What is Feng Fu? the point, ice therapy in the back of the head, its benefits and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General meaning of Feng Fu point

The Feng Fu point is one of several pressure points of the body, when this pressure point is stimulated correctly, it offers many health benefits. The Feng Fu point is located behind the head, and is just above the neck.

The Feng Fu therapy is a derivation of traditional acupuncture, this therapy has the function to bring various benefits to the patient, such as improving sleep, stress relief and fatigue. To learn more, continue reading the article.

Feng Fu point, background, location and what it is for

The Feng Fu point was originally discovered by traditional Chinese medicine, and is located just above the nape of the neck.

It is a technique is done with a stimulation with ice in the Feng Fu point, and is used for pain relief, stress relief and prevention of some dysfunctionalities that the body may have. Check below!

What is the Feng Fu point

Feng Fu is a pressure point on the human body constantly used in acupuncture. Chinese medicine was responsible for the discovery of this pressure point, and they were also the ones who named it.

When this point is stimulated, it promotes a well being for the whole body, and people who make use of this technique, usually do it twice a day.

The background of the therapy

Over the years, we face various types of pain, and these pains, if not treated properly, bring a great risk to our quality of life, after all it is not even a little comfortable to spend the day with pain. Many people end up getting tired of pain medication, and end up seeking the resolution of their problems in acupuncture.

The Feng Fu therapy is a derivation of acupuncture, so before we understand the Feng Fu therapy, we must understand acupuncture. Acupuncture is a type of alternative medicine, to be more accurate it is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, this technique consists of inserting fine needles at certain points of the human body, and aims to treat diseases and promote the well-being of the body.

The Feng Fu therapeutic method is done with an ice stone, this ice is placed on the Feng Fu pressure point and is left there for approximately 20 minutes. It is important to do this regularly to maintain the overall well being of the body.

Where it is located

The Feng Fu point is one of the many pressure points that we have scattered in our body. This point is located behind the head, anatomically it is located between the first cervical vertebra known as "Atlas" and the second cervical vertebra known as "Axis"'', region popularly known as the back of the neck.

What is it used for

In the human body we have several pressure points that when stimulated correctly can bring unimaginable good for the functioning of the body. These points can be great allies when it comes to having a good quality of life, besides prolonging these benefits throughout life.

Feng Fu therapy is widely used in China, and serves to improve the general well-being of the body, this technique helps to relieve stress, fatigue, muscle pain and even prevent dysfunctionalities of the human body.

How he acts

After applying ice to the Feng Fu point, it stimulates the release of endorphins which, in turn, end up blocking the pain channels, causing the pain sensation decreases. The point ends up stimulating the pituitary gland, gland that is responsible for controlling much of our hormones, besides being of paramount importance for the endocrine system.

Thanks to these actions, it ends up restoring the hormonal balance of the body, as well as restoring the overall balance of the human body.

The benefits of Feng fu

The Feng Fu therapeutic technique brings several benefits to our quality of life, and these benefits are directly related to the balance of our physiological system.

Among these benefits, we have the improvement in sleep quality, improves mood, helps regulate the digestive system, prevents colds and can help with disorders of the thyroid gland. Check below.

Immediate benefits of Feng Fu stimulation

Among the immediate benefits of the stimulation of the pressure point known as Feng Fu, we have the help in the quality of sleep favoring the relief of stress, improvement in mood, physiological and hormonal balance, relief of headaches, toothaches, joint pains and an almost immediate relaxation of the muscles.

Improved mood and nights sleep

As the years go by, it is common for us to go through times when we have trouble sleeping and as a result, we can end up getting in a bad mood. This occurs due to a physiological and hormonal imbalance.

Our body is the reflection of our daily actions. Therefore, it is important that we have a healthy life, eating well and practicing sports for the release of endorphin, which in turn, when it is released, stimulates a sense of well being and comfort, consequently ends up improving our mood and sleep quality.

Feng Fu therapy helps directly in stimulating the release of endorphins, and because of this we will feel the same sense of well-being that we feel when we practice sports. Thanks to this, our nights of sleep will be better, due to our tiredness and feeling of comfort, and we will have an improvement in our mood.

PMS, thyroid and respiratory diseases

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the menstrual period and obesity can cause a very large physiological and hormonal imbalance. Because of this, Feng Fu therapy is widely used in women during menstrual period, due to the effectiveness that the pressure point has in helping the release of hormones, which ends up helping in restoring hormonal balance.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that because of the physiological imbalance that obesity causes, problems in the kidneys, livers, spleen and thyroid eventually become common. The Feng Fu therapeutic method turns out to be of great help for these people, because it stimulates the release of thyroid hormones, causing the hormonal balance of the body is restored.

Due to the restoration of the physiological balance of the body, it also ends up being of great help for people with respiratory problems, besides also helping to prevent some lung diseases. This occurs because when our body is in complete balance, it becomes more resistant and acts more quickly.

Relief from headaches and toothache

Feng Fu therapy helps in the relief of headaches and toothaches, and this occurs also in other types of therapy, but the Feng Fu therapeutic method is one of the most efficient that traditional Chinese medicine has.

When the Feng Fu point is stimulated correctly, it acts directly influencing the production and release of endorphin, which in turn ends up acting as a very strong natural painkiller. The endorphin has as main benefits the almost immediate relief of pain, feeling of well being and comfort, besides also helping to relieve stress.

Skin rejuvenation

The Feng Fu therapy is a therapy full of benefits for those who do, besides helping in our physiological and hormonal balance, it also provides many other benefits for our body.

The Feng Fu technique helps in the ''rejuvenation'' of the skin, due to the balance that the body is because of the technique, our body ends up sending all the necessary nutrients to our skin, making it look younger and smoother.

How to perform, methods for stimulation and repetitions throughout the day

The way Feng Fu therapy is performed is quite simple, and consists of placing an ice stone usually covered by some cloth over the Feng Fu point, and leaving it there for 20 minutes.

It is recommended that the therapy be done regularly, with a rest break of two or three days. It is also recommended to do this technique twice a day on the days you are going to use it. Learn more in the following topics.

How to perform the treatment through the Feng Fu point

The Feng Fu therapeutic method is performed very simply, the professional who will perform the treatment should ask the patient to lie on his stomach, after that, the professional will put an ice stone covered with some fabric on the Feng Fu pressure point.

This should be done twice a day, lasting 20 minutes each session, and should always be done on an empty stomach.

Method to stimulate Feng Fu

The method to stimulate the Feng Fu is simple, just put an ice stone on the Feng Fu pressure point and leave the ice there for 20 minutes. This should be done twice a day and on an empty stomach, and should respect the intervals between the days in which the treatment should be done, these intervals are two to three days.

With this recurring stimulation of Feng Fu, your body will always remain in balance, and this will bring you many benefits aimed at your quality of life.

Twice a day

Feng Fu therapy, when done correctly, brings several benefits to our health and quality of life, besides restoring the physiological and hormonal balance of our body, and helping in the relief of pain and stress, consequently it also improves our quality of sleep and brings many other benefits with it.

Ideally, stimulate the Feng Fu point twice a day and both times should be done on an empty stomach, the first time should be done early in the morning and the second time before bedtime. To stimulate the pressure point, the ice should be on the Feng Fu point for 20 minutes.

Acupuncture, its points, types and risks

Acupuncture is considered an alternative medicine, originating in China, it is not known for sure when this therapy was created, there are historical records that talk about the technique dating back to 3,000 B.C. Therefore, we can assume that acupuncture can be as old as China. Acupuncture aims to promote health and quality of life.

The pressure points that are stimulated in acupuncture are spread throughout the human body, and each type of acupuncture aims to stimulate certain pressure points. In acupuncture we have several types of therapies, but we have eight main types of acupuncture that are the most popular.

Acupuncture must be done by an experienced and responsible professional, because it is a therapeutic method that if done in a wrong way, can bring serious risks to the patient. Check below.

What is acupuncture

Acupuncture is a therapy that consists in applying several needles on certain pressure points of the body, as well as using suction cups and even seeds in their patients. It aims to promote the patient's health in addition to preventing and treating diseases, relieve stress and some pain, and also improve or restore the balance of the body, in general aims to promote the quality oflife.

Acupuncture is based on the idea that the human body is composed of energy, which accumulates in some specific regions, regions that are called meridians. The imbalance of the energy point of these regions ends up causing body pain, fatigue and weakness. Therefore, the goal of acupuncture is to restore the balance of the body and facilitate the circulation of energy.

Where are the acupuncture points

Acupuncture points are spread all over the body, from head to toe. To be more precise, they are located in regions known as meridians, which according to acupuncture ideals, are channels where the flow of energy occurs.

What are their types

Acupuncture has several types, we will talk here about the most popular types, such as classical acupuncture. This acupuncture is a more traditional and systemic technique that consists of inserting fine needles at different levels of skin depth, aiming to stimulate these pressure points so that there is the best flow of energy through the body.

Another type of acupuncture is electroacupuncture that consists in stimulating the acupuncture needles via electrical impulses, and has the strong point of promoting results with longer duration due to its high intensity.

And finally, we will talk about one of the most popular acupunctures, acupuncture auricular. This technique focuses on the stimulation of energy points of the ear. According to acupuncturists, the ear is full of pressure points that reflect on the functioning of some organs of the human body. And when these points are stimulated, there is a great improvement in the functionality of these organs and in thebalance of the body.

Who can do

Most health professionals can do acupuncture, of course they all must go through the acupuncture courses, since this technique is not taught in the graduation of any course.

Many believe that because acupuncture is a branch of medicine, only doctors can do, but in fact some professional councils also recognize the use of the technique. Professionals coming from the physical therapy, nursing and biomedicine are also able to take courses in acupuncture.

Risks of acupuncture

Acupuncture is a technique that presents serious risks to patients when it is done wrong or irresponsibly. It is very important that the professional who is going to perform acupuncture is experienced and responsible, besides, of course, having training. Any mistake can seriously harm the patient and can even lead to death.

All therapies have risks, some have more serious risks than others, but all also have many benefits, but it is important that the professional who will perform the therapy is specialized, has experience and responsibility. The needles should always be sterilized, otherwise the patient can end up having serious infections.

The needles must be applied with extreme precision, because some of the points are located at vital points of the body, and this attention should be doubled in very thin patients. There are some records of needles that pierced the lung and even the heart of the patient, and in some cases the patient eventually not resisted and died. Therefore, it is a delicate therapy and should be done bya responsible and experienced professional.

Can Feng Fu be used as an alternative in treatments?

There is no study on this, but it is not recommended that Feng Fu is used as an alternative in treatments, even in some types of treatment is not recommended the use of therapeutic techniques, as this may end up delaying or even canceling the treatment.

In some types of treatment, if there is release of the health professional responsible, it is interesting to apply the use of therapies such as Feng Fu therapy in conjunction with the main treatment, because this technique helps relieve pain and pain stress, and helps restore and maintain the balance of the human body. Because of this, the technique can end up helping in the treatment.

It is not recommended that the Feng Fu technique is used to replace any treatment prescribed by the health professional, perhaps to help in conjunction with the treatment, but this is decided by the professional. Therefore, it is always important to consult the professional to receive the necessary guidance.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.