What is quantum therapy for? Benefits, theta healing and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

What is quantum therapy?

Quantum therapy is the set of methods used in treatments aimed at both physical and mental problems. Classified as alternative, quantum therapy does not replace conventional medical treatments, but seeks to expand self-knowledge and consciousness by focusing on the causes of diseases and not only the effects.

The name given to this type of alternative therapy makes reference to quantum science (quantum theory, quantum physics and quantum mechanics), which addresses occurrences associated with subatomic particles, the quantization and vibration of energies and their applications in matter.

For the quantum therapy the solution of physical and emotional pathologies is through self-healing. It is the result of the harmony of vibrations and connectivity between different parts of the body as a whole. Follow us in this article the principles of quantum therapy, its benefits and if it really works.

Principles of quantum therapy

The essential principle of quantum therapy is that the human body is capable of re-establishing itself on its own. This takes place through broader and more precise processes of perception about the functioning of the organism, as well as the manipulation of energies and the equalization of their vibration.

It is a set of techniques that do not cause side effects and are in no way invasive or aggressive to the human body.

See below the fundamentals, approach and indications of quantum therapy. We will also see in this article the benefits of this alternative therapy.


Quantum therapy, as the name implies, is based on the quantum sciences that are nowadays being increasingly approached and studied by scientists around the world.

It is fundamentally about promoting physical and mental well-being through the balance of the vibrational frequencies of the human body. Self-knowledge is also one of the important premises on which quantum therapy is based.

Although it is still seen as a form of mystical approach, the therapy is increasingly gaining space and recognition due to the practical results obtained.


Quantum therapy in its different methods has an approach focused on the vibrational sense of the energies that form the matter of the body and soul.

Such energies govern biological functioning and also influence the human psyche, being directly linked to an individual's spiritual psychological processes. It is thus an instrument of both physiological and spiritual healing.

Through techniques and instruments, a magnetic and energetic alignment of both the physical and spiritual body is performed, thus being a totally innovative approach in terms of therapies and cures.


Due to its characteristic of covering the physical and spiritual body as a whole, the indications of quantum therapy are unlimited. Being applied with different methods and techniques, it is usually very effective in improving well-being related to the quality of sleep, stress reduction and mental fatigue.

In the psychological aspect, it is indicated in the improvement of psychological processes involving the feeling of anger and fear, as well as assists in cures of depression, in increasing the speed of reasoning and memory.

The indications as to problems in the physical body are also varied, being indicated from slimming, alleviation of allergies and respiratory problems, and even in reducing pain and muscle stiffness, and even indicated for improving sports performance.


Being a method that awakens the natural potential that the human body has to regenerate itself, quantum therapy brings a number of benefits.

The energetic equalization that quantum therapy techniques provide results in a better organization at the molecular level of matter, thus benefiting the functioning of vital organs and their biological functions.

These benefits expand beyond the physical body, as they also significantly alter the individual's posture in everyday situations.

Self-knowledge is also addressed in quantum therapies in the identification of what needs to be changed or re-established internally, whether in the psychological or physical realm.

Quantum therapy methods

Because it is so comprehensive, quantum therapy is divided into numerous methods that are used in specific areas of human nature.

Below we will detail how popular techniques such as acupressure, aromatherapy, chromotherapy and meditation work and what they are used for, as well as lesser-known methods such as biofeedback, sound therapy, theta healing and qigong.


Considered a method of quantum therapy, acupressure is very similar to acupuncture. The difference is that instead of using a needle, pressure is applied using the hands, thumbs, elbows and feet.

Firm pressure is applied to specific points for short periods of time and then released.

This technique is popular in China and its benefits are muscle relaxation, endorphin increase and circulation aid. It can also include stretching and gliding along the entire length of the acupuncture meridians.


This type of quantum therapy makes use of one of the primary senses of the human being: the sense of smell. Through the use of natural essences, specific areas of the brain are activated and stimulated, being each plant essence specific to different objectives sought by aromatherapy.

It should be monitored by a professional who is knowledgeable about essential oils, and its benefits are increased immunity, reduced stress, anxiety and depression, as well as reduced respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis.


Created in the 60's in the United States, biofeedback is considered a technique of behavioral medicine. Its objective is to allow the individual to self-regulate, being able to control physiological processes such as, for example, blood pressure and heartbeat.

Through electronic equipment, the person is conditioned to control functions that are involuntary in the body. It aims to help cure various pathological conditions such as cardiac arrhythmia, urinary incontinence, anxiety, panic attacks and eating disorders like anorexia, bulimia and obesity.


In chromotherapy, the waves emanated by different colors such as red, green and blue act at the cellular level in the human body. They help in the balance between mind and body, and each color is indicated for different functions. In addition to lamps, you can use food or colored clothes

It is used in treatments against high blood pressure and depression, and also to soothe skin problems and calm newborns. It is a widespread modality of quantum therapy, being used in many cities by the public health system.

Emotional freedom technique

This technique of quantum therapy is based on the idea that the magnetic energy that flows in our body is closely related to our psychological and mental state. Most physical or mental health problems are related to the blockage of the flow of our magnetic energies.

The meridian points of traditional acupuncture, which are also related to magnetic energy, are taken into account. 8 to 10 taps are made on these specific points, as if one were to hammer them with the finger. All these taps, in combination with phrases that refer to the problem, result in the improvement or cure of the problem through the release of magnetic flow.


Very popular in Eastern culture, reflexology makes use of pressure on certain points on the sole of the foot that reflect in other areas of the body by the nerve connections that the area has.

First of all, the reflexology professional applies pressure to the entire length of the soles of the feet to identify which points need attention. After that, a small massage is performed in the region where the problem was identified, which generates relief in pain and muscle tension.

This type of quantum therapy helps, for example, in the treatment of labyrinthitis, hormonal problems, sinusitis and migraines, besides helping to eliminate toxins from the body.

Sound therapy

As modern science has proven, sound has properties that alter the structural organization of matter, and when it comes to the human being it is no different. Sound therapy uses sound waves to equalize the brain frequencies of the two hemispheres of the brain (right and left), and is also a potentiator of the emission of alpha waves by the brain.

This technique is ancient and is used in many different ways, either through melodies or instruments, such as Tibetan bowls, flutes and many others.

It is used for increased cognitive power and relief from anxiety, depression and ringing in the ear, for example.

Theta Healing

Theta healing is a quantum therapy modality which, through meditation and deep self-knowledge, seeks to break negative or disharmonious beliefs, behaviors and brain patterns.

This technique takes into consideration that such negative patterns are often found in our DNA and aims to enable the practitioner to access such patterns and transform them into something positive.

The name theta refers to a particular brain wave that facilitates access to these negative patterns contained in our DNA.

Through meditation sessions and the supervision of a therapist specialized in this technique, theta healing has proven effective in breaking many negative patterns such as insecurity, traumas, fears, limitations regarding relationships, remorse and rejection.


Qigong is an ancient Chinese technique that combines a series of physical exercises and meditation and breathing. It aims to improve the energy flow throughout the body and is very popular nowadays in China.

Through the movements contained in the practice of Qigong, the practitioner learns to control his breathing, which causes relief from tension and anxiety.

There are two modalities of Qigong, static and dynamic. In static Qigong, the focus is on the mind and it is based on guided meditations and visualization exercises, which help in healing processes and in the balance between body and mind.

The dynamic one, on the other hand, combines physical movements in conjunction with breathing, helping to maintain the joints and bones.


Meditation is the oldest human technique of deep concentration and self-knowledge. Whether in total silence or guided by mantras or melodies, meditation takes us to a state of heightened awareness and inner peace.

As it relates to quantum therapies, meditation should be performed keeping in mind that we are beings made up of energy, and that this energy is in constant vibration and connection with the universe.

The difference between normal meditation and quantum meditation is the understanding of the connectivity we find ourselves as embodied beings, but a living part of the universe in constant vibration.

By practicing meditation under this quantum prism, we are able to reach a level of self-knowledge and inner peace that will certainly be effective in processes of self-healing or coping with complicated situations that we face.

Do quantum therapies really work?

One of the important factors when talking about quantum therapies is the total absence of harmful side effects and the use of medication. This in itself is a positive and encouraging factor to start in any of the various modalities found in quantum therapy.

Whether to ease negative mental patterns or to alleviate physical and even spiritual pain, quantum therapies have proven to be effective, and are even recognized by traditional science in many cases, such as, for example, chromotherapy, aromatherapy and sound therapy. Thus, we see that they really work as true remedies for humanity.

Who seeks to understand or practice such therapies should have as a principle the self-knowledge and the consciousness that we are quantum beings, living parts of the universe in constant vibration. In this way, the potential of these therapies in their various techniques can be really reached and used for your own good.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.