What causes the urge to give it all up? Anxiety, depression and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Don't give up when you feel like giving up everything

There are means that can help you deal with the feeling of defeat generated by the desire to give up on everything. These means may be simple, but will require the individual to do a minimum amount of thinking about his life, his emotions, and his purpose.

It is common that there are those moments that make us want to give up everything, because we experience several situations in our lives in which we are required to the maximum of our strength and resilience to withstand our losses, or to overcome our mistakes.

Read on to learn what to do when you feel discouraged and to understand the possible consequences that led you to that state.

What to do when you feel like giving up everything

It is common to encounter difficulties in our path, they are part of our journey. From these barriers we leave the comfort zone and the way we deal with this emotional state will indicate whether or not we want to give up.

Many face these blocks and feel like giving up everything. So that this does not happen follows some tips on what to do when you feel like giving up everything.

Remember your motives and goals

Your purpose will determine the path you must follow to achieve your goals. The reason you do all the activities you do every day is of the utmost importance to give you energy to persist, regardless of the problems that arise in your life.

Therefore, it is important to always have your motives and goals clear in your mind, because as we go along our journeys we tend to forget them. In this way, we only give room for problems and gradually lose willpower.

So look for mechanisms that bring your purpose back to consciousness so that when you feel like giving up on everything you recognize them and move on.

Focus on your trajectory and how far you've come

Your trajectory shows your path, the challenges and achievements made during the pursuit of your goals. However, there are times when we feel inert, stagnant in a routine that can seem purposeless for our lives. And that's when you should remember how far you've come.

Remembering the past will allow you to regain your strength and focus on your path with much more determination. So think long and hard before you think about giving up everything, evaluate your history and analyze your present before making any decisions.

Go in your own time

One of the biggest mistakes made by human beings is in comparing themselves to others. Many forget that each person has their own history and individuality that led them to where they have gotten to. Don't confuse your path with that of your idols, for example. Sometimes it is essential to be aware only of your present and your reality.

Remember that everyone has a unique trajectory in life, avoid comparing yourself with others and worry about your own trajectory. Respect your time, trust yourself and follow your pace, because only then you will be ready to pave your way to success.

Be patient as you work towards your goals

The exercise of patience demands from the self a gigantic strength in times of an immediate society. Mastering it will help you to become positive in your path, avoiding many obstacles that will not exist if you are in a hurry to conquer your goals.

This happens because when we are impatient we seek to shoulder several activities, believing that the more we do the faster we will achieve our goals. However, in every work there will be its phases of development and they need to be respected.

Focus on what you can control

Patience will also help you to respect your time and to face chance more lightly. For we are often subjected to situations in life that are beyond our control, in these conditions we need to be aware of these forces and adjust to them.

If when we are faced with these situations and seek to impose ourselves on them we end up frustrated and feeling unhappy. Therefore, avoid these feelings, use wisdom and focus on what is within your power, that way you will be able to change your reality.

Seek guidance from other individuals

Experience has great value for those who are starting any project in their life. It is from experience that you will be able to make fewer mistakes and achieve your goals faster. But this knowledge will only be possible when you seek guidance from other individuals.

Remember that the most experienced people have experienced various situations in their lives, and they have had to deal with their mistakes and learn from them in order to evolve. This knowledge will allow you to avoid those same mistakes, thus serving as a guide that will help you make leaps in your own trajectory.

Learn from your mistakes

Mistakes are the greatest source of knowledge you can have, it is through them that you will be aware of what does not work and what is necessary for you to evolve. However, it will be necessary to have wisdom to deal with them, not letting the mistakes affect your psychological, nor your emotions.

Coldness at this point is positive, because by distancing yourself from the mistakes you made you will have an exact overview of your behavior and the actions that led you to commit it. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, know that it is from our mistakes that we learn and evolve faster.

Reflect on the pain of effort and the pain of regret

Keep in mind that the pains of effort and regret are part of the process. Between them you need to be aware of the second one, as effort is temporary and we reap the fruits of effort in the short term. However, regret may affect your pursuit of your goals.

For, it is through regret that we awaken the feeling that we want to give up everything. When we feel this pain we believe that nothing was worth it, and we look back with a pessimistic look.

One way to avoid this feeling is to look at the pains in your path, so you will find the motivation you need to overcome the pain of regret and move on in your life.

Seek support from your friends and family

The support of friends and family is very important for everyone, because it is through these relationships that we withdraw the necessary confidence to continue on our path in pursuit of our dreams. When you feel the urge to give up everything is frank with the people you love, expose your feelings.

If you trust them, they will care about you and will seek to offer you the best possible support to ease your anguish. Soon, the support of these people will serve as a light that will restore meaning to your life.

Develop your resilience

Resilience exists as a skill that will make you able to adapt to the adversities that arise in your life, especially when we make mistakes and get knocked down by it. You will not feel the weight of defeat but the will to persist on your path to prove to yourself who you really are.

For this to happen you need to have confidence in yourself, never underestimate your capabilities. This will help you persist in your path, overcoming the barriers that arise without thinking of hesitation. Soon, with each challenge overcome you will feel stronger to continue and conquer your goals.

The urge to give up everything as a result of depression

There are some disorders that can result in the desire to give up everything, like depression for example. It can generate a series of emotional symptoms that cause the dispersion of various skills and feelings important for people to follow in life. Learn more about these consequences in the following reading.

What is depression

People who are diagnosed with depression have some symptoms in common, such as loss of interest, mood swings, deep sadness and lack of cheerfulness. It is diagnosed as a chronic psychiatric illness that is often confused with other disorders such as anxiety.

The risk of depression is even higher when its condition evolves to suicidal flashes that may lead the person to take his own life. It is estimated, by the WHO (World Health Organization), that 300 million people suffer from this mental illness and only in Brazil 5.8% of the population is already diagnosed with this disease.

The emotional symptoms of depression

The emotional symptoms are diverse, they present themselves according to the development of the patient's clinical picture, and may worsen and cause multiple emotional problems such as:

- Oblivion;

- Anguish;

- Lack of motivation;

- Apathy;

- Feeling of emptiness;

- High degree of pessimism;

- Increase or loss of appetite;

- Irritability;

- Lack of stimuli to practice physical activities;

- Emergence of phobias;

- Difficulty concentrating;

- Indecision;

- Insomnia;

- Insecurity;

- Slow thinking;

- Anxiety;

- Suicidal flashes;

- I feel like dying.

The physical symptoms of depression

There is also the presence of various physical symptoms that can be caused by depression, usually they occur as a consequence of emotional problems. They are thus associated with each other and the physical symptoms listed so far are:

- Headaches;

- Heartburn;

- Bad digestion;

- Flatulence;

- Constipation;

- Belly ache;

- Chest pressure;

- Muscle tension;

- Body aches;

- Drop in immunity.

The causes of depression

Depression is classified as a chronic psychiatric illness because it is related to a series of syndromes that involve the individual. There is evidence that shows that the depressed individual suffers several chemical alterations in the brain, mainly related to hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin.

These substances are capable of stimulating the cells and directly influence the communication of our nerve cells. In general, this disorder is related to these neurotransmitters capable of regulating moods and emotional activity of the human being.

Therefore, contrary to what many people think, the "evil of the century" is not the cause but the consequence of social and psychological factors that are present in our reality. Influencing the lives of millions of people and resulting in a serious global health problem.

One of the most common problems that can induce depression is stress and anxiety, which justifies that 1 in every 5 people in the world have a predisposition to develop this disease, given the social conditions to which we are subjected in contemporary society.

The most common types of depression

Different types of disorders can be determined by depression, the most common are:

- Depressive episode;

- Major depression (major depressive disorder);

- Bipolar depression;

- Atypical depression;

- Seasonal depression;

- Postpartum depression;

- Psychotic depression;

- Depression in adolescence;

- Childhood depression;

- Menopausal depression;

- Gestational depression.

Diagnosis and treatment

It is common that there is the presence of some symptoms depending on the phase that we are experiencing in our lives. Not realizing whether there is a depressive picture or not occurring with you, so it is recommended that a diagnosis is made alongside a specialized professional.

He will be able to evaluate the clinical picture based on the symptoms presented and the physical and emotional history of the individual and his family. In addition, depression has classification levels defined by its intensity, such as mild, moderate or severe. This highlights the importance of medical follow-up to make this analysis.

Since there are several types of disorders correlated with a depressive condition, it is necessary to observe which one your case fits into after a thorough investigation of the symptoms and physical and psychological examinations. Only then can the most effective treatment for your case be defined.

These treatments generally come from psychiatric, psychological, through therapy and also medication. At this point, most should seek the following recommendations:

- Psychotherapy;

- Practice physical activities;

- Psychiatric follow-up;

- Antidepressants;

- As a last resort, hospitalization may be considered;

The urge to give up everything as a result of anxiety

Another reason that can cause the feeling of giving up is associated with anxiety disorder. Like depression, anxiety awakens symptoms in the individual capable of discouraging him to the point of feeling the urge to give up everything. Understand more about the influence of anxiety in the sequence.

What is anxiety

Worry is capable of generating various psychological disorders known as anxiety disorders. These psychiatric disorders are reflected in excessive worry or by a permanence of negative feelings. This problem differs from ordinary anxiety due to its intensity and duration.

This leads to a series of anxiety crisis episodes, capable of influencing the thoughts of individuals in a way that causes great tension, which sometimes occurs for no apparent reason. These crises can also reflect in a series of physical symptoms such as cardiac arrhythmia.

It is known by the World Health Organization that 264 million people in the world suffer from this disease. Meanwhile, Brazil is in first place in the ranking of people with the highest incidence of the disease, being diagnosed approximately 9.3% of the population.

The symptoms of anxiety

The main symptoms that relate to anxiety disorder and deserve your attention are:

- Worrying too much;

- Sleep alterations;

- Constant restlessness;

- Seeing danger in everything;

- Irritability;

- Muscle tension;

- Irrational fears;

- Fear of public speaking;

- Cardiac arrhythmia;

- Sweating;

- Obsessive thoughts;

- Unregulated appetite;

- Digestive problems.

Diagnosis and treatment of anxiety

Anxiety management requires individuals to use a number of strategies and resources in order to assist them in their treatment and change their mindset. Some methods that will help you in your treatment are:

- Psychotherapy sessions;

- Practice physical activity;

- Practice meditation;

- Listening to music;

- Maintain a healthy diet;

When I feel like giving up on everything should I seek psychological support?

This feeling can often stem from momentary frustrations in life, so it is important to evaluate the moments when the urge to give up arises. Usually, analyzing your trajectory, talking to trusted people, or reflecting on your life will help you relieve this emotional tension.

However, when this condition presents itself with a certain constancy to the point of affecting various contexts in your life. This emotional state can be a consequence of other psychiatric illnesses such as anxiety and depression. In this case, it is advisable to seek specialized medical support.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.