What is imposter syndrome? According to psychology, symptoms and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General considerations on impostor syndrome

It is known how complex the human being is and that he/she has several facets within him/her, many of them without a complete explanation. With this, it is possible to notice a very common syndrome within human subjectivity: the impostor syndrome.

The person who has it can manifest various self-destructive actions, because this syndrome has the peculiarity to devalue in every possible way. For its complexity, often the impostor syndrome goes unnoticed or almost not understood.

After all, there are times when it manifests itself appropriately, such as from heavy self-criticism to the form of doubting your ability at every possible moment. Thus, it is necessary to understand how this syndrome manifests itself and other notions on top of the topic.

Therefore, to stay inside all the relevant information on the subject, stay and read more in the following text, because it will surprise you. Also, stay inside the strands that analyze this subject and its specifications to work with the commented subject. Read everything and understand at once!

Understand the impostor syndrome

As you will realize, the issue of impostor syndrome is delicate and needs some previous factors for you to know well the subject and master it. Thus, knowing what this syndrome is, the way luck is attributed, the belief of being a fraud, the impostor cycle and among several other points will be important for you to have an overview of the subject.

With that, see all the pertinent information below and make a reflection on the subject, pulling for your reality, because you will be able to identify yourself, if it is the case. Then, read everything about the symptoms that the scholars of this disease, more precisely the researchers of the mental area, evidence!

What is imposter syndrome?

Certain patterns of behaviors are named according to the elements that present themselves and depart from expected patterns in some situations.

So, according to the understanding of the psychology community, imposter syndrome is nothing more than a behavior in which you doubt yourself, accuse yourself, sabotage yourself, put yourself down, like a toxic external person, but inside you and more cruel.

Attributing to luck

Luck can enter your life in several ways, including in a more negative way, such as the impostor syndrome. Through this syndrome, it is possible to observe that luck has a centrality as a result of your actions, because otherwise you would have to acknowledge that your victories were the result of your efforts.

However, this syndrome does not want this recognition. Thus, it is necessary to be careful in which situations luck is attributed, because this can be a mechanism of this imposter behavior that wants to discredit their achievements and their ability to achieve them. Thus, according to psychology, luck occupies this place to have a disqualification of the subject's abilities.

The belief of being a fraud

The feeling of feeling like a fraud is something normal at any time of human life, but it can be something commonplace and more potentiated when the subject is restricted to the imposter syndrome.

In this way, the belief of being a fraud will always be surrounding the steps of those people who suffer from this syndrome, because it is their role to make you doubt yourself. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful to identify this act and try not to pay too much attention to it.

In addition, psychotherapeutic monitoring is necessary, because this belief may be developed by external factors that caused you to develop this feeling. Thus, your understanding with the skilled professional is ideal for your overcoming.

The impostor cycle

Knowing about the impostor's cycle is necessary to have a critical vision of how this syndrome works and, in the future, overcome it. This vicious cycle is composed by: low self-esteem; disqualification of their personal victories, placing them as luck or opportunism; and fear.

With this, it is possible to point out that there is no correct line of which feeling will come first, but these feelings are always connected and each one plays a role in triggering each one of them. So, these sensations have a cyclical relationship and do harm to those people who have this syndrome.

The main consequences of impostor syndrome

According to psychology, the main consequences of the impostor syndrome are: anxiety, depression, insecurity, dependence on external social approval of your actions, self-sabotage, emotional and physical imbalance, disapproval of everything you do, among other consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful, because the consequences are directly connected with you, with your inner self and how you process everything from the external world to the internal world. Thus, it is possible to notice that you are subjectively dying and your physical self is affected by this as well.

When to seek professional help?

The human being, as is known, is very faceted, therefore, needing various technical specializations for his care, including mental care. With that, knowing when to seek professional help for impostor syndrome is fundamental for you to be able to have a full life, because this pattern of behavior will torment you.

Therefore, when you realize that you are not doing things for fear of failure, criticism or are doubting your potential, it is time for a professional accompaniment to get you through this turbulence. With the technical understanding on the subject, you will be able to balance your life.

The main symptoms of impostor syndrome

Like any syndrome, some symptoms direct the person to the diagnosis to combat this malaise. With that, the main symptoms of the imposter syndrome are: the constant feeling of not belonging, the need to make excessive efforts, fear of exposure, self-sabotage and other actions that characterize this syndrome.

The symptoms that will be evidenced were explained by researchers in the field of psychology. So, do you want to know more and how these symptoms should be analyzed? Then, check the text below with all the relevant notions to approach and develop the theme worked. Check it now!

Constant feeling of not belonging

Feeling like you don't belong is not something uncommon, but natural for all people, because each person feels what is comfortable for them. But, there is a constant feeling of not belonging developed because of imposter syndrome. In this way, you will feel, especially in situations that benefit you, that you shouldn't be in that place, because you don't deserve it.

Therefore, you have to stop this feeling as you have to understand that you can be anywhere you are comfortable to be. Self-awareness is needed at this stage to understand what makes you uncomfortable or what is caused because of a rejection of you in certain places.

Need to push oneself excessively

Effort is necessary in everything that individuals will accomplish. However, it can be exacerbated at times, even caused by the internal behavior of the impostor.

Therefore, the need to exert yourself excessively is a factor that evidences that you have this syndrome, because you are never recognized by yourself as someone with the ability to perform a certain act.

Also, this excess of effort is attributed to the fact that you cannot make mistakes, because this would only prove that you are a failure in everything you do and that you should give up what you are trying to do. Therefore, you have a greater demand in everything you do.

Fear of exposure

It is known that each one of us has our own history and unique trajectory, so comparisons should not be made. However, those who suffer from impostor syndrome tend to compare themselves with others, especially when the issue is about the achievements that that person has achieved, but you have not.

It is important for you to know that the paths are vast and unique, and when the time is right, everything will happen. Everyone has a different starting point, so it is not fair for you to compare yourself with others. It is time to stop all comparisons.


Performing simple tasks or tasks that require some specific knowledge becomes a headache for those who have impostor syndrome, because it will require the person to position himself and trust his point of view.

So, to get rid of this situation, procrastination is used as an escape valve from what will bring some discomfort. Anyway, according to psychology, this procrastination is very common especially in the development of tasks that put you in the center of attention.


Being one of the most observed symptoms by psychologists and researchers, the self-sabotage that, basically, will consist of actions that the person will take to avoid the development of some situation for fear of frustration.

For example, individuals who will not take an exam that they wanted so much because of the fear of not passing in the end. Thus, it is necessary that you are aware if you are taking this kind of attitude in your life, because this is a more remarkable sign in those who develop this disorder. Therefore, if you have it, seek the qualified professional to take the appropriate measures.

Excessive self-criticism

Excessive self-criticism is also within the list of symptoms presented by those individuals who have the impostor disorder. This self-criticism is destructive and prevents any wall of self-esteem or self-confidence from being raised in life. So, everything you do, the voice of the impostor will echo in your mind that it is badly done, that you don't do anything right.

Therefore, it is possible to notice that they are not constructive criticisms in order to fix eventual faults or evolve, but, rather, criticisms based on the destructive mode. Showing their faults and not recognizing their strengths is the pillar that the imposter's disorder materializes.

Fear of receiving criticism

Since the person is afraid of the fullness of everything he does, receiving criticism is to strengthen the voice of the impostor that dwells inside of you. Therefore, the fear of receiving criticism is constant and is a ghost in the life of those who suffer from this impostor behavior, because this criticism received will validate what the person supposedly already knew about him: his failure.

However, it is necessary to understand that criticism is good for the good, if based in a constructive way and in order to obtain an improvement of the individual receiving it. So, knowing how to digest external criticism is essential, but it is a symptom of the oppressor's disorder if it is something you can't handle.


Self-deprecation appears as a form of manifestation of the impostor syndrome. With it, mistaken and unfavorable analyses about yourself are made. It is possible to notice a more devalued look of your attributes and your abilities.

Thus, as psychology explains, this disorder can be understood from self-deprecating behaviors. So, you never think that something you do is good, that you are beautiful, that you speak well, that you have a good resume or other actions that you are the protagonist, although you think you are an extra.

Constant comparisons

It is common to notice that this impostor disorder causes people to have constant comparisons, thus, placing their achievements as lesser or insignificant in relation to those of the other person. It is possible to see that individuals with this self-destructive mechanism see others as more capable, making comparisons with their actions.

The main ways to minimize the problem

No problem is without solution, so it wouldn't be any different with the impostor disorder. In this way, the main ways to minimize the problem will be highlighted in the following chapters to provide you with the necessary tools to face this internal impasse. For this reason, check the texts below and see how you can have an armor against the impostor that lives in you.

Share your concerns

It is notorious that the weight of the emotional baggage that people carry can be reduced by sharing it. So, with imposter syndrome will be no different, because it is an important defense mechanism that you share your concerns with someone you trust and with a psychologist as well.

The monsters get smaller when they're brought out into the open, so when you release that inner weight, everything gets lighter. You don't have to deal with it alone, so share what's ailing you and what it means to you for your life. Also, if you're a man, it's okay to face and share your problems.

Embrace imperfection

The search for perfection is imposed and placed in all media, thus making imperfection a problem. So, know that there is no perfection and imperfection, because everything is a matter of perspective.

Therefore, embrace the imperfection you think you have, but in fact, it's just your specificity as a human being. Learn to make the most out of your so-called imperfect abilities, because they can surprise you. Finally, don't charge yourself for a perfection that is non-existent.

Celebrate every achievement

Each conquest should be celebrated, because it recognizes your ability and effort to achieve something you have longed for. Therefore, celebrate each conquest, because, this way, you will be telling your inner impostor that you are capable, that you conquered because of your effort and dedication. Finally, this tool is powerful to mitigate the impacts that this disorder can cause.

Avoid self-sabotaging thoughts

The feeling of self-sabotage is central when talking about the impostor disorder. With it, individuals take attitudes that sabotage their life in several areas, but especially in the academic and professional area. So, for you to arm yourself with the necessary shield to try to reduce the damage caused by this syndrome, avoid self-sabotaging thoughts.

Avoid comparisons

It is known that each one of us has our own history and unique trajectory, so comparisons should not be made. However, those who suffer from the impostor syndrome tend to compare themselves with others, especially when it comes to the achievements that that person has achieved, but you have not.

It is important for you to know that the paths are vast and unique, and when the time is right, everything will happen. Everyone has a different starting point, so it is not fair for you to compare yourself with others. It is time to stop all comparisons.

If you identify impostor syndrome in yourself, do not hesitate to seek help!

Before all the content explained to you throughout the article, if you identify in yourself the impostor syndrome, do not hesitate to seek help, because this is the correct path to follow.

Soon, following this, you will be taking care of your internal well-being, which is one of the most important, because it interferes directly in the external also, as diseases in organs of the human body.

Still, if you do not see the professional, your personal, academic and professional life can be negatively affected, causing you to lose great achievements and not live your life properly. It is necessary that you understand that it is a serious syndrome and that you need a proper monitoring by a professional qualified for such an act.

Finally, since it has a lot of information, if you were left with any questions or some point needs to be developed further, read this article again and get in the know on what you should know about imposter syndrome.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.