What is Numerology 1? Meaning, number 1, compatibility and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

General Meaning of Numerology 1

Numbers are present in our lives and, through them, we are able to explain the physical forces of the Universe. However, the science of numbers has adapted to the most diverse traditions that exist on the planet and, therefore, it is possible to express and apply numbers in different ways.

However, numerology determines the patterns about the numbers. These universal rules are present in the nature of every existing number. And through these rules, interpretations are made and discover the influence that the numbers have in your life.

And the number 1 is the first and most important for our reality. Do you want to know why? Keep reading and find out the importance of its meaning in numerology and how it influences your life.

Characteristics and meanings in Numerology of 1

The number 1 is extremely symbolic for numerology and spirituality. It represents the beginning of everything and brings remarkable characteristics to those who are ruled by it. However, like everything in life, the number 1 also brings some negative characteristics that should be worked on to have a balanced life.

If you are governed by the number 1 or live with someone who is, it is essential to understand the influences of this number on people. For this, continue reading and surprise yourself!

Numerology Meaning of 1

In numerology, the 1 is closely linked to new beginnings. It is a unique and absolute number which inspires creativity, originality and power. It carries the masculine energy, the Yang, is ruled by the Sun and has yellow, orange and gold as its colors. However, the 1 also carries ambition, selfishness and individuality.

Symbolic meaning of the number 1

The number 1 is extremely symbolic as it represents the creation of all things and the origin of the universe. It is the initial instant which determines everything else. It is also the number for beginners in the esoteric sciences and also represents the impetus which leads to realisation.

Spiritual meaning of the number 1

The spiritual significance of number 1 is very striking as it refers to the unity of God as well as the Trinity and the supreme power. The angel of number 1 protects new beginnings and brings you opportunities and achievements. With an optimistic attitude, you can use the energy of angel number 1 to achieve success in your goals and become a great leader.

Pinnacles in Numerology 1

The pinnacles are specific cycles in our lives where we are ruled by a particular energy. In life, we go through four pinnacles which are identified using our birth date.

The first pinnacle occurs from birth to age 29 to 35, depending on the person The second and third pinnacles last 9 years The last pinnacle occupies the rest of life To find out the duration of each pinnacle, you need to add your birth date to find your personal number. For example, a person born on 9/29/1997 will have as personal number the sum of 2+9+0+9+1+9+9+7 = 46 that,when reduced, 4+6 = 10, 1+0=1.

To find the end of the first pinnacle, subtract your personal number from the number 36. Add 9 to find the end of the second pinnacle and another 9 to find the end of the third. The fourth pinnacle will take up the rest of your life. In the example given, the first pinnacle would end at 35 (36-1), the second at 44 (35+9) and the third at 53 (44+9).

Already to know the number that rules each pinnacle, add up:

- first pinnacle: number of the day and month of your birth;

- second pinnacle: number of the day and year of your birth;

- third pinnacle: the number governing the first and second pinnacles is added;

- fourth pinnacle: number of the month and year of birth.

If any of your pinnacles is ruled by the number 1, know that you will lead something in this period, not necessarily in the professional environment. Another interpretation is that your leadership, if you already have it, will be tested. It is important to keep this in mind, because these will be years ruled by this energy. Remember that this phase will require you to have confidence in yourself and that, as much as it ischallenging, it will bring great opportunities.

Numerology 1 and the message of the universe

Numerology reports that the universe communicates with people through numbers. They symbolize the universal energy and can express themselves in various ways to pass warnings and signals. Thus, when receiving the message brought by the universe the number 1, know that it represents the beginning of all opportunities in your life, just understand in which area this chance will arise.

Number 1, the number of the soul

The soul number is calculated by adding up all the vowels in your name, considering that each vowel has the following value:

A = 1

The "y" is read as the vowel "i". The soul number expresses the accumulated baggage of your past lives, and if your number is 1, it is likely that you have been authoritarian in other lives. Therefore, in this existence it is important to look for ways to deal with this unbridled thirst for power. Try to externalize your leadership in other activities, such as sports, and consider more the opinions ofother people.

The loneliness of 1

As we have seen, the number 1 strongly influences the personality of people. One of the consequences that this number brings is loneliness and isolation. Often people ruled by the number 1 believe that they are self-sufficient and do not need others to live.

But although autonomy is a quality which should be cultivated, in excess it can make a person lonely and make life in society difficult. So, those who have this number should be careful not to close themselves off and stop expressing their feelings.

Take care of your relationships, whether they are family, romantic or friendships. People are important and help build who you are. Also, it's important to remember that looking at life from other perspectives can bring great learning and further refine your journey.

Positive features

The main characteristics of those ruled by 1 are their innate leadership, resilience, creativity and optimism.

Negative characteristics

Their negative characteristics, on the other hand, encompass excessive ambition, selfishness, authoritarianism and even cynicism in some levels.

Numerology 1 and the role in our lives

The number 1 plays an important role in everyone's life, since at some point, the numerology of this number will affect your cycles. Because it has an energy of leadership and beginnings, if you have as a personal number the number 1, you will present qualities like self-confidence, innovation, courage and determination.

The numeral 1 also brings influences to the way you relate, whether with family and friends, or romantically. In addition, this number affects the way you carry yourself in your work, as well as your career journey. To understand how this number affects every sector of your life, read on.

The personality of 1

People who carry the numeral 1 in their personality are usually positive. As they also have leadership as a predominant characteristic, they are always stimulating people around them to find solutions to the problems they encounter. They are courageous and do not measure efforts to achieve what they want.

Because they are ambitious and determined, they can end up becoming overbearing and even workaholics. If they are not careful, they can also show signs of selfishness and authoritarianism. Therefore, it is important to always perform a self-analysis if you have this number in your personality.

Some famous personalities who had 1 as their personal number are: Charles Chaplin, director George Lucas, Jack Nicholson, Jim Morrison, Martin Luther King, Napoleon Bonaparte, Paco Rabanne, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks and Walt Disney.

The role of 1 in our lives

The numeral 1 plays an important role in our lives, since at some level, everyone is governed by it. Whether it's your personal number, soul number or the pinnacles, you're likely to encounter the number 1 in your path or in the people around you. That's why it's important to know the positive and negative characteristics of this number to bring the best out of it in your life.

Social aspects

As far as social aspects are concerned, people with numerology 1 are usually independent and avoid asking for help, so it is important to be careful not to isolate yourself or disregard the opinion of others.

Often, we learn from where we least expect it, so do not dismiss the value of life in society. Try to cultivate positive bonds and not just your individuality. Remember that no one lives alone and that maintaining emotional bonds is healthy.

In love and relationships

The leadership characteristic of those with the number 1 command is also present in relationships. These people are usually very dedicated to relationships, but they like to do things their own way.

It is important to consider that a romantic relationship should be good and healthy for both parties. Just as you don't want to limit your desires or do things you don't want to do in a relationship, consider that the other party also has personal wants and goals.

It is important to balance the desires of each one, without leaving aside individuality. For this reason, people with numerology number 1 should be careful not to control their partner excessively, making him or her do only their own will. If this selfish impetus is controlled, these people are fun and willing to live great adventures, making the relationshipexciting.

At work

The professional aspect is the most prominent for number 1 people, because this is usually where their leadership is most stimulated. They tend to occupy influential roles and are extremely proactive.

However, while they are not in leadership positions, they may encounter obstacles in following orders. It is important to keep in mind that it is not only your opinion that is valid. Use your determination to prove your worth and be recognized for your efforts. This way, you will reach the position you so much desire without creating problems along the way.

Besides management positions in companies, other professions which suit these people are inventor and researcher, because of their enthusiasm for discovery. Aviator and other professions which allow travel and constant change are also indicated. As teachers they are extremely persistent in the learning of their students.

Compatibility in Numerology 1

People who carry the numerology of numbers 2 and 6 are highly compatible with number 1. Numbers 5 and 7 also allow the development of good bonds, if some issues are solved with dialogue and empathy. However, they are incompatible with other people of number 1 or 8, because both carry the thirst for leadership and power, which can bring great conflicts.

Numerology 1 in January, for feng shui and more

Numerology is also analyzed by other aspects, such as the numerology of the months, synchronicities and even in feng shui. Although it always brings the symbolism of new beginnings, innovation and leadership, for each of these approaches, the number 1 has an impact, and this is what you will discover now!

Month 1 for numerology

In the numerology of the months, the number 1 represents January. This month carries the will of initiative, the starting point of new projects and the beginning of cycles. However, for new things to appear, it is important that you close the cycle that is open.

Answer emails and messages that are open. Make the calls that are pending and solve the problems that you can solve. It is necessary that you make the environment conducive for the new energies that will come.

It is possible that you will receive business proposals, and even in your relationships. However, carefully evaluate everything that comes up and don't put the cart before the horse. Try to make all your decisions wisely and with the long term in mind.

Number 1 and feng-shui

Feng-shui is a practice originating in ancient China that seeks to balance the energies to harmonize individuals and the environments they occupy. According to feng-shui, an environment with energy of the number 1 inspires individuality, originality and creativity.

In addition, it is likely to be a space with strong emotions and expression of will. However, according to feng-shui philosophy, the 1 may also represent loneliness, so people living in this environment may feel lonely even if they are surrounded by others. In addition, it may also cultivate selfish personalities. To avoid this, the ideal is to arrange objects in the environment in pairs tobalance the energies.

See 1 in several places

When the universe wants to send a message, it uses signs that can often go unnoticed. These signs can be given through numbers, when they appear repeatedly in the most varied places. This is called synchronicity, and when the number signaled is 1, it indicates the beginning of a new cycle in your life.

The numeral 1 may appear in equal time, calendar dates, license plates, addresses, phone numbers, and even purchase amounts. Don't ignore this message and start preparing for this new beginning in your life.

The place that the number appears repeatedly can also indicate in which sector of your life this change will happen. If you are seeing the number 1 in busy places with many people, perhaps, you meet someone new. Already if the number 1 appears in your work, it is likely that a promotion or opportunity is emerging. Stay tuned and do not let the chances slip away.

Tips for people born with the number 1

The key words for those who are native of number 1 are beginning, individuality, conquest, courage and initiative. However, despite cultivating these qualities, the main tip for people governed by this number is not to get carried away by selfishness.

Recognize the value of other people, of sharing and of collective learning. Your spirit of leadership can transform other people's lives, not only yours, and not only in the workplace. So consider the impact you have on the lives of those around you. In relationships, try to be empathetic and listen to the side of the person next to you. Not always the way youthinks or does things is best, so it is important to listen to other opinions.

How to find out if I have numerology 1?

Numerology helps us to understand the cycles of life, the characteristics that we possess, as well as our destiny. Thus, knowing which numbers govern life or the specific moment we are in helps us to take better advantage of opportunities.

To find out if you have the numerology of 1, you must investigate what are your numbers. The main ones are obtained through the date of your birth, your name and even your house. Some of the calculations of these numbers were explained throughout this article, but it is possible to know all of them through a consultation with a numerologist or even with some research in theinternet.

If one of your numbers is 1, pay attention to the positive characteristics brought in the article, to better explore them. But, also pay attention to the challenges and negative characteristics that this number brings, since you will need wisdom to take better advantage of them.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.