What does Lilith in Sagittarius mean? Physical aspect, love and work!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Lilith in Sagittarius

The general meaning of Lilith in Sagittarius is about the curiosity and openness of people with this influence to new experiences. Their lives are ruled by a sense of discovery which moves them, both in the area of sexuality and professionally.

Lilith's influence in Sagittarius makes these people intense and with a lot of love to offer. In addition, they like to innovate and get to know others in a deep way, because they have a desire to explore their body and mind, as well as achieve self-knowledge, it makes them want to connect deeply with people and themselves.

These natives are usually detached, so they feel that they cannot dedicate themselves to a single person. Another important point in the behaviour of these people is that they usually make their sexual relations, escape valves and cannot differentiate personal life from passing moments, and this may scare some people who pass through their lives.

In this article we will talk about more characteristics of people who have the influence of Lilith in Sagittarius. Understand the meaning of Lilith, also known as the Black Moon, its interference in the signs and astrological houses, characteristics of the sign of Sagittarius, and the characteristics brought by Lilith to the personality of these natives.

The meaning of Lilith, the Black Moon

Lilith, is also known as the Black Moon, but also appears in different forms and with different names to other cultures. This element of astrology has been shown in the form of an owl, a sorceress and even as a night demon. But it is most commonly seen as the primitive instinct and the most feared and darkest face of the feminine.

In this excerpt of the article, you will find information about the meaning of Lilith for Astrology, how to know what is the positioning of the Black Moon in the Astrological Chart, the myth to which her story refers, what she shows in the Birth Chart and her biblical meaning.

What is Lilith for Astrology

In Astrology studies, Lilith is the symbol of the emotions and desires that people strive to hide and repress within themselves, and also from themselves. This attitude is linked to the fear that these natives have of being judged or being excluded from life, which for them is a private paradise.

Even with the negative meaning, the positioning of Lilith in the birth chart shows important factors about the expression of your desires. Another important information about this positioning talks about how faithful they are to their desires.

How to discover the position of Lilith in your birth chart?

In the Astrological Chart, Lilith is represented as a black moon, in her symbol we can see a cross underneath, facilitating her identification in the chart. Most people do not know her positioning and even her existence and meaning.

So, to understand which is Lilith's position in each person's birth chart, the process is very similar to other processes of discovering elements in the chart. It is necessary to know the exact date and time of birth and also the birth city of the person. Some sites do the calculation online.

Black Moon

For Astrology, Lilith is known as the Black Moon because she is seen as a virtual point in the lunar orbit and appears at a time when the moon is furthest away from the Earth, as if she were an exile. In addition, she represents the lunar apex and refers to emotions and feminine strength.

Thus, it is of great importance to understand that Lilith translates the notoriety of the feminine being and the strength that it represents and possesses, especially in a society focused on patriarchy and that tries to reduce this importance.

The myth

In the studies of Babylonian mythology, Lilith was known as a demon who lived in a female body in hell. With the arrival of contemporary times, Lilith was interpreted differently. She stopped being seen as a demonic being, and became the representation of sensuality and seduction.

This transformation occurred through European artists and intellectuals, who began to honor Lilith with works of art. One of these works, John Collier's painting of 1892, Lilith is represented by a woman of rare beauty and sensual, having a serpent wrapped around her body. So, she is no longer seen as evil, or as the proliferation of the plague.

What Lilith shows us in the Birth Chart

The positioning of Lilith in the astrological chart shows us about the dynamics of relationships, making it possible to understand which are the most important values in people's lives. This makes it clearer to know which of these values are negotiable or not. Therefore, the decision about which situations you need to give up becomes easier.

However, even valuing your values and interests does not mean that the needs of those around you do not matter, but it does make it clear what you cannot set aside in relation to your own needs. In this way, people will know how to respect and welcome what makes them happy and keeps them going.

The Biblical Meaning of Lilith

Another representation of Lilith is found in biblical texts of the Old Testament, in them she is known as the first woman of Adam, before Eve. Lilith was described as a person who questioned and demanded that her rights be respected, as well as her pleasures.

Because Adam did not accept her demands, Lilith was expelled from paradise. Thus, the myth about her tells the story of the expression of female desire, which does not accept submission and does not accept having her rights denied, even if she has to face loneliness and life elsewhere.

The influence of Lilith on the signs and houses

The positioning of Lilith in the signs and houses of the Astrological Chart has great relation with a very strong energy, which can bring negative points in some moments because it is the expression of the dark and gloomy side of individuals.

Therefore, it is important to know the location of Lilith in each person's chart, and thus understand the blockages, pressures or even dissatisfactions that are necessary to face in order to continue living in a more balanced way. In this part of the article, learn how this influence is in the signs, astrological houses and sexuality of people.

In Signs

With the interference of Lilith in the signs, there is the symbolism of a powerful force which connects people to the stars and points of the cosmos. In this way, she is known as a celestial point by astrologers, which has a lot of force and represents moments of prolonged dissatisfaction and with many frustrations in relation to their expectations.

Another important fact about Lilith is that she also represents a point of tension in the signs, which causes situations to occur in a contrary way to what is expected, this causes an unbalance and heaviness to her natives. Another point brought by Lilith in the signs represents situations not lived in the past, leaving a void never filled.

In the Astrological Houses

Another important point to be taken into consideration is the positioning of Lilith in the Astrological Houses, which demonstrates frustrations, as well as the need to look at life and realize that people are returning to some points in their trajectory, making the same mistakes of the past. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention and look for ways to change this pattern.

The house in which Lilith is positioned in the astrological chart, is related to the great expectations created by people, which ends up leading to dissatisfactions. Besides, this position points out where it is possible to engage your strength and creativity, finding your own resources and talents.

The positioning of Lilith also brings the need for detachment, to have a more impersonal behavior, thus reversing past situations in which she became involved, leaving her own interests aside.

Lilith and sexuality

In the field of sexuality, the influence of Lilith usually makes people seek adventures, because they have an urgent need to be seen and to attract others. Due to this tireless search for adventures, they end up putting themselves at risk, almost unconsciously.

Moreover, the excess is linked to the sexuality of these people for having great need to find satisfaction for material pleasure. Other needs brought by Lilith are the sensations of pleasures in the body and in life through the five senses.

Sign of Sagittarius

The sign of Sagittarius is in the ninth position of the Zodiac and is seen as one of the most positive signs of the Astrological Chart. This sign is ruled by the element of Fire and by the planet Jupiter, which makes its natives people with a strong instinct for adventure.

Below you will know some information about the sign of Sagittarius, like its characteristics, the meaning of Sagittarius in the 9th house, the influence of Jupiter and the fire element on this sign.

Sagittarius Characteristics

The optimism of Sagittarius is one of the strongest characteristics of this sign of the Zodiac, so much so that these natives are living proof that mentalization and positive thinking make life flow. In this way, these people are always in agreement with the plans drawn by the Universe.

For them, all life events have a reason - they are not just chance or coincidence. In addition, they believe that all the problems that arise in life will be solved somehow. This is proof of self-confidence, dreams and desires.

Sagittarius and the 9th house

The 9th house of the birth chart is the natural house of the sign of Sagittarius, which represents a more comprehensive knowledge about social education and broadening of horizons. In addition, the 9th house also refers to higher studies, independent courses and a greater knowledge about everything that can broaden the world view.

Longer journeys, physical as well as mental and astral, are also dealt with in this house. This house makes people want to always go a step further in all their achievements. Those who have strong aspects of their Sun Sign in the 9th house may have a sense of not belonging, even thinking they are in the wrong family.

Therefore, for these natives, one way to deal with this factor is to understand the world as their home, making all their places the best to be. It is also in this home that concerns for the environment and the desire to make the world better for everyone's living are found.

Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter

Jupiter is the planet that rules the sign of Sagittarius. One of the characteristics it brings is the lack of ability to live routines, or even to deal with responsibilities. These people are more inclined to live life without planning, so they do not like to take care of the details of everyday life.

With the influence of this planet, Sagittarius natives believe they have the energy and ability to accomplish anything they dream of. Even though they are people who don't think of everything, they are always surrounded by friends, family and co-workers who are willing to help them.

Besides this, people with the planet Jupiter are extroverted and great friends, they are always willing to discuss ideas and philosophies with whoever they meet along the way. With this, they can create new friendships everywhere they go.

Sagittarius and the element of Fire

The element of the sign of Sagittarius is Fire, which has the energy of the Sun. It is considered to be the center and pulse of people's lives as it rules the heart. This element is considered to represent the will to be and to live, thus generating enthusiasm for its natives.

With this influence, its natives need to feel free, for like fire, if it is blocked, smothered, locked up, it will lose its brightness and go out. Thus, these natives have the impetus to spread out, illuminate and propagate life.

The interference of Lilith in Sagittarius

Who has the interference of Lilith in Sagittarius receives the opportunity to join their intellect with spirituality. With this, these people bring to the surface a great desire for knowledge and adventure. This need to find more knowledge leads them to numerous destinations, always in search of more learning.

However, you have to be careful not to let your more adventurous and extravagant side overlap completely with your more conservative side, so that you don't have future problems. Travel is great for maintaining and increasing contacts with other people, thus being able to acquire more experiences.

General features of Lilith in Sagittarius

People who have Lilith in Sagittarius in their birth chart are individuals with a high degree of sense of freedom. However, you must be careful that this characteristic does not become a compulsion, or persecution syndrome, leading them to think that everyone is trying to deprive them of their freedom.

Besides that, these people are usually very voluble, having difficulties to keep a line of reasoning. Even with this difficulty, they have great capacity to maintain their opinions, and know how to defend their purposes and ideals.

Positive aspects of Lilith in Sagittarius

As a positive aspect, Lilith in Sagittarius, brings a great curiosity and openness to live new experiences. Thus, the life of these natives is driven by their sense of discovery, ranging from sexuality to novelties in the professional sector.

These people are very intense, and have a lot of love to give to those who enjoy moments of life with them. Another positive point of these natives shows that they are always on a quest to know others in depth. In addition, they are totally detached from both material things and people.

Negative aspects of Lilith in Sagittarius

As negative aspects Lilith in Sagittarius brings the following influences:

- These natives do not possess much insight;

- They misjudge things and people;

- He does not know how to use his generosity wisely;

- He has difficulty with his reflexes;

- It's kind of sloppy;

- You have difficulty following your own truth in some situations.

Lilith in Sagittarius: work and business

Lilith in Sagittarius can bring difficulties to the work and business of its natives, because these people usually live on the tightrope of emotions. Due to emotional instability, others will not always take these natives seriously. Thus, problems in business are born, because they cannot sell their ideas, even if they are very good.

Another point brought by Lilith in Sagittarius, which interferes in the professional success of these natives, is the fact of being rebellious, presenting difficulties to follow the imposition of rules. With this, they end up facing problems to establish themselves in a job.

Lilith in Sagittarius in the physical aspect: love and relationships

The influence of Lilith in Sagittarius for love and relationships is focused on your curiosity and need to experience new experiences. This becomes a difficulty in maintaining monogamous relationships, so you tend to scare your partners with your tendency to ephemeral passions.

Another point which makes relationships difficult is the great emotional instability which the natives with Lilith in Sagittarius live in their lives. In this way, they can become lonely people, as they end up not being able to win people because of their volatile ideas.

Sexual behavior of woman with Lilith in Sagittarius

Although the characteristics that Lilith in Sagittarius brings to people are practically the same, regardless of the gender of the native, know some specifics of her behavior for women:

- They are usually naturally curious between four walls;

- They have an aptitude for living experiences with great passion;

- They like innovation in sex.

Sexual behavior of man with Lilith in Sagittarius

Apparently, the sexual behavior of the man with Lilith in Sagittarius may have similar characteristics to those mentioned in the behavior of the woman. Still, it presents the following highlighted points:

- They have difficulty in having monogamous relationships;

- You may not be as considerate as your partner expects;

- Sex is usually an escape valve for tensions.

What does Lilith in Sagittarius reveal about my personality?

Having Lilith in Sagittarius makes several revelations about the personality of these natives, mainly about fears and hidden desires, both in love and sex. In addition, the positioning of Lilith in the birth chart helps to understand what unconscious processes people bring into their relationships.

Therefore, Lilith in Sagittarius demonstrates which are the behaviors in sexual life, what are the desires, fears, hidden aspects and what causes frustrations or even castration of desires, as it was possible to analyze in this article. With this information, it is possible to raise self-knowledge, bringing more depth to feelings in life, as well as in relationships.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.