What does it mean to dream of a clock: broken, stopped, wristwatch and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of a clock?

The clock is nothing more than the portrait of Cronos devouring his children. It is the reminder that each second will never return. Despite being one of the most important inventions of all humanity, the clock has become so common that its use goes unnoticed. We simply look at the time and ignore its symbolic presence, even in dreams.

To dream of a clock is one of the ways the subconscious informs us that we should pay attention to internal movements, such as exacerbated material and emotional attachment, as well as deeper movements, connected to life and death.

If, when dreaming of a watch, we consider it as a mere object, then we must calibrate our symbolic gaze. To do this, check the information given in this article!

To dream of clocks of different types

When the subconscious sends messages through dreams, it uses symbolisms that are present in the imagination. Therefore, details that, at first glance, seem banal make all the difference. There is always a clock for every occasion and the same goes for when we dream about them. Each type of clock passes a different message. See some below!

To dream of a wristwatch

To dream of a wristwatch indicates the strong tendency to have control over time itself. The impression that no matter how fast you run after time, because you never seem to catch up with it, does not disappear from your chest. With each passing day, your obligations accumulate and you feel that you are inside a snowball.

This is an important dream, so don't ignore it. One of the truths we most ignore is that we will always only have 24 hours to fulfill all of our duties, so it's time to create a schedule to write down everything you are doing during the day.

To dream of a tower clock

Clock towers were created to remind the population of important events and special occasions. Therefore, to dream of a clock tower is a reminder that something you have been looking forward to is about to arrive.

This isn't about little surprises or news. This is about that long-awaited promotion, that person you've waited for so long, that news you've always wanted to hear. Maybe they're closer than you can imagine.

Just remember that big events will take part in your life, so be prepared to grab these opportunities tooth and nail.

To dream of a church clock

Life's mishaps are knocking at your door and you feel like you're not that strong to stop them from coming in. Deep down, you know you need something, but you can't reach it alone. It's this message that made you dream of church clock.

You must heed the call to transcendence and the clock is in your dream to remind you that the time is now. This anguish that grows in your chest will only end when you fill it with movements that go towards your fellow man. It is only with the mortification of the material senses that true joy will be achieved.

To dream of a clock on the wall

You need to start putting presence in the small daily tasks, right now, because today may be your last day. To dream of a clock on the wall brings this deep reflection. You will see that it is more worth living with tranquility, giving all of yourself even in the smallest acts, than to live always in a race, not paying attention to anything.

So, take a few minutes out of your day to meditate on how fast time goes by and how important it is that you enjoy every second. In short, focus on the little things, because life goes by quickly, and remember: those who want to have everything end up having nothing.

To dream of a pocket watch

When dreaming of a pocket watch, you should pay attention to the message that the dream brings, because its content deals with a recurring problem, especially within several homes. The pocket watch symbolizes submission in relationships.

Loving your neighbor is important, but letting the people with whom you relate, whether in your love life, professional or family life, psychologically abuse you is not a sign of virtue, much less of love for your neighbor.

You must remember at all times that we are human beings, we have our own will and the power to choose our own paths. Know that the saddest ending there can be in a human biography is that it was written by someone else.

To Dream of a Sundial

If you have a trade and started dreaming about sundial, you better get ready. Unfortunately, sundial brings bad news for you: hard times are coming.

So, do not create too much expectation about your trade, be more prudent and always have an emergency reserve. Perhaps, it is a good time to invest your efforts in getting a second income.

The best investment you can make is in yourself. Study more about your profession and strive to be the best at your job, ensuring that your clientele is loyal to you. Also, it's worth studying how to get through crises and difficult times in your career.

To dream of a smartwatch

Your need to be guided through life is making you a dependent person. Because of insecurity, you need someone you trust to make decisions for you - this is what dreaming of a smart watch reveals.

Smart devices have become so indispensable that we often, in fact, become hostages to them. However, one should not only rely on technological devices, but also on people.

The presence of smart watches in a dream is very interesting, as this proves that the subconscious transmits messages using symbols present in everyday life. As technology evolves, dreams will be updated.

To dream of a cuckoo clock

A dream with a cuckoo clock warns you that it is time to stop pushing old issues with your belly and start putting into practice a plan of action, to be up to date with life.

In other words, to dream of a cuckoo clock indicates that you are unable to handle your obligations because of a lack of organization. Nevertheless, its presence indicates that there is a period of tranquility approaching, soon after you catch up on your routine.

However, a good way to solve this problem is to put all your current and pending tasks in an agenda. This way, you can have more control over your life in general.

To dream of a gold watch

To dream of a gold watch is a sign of a good time in your life - a time of abundance, since the golden color of gold is often associated with fortune and prosperity. Since your life will enter an extremely productive phase, it is a great time to start a new project, as well as in a new venture.

However, this good phase is not limited to finances only. Just as you will have prosperity in business, you will also have it in your love life. So, enjoy this unique moment and don't let it escape for anything.

To dream of a collectible clock

To have a dream about collectible watches or a collection of watches indicates an extremely busy life, in which obligations abound and, as a result, time to take care of oneself is lacking. This, ultimately, can hinder the very execution of one's tasks.

When we have too many obligations to others and too little time for ourselves, we end up developing conflicts between our personal and professional lives, so we don't always get the time we would like.

Therefore, seeking balance between these two aspects of life is the best way to ensure not only a healthy life, but also a great delivery at work.

To dream of a valuable watch

The value of the watch, whether by price or details, relates to luxury. The main message that dreaming of a valuable watch gives is that you have an easy time achieving a comfortable and luxurious standard of living.

On the other hand, this does not mean that your life will become a bed of roses. As a result of easy access to worldly pleasures, you will also end up becoming extremely sensualized. In other words, attached to the sensitive world.

Moreover, as luxuries increase, you will become more and more dependent on them, turning tedious tasks into real headaches. Thus, the best way to get around this situation is to expose yourself to discomfort.

To dream of a blue watch

At first glance, the blue color of the watch refers to good virtues, such as concern for your commitments and true friendship. However, it also denotes a great fear of making mistakes. Therefore, dreaming of a blue watch is a way for your subconscious to inform you that you must unite your virtues, to defeat your defects.

For example: suppose you are doing a job by yourself and you feel totally comfortable because no one can see you making mistakes. On the other hand, you will be more and more trapped within this comfort zone you have created. Therefore, having other people around will help you realize that everyone makes mistakes.

To dream of hourglass

Of all the ways of measuring time, the hourglass is the most symbolic of all. The first impression you have when you see it is that you are running out of time, that you are getting old or, finally, dying.

Therefore, to dream of an hourglass can show that you are wasting precious time that you could be using for other things. You are standing still, watching the sands of the clock fall, waiting for something to happen.

The hourglass brings the most concrete visual idea of seeing time passing. It brings back a sense of urgency that renews your energy, so that you can keep acting, even in the midst of a difficult situation.

To dream with a stopwatch

The stopwatch, although it is most commonly used by athletes, is a device that has fallen into popular use. Its function is to inform you how long you can do a certain task. In other words, the stopwatch helps you be more productive.

But, within the dream, the stopwatch may indicate that you should become more productive, that you should really use the time you have to improve professionally. Perhaps, this dream comes to say that you are leaving something to be desired in your productivity.

To dream of a stopwatch may even indicate that you are working under a lot of pressure, since this object is usually used in sports competitions.

To dream of a clock in different conditions

Just as there is a difference between the interpretation of a dream in which a church clock appears and another whose clock is a pocket watch, there are also differences between the symbolism of a new clock to an old one. In addition, another aspect of the clock that changes the interpretation of its symbols is the movement of its hands. Check these conditions below!

To dream of a new watch

Within the symbolism of dreams, the new watch brings with it good omens. The first of them is in the professional field, in which there will be expected news.

However, it's not enough to just dream and sit back and wait for your dream to simply happen. None of this good news will come without effort. Keep doing your job to the best of your ability and you will be rewarded.

In addition, dreaming of a new watch is also a sign that new opportunities will appear in your life. Therefore, keep an eye out for possible benefits that come your way.

To dream of an antique clock

All the memories we have of the past carry with them an emotional weight. Usually, we find it difficult to let these memories go, even the ones that are not so good. However, we must bury them. Therefore, the teaching contained in dreaming of an old clock is that you need to prepare yourself for change.

Naturally, the old gives way to the new, and in the same way, you should always be renewing your box of memories. In order to mature, you need to have a moment of separation between what is old and useless and what is new and useful. You cannot mature if you stay stuck in your childhood, for example.

To Dream of a Lost Clock

One of the biggest problems with focusing on trivial things is that you end up letting important issues go unnoticed or, even worse, you end up losing important people. This is the warning embedded in dreaming of an old clock.

The focus on trivialities comes from lust, that is, attachment to that which is sensitive, tactile and sensual, but in this way you do not value the hard-won achievements of life. In fact, what happens is that you only value them when they are gone.

So this is the real warning that the dream brings. The lost watch symbolizes that which is no more. It symbolizes all that is like time itself, which, once it is gone, does not return.

To dream of a stolen watch

It is notorious that we are facing a petty movement: the fear of losing. When dreaming of a stolen watch, the mind reveals its fear of "losing time". This fear is related to long investments of time - that is why there is the figure of the watch -, both in people and in work or personal projects.

For example, you may be afraid to invest time in a relationship because it could go wrong. This fear makes you afraid to give yourself, in service and in love, to people. It is always important to think that the human being is like a candle, which is only useful if it is wearing out.

To dream of a broken clock

To dream of a broken watch can be divided into two variants: you broke the watch accidentally or by intention. Each of the interpretations relate to specific issues. But in general, to dream of a broken watch indicates the presence of new challenges in life.

First of all: you have broken the clock by accident. This means that you will have to be patient and persistent as new adversities are coming. However, rest assured that in time everything will tend to resolve itself.

But if in your dream you broke the clock on purpose, it means that you will have difficulty forgiving someone who disappointed you. You may even try to forgive, but you will not forget.

To dream of a ringing clock

When the clock rings, we all know that we have something to do. In the same way it happens when you dream of a waking clock: it means that you have to hurry and decide immediately which way to go.

The sound of the ticking clock reminds you of a choice that must be made. Most likely you are in doubt between two things or paths that have the same pros and cons.

But your time is running out and you need to decide which path to take. Perhaps if you don't decide in time, you may end up empty-handed. It's worth remembering that old saying: "a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush".

To dream of a stopped clock

There are moments that, in fact, impact our lives in a very specific way. But we have to continue our projects. However, dreaming of a stopped clock shows that you have stopped in time.

Maybe your relationship didn't work out, you lost a good job, or someone very close to you passed away. Moments like these bring their share of unhappiness, but you must remember that these are not problems, they are just phases of life.

Life is made of ups and downs and losses are a constituent part of it. You must be aware that at one time or another you will go through times of suffering and yet life goes on. You cannot stop.

To dream of a slow clock

As the Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset once said, "I am me and my circumstances." To dream of a clock moving slower than normal means that you are trapped in your own circumstances.

If you do nothing to tame them, then you will become their slave. Within the set of your circumstances are: your deficiencies and aptitudes, your temperament, your personality, your reality, etc.

Therefore, the attitude you should have before this dream is to save your circumstances. For example: if you have a more explosive temperament, you must become calmer. Ortega y Gasset concludes his thought by saying that, "if I do not save them, I do not save myself".

To dream of a speeding clock

"Contemplate your day more," is what your dream about clock speeding up says. This is a sign that you are living in a rush. Most of the time, you don't even pay attention to what you are doing.

However, your actions do affect the lives of those around you, so you are risking hurting those people, and perhaps they will decide to walk away. However, it may be too late by the time you stop to think about it.

Therefore, you must put presence into your day. A good start is to do only one thing at a time, thus preventing yourself from getting scattered in the middle of the task. Another good practice is contemplation of something for 30 minutes, as well as soul-searching, before going to sleep.

To dream of an upside down clock

When there is an upside down clock in your dreams, you have a great tendency to change your opinion about very important matters, for example the way you use time.

However, change not only occurs in your opinions, but at the same time in your life. To dream of an upside down clock is a good omen as to your personal development. In other words, it means that you are entering a path of enlightenment and transcendence. You will probably reserve more time in your day for meditation and prayer rather than frivolity.

To dream of many clocks

The large number of clocks you observe in this dream represents how much your obligations and state duties worry you. No doubt punctuality is an admirable virtue, but you should also have a moment in the day set aside to calm down.

Life is getting faster and faster and we already know that. But dreaming with many clocks is a warning from your body, asking you to slow down a little. It is important to always keep in mind that the winner is not always the fastest, but the most constant.

Taking time to breathe and observe nature, go to a park, and cultivate friendships that lighten your mood. These are effective practices to keep you from being overwhelmed by work.

To dream that you see and interact with a clock

As important as the characteristics and conditions of the clock that appears in the dream, the relationship it has with the dreamer must be considered. Knowing what the circumstance of the dream is essential to its correct interpretation.

Seeing, finding, losing, buying, winding and even stealing a watch are recurring situations in dreams and each one has its meaning. Check them out below!

To dream that you see a clock

Usually, when we look at the clock in waking life, we are in a hurry or afraid of being late. For that is exactly what the clock dream is about: about the fear of not being able to keep up with duties on time.

Of course, unforeseen events do occur and sometimes you are really left with your hands tied. But you must remember that dreaming about a clock is a message to the conscious mind. So, in case you look at the clock during the dream, you are faced with a specific delay.

This delay is due to two reasons, in general: either you are overwhelmed or your life is messed up. In the first case, you should be aware that there is no point in trying to embrace all the causes. In the second case, you should organize your time better.

To dream that you find a watch

Along your journey, you encounter difficulties that often test your faith, but while you face great problems, you are also graced with good people who help you along the way.

Therefore, dreaming that you have found a watch is ultimately a clear symbol that you have found something that will help you. Understand that in the dream, the watch is an analogy for a friend in real life.

In this way, do not let the difficulties of the road kill your hopes. Always count on the help of the good people who are heading in the same direction. If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go accompanied.

To dream that you have lost your wristwatch

To lose a wristwatch in your dream is a clear sign that there will be some separation in your life. This separation does not always concern your spouse, as it may be in your family, at work or among your friends.

Therefore, to know in which group the separation will occur, just analyze the other characteristics of your dream. However, one thing is certain: this separation will shake you and, unfortunately, it will happen gradually.

However, there is still hope. If this separation has happened directly to you, then go after the person you have lost, for there is still time to win them back. If this problem has happened to people close to you, then use your influence to help them on the road to reconciliation.

To dream that you have bought a wristwatch

To dream of a newly bought wristwatch means that your work is going through a good time of change. It is your time to take a risk and take a step forward in your professional life. It is the time to put into practice that planning of years.

However, the key to your success in this new phase is to intrinsically unite your professional life with the motivations that govern your life. In other words, you must not work for the sake of working, you must find a reason, which is in your personal life, to move you and make you not give up.

To Dream of Repairing a Watch

To have a dream in which you are repairing a watch is a sign that you need to raise more efforts to work harder and with greater intensity. Look for more than one source of income, a second job that is a long-term project.

While your first job is for paying the bills, your second job allows you to invest in yourself. Investing in knowledge is the best thing you can do. Once your second job is paying the same as your first, you quit your first job and stick with what brings you the most happiness.

But until then, you have to be patient, as this is a long process and one that can take around 10 years. One of the big mistakes we make is that we never consider what we would be able to do in the long term.

To dream that you wind a clock

To dream that you are winding a watch is a great omen for your love life. You will find someone with whom you will spend all your time, someone with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

This person will share your interests and values, you will talk about every possible subject, and incredibly, there will never be a shortage of topics. But most of all, within your respective hearts, you will know that you were not born to be friends.

You were born to become one flesh and one spirit, so throw yourself into this adventure without reservations, for fear is for cowards and only the brave indeed love. If you have been lucky enough to find someone to "wind your watch" for, then you have found a treasure.

Get a watch as a gift

To dream that you receive a watch as a gift, means that you will receive good news, probably related to people for whom you have special affection. This shared happiness will affect you in a special way.

Perhaps you will feel more inclined to internalize and reflect after receiving the news. It is the good news that brightens the day and causes the love for humanity to be renewed, so don't let these moments go unnoticed, record them in a notebook and keep in your notes all the other good moments you witnessed during your day.

To dream that you steal a watch

To dream that you are stealing a watch is a serious reminder that you are pushing your duties with your belly out of sheer laziness. If you keep putting off performing your duties forever, there will come a time when life itself will force you to perform them.

Therefore, the first step to stop putting off your obligations is to define what you are avoiding doing. This can be best defined by analyzing other characteristics of the dream. Generally, dreaming of a stolen watch concerns family or an unpleasant job.

The next and final step is to not think, before you do. Just go and do it. If you stop to think for 3 seconds, you will come up with some excuse not to do anything.

To dream that you set the time of a clock

The feeling that the hours of your day are fading away makes you anxious. You feel like you're not being as productive as you could be, but at the same time you don't understand why you're missing time - that's the message of dreaming of a clock that needs to be set.

So be the master of your time and don't let your day enslave you. To begin to have more control over your time, you must first know everything you do during your day. It is not uncommon to find that you are wasting time on trivialities.

Besides, there is no better way to have control over time than organizing it. Routine is not a prison, as many people think. It is only with it that we can control our time and even become freer.

Other dreams with clock

The dreams and the symbols present in them can be of the most varied. Therefore, it is impossible to point out all the scenarios that can occur in the same dream. However, there are 3 other types of dream with a very specific and recurring watch.

Dreaming about someone else's watch, ticking a clock or dreaming about the time shown on a clock are some more options that can bring important messages to your life. Check it out!

To dream of someone else's watch

To dream of someone else's watch indicates that you have unfinished business with someone. Deep down you know that you must have a conversation with this person. You may have to ask for forgiveness, explain a situation, help or even give them advice.

Therefore, the dream may also indicate that you should spend more time with this person. Perhaps, it is important to put aside, at least for a few minutes, your work and give more attention to the people who do you so well.

Another possible interpretation for the dream is that someone wants your time, that is, someone needs to talk to you. But more details can be discovered, if you analyze the whole scenario of the dream.

To dream of the "ticking" of the clock

Unfortunately, to dream of a ticking clock is a bad omen. However, it is also a warning that you should be careful with your companions.

This dream denotes that you are paying too much attention to what others say. Of course, sometimes you get good advice, but you can not stick to all of them. You must have an internal filter, which will help you to choose good tips.

This filter is called "assembly of voices". Your assembly of voices should be made up of people you admire and who are gone. That way, every time you are going to take action, ask yourself, "what would this person do if they were in my place?"

To dream of hours on the clock

To have a dream with a clock showing time is a sign that you are very worried or stressed because of a project or commitment.

It's always good to remember that while you have to stick to the time frame of a project, you also can't run faster than your own time. You must have presence in your tasks, do everything in your own time.

When we are stressed, we activate the emotional cortex of our brain, which is designed to be activated in situations of extreme risk. Therefore, everything seems to go wrong when we are in a rush, because we are no longer in an analytical state.

Does dreaming of a clock mark the time of an attitude in the life of the dreamer?

To dream of a clock often marks a period of reflection and internalization of what was witnessed, since its symbolism is so closely linked to that of life and death, two symbols that, it seems, have been forgotten over time.

Unfortunately, the human being, in the course of history, has been losing the symbolic look to the world. Therefore, it is difficult for us to translate from dreams the messages embedded by our subconscious.

Still, dreams with clocks bring reflections about who we are, how we take our day, how much presence we are putting into it, and how we handle our duties. So we shouldn't ignore them, especially if we want to climb the steps of maturation.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.