of the grape was thousands of years ago, as ancient civilizations already used the fruit and revered it for its use in the production of excellent wines.

In Brazil, production began in 1532 and was brought by the Portuguese expedition of Martim Afonso Pena. Today, it is one of the most appreciated fruits, since some varieties are exported and others are imported into the country.

Grape characteristics

The grape is one of those fruits that we can eat anytime and anywhere, since it comes in bunches and does not need to be peeled, i.e., just wash well and it is ready for consumption. Generally, it has a sweet flavor, perfect for a snack or dessert.

A curiosity is that there are more than 60 thousand varieties spread around the world. Therefore, the color of the skin, flavor and size may vary a lot. The harvest period of most of them happens between the months of January and February. In addition, the grapes can go straight to the consumer or be sent to the winery.

Properties of the grape

Grapes have numerous properties that are good for your health, as they are sources of very important nutrients. They are rich in copper, an essential mineral in the production of energy for our body.

In addition, it contains plenty of vitamin K, a key nutrient for bone health and blood coagulation. The B vitamins are also present, with significant amounts of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and pyridoxine (B6), which help with growth and proper functioning of the metabolism.

The skin and seeds of grapes have a large amount of antioxidants. An interesting fact is that the properties continue even after fermentation, which makes wine a good source of antioxidants.

Types of grapes

Grapes can be found in several colors and shapes, some more rounded and others, oval. Variations with and without seeds also exist.

The most common species are purple (Ruby) and green (Italy). They have similar characteristics, such as some nutrients, but the amount of antioxidants changes. The darker the peel, the higher the concentration of these substances.

Green grape

One of the biggest differences between green and purple grapes is the ripening process, because both present a very distinct ripening time. The green grape is ready much faster, being the best option for those seeking an optimized production.

Another reason for the green grape to be one of the farmers' favourites is the ease of cultivation. These vines have the simplest planting process and bear fruit practically all year round.

The Bahian city of Petrolina is one of the largest producers of green grapes in Brazil, reaching an unbelievable 45,000 tons exported in 2019.

Purple Grape

Purple grapes are popular in many regions of the world and are very important to the international trade. Because of their vibrant coloration, they are often sought after for seasonal and year-end festivals.

The cultivation in Brazil stands out in the cities of Juazeiro (Pernambuco) and Petrolina (Bahia), responsible for most of the national production. Another highlight is its use in the production of wines.

It is also widely used in juices, since it provides a drink with that color that we immediately imagine when we think of the fruit. In addition, these grapes are considered special because of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant that is concentrated in the peel.

What are the benefits of green grapes

The grape brings many benefits, especially for its high concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. In addition, it has plenty of water in the composition, helping hydration. Learn how grapes can boost your health.

Improves blood circulation

One of the benefits of grapes is to improve blood circulation, since it is a source of minerals such as iron and potassium, nutrients that stimulate cell oxygenation. In addition, it helps control high blood pressure, since 151 grams of the fruit (or a cup of tea) has 6% of the total amount of potassium that our body needs in one day.

This mineral is very important for lowering blood pressure. This happens because potassium helps dilate the arteries and veins, preventing their narrowing and excreting sodium, which improves the circulatory process as a whole.

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Grapes help maintain heart health in several ways, as they are able to decrease risk factors such as high cholesterol levels. This is because it reduces the absorption of this compound.

A study of 69 people suffering from high cholesterol revealed that daily consumption of this fruit lowered total and LDL (popularly known as the bad version) cholesterol levels.

By the way, Mediterranean diets, i.e. rich in resveratol (a powerful antioxidant found in grapes) have been shown to be effective in controlling blood cholesterol.

Prevents cancer

The prevention of cancer is among the benefits provided by the consumption of grapes. This fruit is a source of antioxidants, compounds that help fight free radicals, substances linked to the emergence of various diseases, including cancer.

Resveratrol is an antioxidant agent that helps reduce inflammation, blocking the growth and increase of cancer cells. In addition, other antioxidants present in the grape, such as quercetin, anthocyanin and catechin also have action against cancer.

In fact, studies reinforce that grape extract can block the growth of cells linked to colon and breast cancers.

Helps brain health

The presence of anthocyanins, a powerful flavonoid, makes the grape very beneficial for brain health. Research shows that these substances help prevent and treat some diseases linked to the organ.

In addition, regular consumption of the fruit turbocharges memory, attention and mood. A study of young adults showed that drinking 230 ml of grape juice improved temperament and skills associated with short-term memory, about 20 minutes after drinking the drink.

Researchers have also begun to investigate the benefits of resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, in fighting Alzheimer's disease.

Assists in bone health

Grapes contain several minerals needed to maintain good bone health. Potassium, manganese and B, C and K complex vitamins help prevent osteoporosis, a condition that weakens bones.

In addition, studies show that resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in the fruit, can improve bone density. This is very important especially for women who are in the postmenopausal period.

This is because the decrease in bone tissue density happens more frequently for this gender and age group, leading to fractures.

Improves bowel function

The functioning of the intestine is usually greatly benefited by the consumption of fruits rich in fiber, as is the case of grapes. This happens because this nutrient eases the symptoms of constipation, favoring the formation of the fecal cake.

It is worth remembering that juices usually contain a much smaller amount of fiber, so it is better to invest in fresh fruit. In addition, grapes have approximately 81% of water in its composition, which helps keep the body well hydrated.

Another tip is to eat the fruit with the peels and seeds, as these components are more concentrated in fiber.

Prevents anemia

As a food very rich in folic acid, grapes are able to prevent anemia. In addition, the presence of a good amount of vitamin C also fights the disease.

Green grapes have a certain amount of iron in their composition, which can inhibit the development of anemia symptoms. This is because this disease is characterized by the lack of nutrients in the body, especially the shortage of iron, leading to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Improves the immune system

Since grapes are a great source of vitamin C, they can help your immune system fight bacterial and viral infections, such as fungal infections. Thus, you could say that the fruit turbocharges your immunity.

Polyphenols, components present in large quantities in grapes, strengthen the body, helping it to eliminate any infectious agent. They also contribute to the balance of the intestinal microbiota, a factor that is directly associated with the immune system.

Combats premature aging

Grapes are a source of vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein and ellagic acid, powerful antioxidants. Thus, the fruit is a great ally in the fight against premature aging.

Research shows that resveratrol can slow the signs of aging by reducing oxidative stress, increasing stress resistance, and improving the response against inflammation.

In addition, resveratrol activates the SirT1 gene, which has been associated with longer life.

Acts in the fight against depression

The grape is a fruit rich in resveratrol, a plant compound found mainly in the seed and in the peel. This powerful antioxidant is able to inhibit the enzyme that causes depression.

Thus, the grape becomes an excellent alternative auxiliary treatment for those who suffer from depressive and anxiety symptoms as well. This is because this component presents neuroprotective effects against corticosterone, a substance that regulates the body's response to stress.

Thus, research with resveratrol may lead to new antidepressant drugs.

How to consume the grape

Grapes can become a practical, quick and delicious snack that you can enjoy anywhere. That's because they are extremely versatile. Check out different ways to enjoy them.

Eating the fruit

The grape is a fruit with a sweet and slightly citric flavor, and can be consumed entirely in its unprocessed form. Very versatile, it is perfect as a quick snack or in a more elaborate breakfast. Check out some options:

- Eat the pure fruit as a snack in the morning or afternoon;

- Serve over a yogurt, with a touch of honey;

- Freeze the grapes and enjoy on the hottest summer days;

- Put chopped grapes in a salad, it gives a delicious sweet and sour taste;

- Make a salad with apples, strawberries and some dark chocolate.

Grape juice recipe

Grape juice is a great option to consume the fruit and, at the same time, hydrate the body. The drink is very tasty, but a little sweeter than the fruit in natura.

However, it can be consumed all year round and offers many health benefits. This is because the juice contains several very powerful nutrients, such as bioflavonoids, tannins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that optimize the functioning of the body as a whole.


To make the grape juice, you will need:

- 300 g purple or green grapes;

- 150 ml of water;

- Broth of 1 lemon (optional).

How to do

Wash the grapes well, remove the seeds (if any) and place in a blender. Add water and lemon juice little by little, if you want to make the juice less sweet. Another way to prepare the juice is to squeeze the grapes in a strainer.

In this way, you can keep the nutrients that are more concentrated in the skin of the fruit. To do this, you need to cook the squeezed grapes over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Then, pass them through the strainer again. Wait for it to cool down and enjoy.

Using in cooking

The grape is a fruit that can be consumed in numerous ways, getting perfect in sweets, jellies, cakes and puddings. As wine, it is ideal for risottos. Check out the following a practical, quick and tasty recipe for grape crumble with apple:

- 3 cups grapes (500 g or 2 big bunches)

- 1 green apple

- Broth of 1 lemon

- 1 cup of wheat flour

- ½ cup of sugar

- ½ cup of oat flakes

- 100 g iced butter

- 1 pinch of salt


Preheat oven to 200°C. Wash the grapes, cut in half and transfer to a 1.250 litre baking dish. Wash and cut the apple into small cubes, discarding the seeds. Add the apple to the grapes and mix in the lemon juice. Set aside.

In a bowl, mix the flour, sugar, oats and salt. Cut the butter into small cubes and add to the dry ingredients. Mix with your fingertips until it forms a thick fluffy mixture.

Place the farofa delicately over the fruit in the baking dish, covering the entire surface. Bake for about 30 minutes until golden and crispy.

Other information about the grape

Grapes can be considered a kind of treasure of nature, as in some cultures they are called pearls. Find out more about these delicious and nutritious fruits below.

Regular or whole grape juice: which one to choose?

During the hottest times of the year, juices are the darlings to refresh and hydrate the body. However, the drinks come in various options, such as natural, whole, organic and nectar, being difficult to notice the difference between them.

The main difference between the common and the whole juice is the addition of sugar, water and preservatives. The common version can have these and many other additives, while the whole variation does not. Moreover, both can be produced with organic fruits, being more beneficial to health, since they have no pesticides.

How often can grapes be consumed?

The grape is considered a superfood by many, thanks to the numerous benefits it brings to health. However, like any fruit, it should be consumed in moderation and be allied to a balanced diet.

A portion of grapes is composed of approximately 1 cup or a small bunch. It is worth mentioning that there is no restriction in relation to the number of grapes that can be ingested in a day, but it is always recommended to use common sense and not overdo it.

When possible, prefer the fruit in natura, but the juice is also indicated, since the drink preserves some nutrients and still helps hydrate the body.

Possible side effects of excessive grape consumption

The consumption of grapes is highly recommended, but without exaggeration. This is because excessive consumption can generate some side effects. Check out what can happen:

Allergy: is a very rare case, but even the touch of a cluster can trigger allergic reactions in some people after excessive ingestion. Hives, red spots, difficulty breathing and sneezing are the most common symptoms.

Weight gain: Even though they are low in calories, grapes are small and handy, so it's very easy to lose control and end up eating much more than you should.

Flatulence: during the digestion process, grapes release a large amount of fructose, which feeds the bacteria in the colon and releases gas.

Contraindications to the consumption of grapes

The consumption of grapes is safe for most people, but some groups need to be a little careful. Individuals who suffer from diabetes, for example, need to redouble attention to the amount ingested because of the natural sugar in the fruit.

In addition, people with kidney problems should keep an eye on the amount and frequency of grape consumption, all because of potassium, a mineral that, in excess, can further impair the functioning of compromised kidneys.

When the organ is not in full function, it is unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, which can be quite dangerous for health.

How to buy and how to store grapes?

The grape is a very easy fruit to choose, buy and store. To have an idea, you can freeze it to last longer, without losing its nutrients and benefits.

When buying the fruit, it is important to observe the clusters, always preferring those that are fuller, firmer and smoother. If possible, pick those with a greener stem, indicating that they were harvested recently.

Choose grapes with the most vibrant colors, without stains or brown signals. Another fundamental point is that the fruits are well attached to the bunch, as this shows that the grape is fresh. In fact, proper storage can guarantee delicious grapes for up to a week.

The first step in storing grapes is to wash them, removing the wilted and spoiled fruit. When they are dry, place them in a closed container at the back of the refrigerator shelf, which is usually the coolest place.

Enjoy all the many benefits of the grape!

Grapes offer several essential nutrients and powerful plant compounds that benefit health. Although they contain sugar, they do not negatively affect blood sugar control, provided they are consumed with common sense and moderation.

When we include grapes in our diet, we take advantage of the benefits of its powerful antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. This way, it is possible to prevent some diseases in a natural way.

By the way, a little known benefit of the grape is its moisturizing and protective effect on skin and hair. It's no wonder that many oils and cosmetics have this ingredient in their formulation.

Therefore, it is very worthwhile to consume grapes regularly, so we take care of our body as a whole.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.