What is Mulungu tea for? Benefits, stop smoking and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Why take Mulungu Tea?

Mulungu tea is the ideal option to relax, calm down and improve the quality of sleep, because sedative, relaxing and soothing properties are present in it. Despite being its most common use, this tea also helps in the treatment of various issues that affect our body, such as high blood pressure, urine infection, menstrual cramps and others.

In addition, the bark of mulungu contains substances capable of inhibiting cigarette addiction, promoting better quality of life and preventing serious diseases. However, this medicinal plant needs to be administered with caution, because in excess, it can be harmful.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand the basics about mulungu, to make the use correctly, in addition to knowing the various benefits that this plant brings to health. Moreover, learning how to make the tea in the right way will ensure the best absorption of its nutrients. All this information is possible to find in this article, see below!

More about Mulungu Tea

The mulungu is a native Brazilian plant, known to calm and balance the nerves in times of great stress and anxiety crisis. However, its properties can bring numerous benefits for health as a whole.

In this topic, we will address in more detail its origin, composition, possible side effects and contraindications to the use of this plant tea. So, to learn more about mulungu tea, keep reading!

Properties of Mulungu Tea

The most common way to use mulungu is through the infusion of the bark which contains antidepressant, calming, analgesic, anticonvulsant, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Thus, mulungu tea is known to be a natural anxiolytic, bringing a sense of well-being to those who have difficulty sleeping, anxiety and even mild depression. However, it is already known that this tea can also help with several other physical comorbidities.

Origin of Mulungu

The mulungu (Erythrina mulungu) is a plant native to South America found easily in Brazil, in the north, northeast, central-west and southeast regions. Depending on the location, it is called corticeira, bico-de-pagaio, mulungu-ceral and coral tree.

With orange flowers and spontaneous growth, the bark is the most used part for having several properties that help in the treatment of emotional disorders, such as insomnia and mood and stress disorders. In addition, it can treat numerous physical ailments.

Side effects

Despite being made from a natural herb and containing beneficial health properties, mulungu tea can cause some side effects, which, according to studies, are rare. Here are some of them:

- Drastic drop in blood pressure;

- Muscle paralysis;

- Prolonged sedation, generating undesired effect;

- Lethargy.

It is important to note that the seeds of mulungu should never be consumed, because they contain toxic components that can cause serious health problems and even life-threatening. Therefore, use only the bark to prepare the tea and do not prolong its consumption, because the side effects mentioned above are often caused by the excess of mulungu in the body.


Mulungu tea has some contraindications that need to be taken into account, before its consumption:

- Pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 years of age are not advised to take mulungu tea;

- In many controlled medications, such as antidepressants, anxiolytics and hypotensives, the properties of mulungu are present. Therefore, people being treated for depression, anxiety and hypertension can only take mulungu tea under medical supervision, to avoid overdose;

- It is not recommended to use mulungu tea before driving and doing manual work of high danger or that can bring some risk to life, because it can generate sedative effect and muscle paralysis.

Benefits of Mulungu Tea

Mulungu tea can be considered a complete plant, as it has a range of benefits that can act on the physical and emotional body. The properties present in this tea act on different comorbidities, but its use is best known to combat insomnia, anxiety and depression. Below, we have selected the main health benefits of mulungu tea. Check it out!


Mulungu tea is famous for being considered a natural tranquilizer. It is capable of calming an individual at times of great tension and stress, caused by the overload of the various tasks of everyday life or triggered by anxiety attacks.

This happens because its composition contains antidepressant and calming properties, which act directly on the central nervous system. Thus, they help in the treatment of mood disorders, such as panic attacks, depression and compulsion.

Fighting insomnia

One benefit for which mulungu tea is well known is its sedative and anxiolytic action. It is excellent for fighting insomnia and relaxing after an intense day of work. However, its consumption should not be done during the day, since it can cause drowsiness.

So, the ideal is to drink this tea 1 hour before bedtime, because it is at night that we produce serotonin, stimulating sleep and the feeling of relaxation. Therefore, in addition to enjoying this plant, create a cozy environment with little light to ensure that you have a peaceful and restful night's sleep.


Inflammation is a reaction of the immune system due to the attack of viruses, bacteria and parasites in the body. In addition, there are other reasons, such as temperature variation, physical injuries and exposure to chemical agents, for example, that can trigger an inflammatory process.

Thus, mulungu tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that can be powerful allies to clean impurities from the body, raise immunity and protect against possible infections, preventing more serious diseases.

Good for heart and hypertension

High blood pressure is a disease that is often triggered by poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. As a result, it is possible that other comorbidities arise, mainly related to the heart, making the continuous use of medication necessary.

Thus, one of the active principles of mulungu tea is its hypotensive action. It helps reduce blood pressure and, consequently, decreases the heart rate. Therefore, consuming this plant can also be beneficial for the heart, regulating the entire cardiovascular system.

Benefit in the urinary system

Several problems in the urinary tract, many times, are caused by the lack of water intake and liquids rich in nutrients that help filter impurities from the body and prevent urinary insufficiency, cystitis and other infections.

Then, mulungu tea comes into action, because, besides being an excellent diuretic, it has many beneficial properties for the urinary system. Therefore, associating the use of this tea with other healthy practices, it is possible to keep the body free of these and other diseases.


Fluid retention is a problem that affects, mainly, people who consume food or take medication that contains a lot of sodium, besides other inflammatory substances for the body. This often causes abdominal swelling, promoting discomfort and mood swings.

Because it contains diuretic action, mulungu tea eliminates toxins from the body, preventing possible inflammation. However, its consumption should be done sparingly, because, by ingesting the tea in an exaggerated way, it is possible that there is a dehydration due to the loss of nutrients through urine. So, do not exceed the consumption of 500ml per day.

Helps with liver problems

The medicinal action of mulungu tea helps people who have liver problems, such as cirrhosis and hepatitis, for example, because the properties contained in this plant and its bark protect the liver and stimulate the production of defense cells of the body, strengthening the immune system.

Therefore, drinking mulungu tea will be of great help to prevent or treat the diseases that develop not only in the liver, but in all internal organs. However, do not replace your treatment with the tea. Talk to your doctor and see the possibility of associating mulungu with your medication.

Good for pain

The analgesic effect of mulungu tea provides almost immediate relief from muscular pain caused by intense physical activity or repetitive movements caused by manual labor requiring great physical exertion.

In addition, for those who suffer from frequent strong headaches, this tea is an excellent natural remedy. Therefore, its use is good for pain, but do not overdo it. In excess, this plant can cause mild muscle paralysis.

Good for menstrual cramps

PMS (premenstrual tension) can be a very delicate time due to hormonal fluctuation, causing mood swings and painful menstrual cramps. In some cases, these tend to be so intense as to make it impossible to continue daily activities.

Thus, thanks to the antispasmodic property found in mulungu tea, it is possible to eliminate cramps, in addition to reducing the feeling of bloating and abdominal discomfort. Therefore, using this plant is the ideal alternative for those who avoid self-medication.

However, do not abuse this tea as unwanted side effects may occur. If the pain persists, seek medical attention.


Mulungu tea is a powerful antibacterial, able to fight inflammation and attacks on the immune system, strengthening the defense cells and protecting the organs. However, if you are taking antibiotics, do not stop your treatment. Seek your doctor and see the possibility of associating the use of this plant.

This is indicated because there are bacteria that, if not well treated, can become more resistant, causing the ineffectiveness of both the medication and the tea. Therefore, follow medical guidelines to the letter.

Helps to stop smoking

Smoking is a serious problem that affects millions of people, resulting in several serious diseases, causing irreversible sequelae and even leading to death. Thus, present in mulungu tea, erisodine is an alkaloid with nicotine blocking action in the brain, which helps to stop smoking.

Thus, consuming this plant may be the way out to fight this addiction that brings several harm to health, in a natural way. However, before using this tea, consult a doctor. Mulungu is present in the composition of some medicines, so avoid using it without prescription.

Helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases

The polluting agents existing in the air act in a harmful way for those who live in big cities, increasing the number of people with respiratory problems or causing a worsening of their condition. The most common diseases caused by pollution are: rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, among others.

Then, because it contains expectorant and antiasthmatic substances, mulungu tea helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases, bringing relief and more quality of life. However, this plant has other properties that cause drowsiness, so avoid using it before leaving home or doing some manual work.

Mulungu Tea

Mulungu contains substances that are beneficial to the mind and body, as it is calming, sedative and a natural remedy against various diseases. Thus, the tea of this plant is ideal for those moments of emotional overload or to assist in the treatment of some disease.

In this topic, check out for whom it is indicated and learn in a simple and quick way to make mulungu tea!


Mulungu tea is very popular as a natural sedative, however this medicinal plant contains properties indicated for various types of ailments, these being:

- Anxiety, panic attacks and depression;

- Irritation, compulsion and stress;

- Muscle aches and menstrual cramps;

- Reduction in blood pressure;

- Decreased abdominal swelling, caused by fluid retention;

- Protection of the body and immune system against inflammation.


To prepare mulungu tea, you will need to get the following ingredients:

- 250 ml of water;

- 2 teaspoons of the bark or 1 dessert spoon of mulungu.

How to do

When making mulungu tea, follow the guidelines given below:

- Place the water in a pan and bring to a boil, then turn off the heat;

- Add the bark or powder of mulungu;

- Cover the container to steep the tea for about 10 to 15 minutes;

- Strain and serve while still warm.

How often can I take Mulungu tea?

Mulungu tea is a medicinal plant that works to prevent and combat various comorbidities. However, its consumption is popular for aiding in the treatment of mood disorders, as it contains calming and sedative properties that reduce anxiety, irritation, insomnia, and depression.

However, the frequency that you can take mulungu tea should not exceed 500 ml per day, and its use should not exceed 3 consecutive days. Therefore, the consumption of this plant requires caution and needs medical supervision, especially for those who use controlled medication, causing unpleasant side effects.

If the consumption of this tea is only to improve sleep, it is recommended to drink it at least 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed. To reduce anxiety, drink the tea two to three times a day, in small quantities.

Finally, we hope this article has helped you and that you can make good use of mulungu tea!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.