What does it mean to dream of incense? Burning, smelling, and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What does it mean to dream of incense?

To dream of incense indicates a spiritual connection, or the need to develop one. Dreaming of incense can shed light on many points in the waking life, and may signal personal accomplishments and the attainment of goals, as well as demonstrate the relationship with the divine and its energies in the dreamer's life.

When in a negative aspect, this dream can signal the need to leave behind feelings, energies and behavioral tendencies that no longer add value, leaving room for prosperity and new experiences. In this article we will see the various interpretations for a dream with incense and the many symbologies that may have presented themselves. Follow along!

To dream of incense of various kinds

Dreaming of incense brings light to the spirituality of the dreamer, the way he is connecting with the divine and with his self-knowledge. If you dreamed of incense and remember the type, it is a sign that this detail is very important for interpretation. Below we will see some readings of this dream, considering the type of incense that presents itself. Check it out!

To dream of sage incense

If you dreamed of sage incense, it is a sign that you are entering a new energetic phase in your life, breaking down blockages and removing dense energies, leaving room for prosperity and spirituality.

It is possible that you are feeling the need to connect with your spirituality, to look inward and connect with the divine. This is a very favorable time for self-knowledge, for aligning your soul's desires with your personal goals, in search of your personal and spiritual evolution.

To dream of palo santo incense

To dream of incense of palo santo is a way for your subconscious to release the stress and sorrows generated in your daily life. A very common dream for those who are accumulating sentimental pain due to troubled relationships and even the feeling of failure in your daily activities.

This dream suggests that you need to turn to the spiritual, first healing the way these emotions are affecting you, and then letting go of old vibrational patterns. It is important to resolve unresolved issues and disagreements to leave behind bad feelings, hurt, and melancholy, to renew yourself mentally and energetically.

To dream of paper incense

If you dreamed of paper incense, it indicates a connection with your inner self. You are feeling, even if unconsciously, the need to give more value to the spiritual side of your life, developing your spirituality and self-knowledge. Paper incense is a very common type in China, used mainly as an offering to the ancestral deities.

To dream of this type of incense also indicates that you are connecting with your ancestry, your ancestors and loved ones. It is worth elevating your thoughts and energy to them, seeking to remember their wisdom and teachings that may be important for the moment you are living.

To dream of myrrh incense

To dream of myrrh incense signals that you are being blessed in various sectors of your life, being spiritually guided along your life path. You are a very connected person with the divine and are always in tune with your spirituality, which is a very positive one, since your intuition will lead you down the right paths.

It is important to let go of negative energies and thoughts that can cloud your intuition. Resolving disagreements in your relationships and leaving behind heavy feelings can be the key to entering a new phase in your life, welcoming prosperity and spiritual evolution.

To dream of incense in various states

Incense is a connection to the spiritual world and its energies, and the signs it presents in a dream are important for understanding what is being transmitted to one's personal energy. We will see below what it symbolizes to dream of incense being extinguished or burning. Look!

To Dream of Extinguished Incense

To dream of extinguished incense indicates the attempt to run away from problems in waking life. Sometimes it seems easier to look in the opposite direction to life's unpleasant situations, to keep moving forward without being hurt in your feelings, than to look at problems head on and solve them. However, you have to get past this issue to then move on with peace of mind.

This dream indicates that you will only be able to rest mentally after you resolve your issues, disagreements, and frictions. After all, there is no point in surrounding yourself with positivity if it is not emanating from within you. Try to resolve your issues and then free yourself from what is hindering your spirituality.

To dream of incense burning

A burning incense in a dream is a sign of deep connection with the spiritual side of life. You wish to purify your life of negative feelings, actions, and thoughts, leaving behind emotional and spiritual burdens. However, to achieve this state, you need to be purified inside, free of hurts, grudges, and pessimism.

Practicing a look of gratitude and optimism at situations and people is the beginning of an energetic shift, attracts positivity, and makes your journey lighter and smoother, even when you are going through adversity and tribulations.

To dream of incense and various interactions

To dream of incense has several readings that when in positive aspect, indicate prosperity and social ascension, but can also signal transformations and the need to develop spirituality and self-knowledge. Below we will see these and other interpretations for the dream with incense, considering the interactions present in the narrative. Read!

To dream that you are buying incense

To buy incense in a dream indicates that you are entering a phase of prosperity in your life, leaving behind problems and complicated issues to reap the fruits of your work and dedication. Incense is a symbol of purification, so it is important to leave behind what no longer serves, disconnecting from the problems that have passed and setting out on a new path.

This dream has a very positive omen for finances, because it is an indication that you are investing in the right things. Take advantage of this good phase to sow what you want to harvest in the future, taking the first steps in this new phase of your life.

To Dream that you are looking for incense

To dream that you are looking for incense is a sign that you need to invest in your self-knowledge, searching inside yourself for the answers you are seeking outside. After all, there is no point in demonstrating to be or to feel what is not emerging from within, what is not aligned with your feelings and desires.

It is important to take care of what you are cultivating within yourself, feelings, emotions, and energies that, if they are dense and negative, need attention to be healed and not just ignored. Take care of your psyche, your mental and spiritual health.

To dream that you receive incense

Receiving or receiving incense in a dream symbolizes that you have a spiritual mentor, a person around you who helps you to be someone better, who leads you in the right paths. It is important to be connected with this person at the moment, valuing their advice and absorbing the knowledge they are imparting.

Sometimes you need to silence your ego to look at the other person and understand what is being conveyed, to really listen when asked for advice. After all, this dream indicates that this mentor will be very important for you to make the right decisions that will make a difference in your near future.

To Dream that You See Incense

To see incense in a dream is an indication that you are undergoing a very positive transformation in your life, leaving behind the negative thoughts, feelings and energies to welcome the positive ones. This dream is a harbinger of many spiritual realizations, you are aligning yourself with your most intrinsic desires.

It is very important to listen to what your intuition is telling you, because it will guide you on the right path. Invest in your self-knowledge and spirituality, so that you can reach your personal achievements more easily.

To Dream that You Give an Incense

If you dreamed that you gave someone incense, try to be aware of the people around you, in your social circle, because someone may be going through a bad time and needs your support. This dream indicates that you will be a guide in that person's life, so be open to your friends and family.

To dream of giving someone an incense is an analogy to offering spirituality or purification to someone, so it is important to listen to your intuition and sensitivity to be able to advise correctly.

To dream of many incense sticks

To dream of many incense sticks indicates social ascension. You will achieve your goals and be seen in new eyes by the people around you, receiving recognition for your work and effort. It is a good time to put new plans into action and chart a new path.

This dream signals that the projects and enterprises you are involved in will reach success, bringing many accomplishments. Keep working hard and dedicating yourself to your dreams, and everything indicates that soon they will come true.

Other meanings to dream of incense

A dream about incense indicates the importance of looking at the spiritual side of life, even when objects or other symbols related to incense are presented in the dream. We will see some other interpretations for this dream below!

To Dream of an Incense Holder

To dream of an incense holder is a sign of anxiety in your life. This dream usually presents itself to people who have just gained their independence and are beginning to deal with having the reins of their own life in their hands.

You have many possibilities for growth, you just need to establish focus and have planning in order to handle this moment calmly. This dream asks you to organize yourself, establish the path you wish to follow for your goals, and then start sowing what you will reap in the future.

To dream of incense and candle

If you dreamed of incense and candle, it is a sign that the only obstacle between you and your goals is your limiting beliefs. Like incense, the candle present in your dream signals the importance of investing in your self-knowledge and understanding that you are capable of anything you put your mind to, you just need to trust yourself.

Limiting beliefs are mostly unconscious. However, they can make you believe that you are not good enough, that you are not worthy of the accomplishments you wish to achieve. Therefore, it is important to take a moment to connect with your higher self and let go of insecurities.

To dream of an incense box

If you dreamed of an incense box, pay attention to the negative energies around you. You may be influenced by the harmful vibrations of environments and people, who are transmitting negativity and dense feelings. Be careful not to let yourself be contaminated by external energies.

This dream is a sign for you to purify your energy and shield yourself from external energies. For those who are more sensitive, this moment calls for introspection and spiritual connection, so as not to be shaken by negative external feelings or vibrations.

To dream of incense smoke

To dream of incense smoke is an omen of the fulfillment of some goal or dream. You are on the right path to achieving your goals, even if you are going through a troubled phase. You need to maintain confidence in your choices and decisions and move forward, bypassing problems that may arise.

Also, this dream can signal events that can generate frustration, such as a negative response to a long-awaited opportunity, or the closing of an important cycle. Don't let yourself get discouraged, because at the same time that one door closes, many others open.

To dream of the smell of incense

The smell of incense present in dreams indicates moments of harmony in family and love relationships. If the smell brings pleasant and relaxing feelings, it is a positive omen that carries energies of love and tranquility, especially if you are aligned with the spiritual side of life.

But if the smell bothers you in your dream and awakens distress or displeasure, it is an important sign that you need to seek your spirituality and self-knowledge to achieve balance personally and in your relationships.

Does dreaming about incense have any spiritual significance?

A dream about incense is directly related to the spiritual side of life, since its use is strictly connected to the divine and its manifestations. This dream can arise to people who are giving more focus to the spiritual, seeking to align themselves with their most intrinsic desires and purifying their routine from negative energies.

It can also be a way for the subconscious to alert us to the need to develop self-knowledge and spirituality, being in tune with what makes the heart and soul vibrate, being grateful and optimistic.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.