What is a fennel bath for? With honey, sugar, rock salt and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Benefits of fennel bath

The main benefit of the fennel bath is the energetic balance, which leads to other secondary ones. Depending on how the bath is applied, it can calm down, give energy, bring more joy to your days and even give that stirring in the relationship.

With the scientific name Pimpinella Anisiun, fennel is a natural remedy with practically no contraindications. Likewise, it is also excellent for taking care of your more subtle aspect. During the bath, this herb acts on your electromagnetic field, the aura, which can become impregnated with energies from the environment and other people, creating disharmony and even diseases.

To cleanse, harmonize the chakras and reap the benefits of this plant with so many uses, it is recommended to use the appropriate bath for the situation or expected result. For this, the process must be done correctly. See how to prepare the most powerful baths with fennel, apply in your day to day and reap its many benefits.

Simple fennel bath for peace and joy

The simple fennel bath can be used to bring more peace, especially on those days when the mind is very full and agitated. It is a good way to get back to focus and reconnect, preparing for other tasks that still await your attention.

Plus, this bath also brings that wonderful feeling of contentment with life, even if things aren't quite as you expect. After all, the key is to enjoy the journey, right? So give yourself this little treat and prepare this simple and effective fennel bath.


The fennel bath in its simplified version is best suited to bring a sense of peace of mind and tranquility. In other words, it's perfect for when your mind is too focused on your problems and you can't concentrate on what you have to do.

In addition, it can also be done after some indisposition with a family member, at work or with a friend. Ideally, it should be done at night, before bed. However, you may very well do it when you get home or if you have had some misunderstanding and need to calm down. For this purpose, it should be applied warm.

Another indication for use is to get more out of your day and realize the feeling of joy in your life. It is through the perception of your vibration that you can make the necessary corrections and use the most appropriate tools.

So, if you're feeling down and cheerless, you can do this bath to bring more motivation and joy. In this case, the ideal is to do it at the beginning of the day, right after your normal bath and before breakfast. It should be applied preferably cold or almost cold.

Recipe and preparation method

To prepare the bath of fennel correctly, it is important to use the dehydrated product, which you can easily find in natural products stores. If you want to dehydrate at home, just cut the stalks to be used and let them dry in the shade on a clothesline, tying them by the base.

The tea sachets from the supermarket can also be used, but choose a good quality one that does not have any kind of mixture in its composition. It is very normal to find 'blend' boxes, that is, mixture with other herbs with a more neutral flavor.

Now that you know the most important details, see how to prepare the sweet herb bath!


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 500 ml of filtered water;
  • Directions

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan with a lid;
  • Once it starts to bubble, add the fennel;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use.
  • Application of the bath

    The simple fennel bath can be done either in the bathtub, ofuro or in the shower box. In all cases it will work, although the first options are naturally more relaxing. If it is for more peace and serenity, take the warm bath; if it is for the joy of living, you can use cold or almost cold.

    In the bathtub or ofuro, prepare the base only with pure water, at the appropriate temperature. When you go in, add the prepared mixture, get in and start practicing conscious breathing. Inhale deeply, feeling the properties of the sweet grass; hold, count to 3 and release slowly, letting go everything that is weighing you down.

    In the shower, you can also enjoy the moment and breathe consciously, throwing small amounts of the mixture, always from the neck down. Inhale the aroma of the fennel and try to feel all the weight of your body draining and going down the drain. This bath can be used after your normal bath, in order to maintain the delicate aroma for the rest of the day.

    Fennel bath to invigorate love

    If you're in a relationship with someone you love very much, but you've noticed that things have been cooling off - not only in bed, but the contact between two people and everything else that involves a relationship - make this fennel bath.

    It helps to give that new mood in the relationship and also brings an extra energy for the day to day and, of course, also for the nights. With a simple preparation and accessible ingredients, you can take the bath alone or with your favorite company - who must also be in need of it.


    The fennel bath is perfect for warming up the relationship, rebalancing the couple's energies and freeing the mind of problems that may be taking the focus off the love. It is normal that, due to the rush, problems to solve, bills to pay and all the recurring charges of adult life, people drift apart a little. This bath can help rekindle the flame that was oscillating.

    It's also suitable for those who are still sticking to their shared daily dedication, but are looking for something different to give the couple that special moment. Certainly, balancing the energies will make everything flow much better - especially if you both take advantage of the benefits of the fennel bath.

    Recipe and preparation method

    This version of the fennel bath also has two other very special ingredients for the love relationship: cinnamon and mint. They help speed up the metabolism, giving more energy and also leave the skin more sensitive, as well as the heart. See what you'll need:


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 2 tablespoons fresh or dehydrated mint;
  • 3 pieces of cinnamon stick;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • Directions

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan with a lid and add the cinnamon stick;
  • Once it starts bubbling, leave it for another minute and add the fennel and mint;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use.
  • Application of the bath

    The application should always be done from the neck down, even in immersion baths (bathtub or hot tub). That is, you should not wet your head with the mixture. As soon as it is warm, put it in the bathtub already filled with water or use it in the shower box, letting the fennel bath with cinnamon and mint go all over your body.

    If you prefer, you can make this a moment for two, bringing the benefits of the herbs to the couple. Also take the moment to light some red or pink candles (away from towels and curtains) and, perhaps, a cinnamon incense to complement. Practice conscious breathing and realize the effect of this therapeutic bath.

    Fennel bath with sugar to attract love

    If you're lonely and dream of finding true, free love that will be a great companion for life, then you can use this sugar fennel bath to help. Easy to make, it has few ingredients and is ready quickly.

    In addition, this bath helps to cleanse your energy field of denser energies, leaving you more receptive to vibrations close to yours. Consequently, it ends up making the chances of finding your soulmate much greater.


    First of all, it's important to point out that this sugar bath with fennel will not help if you're trying to make some kind of 'mojo', or in other words, thinking you're going to win over a specific person. Free will is a universal law and messing with it can have negative consequences.

    The fennel and sugar bath is meant to attract the energy of love into your life. In other words, it can help you attract love, but in a general way, not to a specific person. In fact, it's not always worth the effort to attract the one you believe is the love of your life.

    Recipe and preparation method


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 500 ml of filtered water;
  • 3 tablespoons of brown sugar;
  • 7 petals of fresh red roses;
  • 7 strands of dehydrated patchouli;
  • Directions

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan with a lid;
  • Once it starts bubbling, add the fennel, patchouli and rose petals;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, add the sugar, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use.
  • Application of the bath

    Before looking for a new love, get rid of everything that ties you to past relationships. Letters, gifts, and other mementos are imbued with a different energy than what you want now. In this way, you show yourself open and receptive to what is new.

    Whether in a bath, ofuro or shower, avoid getting the top of your head wet. The ideal is to use it from the neck down, always inhaling the aroma and allowing yourself to be permeated by the vibration of the plants used. When you finish, it is important to take a normal bath, to remove the sugar.

    Fennel bath with honey to calm restless children

    Anyone who has a child in the house knows how important it is for them to calm down at the end of the day. There are also some other situations that require more tranquility, such as, for example, before attending class or to slow down throughout the day. See how to prepare the fennel bath with honey correctly and do the test!


    Besides calming and helping to prepare the child for moments such as class or sleep, the fennel bath with honey has other indications. It is useful to bring balance after some problem experienced, helps to play with more focus and joy, and also makes one think more before speaking or acting.

    For these cases and many others, the fennel bath with honey is the perfect choice as it combines the properties of the herb with the aroma and properties of honey, which is known to be a natural calming agent.

    Recipe and preparation method


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 500 ml of filtered water;
  • 3 tablespoons of pure bees honey;
  • Directions

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan with a lid;
  • Once it starts to bubble, add the fennel;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, add the honey, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use.
  • Application of the bath

    The simplest application is the one done in the shower box, letting the mixture go down to the feet, starting from the neck. But, if you want, you can also do a bath in the bathtub. If you don't have one, it's also worth using a large, sterilized basin in the house and preparing the bath in it. Certainly, the child will love it.

    Herb bath with cloves and cinnamon for financial prosperity

    In addition to helping bring abundance in love, the fennel bath with cloves and cinnamon also helps bring financial prosperity to your home. For this, you will unite the properties of fennel, cinnamon and cloves, preparing an aromatic and powerful mixture.


    This bath of fennel with cinnamon and clove is indicated for the arrival of financial prosperity in your home. If you are in need of money and are already struggling for it, then you can do this bath to give an energetic help to the process. Like all the others, this is not a miracle foretold, but a way to help attract new vibrations, which are more affectionate to money.

    Recipe and preparation method


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 2 tablespoons cloves;
  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick;
  • 500 ml of filtered water;
  • Directions

  • Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan with the cloves and cinnamon;
  • Once it starts to bubble, add the fennel;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use.
  • Application of the bath

    The ideal is to use this bath before starting the day, regardless of whether you work at home or outside. It should be done after the normal bath and no need to rinse. Pay attention only to see if there is no allergy to clove and cinnamon present in the formulation, because in the skin of more sensitive people, there may be itching

    Apply from the neck down, without wetting the hair or the top of the head. While doing so, slowly inhale the aroma and do conscious breathing, absorbing the properties of the plants. Your aura will become more vibrant, prosperous and magnetic.

    Bath of fennel with coarse salt to discharge

    The powerful bath of fennel with rock salt uses the regenerative power of the plant with the deep cleansing of salt. It should be done in two steps, since the first step, made with rock salt, eliminates all accumulated energies, whether good or bad. Thus, the second step helps to balance the energy, balancing where it was missing.


    The bath of fennel with rock salt should not be done every day, since it is very strong and makes a deeper cleaning, eliminating all kinds of energy. The ideal is to do it once a month, or on those charged days, when things are not working as they should. It can also be useful when coming into contact with dense people or going to places with heavy energies, such as cemeteries and the like.

    Recipe and preparation method


  • 2 tablespoons of dehydrated fennel;
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse salt.
  • Directions

  • Put 500 ml of the water to boil in a saucepan with a lid;
  • Once it starts to bubble, add the fennel;
  • Turn heat to low and count one minute;
  • Turn off, cover and let it warm, strain only at the time of use;
  • Set aside the other two ingredients.
  • Application of the bath

    Take the 500 ml of cold water and add the coarse salt, using it at the same time. Throw it from head to toe, visualizing all the dense energy crumbling and going down the drain. Take the opportunity to do the conscious breathing while throwing the salt water little by little.

    Take a bath, wash your hair to remove the salt and then use the second part, the pure fennel bath. Apply it from the neck down and enjoy the moment to visualize the good energy of the plant protecting and vitalizing you.

    Further recommendations on fennel bath

    In addition to the uses already mentioned, there are other ways to use the fennel bath, always with due care and guidance. See some other ways to use your herbs at home to prepare powerful baths.

    Fennel bath in babies

    The fennel bath does not hurt the baby, but it is essential to do the allergy test first. To do this, apply a small amount in the small of the arm and wait an hour. If there is no reaction, you can use the simple bath.

    Also, instead of using 2 tablespoons of fennel to 500 ml of water, use 1 teaspoon to a glass, more than enough amount for the calming effect. Remember not to apply on the top of the head.

    Fennel bath in menstruation

    Fennel helps to soothe during the period leading up to menstruation and is perfect for a bath during this phase, especially for those suffering from premenstrual tension. However, when the cramps start to tighten, fennel can also be used to ease the pain.

    Not only the fennel bath is useful for colic, but also warm compresses on the abdomen, made with a strong fennel tea and applied directly in contact with the skin. To do this, simply take a washcloth, dip in the tea and carefully, at a bearable temperature, put on the skin.

    Another very good option is to scald your feet with fennel and oregano. To do this, just heat the water well and put in a basin with the herbs, leaving the feet until it gets better. Drinking fennel tea, oregano and blackberry leaves is also of great value.

    Best moon phase for fennel bath

    The best phase of the moon for the fennel bath will depend mainly on the purpose. If it is to remove some negative energy, the ideal is the new moon - but it can be done at any time. For tranquility, the waning moon is perfect. For more energy, the crescent moon and, to win love, certainly the full moon.

    But it is not always possible to combine the needs with the lunar cycle. Therefore, you can prepare energized water with each of these moons and store it in a place where it does not beat the sun, using it when necessary. Just leave the water exposed at night to absorb the energy of the chosen moon and remove it before sunrise, storing it well.

    Can fennel bath attract love?

    Yes, the fennel bath can help keep your energy in balance and vibrating at that frequency. However, if you want to attract love into your life, besides the fennel bath, you can also use an ancient trick. It is taught from generation to generation, but many people completely ignore it.

    It's simple: first of all, get rid of everything that doesn't serve you anymore, sorrows, doubts and even letters from a love that never existed. Then, start to pamper yourself more, like you would another loved one. Take care of yourself, love yourself completely - your qualities and flaws. That way, whoever deserves you will naturally appear in your life. Take the test!

    As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.