What is spiritual awakening? Symptoms, benefits, tips and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Do you know what spiritual awakening is?

Spiritual awakening is a process that many people are going through at the present time on planet Earth. Far from being easy, it is something transformative and that brings people more and more in line with their soul paths and their life purposes.

As the name itself indicates, spiritual awakening brings about the perception and understanding of other realities, other worldviews, in such a way that people develop more and more the consciousness of unity with the All, with the universe, and that they become detached from the limiting beliefs and standards imposed by society throughout the millennia of human existence.

Follow in this article some information about this process so impacting and important for the evolution of humanity. As its importance, its symptoms and how to prepare for this moment.

Understanding spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening can happen at any stage of life, since each person has their own time and their own internal processes. Generally, it happens with a discomfort or a feeling of not fitting in with the world. It is a kind of anguish that ends up doing precisely the role of pushing towards the search for something beyond your reality.

From there, this quest guides people towards awakening and the awareness that there are worlds beyond ours, whether on spiritual planes or even on other planets and dimensions, and that things are not exactly as they have been taught by society. See below for the basics, benefits, and how to prepare for spiritual awakening.


Spiritual awakening is not necessarily related to religions, which are forms of connection with the divine, each in its own way. It is possible for people of all faiths to awaken spiritually, because the concept of awakening goes beyond dogmas and beliefs.

Awakening is a process of retaking consciousness, it is a journey that does not have an end point. However, although it is not necessarily linked to any specific religion, the process of awakening can and is commonly addressed and practiced within several religions, because it is in the work of awakening that we improve as human beings.

How important is spiritual awakening?

The more a person awakens, the more self-knowledge he gains and thus, he is able to make decisions in a more coherent way with his life purpose. Consequently, happiness becomes a constant, because he is more and more at peace with himself and with the world. Thus, things around him start to flow.

In addition, it is by putting our internal house in order, that is, ourselves, that we are able to help others. From the moment we know ourselves better, we have more tools and strength to understand and disconnect from moments of pain, in search of internal healing. In this way, we are much more able to reach out to others in a healthier way.


Spiritual awakening is not easy. Facing truths and looking at one's own shadows is challenging and often heavy, but it is necessary in order to achieve transcendence. It is not by running away from problems that things get solved and in spiritual awakening it is exactly the same.

As a consequence of this posture and awareness, come greater possibilities for internal healing and security in decisions. Moreover, with the balance between mind body and spirit increasingly constant in our lives, the physical health is also influenced positively.

Traumas x Spiritual awakening

A trauma is an unpleasant experience that involves pain and marks in the emotional or physical. Spiritual awakening makes the person come face to face with these situations so that they can be transmuted. In other words, awakening is not just a bed of roses, it takes courage to face the shadows and the deepest pains that one carries within.

Exactly for this reason, you need self-knowledge to understand if you are prepared for this moment of encounter with this pain. Otherwise, instead of healing a trauma, you may end up creating another one on top of it. Therefore, don't be in a hurry.

Spiritual awakening is not a technique or a recipe, much less something quick. Most of the time it takes years and years of contact with therapies, study and change of habits to achieve the "click" of awakening.

Only at this point, the process can begin to accelerate, because the person is already more prepared and with tools to deal with whatever comes.

How to learn spiritual awakening?

There are paths that lead to spiritual awakening and empower the keys to this access. But spiritual awakening is not a cake recipe, so keep in mind that there are no rules and that everyone will identify with different tools, just as it may take different times.

However, a very important and beneficial step that will serve as the basis for the whole path is to seek psychotherapeutic help. There is no spiritual awakening without self-knowledge and the more we get to know ourselves better, the more we will be able to face the fall of the veils that will come along the path of awakening.

Reading about the subject is also very important. There are several books on the subject with contents ranging from the most basic to the most complex. The reading process will also open doors and connections with the astral, as the content is absorbed and digested.

But keep in mind that no one owns the absolute truth, so study through various sources and evaluate whether the content makes sense to you before believing everything.

Preparing the body and mind

The body is our temple on Earth, so the importance of taking good care of it with healthy habits, after all, it's no use just a balanced mind and emotional if the physical body has no structure. Remembering that the secret is the balance of body, mind and spirit healthy.

Poor diet and lack of movement, such as physical exercise can cause physical imbalances that reflect in the emotional, mental and end up blocking the connection channels of this awakening. A good diet, with preferably fresh food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, herbal teas and the minimum possible amount of processed and fast food keeps the body clean.

Meditation, for example, expands the capacity for awareness, as it is a moment of pure connection with oneself and with the subtle planes. It is not as simple as it seems and requires dedication, effort and, above all, practice. Its benefits reach the physical body as well.

Symptoms of a spiritual awakening

From the moment you access other ideas and understand that life and the world are much more than what you see on the planet, it is difficult to return to the imposed standards.

There are some signs that our body and the events around us provide us, indicating that spiritual awakening is, at the very least, knocking at our door. Be aware and observe if some of the situations below have been happening to you.

Greater insight

Do you know those details that no one notices? We are not talking about a wrinkle on the clothes or something like that, but details in situations, such as a gesture or tone of voice of someone, feelings, etc. Well, the more the spiritual awakening is strengthened, the more people broaden their perception of what happens around them.

A deep connection with nature and the need to be in natural environments also begins to manifest. The body and soul ask for this, as these are environments of cleansing and energetic recharging. In addition, the connection with animals can become frequent, as they are pure living beings, compared to humans.

Past and present have less importance

When one is experiencing spiritual awakening, the things that happened in the past become unimportant in the sense that they no longer weigh. The understanding of things increases, so it no longer makes sense to be attached to what happened.

In this sense, the smallnesses of the present also take their place as smallnesses, for the awareness that there is something greater than all is ever more present.

Awareness of a divine presence

The awareness of divine presence that makes the past and the present have less weight in our life has to do directly with a feeling of belonging to something greater. It is an increasingly intense feeling of being part of the All, because there is a divine presence in everything.

Inner peace

The feeling that everything is fine and that things happen as they should, because everything has a purpose brings an inner peace that is priceless. You see, it's not to stop acting in situations in the "let life take me" way in an inconsequential way, but to have a notion that you can't control everything.

Increased empathy

With spiritual awakening, the view towards the other changes. The awareness that everyone is on this planet and at this very moment to experience experiences on both sides of the scale for soul learning, causes judgment to decrease and empathy to increase.

Emotional and physical well-being

After the most difficult moments, generally at the beginning of the spiritual awakening, when shocks, confrontations and opening to other perspectives of the world take place, the tendency is precisely the improvement of life in many aspects.

The awakened consciousness brings physical well-being because of the balance of emotions and the feeling of inner peace and connection with the universe. Consequently, the physical is also affected in a positive way, especially if the person includes changes of habits in the eating and exercise routine.

Less fear of death

With the notion that there is something beyond living on earth as human beings, people who are on the path of spiritual awakening understand that death is just another closing of the cycle of soul experience at that moment. Death no longer means an end, but a new beginning.

Change of habits and identity

In order for the spiritual awakening to flow better and better, it is natural that habits need to be changed. After all, it is necessary to maintain the physical, mental and spiritual bodies so that the channels connecting to the spiritual world are always clean and flowing.

Greater ethics and morals

One of the understandings that comes as a consequence of the whole process of spiritual awakening is that we reap what we sow, that is, we are responsible for our actions, which will always have consequences, whether good or bad.

In this sense, people become more conscious of their actions, which automatically puts them on the path to building higher morals and ethics.

Assessment of inactivity

The disconnect from the big city way of life, where overwork and stress are always present, starts to make more sense and be more and more necessary. This is because leisure, or the appreciation of "doing nothing" becomes something free of guilt.

The act of doing nothing is also important. Our bodies need to rest (mentally, emotionally and physically) beyond the night's sleep. Not just in the sense of inertia or a lack of responsibility, but of permission. Allow yourself to do nothing and enjoy the moment without guilt, fear or anxiety.

Change in relationships

Sickening patterns of behavior begin to no longer fit into the lives of people who are on the path to spiritual awakening, and this often includes cutting off or lessening contact with people in their social cycle.

So, it is more than natural and expected that changes happen both in the sense of estrangement and in the sense of behaviors with people. Although this estrangement may sound negative, think that if the situation happened, it is because the person was not prepared or in accordance with their new self.

In this sense, it is better for everyone to follow their own path, but those who stay in their social cycle after the change of identity and patterns, stay because they are in agreement and respect this new moment. Spiritual awakening does not only change the person who is awakening, but also those around them.

Tips to transform your life through spiritual awakening

New situations require new habits, and spiritual awakening is no different. Awareness of your actions can enhance this process, see how to eliminate excesses, connect with yourself and have more positive thoughts.

Eliminate excesses

Food, addictions, consumption, noise, etc. Everything in excess unbalances our bodies. In this sense, try to use your conscience to evaluate if what you are seeking is really necessary at this moment. For example, if you really need to stay all day on social networks, if it is necessary to buy clothes every week.

Of course, just like excess, lack is also unhealthy. This is not to say that buying clothes and adhering to "consumerism" from time to time is wrong, after all, we still live in a capitalist world. But, the awareness of actions and a detachment from material things will be increasingly present as the process of awakening takes place.

Connect with yourself

Many people are afraid of being alone and spending time in their own company, but that is how we will leave this planet, the same way we came: alone. The journey is lonely, so you need to start appreciating your own company more and more.

It doesn't happen overnight, especially if you're someone who isn't used to it. Take time for yourself often. Go read a book, watch a movie alone, cook for yourself, look in the mirror, enjoy your own company and get to know yourself. Make it a habit.

In the beginning it may be difficult, strange or even bad, but it can be considered like going to the gym: it takes discipline and attention, but after a few days, what was painful will diminish and give way to pleasure or, at least, a neutrality, an inner peace.

Value the little things

Small things can be big, depending on the point of view. Valuing a smile, a hug or a gesture begins to have much more value when we are in the process of awakening. Try to pay attention to this.

Adopt positive thoughts

Several studies indicate that thoughts emit vibratory frequency, therefore, act in the physical matter. In this sense, try to keep positive thoughts whenever you can increases the vibration of the organism and puts it in frequencies where diseases have more difficulty to develop.

Also, as the frequencies of positive thoughts are high, access to the higher dimensions becomes much easier.

See beyond appearances

Not judging others and the situations they go through is difficult, but it is fundamental so that one can follow their paths in a healthier way. No one owns the absolute truth, because truth itself is relative.

Therefore, try to keep in mind that things always go beyond appearances and that everyone has their own story and the reasons that led them there. Remember that there is information that we do not have access to such as karma and why certain things should or should not happen.

Focus on the now

Holding on to past hurts or visiting a good past, as well as spending hours projecting the future, makes people miss the only moment where they can, in fact, act: the present.

Of course the past and the future influence us and it's important that they are in our present, but with less weight. The past helps us make better choices in the now and the future helps us plan what we want to achieve, but focusing on the now is real living.

Take responsibility for your destiny

We live in a chaotic and very unequal world, it is important to have this notion so that we do not remain in a bubble. External help is always welcome, especially when it comes to social issues. However, everything that is external can only act up to a certain limit. No external help or change can change what does not come from within and it is on this idea that spiritual awakening is also based.

You have to take responsibility for the choices you make, for the decisions you make. Otherwise, people will always be led and shaped by what happens around them. A good example is when someone speaks to you in a rude way. It's not pleasant, but we have no control over it. But we can control how we react.

If you're going to be annoyed for the rest of the day, if you're going to fight with the person, charge them for not being polite (which is often also important, depending on the environment you're in) or if you're not going to give a damn and not let this situation ruin your day, it's in your hands. That's the power of each one.

Spiritual awakening presents another reality of the world!

Awakening, becoming more aware and evolving is very positive and liberating. However, you must be very careful not to give in to ego and arrogance precisely because you are on a path of becoming aware.

People who access this place are not superior to those who have not yet begun or who are far from beginning a spiritual awakening. Never forget that.

Each one has his own process, with his own soul history and what needs to be experienced in its own time and at the right moment. Therefore, spiritual awakening also involves non-judgment, respect and, above all, the awareness that learning will always be continuous for everyone!

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.