What does the Yellow Candle mean? For Umbanda, uses, sympathies and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of the Yellow Candle

Candles are essential tools for various rituals. This is due to the fact that they are responsible for helping to build a strong link with the spiritual world. Because they are used at various times, such as prayers, for example, it is necessary to know the meaning of each color.

The yellow candles, in general, are used because this color transmits joy, warmth and movement. Besides the fact that yellow is linked to creativity. Due to these characteristics, the yellow candle is used in times when the person feels more discouraged and helpless.

Therefore, when you are looking for an injection of cheer or a way to feel better and see situations from another perspective, the yellow candles can bring this feeling of joy. Understand more about the meanings of the yellow candle!

What is the Yellow Candle used for, how to light it and others

Some techniques such as Feng Shui or the myths cultivated by religions over the years, indicate that the use of candles has much more power than one can imagine. This is because they can bring good energy into the environment, benefiting the energy of the place.

Because of this, doctrines assign some specific details to each of the candle colors. Depending on the moment or the need, the candle will be used for a specific destination.

The practice of Feng Shui itself highlights the positive attributes that the yellow candle can bring to the environment. In this practice, it is emphasized that the use of yellow valley is dedicated to workspaces and studies to promote creativity and good thinking. Read more below!

The meaning of the Yellow Candle

The main meaning of the yellow candle is about its connection with acceleration and attraction of luck to people's lives. It also stands out about the prosperity it provides to those who use it.

With a meaning so linked to issues that need a clearer path, the yellow candles are used for practices related to professional and personal issues in which you need a greater direction to prosper and achieve their goals. Another point favored by the yellow candle is healing because it has the ability to renew the energy around people.

The Meaning of the Yellow Candle for Umbanda

For Umbanda, the use of the yellow candle is directly connected with Iansã or Baianos. The uses of the candle in works done by the African matrix religion are objective and the purpose is to scare away the eguns, which are known as disembodied spirits that could not find the light and are off their paths.

Therefore, when lighting a yellow candle in Umbanda, the request is for Iansã to carry these spirits away. It can also be used for the Baianos line. These works, in general, are to ask for health, money and peace.

What is the purpose of the Yellow Candle

The usefulness of the yellow candle in many aspects can be simplified by the fact that it is used to rebuild the energies of the person and thereby scare away the negativity that is around him and that can be called limiting.

As is known to many people, the energies do not affect only the spiritual part and can end up causing physical problems, such as diseases. Therefore, the yellow candles also serve to ease these processes in the search for healing.

How to prepare the magic with Yellow Candle

To prepare a correct magic using yellow candles, it is necessary to be aware of some steps. These rituals in general are performed with the aim of gaining abundance and prosperity for life.

The ingredients for the magic are: 1 yellow candle, pencil and paper, honey and 3 citrus fruits. Then write your name and date of birth on a candle with a toothpick. The process should be done from top to bottom.

After the process, pass the yellow candle over the solar plexus (stomach region) and mentalize the expansion. Then, write your requests. But remember: never write the word 'no'. Pass the honey through the valley and place the requests underneath it. Position the 3 citrus fruits in the shape of a triangle and light the candle afterwards.

Understanding and ending the ritual with the Yellow Candle

This ritual is based on the points mentioned about the color yellow, which has a strong connection with prosperity and abundance. Buying it with the color of the sun, it is possible to realize the representation of the light of dawn, so that people feel more renewed and willing.

Therefore, the color of the candle for the ritual is yellow. The citrus fruits, which are also part of the ritual and form the triangle, are responsible for ensuring more fluidity to the magic and also symbolize the Holy Trinity. And finally, the honey provides stability and harmony to the magic.

How to light the Yellow Candle correctly

Lighting a candle for many people is a mechanical act. Something that everyone does at some point in life and without importance. But in this case, when choosing a specific color for something beyond, it is necessary to know the correct process of lighting the artifact full of energy.

Therefore, at the moment of lighting the candle what matters most are the thoughts of the person and the desires that are in his mind, as well as what is employed at the moment. Therefore, the best time to light a candle is when you are alone, in silence, and it is possible to devote yourself to feel everything without interruptions.

Attention to energy when lighting the candle

Candles have a very strong energy and therefore care must be taken when lighting them to ask for something or for some kind of ritual. The energies of the place at the moment the candle is lit can greatly affect the result.

To ensure the success of the action, the best thing to do at this time is to focus on the color of the candle to remember all the benefits and symbologies present. This has the purpose of concentrating the good energies and scare away the bad ones so that they do not stay around the person at the time of action.

Ceromancy, candle colors, message in the flames and shapes

Pottery is a well-known practice that aims to perform a kind of fortune reading. Only, in this case, the process is done based on flames and candle wax.

The word that defines the practice suggests this because cero comes from wax and mancia is a form of divination that encompasses various fortune readings. Therefore, it is a very common practice in esoteric circles.

The reading of candles from pottery can be practiced in different ways, which differs and has specific details to be done correctly and thus achieve their goals. Read on to understand a little more about pottery!

The Candle oracle - Ceromancy

Known as the candle oracle, palmistry aims to identify questions about the life of a person on which the reading in question is based.

This is a very simple practice, but it is necessary that the practitioner acquires some knowledge before actually applying it, because it requires much training and greater visualization to understand what is shown clearly through the flames and candle waxes, since it is a practice that relies heavily on the instinct of those who perform it.

The colors of candles and what they symbolize

Candle colors are very important in the midst of ritual practices, prayers and also in their uses for religions. This happens because each candle has a distinct power that needs to be respected to get the desired results.

The colors facilitate for the practitioner to pass a specific message to the Universe and for this to reach its final destination clearly. Therefore, it is of great importance that before making use of any distinct candle color, know the meanings and applications of them.

The power of candles in Umbanda

For Umbanda, candles have a very important meaning and are widely used in its various rituals and prayers. The yellow candle, for example, has a very high vibration and a very strong connection with Iansã, Lady of lightning and winds.

Candles are present at various times in Umbanda and can be considered one of the major symbols of this religion because they appear in the conga, in the scratched points, in the offerings and in almost all the works done.

Opening the interdimensional door

In Umbanda, candles are used in several distinct moments, but it is notable that when an Umbanda person lights a candle, whatever their purpose is at that moment, it opens an interdimensional door and consciously that person is able to connect with their mental powers and forces.

Therefore, it is understood that the powers provided by candles grant the people who light them access to their inner selves in a broad way. The candle flames awaken each person to their memories, where their ancestors are and connect them to the other world.

The message in the flame of the candles

When you light a candle, the procedure for doing so is to make your request and demonstrate your desire before that action. Therefore, there is the possibility of two responses: one negative and one positive.

If the flame of the candle stays strong and high after the question has been asked, it is a sign that the answer or message regarding what has been asked is a yes. Otherwise, if the flame stays small, it can be read as a no or indicates that the person's faith needs to be strengthened before he asks for something.

The message in the way the candle burns

The way the flames burn reveals the messages that are being brought from the spiritual world. If it appears in a brighter form, it is a sign that the request or prayer that was made will have an effect and will soon be answered.

A weak flame asks the person to have more faith and seek their inner belief before asking for something so strong. If the flame is low, it is a sign that the request will be fulfilled, but there will be some delay for this to happen. If you see a candle with a crooked flame, it is a sign that you need to seek more balance, because it will be necessary to deal with the difficulties that will come.

Yellow Candle in Umbanda, best days and rituals

The use of the yellow candle in Umbanda connects with what she represents. By asking for protection and care for Iansã, you also get away from all the evil in the world and so you can prosper and live a better life.

Lighting the yellow candle opens a portal where we ask that all that does not do well be collected by the spirituality and be taken away. There are some energies that cannot be collected even in this way, but they are those that remain so that we can learn and evolve with them.

Understanding the applications and the correct way to use these candles is essential because it is something very important and should be taken as such. See below some other examples of the use of candles!

Why the 7 days candle is used in Umbanda

The reason why the 7-day candle is used in Umbanda begins with the fact that this number is directly associated with spirituality. Its symbolism speaks about strengthening and spiritual connections.

In this way, by keeping the candle flame burning for a longer time, the intention of the person who lights it becomes greater and greater because it shows all the devotion of the person seeking spiritual protection.

Lighting the Yellow Candle on Sunday

The yellow candle is used to ask for success, both in personal and professional endeavors. This is a mental color, very associated with consciousness and therefore it is also highlighted as a color linked to creativity.

It is recommended that the yellow candle be lit on Sunday because this is a day that values the requests made and the action of the apparatus. Another way to enhance the requests is using a piece of clothing of the same color at the time or eating some food also yellow at the time.

Lighting the Yellow Candle on Monday

Lighting a yellow candle on Monday is also very indicated by the fact that it is associated with mental issues. Thus, it can directly influence the intellect of the person, increasing his power of concentration and ensuring that he can get better communication and creativity for their tasks.

In this way, since Monday is the first working day of the week, lighting a yellow candle can benefit the rest of the week, because on the very first day your development in your activities tends to be much more positive because of it.

Yellow Candle Ritual for Prosperity and Abundance

To prepare the yellow candle ritual you just need to write your name on the candle and mentalize everything you want. It is important to keep in mind everything positive that you want because this ritual aims at prosperity and abundance. Therefore, try to keep away any word that brings negativity to the moment.

Write all your requests on a piece of paper and place this paper under the candle after having done the previous step, always mentalizing and writing positive phrases in your requests so that they are attracted.

Yellow Candle Ritual for loved one return

The yellow candle can also be used to attract a love that has already been part of your life, but is distant. The ritual is done so that the person starts to think more about you and look for you so that the two of you can get right about what happened.

Write the name of this person on a candle, in the direction from the base to the wick. Then, pour honey or honeydew on the candle and ask the person to become affectionate, kind, and say that they miss you. Then, place the candle on a saucer with rice around it and light it leaving it behind the door of your house, mentalizing that the person is coming back into your life.

When can I use the Yellow Candle?

Using the yellow candle requires knowledge and care. Therefore, it should not be done without necessity. When you feel weak, tired or discouraged, this will be the moment that your body and mind will be asking for the candle to be used again, so that you can energetically rebuild yourself,

Since yellow candles carry a lot of energy, it is recommended to make use of them only at these times because they serve to establish energy and improve these issues in people's lives.

At times when anxiety takes over the mind, the yellow candles can also be strong allies because they favor the moment, giving more stability, harmony and balance so that the person feels better.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.