What is the crown chakra or Sahashara chakra? How to balance it and more!

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Jennifer Sherman

Meaning of the crown chakra, or Sahashara chakra

The crown chakra is related to the connection with the whole, that is, it is the transcendental experience of feeling part of the universe. Many times, the person may think that he/she is a separate part of the world for not being able to have these perceptions.

The alignment of this chakra makes possible the integration of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body with the cosmos, and that is where its importance lies. Through this chakra, each person can obtain a more positive outlook on life and follow confidently in every step and choice.

This occurs because its alignment brings an understanding of the world that the individual did not have before. Therefore, the person becomes able to follow in search of a purpose allied to the change that he wants for the world, since the perception of union with the whole has been achieved.

Want to know more? Check out the main characteristics about this chakra and how you can align it!

Characteristics of the crown chakra

Each chakra has individual characteristics, i.e., mantras and specific colors. Check below all these points, their location, function, which is the governing organ, and in which areas of life the crown chakra acts.

Mantra and color

The mantra used for the crown chakra is OM. Through this ritual, it is possible to connect with the entire universe. When pronounced, it emits the same frequency present in everything that exists in nature. Thus, it is a powerful mechanism for concentration and reconnection

The colors that relate to the crown chakra are violet, white and gold. Violet is the color that represents spirituality and is linked to important transformations. White, as they say, represents peace, and is a color that conveys calm and purity. Finally, gold is related to abundance and is linked to material wealth and professional prosperity.

Location and function

The sahashara is located on the top of the head, being associated with the pineal gland. Besides providing connection with the cosmos and better perception of the events around it, when aligned, it also has the function of enabling the daily activities to be performed more effectively.

This is because it provides a number of benefits, such as a sharper memory, wisdom for decision making, better understanding of one's own attitudes and even the attitudes of others. However, when misaligned, it can cause the opposite effect.

Governing Bodies

The crown chakra is ruled by the brain, thus, it acts in all our functions, since it operates in movement, thought, memory, speech and several others. In this way, the alignment of this chakra opens the perception to several subjects, influencing the spiritual and material development.

Glands and direction of rotation

The gland that connects to the crown chakra is the pineal, with the function of producing the hormone melatonin, responsible for regulating sleep. When connected to other glands, it is able to provide a state of physical and mental balance.

The crown chakra generally rotates clockwise, but it can rotate in both directions, and its rotation surpasses the speed of the other higher chakras. When rotating clockwise, the crown chakra promotes the exit of energy from the body to the environment, while counterclockwise, it absorbs energy from the plane into the body.

Areas of life in which it operates

The crown chakra can act in various areas of life, since, when aligned, it is able to provide wisdom. Thus, it is favorable to professional, personal and spiritual life.

On the other hand, when there is a lack of alignment, the person can fall into several traps. The lack of clarity in the face of situations results in wrong choices and lack of purpose. The person is likely to feel lost. This situation can even trigger more severe consequences, with negative thoughts and even a depression.

Functioning of the crown chakra

It is necessary to understand what happens when there is balance and imbalance of the crown chakra. Thus, it will be possible to identify whether it is out of alignment or not. To stay tuned on these points, find out how this chakra works.

In balance

The alignment of the crown chakra can bring several positive points, such as better memory quality, whether to deal with professional issues, studies or even daily activities. Appetite and mood also tend to be balanced, providing a fuller and happier life.

In addition, by awakening more wisdom, the person tends to choose the right paths for the realization of projects. With all areas of life walking in balance, there is an increase in mood and happiness. Finally, it also favors sensitivity, in order to sharpen the intuition. Thus, recognizing the internal desires becomes something easier.

Out of balance

When not aligned, the sahashara chakra, or crown chakra, tends to bring about a number of negative outcomes. When out of balance, it can lead to self-sabotaging thoughts, mental confusion and difficulty making choices.

Moreover, this disharmony provides an unfavorable outlook on life, and the person may even consider that there is nothing positive in existence. This thought may trigger some psychological problems, such as depressive disorders and phobias.

How to balance the crown chakra?

Being of extreme importance to maintain the balance of the Sahashara chakra, check out how it is possible to align it through meditation, yoga, energy therapies, affirmations, crystals, among other practices.


There is a specific meditation to balance the crown chakra, which consists of placing your hands above your stomach, joining the ring fingers and intertwining the others. You can choose to close your eyes and mentalize good things, always focusing on the top of your head, where the sahashara is located.

Without being in a hurry, do this meditation when you really have time to remain in this state. The practice is a powerful mechanism for bringing peace and providing clarity. Therefore, there should be absolute concentration during its realization.

Also, it is important that the other chakras are in balance to do this exercise. There is an order of chakras that must be respected to achieve alignment of the whole body and mind, which you can check here.

Breathing Exercises

A very effective exercise is to use the stones and crystals during meditations, as well as the mantra that corresponds to each chakra. To take advantage of the benefits of the stones, you can use them as a necklace, bracelet, among other accessories. You can also place the stone directly on the point to which the chakra is present in your body.

In addition, you can try doing a meditation with your eyes open, with the tip of your nose as your fixed point of concentration. This technique is ideal for stimulating the third eye, which is responsible for increasing sensitivity and intuition. Always remember to pay attention to your breathing.

Best yoga postures to harmonize this chakra

There are some positions in yoga practices that are ideal for balancing the crown chakra. One of them is the halasana, which in addition to stimulating this chakra, promotes sleep. The scorpion posture is also important for those seeking to work this chakra, besides being a position that strengthens several areas of the body, expands the diaphragm and tones abdomen and legs.

Another relevant position is matsyasana. It provides deep breathing and increases the amount of blood near the pineal gland. Inverted over the head is also another position that increases blood flow to the head to help stimulate Sahashara.

Energy therapies

An essential therapy for those seeking to balance not only the crown chakra, but all the others, is Colour Therapy. This technique consists in the emission of electromagnetic waves through colours, being a practice capable of identifying if the energies are out of sync, in order to provide balance and, consequently, peace of mind.

Another satisfying therapy is Reiki, which consists of using the imposition of hands to provide energy balance. In it, the professional responsible for administering the technique transmits healing energy near the misaligned chakras of his patient.


It is possible to notice when you lose connection with the surrounding energies. The person tends to be focused on the rational, with negative thoughts and difficulty in finding a way out. A few positive affirmations may be enough to provide balance to your crown chakra.

Searching for affirmations whenever you feel like you're losing balance is one option, but you can also leave them saved to have on hand when needed. Writing them down on a piece of paper or journal is also a good tip, that way you'll always have words nearby that can bring you into connection with the cosmos.

You can repeat phrases like "I am part of the whole", "I am connected with nature and can hear its signals", "I appreciate and respect my essence", "I live in the present moment". At the same time, it is not necessary to use only fixed phrases. You can also elaborate phrases capable of conveying your connection with the universe.

Incense, herbs and essential oils

Using incense, herbs, and oils in your meditation practices, or just for reconnection, favors the environment, providing balance to the crown chakra. The essences of the oils move one's positive side, while the smoke of the incense provides connection between the physical and spiritual worlds.

Herbs can also bring harmony and moments of peace. Each herb is capable of bringing a different state of mind. Rosemary, for example, drives away negative thoughts, while lavender is important for sharpening intuition. Incense and oils can also be chosen according to your intention.

Stones and crystals

Stones and crystals were used by ancient civilizations because they belong to nature and make possible the union with the universe. Therefore they are used to balance the energies of the chakras, so that there are specific types for each point to be reached.

The stones and crystals that are related to the sahashara chakra, or crown chakra, are quartz, amethyst, pyrite and diamond. Quartz is a crystal that provides healing and energetic alignment, besides also enabling the connection of the individual with his inner self. Amethyst, on the other hand, favors enthusiasm, for its power to ward off negative energies.

Pyrite is linked to material issues, for having the property of generating financial and professional success, due to its power of solving impasses. Diamond symbolizes persistence, in order to favor in various fields of life.

Advice on the crown chakra for everyday life

Some advice is crucial to help balance the crown chakra. Check out the importance of fostering a connection with nature and the divine, eating a healthy diet, examining your thoughts and many other factors that can help you seek harmony.

Connect with your divine self

Through the crown chakra it is possible to reach nirvana, a sensation of contact with the spiritual side, in which the individual understands that there are no barriers between him and the rest of the world.

It is fundamental to understand that it is not every moment that this sensation will be present, and it will happen in some cycles of perception and presence. Regardless of whether or not you have already decalcified this chakra, it is fundamental to realize that the search for nirvana is continuous.

Through the balance of this chakra, in union with the alignment of the other energy points, you can achieve the evolution of the soul. This while always assimilating what happens with your physical body, and using the facts as a learning process for constant growth.

Connect with nature

As the aligned Sahashara promotes a state of spiritual elevation, it is common to feel a connection with nature. The important thing is to realize that this connection has always existed, but it was just not perceived, due to an energetic imbalance with the rest of the cosmos.

By understanding that it is not just the physical body, it is common for people to become more grateful and loving. This occurs because of the understanding of unity, that is, that to do harm to another is to do harm to oneself. This is related to the idea of karma, but without taking into account only the concept, but the possibility of witnessing this experience clearly.

In this way, you can make some moves to promote this reconnection with nature and, consequently, with your essence. Try to have moments of calmness in the middle of the countryside, whether in a park, beach or waterfall. This displacement works in an essential way for energetic alignment and peace of mind.

Examine the quality of your thoughts

If you are focusing only on negative things, it is likely that you are constantly out of alignment. Therefore, investigating your thoughts is of utmost importance. Often, thoughts are not identified because of the busyness of daily life, and there is no time to understand them.

This, in addition to triggering a series of bad and often misinterpreted perceptions of situations, can also lead to intrigues. When thoughts are not understood, it is possible that a person is just reacting to the stimuli that come to them, and not responding, remaining on autopilot.

This behavior can bring a series of negative consequences, both for the person and for those who live with them. Therefore, investigating the thoughts to maintain the quality of them is fundamental. This will facilitate the establishment of a more harmonious environment with yourself and with all the people with whom you live.

Commit to a spiritual practice

There is no point in aligning the crown chakra at a certain moment, and then believe that you have already reached enlightenment. As said before, the state of nirvana is reached in periods of time, and learning is constant. Difficult situations will continue to occur in your life, and it is up to you to analyze the best way to overcome the difficulties.

Therefore, having a daily spiritual practice can bring many benefits. A moment of reconnection with the spirit, to not forget that you are not just a physical body, and you are not here only for your own benefit. You are in constant exchange with other beings.

This reconnection can be through a meditation, a yoga practice, or perhaps some time to observe nature. There are countless practices to maintain balance, and you should select them according to your preference and what fits into your routine. The most important thing is not to stop connecting.

Broaden your knowledge

Even if you already understand the functioning of the crown chakra and have even managed to align it, your knowledge can still be expanded. There is thousands of information around spirituality and personal development. Restricting yourself to only what you already know can be a mistake.

In addition, more important than making the knowledge more extensive, is to put it into practice. It is useless to know how I can seek balance and not bring it to the material reality. Therefore, always seek to deepen more and adapt their understanding to everyday life.

Simplify your life

The decalcification of the crown chakra can make life much simpler and lighter. It is not magic, but it makes the understanding to solve problems perceptible, providing more lovingness and making visible life as it really is.

Everyday problems can get people off track. Often, they can be solved even in a simple way, but a solution is not found because of a lack of understanding.

Even if it is a very complex issue to resolve, it is still possible to find understanding and moments of peace. The Sahashara chakra makes this wisdom possible, so be sure to seek its alignment.

Eat well

The food is a factor that also brings several benefits for the body, mind and spirit. It is essential to be aware of what is being consumed, because there are harmful foods, and that can provide the fall of energy.

Biologically, this is already explained: foods alter the functioning of the body, providing well-being or discouragement. In relation to the spirit, it is known that the alimentary balance influences the energy that each person receives and emanates to the whole. Therefore, many people who seek spiritual elevation prefer a restrictive diet.

It is not necessary that you make drastic cuts in your menu, but it is important that you have a diet appropriate to your reality and your limits. Stay tuned and see if you are eating in a balanced and healthy way, or if you are just getting carried away by carnal pleasures.

Listen to music with good vibes

Music can also favor your energetic balance. It provokes good or bad sensations, which are interpreted by our brain, being felt through the physical and psychic structure.

Spiritualized songs tend to provide calmness, since, besides the rhythm the composition, they can also bring positivity. In addition, you can opt for instrumental music, adhering to your meditative practices. It is not necessary to restrict your musical taste, because, above all, you should listen to what makes you feel good.

Meditate in silence

Find calm and quiet spaces to meditate. Doing a silent practice in the morning can be very effective, since it is a time when everything is quieter. However, if it is not possible, know that there is no ideal time to connect with yourself and with the whole.

There are several meditation practices and each one uses different breathing techniques, with fixed points of concentration, eyes closed or open, in sitting or lying down position. In this case, it is necessary to research and test to find the best option for you and your body.

Can balancing the crown chakra bring more harmony and well-being?

Without a doubt, balancing the crown chakra can bring many benefits and provide clarity and calm. Therefore, put into practice the various means of reconnection, look for alternative therapies and do not forget that the growth and search for spiritual development should be done frequently.

As an expert in the field of dreams, spirituality and esotericism, I am dedicated to helping others find the meaning in their dreams. Dreams are a powerful tool for understanding our subconscious minds and can offer valuable insights into our daily lives. My own journey into the world of dreams and spirituality began over 20 years ago, and since then I have studied extensively in these areas. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge with others and helping them to connect with their spiritual selves.